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    Is Reddit’s Ellen Pao just too radical for Silicon Valley’s unequal terrain?

    An online petition to oust the CEO gained over 100,000 signatures this weekend. Has her fight against inequality made her too many enemies?
    Ellen Pao Venture Capital Sexual Discrimination Trial Continues
    Ellen Pao outside the Superior Court of California Civic Center Courthouse on 10 March 2015. Photograph: Justin Sullivan/Getty Images
    Another week, and another Silicon Valley-sized maelstrom. Ellen Pao, chief executive of Reddit, the social news forum that bills itself as the front page of the internet (but is increasingly known for misogyny and porn), is under fire again. This time it follows the sudden departure of a popular employee at the site, which prompted volunteer moderators to shut down hundreds of communities – sorry, subreddits – in protest. Reddit has been thrown into chaos and, although Pao has apologised for “letting down” users, a petition calling for her removal – set up earlier this year by members unhappy at the company’s attempts to ban communities for harassing behaviour – has gained more than 100,000 signatures over the weekend.
    Why is the world so angry with Pao? Could it be because she is a woman in a position of power or is it infinitely more complicated? It goes back to the sex discrimination lawsuit that Pao brought against venture capital firm Kleiner Perkins, Caufield and Byers in March. The landmark trial that captivated Silicon Valley for a month included details about all-male ski trips and Valentine’s gifts, and prompted former employees at Twitter and Facebook to file similar suits. In the process, Pao’s personal life, work habits, and emails were raked through the court. She was accused of being aggressive, timid, greedy, manipulative, and so on. You could say that the courtroom isn’t so different to the boardroom. Even though she lost – the jury sided with Kleiner Perkins’s case that Pao was “divisive and not a team player” – the case shone a light on the lack of diversity in Silicon Valley.
    Since the trial, Pao has become either the reckless CEO intent on destroying the freedom of the internet, or the tech generation’s figurehead for speaking out against gender discrimination in the workplace, depending on who you talk to. “If I’ve helped level the playing field for women and minorities in venture capital, then the battle was worth it,” she told reporters outside the courtroom back in March. Her move to Reddit, at first glance, seemed incongruous. Maybe that was the point. After taking on Silicon Valley, where only 4% of senior investing partners at venture capital firms are women, could it be that Pao wanted to clean up what some regard as the biggest online mess of them all? Reddit, as well as being a breeding ground for memes and gifs, has a reputation, sometimes hard to square with site users used to its different face, for being a toxic, misogynistic community. A Chinese-American feminist in charge? That’s really interesting.
    It’s worth noting one complication: the employee fired by Reddit is a woman. But Pao was already in the limelight, and has a reputation for taking on sexual discrimination. In the six months since she has been in post, Pao has removed negotiating – over cash salaries and equity – from Reddit’s recruitment process because she felt men benefited more than women. “It’s an opportunity for me to try to put in things that I think are going to create this equal opportunity environment for everyone,” she said. She has banned “involuntary pornography” by ensuring people whose photos have been posted on Reddit without their consent can have them removed. And the company has introduced an anti-harassment policy: “We’re banning behaviour, not ideas.”
    It’s not exactly shocking yet Pao is accused of waging a war on freedom. The response to introducing some basic principles of respect and tolerance to a site used by more than 150 million people every month has been tellingly disproportionate. In fact, the language of the petition to oust Pao says it all. “A vast majority of the Reddit community believes that Pao, ‘a manipulative individual who will sue her way to the top’, has overstepped the boundaries and fears that she will run Reddit into the ground.” Some might say the boundaries should have been overstepped long ago.
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    • 0 1
      Ellen Pao lost a lot a face with the Reddit community recently after one of her posts established that she had no idea how private messages work - now I don't expect the chef exec of Ford to know how to the rebuild an engine but I expect him to at least know which end the key goes in.
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    • 5 6
      This article seems a bit off topic. If we concentrate on the most recent episode we can see a different side of things.
      The people who shut down the high profile subreddits were not trolls, these are intelligent, motivated people who care for these subreddits, and wouldn't shut them down for no reason. Two big reasons for this that I've seen mentioned are the mentioned sacking of a key link with the mods, who was heavily relied upon with little warning and no replacement (or temporary replacement) appointed. This caused many AMA's to be cancelled and generally sowed discontent among mods. The second point which was alluded to in that part before is that the higher echelons of reddit are secretive and do not interact with the community, meaning getting help from anyone above moderator level is nigh on impossible. You can imagine the frustration this brings.
      The fact that pao chose to make her apology through news networks and not through reddit speaks volumes of how out of touch she is with the community. During this episode her leadership skills do need to be brought into question, it doesn't matter if she is a feminist, it matters than she is able to run the site (do her job) properly, everything else second. She has to win back the trust and confidence of reddit otherwise they will turn to alternatives.
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    • 1 2
      Whats this have to do with gender>?
      "most women bosses are terrible - much prefer male bosses"
      Total rubbish I know.... However - every women I know says this statement regularly.
      Go figure.
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    • 1 2
      This time it follows the sudden departure of a popular employee at the site
      A popular female employee was sacked.
      Why wait until near the end of your article to mention that little fact?
      When Pao was sacked, it was sexism.
      When this woman was sacked, it was just business.
      I would Pao she fits right in.
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    • 3 4
      This is a cobbled together article which gives the worthy idea of equality of opportunity a bad name.
      Could it be that the author started off with the conclusion that Pao must inevitably be a victim of various injustices, and then tried - and failed - to come up with examples to prove this?
      Certainly reads that way.
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    • 3 4
      We should be looking at what's going on at Reddit, not at her previous job site. If she's in the hot seat for firing someone unfairly, then she should come right out and say why.
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    • This comment was removed by a moderator because it didn't abide by our community standards. Replies may also be deleted. For more detail see our FAQs.
    • 13 14
      The real issue has nothing to do with feminism at all. If you remove gender from the equation and look at Pao's behaviour in isolation, especially her marriage to Buddy Fletcher and his ongoing lawsuit, things get much more murky.
      Her claim for $144 million in compensation from Kleiner Perkins for sexual discrimination was the exact same amount her husband stood to loose in a lawsuit filed against him by 2 pension companies. What a coincidence?
      Buddy Fletchers lawsuit arose when he claimed racial discrimination after being denied the purchase of a luxury apartment. It then transpired in court that the real reason he was rejected was due to serious financial irregularities with the investment fund he managed. His original case was thrown out and he was subsequently sued by the 2 pension funds for exactly the same amount Pao was claiming in her case.
      In her case the court found poor performance and repeated questionable behaviour towards other women at Kleiner Perkins along with some serious errors in judgement, were the reasons she wasn't promoted and was eventually let go.
      2 discrimination cases, from husband and wife, both ruled against in court. See any patterns?
      Now this whole sordid affair seems to have been spun by Conde Naste, Reddits owners, into a scheme to implement sweeping changes that make Reddit more palatable to advertisers, claiming that Pao, the gender discrimination warrior, is cleaning up the site. Unfortunately it seems that the writer of this article sees it that way too.
      It's a corporate power play, and due to the free flow of information that Reddit provides its users, is being called out as such.
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      • 2 3
        Thanks for that information. Both Pao and her husband attempted to take advantage of the paranoia about gender and racial discrimination which permeates American society. Thankfully, they both lost.
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    • 20 21
      Reddit, the social news forum that bills itself as the front page of the internet (but is increasingly known for misogyny and porn)
      I love it when the Guardian makes up a crusade from whole cloth, and then refers to its own opinions as
      public opinion".
      Reddit has communities for everything. It's "increasingly known" as whatever you seek out. I increasingly know it as a book club.
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      • 0 1
        I love some of the smaller subreddits, that are incredibly useful and informative. The best ones have fantastically supportive and positive communities around shared interests.
        But I think it's fair to say that Reddit is, indeed, "increasingly known for misogyny and porn". The vast majority of people out there do not use the site, and so only hear about it in negative headlines around some of its dark, awful, abusive subreddits.
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    • 3 4
      Pao sounds like a generic ball-bustin' CEO to me. They are actually quite common and their management style with its autocracy and consequent side effects are easily recognized by potential employees. This is where the Board should step in and tone things down a bit since it will wreck the company if its in an environment where it needs to compete for employees -- if they don't then the company will degenerate in to a morass of factions and cronyism, the mission/vision will get lost and it will fall apart.
      As for the gender discrimination lawsuit, you'll recall that it failed because the other women at the company felt they were unable to claim they'd been discriminated against. People get fired for lots of reasons -- gender isn't one of them but being a right royal pain in the a** is.
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    • 12 13
      Summary: Person with gender may do good things as well as bad. While gender not actually shown to be relevant here, we will judge according to gender, because equality.
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    • 18 19
      Why is the world so angry with Pao? Could it be because she is a woman in a position of power or is it infinitely more complicated?
      It's because she's shit at her job.
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    • 17 18
      What crap, again. Pao lost to a jury of six men and six women. She didn't make her case. In my view she is not radical or a feminist interested in equality. She is just interested in her own welfare. Her ability to fool Guardian writers and other feminist commentators deserves some respect, I suppose </irony>. And clearly you as one of them only read and believe second hand opinions about reddit. Of course, let's just censor everything someone somewhere might not like and all live happily ever after.
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      • 5 6
        One of the frequently made points about this lawsuit is that Pao sued her former employer for exactly the amount of money that her husband owed some investors he had defrauded and had to pay back or risk jail.
        Funny that.
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      • 2 3
        And then she offered the firm she had frivolously sued and lost to the "opportunity" to pay her off so she wouldn't waste their time with appeals - and the amount she demanded from them just happened to be exactly the same (smaller) amount that a judge had ordered her husband to pay back immediately, as the first installment of the grand total be paid.
        Even funnier that.
        It's so sad that all these coincidences keep coming out that make her look like the conniving manipulator that the Reddit community make her out to be. Damn patriarchy.
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    • 12 13
      Maybe it's because she's useless at her job.
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    • 3 4
      At HBS/HLS duel degree program students learn a few over-arching lessons: ethics are fluid and the game is capital acquisition and winning is key, no matter who one steps on to get arrive at the end. Pao seems to a quick study.
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    • 9 10
      whole thing is strange to me.
      someone else fired an employee for unknown reasons - blame the ceo automatically.
      it's all come up in the first place because the site banned a fat-hate sub that banned anyone who sympathised with fat people and people are hypocritically saying that banning the sub limits their free speech.
      that's literally the only thing that they seem to have against her.
      all i can think of that they might not like is the fact that she's not white. i think it's subtle racism. if she was blonde, blue eyed attractive woman who banned the sub they'd be on her side no doubt.
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      • 0 1
        As a reddit user, I have to agree. It can be a great facility for connecting with people of similar interests, no matter how niche. But the 'big' pages, the ones that attract your typical, mainstream, young 'bro' types, are often hideous petri dishes of misogyny and backslapping.
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    • 14 15
      The Guardian chokes on admitting the earlier verdict against Pao and presents a one sided case in favour of her in her current troubles.
      I therefore think it difficult to make any judgement on the case based on what the Guardian tells us here and elsewhere.
      However it is remarkable, the haste at which she's gone from defeat in the court room to more troubles elsewhere.
      Perhaps this is her real talent. The court ruling against her would suggest it might be.
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    • 18 19
      Pao has removed negotiating – over cash salaries and equity – from Reddit’s recruitment process because she felt men benefited more than women. “It’s an opportunity for me to try to put in things that I think are going to create this equal opportunity environment for everyone,” she said.
      Sounds like a great way too keep wages low and boost the profit margin. Helping out women is just a smokescreen.
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      • 21 22
        Apparently the Guardian is okay with anti-worker policies if you couch them in the language of feminism.
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      • 3 4
        Why is the world so angry with Pao?
        ask a question but dont bother to actually answer it? its not all misogyny or anger at the firing of a popular staff member, the unpaid moderators finally revolted over a litany of problems with the way reddit treats them and its insulting to their unpaid effort to ignore the real reasons they shut down parts of reddit.
        Apparently the Guardian is okay with anti-worker policies if you couch them in the language of feminism.
        i wonder how Pao or others would describe firing a employee at reddit, who had been suffering from severe cancer, in feminist terms??? because that is apparently one of the other things she has done to make herself popular at reddit.
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      • 0 1
        Its always a smokescreen: the original women's lib movement was funded by the Rockefellers to get women into workforce to eventually drive down wages and break up the family unit, Nick Rockefeller said as much to Aaron Russo. There is also the case of Edward Bernays (nephew of Freud and father of public relations) who encouraged a group of women to smoke in the 20s as an idea of feminist revolt - "torches of freedom" he called them (women didnt typically smoke previously) funny thing was afterwards womens starting buying cigarettes by bucket, and Bernays received his paycheck from the tobacco industry.
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    • 10 11
      It's pretty obvious Pao is not fit to run any company regardless of her gender. She may be brilliant but like many CEOs before her, when you attempt to radically change a company's culture, it never ends well.
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