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[–]DoctorDank 4195ポイント4196ポイント  (8子コメント)

Your second to last paragraph is spot on.

These are just words.

You haven't actually instituted any reforms yet. To be honest, this just feels like corporate newspeak. You're just telling us what we want to hear. I think you'd ve a better response if you actually instituted the reforms you speak of, instead of just talking about how you're going to do them.

Because talk is cheap.

But, at least you acknowledge that the way you went about dismissing Victoria was utterly tone-deaf, and very disrespectful to the (unpaid, hard-working) moderators who relied on her in order to make their subreddits the very best.

Oh wait no, you totally didn't do that either. You just say you're acknow ledging a "long history" of mistakes, without actually acknowledging them at all!

More newspeak.

So, I don't really know what to make of this "announcement." Guess we'll just have to wait and see if you put your money where your mouth is, won't we?

Edit: much thanks to /u/alloutpenguinwar for guilding my comment!

Edit 2: for those of you telling me software development takes time? No shit. I know that. That doesn't mean reddit inc couldn't have laid out at least some sort of timetable, as opposed to nebulous promises of mod tools being available in the future. And yes, you can have timetables for software development. Happens all the time. So sorry, that's not a legitimate excuse for, well, anything.

[–]GYP-rotmg 58ポイント59ポイント  (7子コメント)

because it has only been 3-4 days since the debacle? And most of it fell on weekend? Talk is cheap, but action takes time.

reddit users are so eager for drama. Ellen Pao had an interview (?) with some news outlet, and spreading message to their investors and the mass; then reddit said oh why don't admins apologize using reddit means? now admins apologize in reddit, and people will say oh but you still didn't do much.

And the leaked image between kn0thing and mods of science regarding an AMA where obviously kn0wthing didn't have a good answer had a title of "admin power grip." Of course a mod of science came in and explain they were trying to figure things out, and admin was not informative or helpful enough, but nothing about power grip. People just love to criticize and jump on the hate bandwagon.

[–]kn0thing[A] -25ポイント-24ポイント  (6子コメント)

re: the r/science convo

It looks bad and my messages were terse, but I was grateful that an r/science mod cleared up that I was not getting in the way of the Hawking AMA - or any of their AMAs, only helping.

That was only part of a conversation that was happening between multiple people over PMs and email. I have been working very hard over this weekend with all the mods across the relevant communities and it means a lot to me that the r/science mods cast sunlight on that.

[–]americanpagesus 7ポイント8ポイント  (0子コメント)

Well then, for the sake of transparency, show us the whole conversation.

For the sake of transparency, this kind of talks should always be public.

And what about that popcorn comment? Was that "taken out of context" too?

[–]CaptainCummings 4ポイント5ポイント  (2子コメント)

Serious question, do you buy into the line of BS you peddle, or is it just intrinsic to your character and something that you don't deem worthy of conscious thought?

You admit 'it looks bad' and 'got plenty of popcorn' is stupid shit, and then act like it was a different person from a different time. No, dipshit, it is you, from very recently, and you aren't changed, and I sincerely hope no one puts faith in you with regard to handling this website.

You're the next petition.

[–]glr123 -4ポイント-3ポイント  (1子コメント)

It's easy to be vitriolic on the net, where things like this don't really effect your day to day life. It's a different story for /u/kn0thing and for others affected, such as us in /r/science (and myself, who made the comment he is referring to).

Have mistakes been made and comments posted that shouldn't have been? Sure, but nobody is denying that. Quite the opposite in fact. Afterwards, as I highlighted before, /u/kn0thing discussed things with us and really tried to understand where our grievances lie. We've made our peace and we are looking to the future, we don't fault the admins for what happened and continuing hostile actions/relations isn't going to help us achieve our goals at this point.

[–]CaptainCummings 3ポイント4ポイント  (0子コメント)

No, it is easy to judge based on the only facts presented to you, and I feel as an empiricist one should do just that. I am not judging him on things he didn't do, or was said to have done. I am judging his character on actions he has taken, that show that he is inept at what he does.

You can disagree, and be happy that your community is being pandered to, that's fine. I am not the kind of person that believes that failure should be rewarded, however. I am also not the kind of person who is going to accept apologist statements from another alleged detractor in lieu of satisfactory job performance.

ETA: Enjoy having made your peace, don't fault me for not having made mine, as our experiences were not the same. You are basically saying my vehemence is ill placed because you have it all worked out. That's great, enjoy that, and when you step down from your pedestal, maybe you can ask me what my goals are instead of assuming you know best for me and the rest of the userbase.

[–]GYP-rotmg 2ポイント3ポイント  (0子コメント)

It's just about communication between admins and majority of reddit. As a regular users, we like to hear from you guys (anything really, the more close and regular admins are, the better. Though be sensitive at times too) and participate in making reddit a better place (just kidding, majority of redditors are procrastinators, you guys should discuss with mods instead). But seriously, keeping silence and lack of meaningful transparency will only hurt reddit.


[–]Fahsan3KBattery 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

It did rather help prove the point that modmail is shit...