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submitted by brown_paper_bag/r/NonZeroDay
In light of the recent events, mainly this thread showing us that the admins communicated in there, /r/modtalk is not accepting any applications at all, effectively silencing the voices of their fellow moderators who want to participate in the conversation.
In responses to PMs from several individuals, the stock response is:
"In the past two days we got somewhere between 400-500 applications were usually we get one or two per day at most. It will take a while before we have sorted through everything.
You can send a message to /r/modtalk_advisory but just be aware that it will take a long time."

The mod responded with:
I already sent a message on Friday. Sorry to be annoying, but could you clarify what "a long time" is? Days/weeks/months? I can't imagine that it really takes an impossibly long time to verify that someone is a mod and add them to the approved submitters list - if you dedicate one person at a time to do it in shifts it could be done in a day, tops.
Right now you are actively preventing other mods from joining the conversation, doubly so by shutting down applications.

By this point, I was also growing frustrated and sent the following message. I figured that they really must be overwhelmed by people wanting and and figured that sharing my concerns as well as offering to help them out and make things easier for everyone would be a great way of going about it.
The next response was a polite "fuck off" which I wasn't very appreciative of.
It feels like /r/modtalk is either a clique or they've got something going on with the admins. While it's great that they may one day share information here, it's completely unacceptable to actively leave other moderators out of the conversation.
all 78 comments
[–]thewidowaustero/r/SkincareAddiction 6 points7 points8 points  (10 children)
I'm the other mod in question, here's my conversation with /u/creesch in full: http://i.imgur.com/jr4yYjn.png
[–]_BindersFullOfWomen_/r/AmazonEcho 3 points4 points5 points  (9 children)
Mind if I ask why he was told this isn't how it works? What's the process of "verifying" someone for /r/modtalk?
[–]thewidowaustero/r/SkincareAddiction 2 points3 points4 points  (8 children)
According to the blurb they had up before shutting down applications, the requirement was that you mod a sub of 25k subscribers or more and have down so for a month or more. Apparently there is also a vague requirement of making sure that the user in question won't "leak", but that wasn't disclosed.
Idk though, we're all mods here, I think we're well aware how easy it is to check someone's user page and then add them to the approved submitters list. It's hardly rocket science.
[–]_BindersFullOfWomen_/r/AmazonEcho 1 point2 points3 points  (0 children)
Apparently there is also a vague requirement of making sure that the user in question won't "leak", but that wasn't disclosed.
So, it's safe to say that this is why applications take so long. Got it.
[–]cwenham/r/changemyview 0 points1 point2 points  (6 children)
before shutting down applications
They haven't. I understand that they've gone through several hundred now already, with several hundred left to go.
The "vague requirement of making sure that the user in question won't leak" isn't vague. If you've leaked before, you don't get back in.
It's hardly rocket science.
Click on my username and start a stopwatch. Tell me what you can figure out from it in 30 minutes.
[–]thewidowaustero/r/SkincareAddiction 1 point2 points3 points  (2 children)
They haven't.
Click on my username and start a stopwatch. Tell me what you can figure out from it in 30 minutes.
So what you're saying is that admittance is based completely on arbitrary feelings about someone's comment history? People don't leak on their main accounts, they leak on throwaways.
[–]cwenham/r/changemyview 0 points1 point2 points  (1 child)
On IRC, /u/creesch has been calling out the decreasing count of applications he's gone through so far. I wouldn't be surprised if their team hasn't prioritised changing the message you saw there, precisely because they're busy going through applications. However, I do understand the impression you've got from it.
People don't leak on their main accounts, they leak on throwaways.
That suggests the need to spend more time looking for evidence of throwaways.
[–]creesch/r/history 0 points1 point2 points  (0 children)
I wouldn't be surprised if their team hasn't prioritised changing the message you saw there,
Not really, considering I am the only one online and my time spend on screening people got greatly reduced due some people being very angry and trying to get a public outrage over it ;)
[–]brown_paper_bag/r/NonZeroDay[S] 1 point2 points3 points  (2 children)
Starting at 2:38pm EST:
User since Feb 28/06 and mod of several subreddits:
While you mod /r/changemyview you have never once made a submission, but have only commented (227 times). /r/spam and /r/TheseFuckingAccounts has the most submissions by you, noting that they are generally used by mods.
Outside of a handful of subreddits, you don't generally actively participate in other communities outside of /r/spam, /r/changemyview, /r/pics, /r/TheseFuckingAccounts, /r/IHazALeef, /r/BeansUpYourNose, ideasforcmv, /r/Blackout2015, and /r/modclub with the last two taking place the last few days.
Going through an actually reading your comments, like here, you are seemingly reasonable and level headed. Your most downvoted comment (that also happened to be removed) was when you and your CMV mods were accused of being racist back in May and you handled it with humour and some smarm. It was delightful.
And now I'm bored because there is no actual reason for me to be doing this. End 2:48pm EST
[–]cwenham/r/changemyview 1 point2 points3 points  (1 child)
While you mod /r/changemyview you have never once made a submission
Laughably incorrect, but reddit's account history and search tools are so bad I can't really link you to the many that I have done. Most of my posts to CMV are over a year old, because I got pretty much everything out of my system then.
However, it showcases how difficult it is to properly screen someone when the tools to do so are so bad.
but have only commented (227 times)
That number is off by a factor of lots.
I didn't get 78 deltas for nothing.
Your most downvoted comment (that also happened to be removed) was when you and your CMV mods were accused of being racist back in May and you handled it with humour and some smarm.
Thank you. However:
You don't know what it's like to be downvoted.
[–]brown_paper_bag/r/NonZeroDay[S] 0 points1 point2 points  (0 children)
Mod tools fail again! (By the way, that wiki says you have 75 deltas :p You should update it). And that's entirely fair. I know the tools at our disposal are bad.
Also, re: Verne Troyer - Ha! I remember that comment and the ensuing SRD butter that came from it.
[–]Ivashkin 4 points5 points6 points  (4 children)
Before this kicked off, before FPH, it took me a few weeks to get into /r/modtalk. And quite frankly once you are there it's a little underwhelming. Think of it as being accepted to sit in on a meeting of town planners discussing the specifics of a new sewage system.
[–]thewidowaustero/r/SkincareAddiction 2 points3 points4 points  (2 children)
Wow, so it takes them weeks to accept apps during times when they're only getting one or two per day?
I understand that most of the time it's boring stuff, but right now isn't like most of the time.
[–]Ivashkin 2 points3 points4 points  (1 child)
Even now the only exciting bits were leaked.
[–]brown_paper_bag/r/NonZeroDay[S] 2 points3 points4 points  (0 children)
Whoever leaked should hope they aren't found out since apparently, leakers aren't allowed in /r/modtalk because what you guys talk about is super secret.
[–]llehsadam/r/NoMansSkyTheGame 1 point2 points3 points  (0 children)
Same here, but I like town planning. :D
[–]creesch/r/history 12 points13 points14 points  (31 children)
As I said in both conversations, we are working through the backlog. I am sorry that people feel left out in this but it isn't up to me alone to change the process that is in place.
In any case /u/kn0thing has said that in the future all communication will go through here, modtalk and defaultmods so that all mods are reached. So people that feel that they can't contribute in the conversation with the admins shouldn't worry.
And once again, we are working through the applications.
[–]thewidowaustero/r/SkincareAddiction 2 points3 points4 points  (3 children)
Our issue is not whether we're able to communicate with the admins, it's about us being able to communicate with other mods. Right now you are shutting us and all those other 400-500 people (plus the ones who want to apply but can't as you've currently shut down apps) out of conversation with our peers.
[–]creesch/r/history 4 points5 points6 points  (2 children)
As I have said, it isn't up to me alone. I am just the guy that took the time to answer modmail and now suddenly finds himself mentioned and targeted in here since I didn't give the correct answers within a few minutes.
Modtalk has been a thing for about 6 years and I only relatively recently got on board helping out with the application process. As I said multiple times now, that process isn't up to me alone to change all of the sudden.
And to be perfectly honest
out of conversation with our peers.
You didn't apply before, there is also this sub and you will get your application processed at which point you can read back to your delight. So if you'll excuse me, I have work todo.
[–]Chrussell 0 points1 point2 points  (1 child)
Hahahaha sorry you have to deal with all these people
[–]creesch/r/history 0 points1 point2 points  (0 children)
[–]brown_paper_bag/r/NonZeroDay[S] 0 points1 point2 points  (25 children)
That doesn't solve the issue that there is an announcement tomorrow that will be discussed in /r/modtalk that many moderators won't have a chance to be a part of because the mod team at /r/modtalk is shutting them out. You all collectively made a decision quite quickly on Friday to shutdown applications so I fail to see how you can't quickly discuss adding temporary moderators to help you through the backlog. As you said, you guys have lives and other subs. /u/thewidowaustero and I have both freely volunteered our time to help your subreddit because all we keep hearing is that there are so many applications and only so many people.
You're acting as if other moderators don't understand how various mod processes work but we do. I know it takes some time to have conversations with your fellow mod team to get things done but, quite frankly, there is shit going down on reddit right now and every single person with an application in or waiting for applications to be opened are being left in the dark as to what is going on in /r/modtalk.
[–]creesch/r/history 4 points5 points6 points  (10 children)
That doesn't solve the issue that there is an announcement tomorrow
Any annoucement done by the admins will also be done in here, /u/kn0thing said so himself.
As for your other concerns, I have voiced them quite clearly in my other reply in here. So I'll just suffice with quoting myself.
As I have said, it isn't up to me alone. I am just the guy that took the time to answer modmail and now suddenly finds himself mentioned and targeted in here since I didn't give the correct answers within a few minutes.
Modtalk has been a thing for about 6 years and I only relatively recently got on board helping out with the application process. As I said multiple times now, that process isn't up to me alone to change all of the sudden.
And to be perfectly honest
out of conversation with our peers.
You didn't apply before, there is also this sub and you will get your application processed at which point you can read back to your delight. So if you'll excuse me, I have work todo.
[–]brown_paper_bag/r/NonZeroDay[S] 1 point2 points3 points  (9 children)
Many mods didn't apply before because many weren't aware of its existence. /r/modnews, /r/modhelp, and even /r/modclub make no references to it and these are the three subs that new mods are directed to. It's not even listed in the subreddits on the collection of all things modding on /r/modhelp.
[–]HandicapperGeneralEarthPorn/ReactionGifs 1 point2 points3 points  (8 children)
So you were ignorant of its existence before and now you're complaining about the way they do business? Quit whining because you're being a little delayed. If you qualify, you'll get in eventually. Just calm your britches
[–]brown_paper_bag/r/NonZeroDay[S] 0 points1 point2 points  (7 children)
I'm complaining about the response or lack thereof given that the admins of reddit seem to want to address that specific community of mods instead of the ones that are for all mods.
If there is a mod sub that the admins use to communicate to mods, why is it only available to mods that meet certain criteria?
[–]cwenham/r/changemyview 0 points1 point2 points  (5 children)
I'm complaining about the response or lack thereof given that the admins of reddit seem to want to address that specific community of mods instead of the ones that are for all mods.
Wouldn't it then be more appropriate to complain to the admins about this? Perhaps your post should have been "Admins want to discuss this in a private sub" rather than "this private sub won't let me in fast enough?"
I really do think that the admins should have this conversation in a sub that all mods have access to.
[–]brown_paper_bag/r/NonZeroDay[S] 0 points1 point2 points  (4 children)
I've messaged them but to be honest, I don't expect a response from them since responses from Admins are generally something that is complained about for a reason.
And let me clarify, it's not a "they won't let me in fast enough". I do agree that perhaps that may have been a better direction to take this but by posting this thread, I got a lot more information than I had to begin with.
(Insert granting yourself a delta for this comment)
[–]cwenham/r/changemyview -1 points0 points1 point  (3 children)
I've messaged them but to be honest, I don't expect a response from them since responses from Admins are generally something that is complained about for a reason.
Isn't this exactly the reason behind major subs going private and that the admins have promised to address?
This is circular rationalisation: they ignore us, so we protest. They relent and promise to talk to us, but we won't talk to them because they've ignored us.
Way to go about solving the problem.
(Insert granting yourself a delta for this comment)
[–]brown_paper_bag/r/NonZeroDay[S] 2 points3 points4 points  (2 children)
The Admins are paying us lipservice, as far as I'm concerned. In the same vain, they promised transparency but saw fit to only talk to mods on /r/defaultmods and /rmodtalk both offlimits to most of the mod community.
So I've sent them a message and I've asked for their comments. Aside from flying down to San Diego and camping out in Reddit HQ, I only have the ability to do so much. So when the subreddits that are being communicated with put up what feel like road blocks that stop all moderators from being part of the conversation that is happening with moderators, it comes across that there is a cliquey club or there is an arrangement with those particular subreddits with the Admins. Can you see how, outside of sending a mod mail, it feels like some mods are having conversations with the Admins while others aren't because they aren't in those communities?v
[–]picflute/r/leagueoflegends 0 points1 point2 points  (0 children)
They literally just said they're going to speak here also. /r/modclub is a better sub then modtalk anyway
[–]cwenham/r/changemyview 0 points1 point2 points  (10 children)
That doesn't solve the issue that there is an announcement tomorrow that will be discussed in /r/modtalk[1] that many moderators won't have a chance to be a part of because the mod team at /r/modtalk[2] is shutting them out.
Then could you take this up with the admins and ask them to work out another venue for it? It was the admins' choice to do it there, not creesch's.
[–]DXGypsy/r/otr /r/OldTimeRadio 4 points5 points6 points  (3 children)
Considering the uniqueness of the situation and the sheer number of mods who want involvement, why not remove the restrictions completely and open the sub up to all mods. Or even all users. Announcements that effect things reddit-wide should be easily available to everybody.
[–]cwenham/r/changemyview 2 points3 points4 points  (2 children)
It'd mean that all of the history of modtalk would get scraped and leaked.
People want a place where they can get things off their chest and feel comfortable doing so, which is why leaking will get you a permanent ban. Even with the existence of leaks (which aren't many), they tend to occur after the issue is yesterday's news. It hits about the best balance you can get to make people open up as much as possible.
Not that there's much in there which is salacious or relevant to the average redditor. Until kn0thing's post 2 days ago, the top voted post was a link to this: https://i.imgur.com/tjHGNpf.jpg
[–]brown_paper_bag/r/NonZeroDay[S] 2 points3 points4 points  (1 child)
Man, that sounds an awful lot like a jerk sub our old mods had to vent about users. It got admin banned by /u/sporkicide. I guess it's okay when it's a group of moderators from various subs venting in a private sub about users and admins than it is when it's a mods from specific subreddit doing the same thing in a private subreddit specific.
[–]cwenham/r/changemyview 0 points1 point2 points  (0 children)
If it's supposed to be a circlejerk sub, then it has failed miserably at that task.
[–]brown_paper_bag/r/NonZeroDay[S] -1 points0 points1 point  (5 children)
I understand what you are saying however. fI don't imagine that subscribers of /r/modtalk are going to take the conversation outside of /r/modtalk when that's where it's happening and that's where to problem lies. Sure, the post can be made here and there but are the mods that are subscribed there going to really only come here to have these conversations? I don't believe that to be likely.
[–]cwenham/r/changemyview 0 points1 point2 points  (4 children)
Let me phrase it another way:
Could you send a PM to /u/kn0thing or /r/reddit.com and explain your concerns and ask them if they can change the venue? Perhaps create a sub specifically for it and invite all the affected mods to it.
It's probably not even going to be necessary since /u/kn0thing has apparently said he'll be discussing it here anyway.
[–]thewidowaustero/r/SkincareAddiction 0 points1 point2 points  (3 children)
The issue isn't the venue for the announcement, it's the venue for the mod's discussion of the announcement.
[–]llehsadam/r/NoMansSkyTheGame 2 points3 points4 points  (1 child)
I'll be eyeing both subs. One issue with /r/modclub is that there will be a lot of users here downvoting that'll make conversation a bit harder.
Of course the admins could create a sub where perhaps only moderators with 100 subscribers or something could get in... but that means more stuff to implement and that's what we're talking about tomorrow anyway.
It's a big mess really and using all four three subs is the best quick fix.
[–]DesTeck/r/Offensive_Wallpapers 1 point2 points3 points  (0 children)
Wouldn't it ne possible to create a bot to handle the task? User PNs bot, he scrapes the users list of moderated subs, and checks if one of the subs has more subsvribers as X.
[–]cwenham/r/changemyview 1 point2 points3 points  (0 children)
I expect most of the same mods will be discussing it here.
[–]HandicapperGeneralEarthPorn/ReactionGifs -2 points-1 points0 points  (2 children)
You should have joined sooner. Anyone can tell you that getting into modtalk is and always has been an arduous process
[–]brown_paper_bag/r/NonZeroDay[S] 0 points1 point2 points  (1 child)
I've been learning that. Most concerning is the fact that they screen for potential "leakers". By all accounts, everyone claims that it's a boring, mundane sub. Any reason why these boring, mundane conversations need to be protected from people who may "leak" them like they did the screen caps of the admin post by /u/kn0thing?
[–]HandicapperGeneralEarthPorn/ReactionGifs 0 points1 point2 points  (0 children)
Historically, there have been some fairly dramatic weeks of meddling too large importance. This led to the stricter rules that have now been put in place. There were also leaks of the IRC chat room that led to some fairly major drama couple years ago.
[–]cwenham/r/changemyview 8 points9 points10 points  (25 children)
I'm sure they're frustrated enough with having a massive number of applications, but you top it off by bugging them about it again and again and even being as unreasonable as to demand a time estimate from a couple of volunteers who are doing this in their free time.
Then, when you're unsatisfied and impatient for results, you chalk this up to a conspiracy.
What an astonishing sense of entitlement.
[–]thewidowaustero/r/SkincareAddiction -2 points-1 points0 points  (24 children)
How is asking for clarification on the very vague phrase "a long time" an astonishing sense of entitlement? This is time sensitive stuff, /u/kn0thing has stated that the official reddit statement will be coming Monday.
[–]cwenham/r/changemyview 2 points3 points4 points  (23 children)
How is asking for clarification on the very vague phrase "a long time" an astonishing sense of entitlement?
I'm really not sure how you can expect someone to just figure it out off the top of their head when the whole thing is unprecedented.
[–]thewidowaustero/r/SkincareAddiction -2 points-1 points0 points  (22 children)
Yes actually, I do expect a rational adult to be able to quantify that in broad terms. All I asked for was whether to expect being added in days, weeks, or months.
[–]cwenham/r/changemyview 2 points3 points4 points  (8 children)
Not for a volunteer job. Nobody can really quantify that. They have lives, they have their own personal unscheduled events, this is not a job where you can dedicate X hours a day to something tedious and figure out how to multiply the total time and divide by working days.
[–]BuckeyeSundae/r/leagueoflegends 3 points4 points5 points  (0 children)
Add to this problem that there are functionally only two or three mods that are active in /r/modtalk (with most of the work largely being shouldered just by one person), and that 400-500 number starts to look a lot more overwhelming.
Then to additionally complicate matters, many of the applicants were moderating private subreddits at the time they applied which have since become public again. That makes verifying the requirements a bit more involved than it would be normally per-user.
[–]brown_paper_bag/r/NonZeroDay[S] 0 points1 point2 points  (6 children)
Here's the thing - we're volunteers, too. We understand modding and life and work and all the things that get in the way. When our sub went to hell in a hand basket back in March we were still able to broadly quantify to our users when things would go back to "normal".
[–]cwenham/r/changemyview 1 point2 points3 points  (3 children)
Perhaps the next time something like this happens, the mods of /r/modtalk will have a better understanding of how long it takes. Now that several have occurred, I have a rough estimate of the halflife of a typical reddit shitstorm, but the "application storm" is new.
modtalk is not an official sub, and if you're worried that you'll miss out on what mods are talking about there, you might as well be concerned about all the conversations that happen over beers or PMs as well.
If I have anything to discuss about the upcoming announcements myself, I'll probably be doing it here.
Mods aren't public utilities, that's why we have so many of them to cover the "fukkit, going to the beach" factor. And when people get expectant, impatient, and shit all over me in public, I'm going to the fuckin' beach.
And my hometown's beach is gorgeous.
[–]brown_paper_bag/r/NonZeroDay[S] -1 points0 points1 point  (2 children)
Even more concerning now is why the Admins felt that /r/modtalk was the appropriate venue to address issues/concerns with the moderators of reddit, given that it's a private subreddit with an apparently arduous screening process.
And cheers to the beach!
[–]picflute/r/leagueoflegends 3 points4 points5 points  (0 children)
Maybe because we don't act like children when we don't get our way?
[–]cwenham/r/changemyview -1 points0 points1 point  (0 children)
It's arduous for them.
All you have to do is send a message and wait for them to spend their personal time doing something tedious.
[–]Erasio/r/leagueoflegends 0 points1 point2 points  (1 child)
See the issue with this statement is that you would be outraged at any answer but "yea we got you in by tomorrow".
If he said "for sure within the next three weeks" what would change? Would you be satisfied? Would you just go your way and be ok with it?
Of course not. All you do right now is trying to back them into a corner to speed up the process of you gaining access to the sub. But it simply takes forever. For the first time a huge amount of users want access at once. Cut them some slack.
[–]brown_paper_bag/r/NonZeroDay[S] 1 point2 points3 points  (0 children)
Actually, you don't know me from Adam. Had the response been "We should be done within 3 weeks", I'd still ask if there was anything I could do to help with their backlog. I am also a volunteer and I've put hundreds of hours into the communities I mod and want to help out other communities.
I'm not trying to back them into a corner - I'm trying to create visibility into the issue of a private moderator sub being the sub of choice for Admins to communicate through and that same sub no longer accepting applications and sitting on "400-500" that they received over two days. I already admitted elsewhere to /cwenham that I was wrong in the direction I took in that this really should be directed at the Admins (who allege they will post further announcements here as well) but it doesn't negate the fact that Admin/Mod conversations are happening with a small group of moderators versus all moderators in a private subreddit.
[–]creesch/r/history 3 points4 points5 points  (12 children)
For a rational adult I expect them to realize that things can often not be changed over night and that you can't just offer to take over a job you know nothing about. kn0thing can attest to that when he tried to take over victoria's job in organizing AMAs.
[–]thewidowaustero/r/SkincareAddiction 0 points1 point2 points  (11 children)
  1. Verify that applicant has modded a sub of 25k subscribers or more for a month or more.
  2. Add to approved submitters list or reject due to not meeting qualifications.
Hardly comparable to Victoria's job. I would happily spend all of today and the rest of the week - hell, I have time off - to do that. You can add me with reduced powers and remove me once I'm done. Could you at least take the time to communicate that offer to the rest of your team?
[–]creesch/r/history 4 points5 points6 points  (10 children)
Verify that applicant has modded a sub of 25k subscribers or more for a month or more.
A bit tricky when at the time of application a lot of the subs were on private. Which means that we now have to manually check all subs they mod (this is normally somewhat automated).
Add to approved submitters list or reject due to not meeting qualifications.
We also make sure people aren't know to leak, etc.
Hardly comparable to Victoria's job. I would happily spend all of today and the rest of the week - hell, I have time off - to do that. You can add me with reduced powers and remove me once I'm done.
The fact that you assume it is that easy and you will just move through it with no effort already says something. No it isn't as complicated as victoria's job but you still have to familiarize yourself with the process, make sure you actually checked everything, etc, etc.
[–]brown_paper_bag/r/NonZeroDay[S] 2 points3 points4 points  (3 children)
We also make sure people aren't know to leak, etc.
We had a mod like that. She was removed by the admins because she tried to monetize the subreddit and was hiding it. When things sort of came together and the information about the modetaization came to light, it was a shitstorm that /u/sporkicide was wonderful to help out with.
If the conversations being had in /r/modtalk are so mundane and nothing special and they could be had right here in /r/modclub, why does it need to be private and why such an intense screening process?
[–]cwenham/r/changemyview -1 points0 points1 point  (2 children)
If the conversations being had in /r/modtalk[2] are so mundane and nothing special and they could be had right here in /r/modclub[3] , why does it need to be private and why such an intense screening process?
Because every human community creates a private place for people to let their hair down, it's something that has been going on for thousands of years. It would be more extraordinary if reddit's mods didn't create something like it.
[–]brown_paper_bag/r/NonZeroDay[S] 0 points1 point2 points  (1 child)
Other subreddits of that nature have been admin banned as recently as March for having a private sub to vent. So I guess this is selective application from the Admin team and not hard and fast rules.
[–]thewidowaustero/r/SkincareAddiction 0 points1 point2 points  (5 children)
We also make sure people aren't know to leak, etc.
So basically you have a clause in place that will allow you to reject anyone you feel like? Sounds more and more like you just view /r/modtalk as your special clique and don't want to make it any bigger.
The fact that you assume it's flat out impossible for me to grasp a basic process is pretty ridiculous. I've modded a large sub for quite some time, was removed by former mods trying to make a profit, and then helped shepherd it through the transition after admins removed and shadowbanned those mods. I put a shitload of work into modding because I care about it and I care about the reddit community.
[–]creesch/r/history 1 point2 points3 points  (4 children)
Eh... I am not saying you wouldn't be able to grasp it. Just that there is a bit more to it than blindly checking numbers. I do find it baffling though that you
A) keep arguing with me about it as if I am the only person responsible, I am just the person that bothers to engage with you.
B) Except to be let in somewhere and help out even though we have never interacted before.
C) You are basically cherry picking your argument so you can be as outraged as possible while ignoring other stuff that doesn't suit you.
Now, as I have said. I am actually working through it right now.
[–]thewidowaustero/r/SkincareAddiction 1 point2 points3 points  (3 children)
Interesting to bring up cherry picking when: you still haven't answered my question about what "a long time" means, you still seem to think our issue is about being allowed to communicate with admins, and you still haven't answered my question about at least communicating our offer to your mod team. You could've saved an immense amount of time by simply answering my questions.
[–]appropriate-username/r/toonmusic 4 points5 points6 points  (4 children)
I have modtalk access. Here's what I put as my reply to kn0thing's post:






FFS stop giving mods more power, that is one thing we will never get enough of until we get admin tools.
We should have made a post to r/DefaultMods
No. Modclub. Or hell, /r/self or any other public sub at all. Stop trying to make powermods.
Got 3 downvotes for my trouble. /sigh
[–]brown_paper_bag/r/NonZeroDay[S] 3 points4 points5 points  (0 children)
Thank you for your efforts in trying to keep this conversation accessible to all mods. That's really what this is about. If there are mods having secret conversations to the exclusion of other mods, there is a problem.
[–]creesch/r/history 0 points1 point2 points  (2 children)
He is... I think I have said that like three times in this thread alone.
[–]appropriate-username/r/toonmusic 1 point2 points3 points  (0 children)
My comment was meant to point out that he still hasn't. I expressed no opinion on what he may or may not do in the future.
[–]justcool393/r/TotesMessenger 0 points1 point2 points  (0 children)
He eventually did make it public, but not as a submission, but as a comment somewhere in the megathread.
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