CorruptionFollowing their recent support for Karmanaut's "blackouts", /r/SubredditCancer have now redefined cancer. Explicit mention of "Cabals", "Social Justice" and "Power Moderators" have dropped off the agenda . Whistleblowing is now considered "boring stuff" and activism is discouraged (
eberkneezer が 投稿
Rush - The Trees perfectly captures the current Paower struggle (
LordeVinylSHADOWBANNED for criticising Pao が 投稿
Oppression never changes. (
INSIDIOUS_ROOT_BEERDo you know who else had flair? が 投稿
/r/BlackLadies shits SRS bricks and helps Ellen Pao create a safe-space for free-expression and dindu kn0thing (
LordeVinylSHADOWBANNED for criticising Pao が 投稿
The difference between Victoria and the new guard is understanding the most important aspect of running a social network... (
LordeVinylSHADOWBANNED for criticising Pao が 投稿
I for one, welcome our new overlordes! Ignorance is Strength. Work will set you free (
LordeVinylSHADOWBANNED for criticising Pao が 投稿
Watch out, diggs err reddit's latest admin knows how to bust some kneecaps (
LordeVinylSHADOWBANNED for criticising Pao が 投稿
kn0thing, kn0thing ever changes. (
LordeVinylSHADOWBANNED for criticising Pao が 投稿