Anonymous asked: You need to seriously get your head screwed on straight. It's posts like the ones you share and post that turn feminism into a blame game instead of an effort for equal rights. I can't put up with this anymore.
Feminism is about the advocacy of women’s rights to achieve gender equality. Women have it worse, that’s a simple fact. Just like people of colour have it worse, and LGBT+ people have it worse. You have to admit that before any progress can be made.
The patriarchy impacts men too… In the UK their suicide rate is 3x that of women because they are not allowed to express “feminine” feelings. I’ve met victims of male rape and talked it out with them. Feminism (and especially my brand of it) doesn’t blame men; it blames the patriarchy.
Feminism is a supremacist movement with a bizarre mythology… and yes, your cult has a fucking mythology because of course it does…
But far be it for me to ever expect a fucking cultist to wake up and realize she’s a part of a cult.
For example I could tell this woman that where she lives right now women live longer, are better educated, are less likely to suicide, less likely to be murdered, less likely to be assaulted, and probably less likely to be raped (we don’t know, her movement ensures we don’t count male rape victims as rape victims… and she’s completely fucking ignorant of that fact too) and she’d bring up the wage gap, or trot out some third world mary sue so she doesn’t have to acknowledge any of this save to say it’s “the patriarchy backfiring” which I can’t decide is more in line with “The Jews Did It” or “Blame Satan” when it comes to how fucking warped and conspiracy theorist it is.
But that doesn’t stop our cultist, does it?
Seriously though, what are you doing, searching “feminism” on tumblr just to argue with women? It’s fucking weird
Yeah, feminism is such a cult; establishing refuges for battered women, getting marital rape (for BOTH sexes) made illegal, campaigning for the equal pay act.. If that’s a cult, then I want to be a part of it
Feminists that belittle the problems of men aren’t feminists. “Gender equality” is literally in the word’s definition. I don’t know why you seem to think I don’t believe those statistics? I literally acknowledged them above but okay
Actually… every single thing you listed is linked to fucking evil on the part of Feminists…
The Duluth Model, the nations leading anti-domestic violence programs specifically states that only men engage in domestic violence and only women can be its victims. Part of the reason why you see virtually no domestic violence shelters specifically for men.
Feminists are so keen on counting male rape that in virtually every single nation where they hold sway they don’t expand the definition of rape in such a way that women can be considered rapists. Only men. Like in the U.S. when Feminists actively had a hand in refining the definition of rape only to *specifically define rape as an act of penetration*. Because you could drug and fuck a twelve year old boy chained to your bed screaming no no no and according to Feminists that doesn’t count as rape. That’s the movement *you* are a part of.
The “wage gap” doesn’t exist… but the work death gap sure as shit does. So your movement is so into equality it completely ignores real death and dismemberment of men to squawk about a made up wage gap.
Feminists do little BUT demean the problems men face. Or ignore it. Like the 20% college graduation gap that feminists are constantly talking about never (because it benefits women).
I mean look, I could go on about this all day but like I said, you’re a cultist… so you’ll say THOSE AREN’T THE TRUE BELIEV… I MEAN THE TRUE FEMINISTS… so why bother?
Well if you’re going to belittle the major advances of feminism… What do you do? Participate in rallies against male rape? Organise marches combatting judicial bias? Raise awareness for the murder and assault of trans men? Literally anything other than harassing random women online?
Did anyone else notice how the Cultist completely glossed over every evil fucking thing Feminists do and tried to redirect blame onto me?
Feminists redirect blame constantly.
She can’t actually confront me on the Duluth Model because I’m right. It’s a Feminist program that’s fucking evil. She just sweeps that away.
She can’t confront me on the “updated” definition of rape because that also paints Feminists as being fucking evil and it too is pretty irrefutable.
She can’t talk about the work death gap, or the college education gap.
She can’t do it.
She knows she can’t.
So instead of even acknowledging these MASSIVE FUCKING THINGS THAT AFFECT *BILLIONS OF PEOPLE* she’s like “But do you even transman rally?”
This is how cultists think.
Any sane person reading this would be like “Holy shit… they *are* fucking Evil, I can’t believe I ever called myself a Feminist!”
But we’re not dealing with a sane person.
We’re dealing with someone who has invested their identity into a movement and so it is easier to try to shift and redirect and project hate at me than actually acknowledge that her movement is shit. Because in her heart of hearts it would mean acknowledging that she has supported such evil… it would mean telling her friends she’s not a Feminist and explaining why.
But fuck that noise, let’s just accuse this other guy of not attending rallies or some shit. That’s the ticket.