use the following search parameters to narrow your results:
e.g. subreddit:aww dog
subreddit:aww dog
高度な検索: 投稿者や、subredditで……
18,580 人のユーザーが現在閲覧しています
The most important Items from will be posted here (mainly, functionality changes). See also /r/blog.
We apologize (self.announcements)
ekjp[A] が 5時間 前 投稿x10
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[–]Philandrrr 12ポイント13ポイント14ポイント 2時間 前 (0子コメント)
What it does is frustrate a portion of the worst offenders. Some of them will leave, some of them will come back, some will be radicalized and want to destroy reddit. Banning subs seems a lot like bombing Iraq. You'll kill some, but those who remain will be more dangerous and pissed off.
π Rendered by PID 4157 on app-17 at 2015-07-06 22:39:53.902822+00:00 running 92924a1 country code: JP.
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[–]Philandrrr 12ポイント13ポイント14ポイント (0子コメント)