
Taylor. 19 Years. ♒️. Ohio. 12/3/14 💕Self Harm Free Since November 2013👌

"Somebody will fuck you normal"

I came out to my mother as asexual a couple of months ago, and she treats it like a PHASE . 

  • “You haven’t met the right person”
  • “When someone does it with you, trust me you’ll enjoy it”
  • “You’re a virgin, how would you know”
  • “There’s no such thing”

Please help me prove my mother wrong, that my sexuality is not a phase. That I didn’t CHOOSE to be this way.

Everyone who identifies as part of the LGTBQA community reblog this to show her that it DOES exist and that it’s NOT some teen phase thing.

Reblog if you are 

  • Heteromantic
  • Aromantic
  • Homoromantic
  • Demisexual
  • Gender–Queer
  • Pansexual
  • Lesbian
  • Gay
  • Bisexual
  • Transexual
  • Or any others that I have missed .

She NEEDS to understand that there is no ‘fucking me normal’ .

I would really appreciate this guys , and i will personally thank you via message .

I love you all xx

Help me end the ignorance between parents and their child’s sexuality.

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