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This is a "serious" sub for honest discussion about meta cancer. While we are advocates of free speech, the following rules will be put in place to maintain quality in this subreddit.
What is cancer:
- Modding ideologically in subs with no ideology.
- Modding based on personal bias.
- Modding based on personal vendettas.
- Modding without transparency.
- Modding a lot of subs in order to change Reddit's culture into something more palatable to you, and people like you.
- Taking over established subs in order to push an ideology, personal bias, or further a vendetta.
- Breaking a sub's rules, getting banned, being a dick to the mods, then crying "cancer!"
- Banning someone in every sub you mod for a rule infraction that took place in a single sub.
What isn't cancer:
- Getting banned for breaking a sub's rules.
- Modding a lot of subs. Unless the mod is using their position to affect change sitewide, the number of subs modded is of no consequence.
- A mod removing current reposts and off-topic submissions, or removing content to enforce a sub's theme. Don't go to /r/aww and expect to be allowed to post something better suited for /r/wtf.
What we want:
- Submissions that adhere to these guidelines.
What we don't want:
Off-topic submissions. If your submission falls into the category of "not cancer," it doesn't belong here. We will enforce our theme, and we will always do so transparently.
We don't want our subscribers, current or future, being dicks in other subs, to other users, admins, or mods, and then expecting the community here as a whole to support them. We will not become hired-guns. We are not your personal army. Any attempts to change this mindset will result in a ban.
If you are banned for breaking a sub's rules, don't bring your sob story here.
Don't shitpost. Shitposts will be removed. Circlejerk lingo is considered shitposting.
Unless you can provide evidence of bias, a vendetta against you, or a mod acting ideologically, we don't want to hear about your ban from another sub. Shit's boring. Follow the rules of all the subs you participate in.
- It's a new day at SRC. We're going to make a fresh start. The ban list has been emptied. We will not hesitate to populate it with bans, though. Follow our rules and you have nothing to worry about.
Free speech:
- Say what you want. Use any language you want. Don't think that having the freedom to speak your mind means that you can go off-topic. We will enforce our theme here.
Posts worth mentioning:
Some notable links power-mods don't want you to see: