
Tuesday 07 July 2015

Japan slave labour sites receive world heritage status

Japan’s controversial bid for Unesco recognition of 23 early industrial sites granted after country agrees to concede to South Korea that they were the site of forced labour

A forlorn building on Hashima Island, commonly known as Gunkanjima, which mean 'Battleship Island,' off Nagasaki
A forlorn building on Hashima Island, commonly known as Gunkanjima, which mean 'Battleship Island,' off Nagasaki Photo: Eugene Hoshiko/AP

A string of Japanese mines, shipyards and steelworks has been granted Unesco world heritage status after the country acknowledged they were once the setting for slave labour.

Japan's efforts to gain recognition for the 23 sites, seen as representative of the country's industrial revolution, had attracted widespread criticism from South Korea and China.

Both countries claimed the bid overlooked the suffering of large numbers of their citizens who were shipped to work at the facilities by Japanese occupiers before and during the Second World War.

Families of British prisoners of war forced to work at some of the sites also spoke out against the bid.

Tourists visiting the Hashima coal mine (AFP)

But South Korea dropped its opposition after Japan agreed to make it clear in any Unesco registration that some sites used forced labourers from the Korean peninsula.

That paved the way for Sunday's decision, which was celebrated in Japan yesterday.

A Japanese representative at the Unesco meeting in Bonn, Germany, said that the nation was “prepared to take measures that allow an understanding that there were a large number of Koreans and others who were brought against their will and forced to work under harsh conditions in the 1940s at some of the sites”.

In a further concession to its neighbour’s demands, Japan will also set up an information centre to honour the victims, according to a statement on South Korea’s foreign ministry website.

It added: “For the first time, Japan mentioned the historical fact that Koreans were drafted against their will and forced into labour under harsh conditions in the 1940s."

"Given that this matter was resolved smoothly through dialogue, the government hopes it will help the further development of South Korea and Japan relations.”

No specific reference to British prisoners of war was made.

Hashima coal mine, known as 'Battleship Island,' off Nagasaki (AFP)

Shinzo Abe, the prime minister, welcomed the decision to include the sites on the list in a carefully worded written statement which avoided all mention of the South Korean concessions.

“Japan achieved industrialisation in just over 50 years by fusing foreign technology with traditional domestic techniques,” he said. “This is a rarity in global terms, it has universal value and is worthy of treatment as a common heritage of mankind.”

However, Yoshihide Suga, Japan's top government spokesman, appeared to downplay the concession, informing reporters that its stance in relation to the South Korean issue remained the same: “The government's position over those recruited from Korea has not changed.”

The 23 celebrated industrial sites, which span eight prefectures in Japan, include a steelworks, a shipbuilding yard and a coal mine built around the reign of Emperor Meiji (1868-1912).

As well as Nagasaki’s Hashima Island, the list includes the setting for the villain’s lair in the James Bond film Skyfall.


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