全 4 件のコメント

[–]PM_YOUR_FIRST_BORN 3ポイント4ポイント  (0子コメント)

The Red Pill reminds me of Thomas Harris's 'Red Dragon'. Particularly the main villain. He says some actions are 'becoming' while some are not 'becoming'. He constantly lifts weights and attributes everything to his alter ego 'The Red Dragon'.

From Tvtropes.org:

Sexier Alter Ego: Zig-Zagged. Dolarhyde believes the Red Dragon to be this but since it's all in his head it obviously doesn't change his harelip. However, in his efforts to "transform" he has taken up bodybuilding, which has made him very attractive to his female co-works in spite of his face. Also, his transformation is what gave him the confidence to approach Reba and find his first genuine human affection.

[–]HappilySingleWomanPink Pill 2ポイント3ポイント  (1子コメント)

TRPillers are right about some things so they falsely assume they're right about everything . They exaggerate a lot and TRP theory is vague enough to be interpreted in different ways , that's why if you go to the PPD , you'll notice that TRPillers can't even decide on the basics of their theory . I asked what an alpha male is once and they can't even decide on that .

[–]peptastic 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

Their problem is they attribute commonalties of one thing (positive or not) and Awalt everything to death. Of course no one person is perfect. That isn't what anyone in tbp ever claims. I noticed in ppd, for example, they take something not political and make it so. They aren't the only ones who do it, but feminism isn't the Catholic Church with a ruling system in place. They are grasping at anything because facts don't support their theories. They jump from trying to point out feminists don't solve ALL the worlds problems to women and anyone who cares about injustice are awful scum (But but why haven't you solved it all gotcha!) To women are just three orfices. Glenn greenwald had some great articles on why people attempt to take anyone down affecting social change. They'd rather attack feminism than admit imperfect people doesn't change the message women are people. That IS the message.

I'll be fair the inconsistencies aren't on all the confused terpers, but the charlatans exploiting their weaknesses. If they stay desperate to hate women for anything they'll become more and more like brother Dean of philosophyofrape than not.

[–]Biffingston -1ポイント0ポイント  (0子コメント)

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