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[position in /r/all | score | number of comments]
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[#51|+423|29] TIL that Bernie Sanders will not take campaign contributions from corporations [/r/politics] (
FrontpageWatch[🍰] が 8時間 前 投稿
Ellen Pao is a Distraction. Preventing Corporate Payola and Censorship in the Big Subreddits Should be the Real Community Goal.[META] (self.undelete)
ParanoidFactoid が 17時間 前 投稿
[#100|+716|33] Bernie Sanders Outpaces Martin O’Malley as Hillary Clinton Alternative [/r/politics] (
FrontpageWatch[🍰] が 6時間 前 投稿
Just Documenting Ellen Pao's Nosedive With Statistics[META] (
Destructopuppy が 13時間 前 投稿
''Petition to remove Ellen Pao reaches 75,000'' A post with over 5000 upvotes that held the #1 spot on the frontpage for not even an hour got removed.[META] (
p_hinman3rd が 1日 前 投稿
A moderator at /r/sports creates a sticky to discuss the recent blackout. Several comments supporting the blackout get removed.[META] (self.undelete)
Alphadog33 が 4時間 前 投稿
The /r/modtalk clique is not allowing new mods to join in the private conversation with reddit co-founder. Here is how to leak their threads anonymously.[META] (self.undelete)
throwaway918212 が 45分 前 投稿
[#59|+1886|70] Redditor finds small container labelled 'biohazard' under a bridge, local officer /u/OfficerBaer appears within minutes and arranges via reddit to pick it up. (/r/portland) [/r/bestof] (
FrontpageWatch[🍰] が 57分 前 投稿
[#19|+1808|128] I propose a new "Out of Touch with Reality" Meme [/r/AdviceAnimals] (
FrontpageWatch[🍰] が 1時間 前 投稿
[#94|+2083|78] X-post r/iran: Snowcapped mountains of Kelardasht, Iran [1920x1080] Photo by: Javad Fathi [/r/EarthPorn] (
FrontpageWatch[🍰] が 2時間 前 投稿
[#70|+1054|36] TIL, Tupperware has a lifetime guarantee in most countries, except India, where there is only one lifetime guarantee per incarnation. [/r/todayilearned] (
FrontpageWatch[🍰] が 4時間 前 投稿
[#98|+1242|72] [TW:itter] "Stop bullying an innocent girl who wants you deported, it's just her opinion!" Ft. George Lopez [/r/TumblrInAction] (
[#11|+1938|270] Reddit interim CEO Ellen Pao comments on /r/sysadmin "Reddit alternatives? Other Subs going private to protest the direction Reddit has been going." [/r/bestof] (
FrontpageWatch[🍰] が 17時間 前 投稿
Yet another Ellen Pao post removed from the front page of /r/news.[META] (
I_hate_Ellen_Pao が 22時間 前 投稿
Top /r/videos spot magically disappears just after 3am pacific to an adviceanimals post with 80 comments[META] (
ThisVersionOfMyself が 12時間 前 投稿
[#97|+698|22] You forgot to merge, punk-ass bitch! [/r/funny] (
[#7|+2756|52] These damn Stormcloaks. [/r/skyrim] (
[#15|+1464|219] Neo-Nazis try to hold rally in London, about five people turn up [/r/nottheonion] (
[#31|+1908|37] My girl Dakota (right) met another husky named Koda (left) at the vet the other day. [/r/aww] (
FrontpageWatch[🍰] が 19分 前 投稿
[#51|+1605|122] The United States should aim for 53 states. That way it would truly be one nation, indivisible. [/r/Showerthoughts] (
[#17|+2659|258] Oh it's illegal to shoot mortar shells outside, not a problem! [/r/WTF] (
[#46|+1116|45] The irony... [/r/funny] (
FrontpageWatch[🍰] が 5時間 前 投稿
[#30|+879|65] 'Request to have Ellen Pao removed as CEO approaches 118,000. [/r/technology] (
FrontpageWatch[🍰] が 19時間 前 投稿
[#68|+1841|123] I'll wait until something better comes along. [/r/AdviceAnimals] (
FrontpageWatch[🍰] が 3時間 前 投稿
[#77|+1792|11] I don't need you, human. [/r/aww] (
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