上位 200 件のコメント表示する 500

[–]RestingCarcass 1841ポイント1842ポイント  (92子コメント)

RIP headphone users.

[–]Azogthedefilero 293ポイント294ポイント  (47子コメント)

i read this and literally turned down the volume 1 second before it got loud, thank you

[–]matk95 527ポイント528ポイント  (31子コメント)

Turn down for what

[–]TinOwlJohn 130ポイント131ポイント  (3子コメント)

Luckily I heard Kanye singing before it happened and it was already turned down.

[–]MonkyThrowPoop 9ポイント10ポイント  (4子コメント)

So you were reading this and watching the video at the same time?

[–]Brettster[S] 438ポイント439ポイント  (31子コメント)

it's a good moment to die to

[–]TheBestBigAl 138ポイント139ポイント  (27子コメント)

Belay that order Mr Worf.

[–]coffeetablesex 100ポイント101ポイント  (20子コメント)

[–]ConqueefStador 96ポイント97ポイント  (14子コメント)

God damn. He was like the Meg Griffen of Star Trek.

[–]fuccimama79 62ポイント63ポイント  (4子コメント)

To be fair, Worf won many of those arguments. He won his right of vengeance, with the help of Picard, who originally objected. His family name was reinstated in the end. And, he got the girl (Troi). If anything, a majority of the things that went wrong on the show would be a fine showcase of why you should listen to your security officer.

[–]scottmill 24ポイント25ポイント  (1子コメント)

Eh, it's a neat super it of Worf getting shut down, but in most of those episodes Worf ends up being right and they end up going with the plan Worf suggested 30 minutes earlier. He just tries to skip the "Let's see how this alien will double cross us" steps.

[–]HerniatedHernia 8ポイント9ポイント  (1子コメント)

After watching Next Gen Worf is justified in most these suggestions. Its only the power of plot that the enterprise doesnt get blown away by a decloaking bird of prey

[–]cross-joint-lover 1954ポイント1955ポイント  (256子コメント)

Who the fuck is Freddie Mercury and why is he trying to cover Kanye's song?

[–]dwaynepipes 331ポイント332ポイント  (217子コメント)

Didn't people actually have a go at Elton John once for singing Your Song thinking it was Ellie Goulding's? Your comment reminded me of that

[–]RambleMan 88ポイント89ポイント  (7子コメント)

I remember when a cousin of mine wouldn't stop talking about Adele's new original song that she loved, "Make You Feel My Love".

Of course I remember being a teenager when Club Nouveau released "Lean on Me" and my parents saying "that's a remake", but the internet didn't exist yet, so I had to rely on old people's memories to remember who the original was recorded by.

[–]TheMeatball 244ポイント245ポイント  (194子コメント)

The Johnny Cash cover of Hurt suffers from this too. An alarming number of people think NIN covered it.

[–]The_Number_None 177ポイント178ポイント  (106子コメント)

NIN has said in interviews that Hurt is now Cash's song. They completely accept that he outdid their version. That's really cool of a band to just acknowledge another artist for remaking a song and killing it.

[–]turian_vanguard 31ポイント32ポイント  (1子コメント)

Bob Dylan did the same in regards to the Jimi Hendrix version of All Along the Watchtower.

[–]TheMeatball 94ポイント95ポイント  (36子コメント)

Yeah, there's a really great interview with Trent Reznor where he talks about the first time seeing the Cash video and knowing it wasn't his song anymore.

[–]The_Number_None 7ポイント8ポイント  (2子コメント)

This is actually the one I saw. Which I'm pretty sure I discovered through reddit a year or so ago. As the guy so elegantly put it below, this chain happens two times a year. But that's neither here nor baconwhale.

[–]Erickonfire 44ポイント45ポイント  (10子コメント)

Right, but he still covered it.

[–]dchangd 29ポイント30ポイント  (7子コメント)

Actually, no. By surrendering the rights to the song, Reznor also relinquishes the original conception of the song. According to modern spacetime continuum theory, creation occurs not in 1994, but instead in 2002 by a JR "Johnny" Cash (source: Brown, E 1985).

[–]moondizzlepie 8ポイント9ポイント  (0子コメント)

This doesn't sound right, but I don't know enough about the intersection of music copyright law and spacetime continuum theory to dispute you.

[–]Crown_of_Sovereign 40ポイント41ポイント  (10子コメント)

Personally I think NIN version is still better but that is just me.

[–]hollywood_jack 11ポイント12ポイント  (0子コメント)

I prefer NIN's Hurt because it completes Downward Spiral emotionally and narratively. I can acknowledge Johnny Cash's version might be better out of context but Hurt really completes one of the best albums ever written and performed.

[–]Hello_Cup 7ポイント8ポイント  (1子コメント)

I agree, but we're definitely in the minority on that

[–]Crown_of_Sovereign 4ポイント5ポイント  (0子コメント)

Yeah, and it's not even that I don't like Johnny Cash. I just think NIN had a better feel on that song, maybe it's because I grew up with it sounding a certain way since that album very first came out.

[–]AbsintheEnema 5ポイント6ポイント  (3子コメント)

I thought I was the only one. I liked the Cash version, but loved the NIN version.

[–]FiskFisk33 8ポイント9ポイント  (1子コメント)

I saw someone tweeting something along the lines of "who the fuck is this michael jackson and what makes him think its okay for him to cover justin bieber?"

I still really hope it was a joke.

[–]Fragarach-Q 2ポイント3ポイント  (0子コメント)

I was at a Bowie concert and he mentioned "kids coming up and saying it's great that you're covering Nirvana stuff. Fuck you, you tosser!"

Also, Black Magic Woman is a Fleetwood Mac song.

[–]random012345 105ポイント106ポイント  (15子コメント)

Just wait until you hear this new artist that Kanye discovered. Paul Mackitney? Macarthuer? Ah, who cares... doesn't mater. He's pretty good for a one-hit in the Kanye and Rihanna song.

[–]249ba36000029bbe9749 73ポイント74ポイント  (5子コメント)

You're thinking of McCartney. Only thing he's known for is covering Guns and Roses' hit Live and Let Die.

[–]ayedurr 15ポイント16ポイント  (1子コメント)

Nah dude was a Beatle. He made poop spherical and rolled it around with his legs.

[–]Billz2me 7ポイント8ポイント  (0子コメント)

I heard he was in a band with Lenin. Fuckin commie

[–]Juicedid9111 6ポイント7ポイント  (0子コメント)

Paul McCartney is famous dude! He was in a band with John Legend, Tommy Chong, and Thomas the tank engine like 20 years ago

[–]marley88 70ポイント71ポイント  (3子コメント)

He was the original lead singer of the Queens of Leon I think. He died in a plane crash while eating only blue M&Ms so they had to replace him.

[–]NipplezoftheFuture 3ポイント4ポイント  (1子コメント)

No, no, you're thinking of the lead guitarist of Van Morrison. Freddie Mercury died from a bizarre gardening accident, choking on vomit, while tracking the drums for High Voltage.

[–]BZLuck 16ポイント17ポイント  (6子コメント)

Oh goodness. One time a couple of years ago when I was playing pool, someone put Paul McCartney's "Live and Let Die" on the jukebox.

A 20 something girl at the bar stopped, kinda looked up, turned to her friend and said, "Oh my god, listen! Someone did a cover of that Guns N Roses song. How sad."

[–]Petzl89 310ポイント311ポイント  (106子コメント)

There are not many people in the world that can match what Freddie could do, he had a one in a billion voice.

[–]aaronsherman 210ポイント211ポイント  (86子コメント)

His voice was actually very good, but not unparalleled. Quite a few people who've had training in opera as he had can do what he did, technically (it's still a physical and technical rarity, just not as rare as most think). It was the whole package with Queen that was amazing. The performance had the theatricality of Peter Gabriel Genesis (at least in the early days), the lyrics had the poetic punch of The Who, the recordings were as masterful and innovative as the Beatles, and Freddie and Brian brought it all together with musical talent that is top-notch. But none of it was really unparalleled on its own. No one had really heard any one band bring it all together. Then, in a short period of time Zep, The Who, Queen... they all popped up in the 70s and shocked the world with an across-the-board talent and skill that crafted a kind of musical performance we'd never imagined.

In many ways I think the terrible music of the mid-80s was a reaction to the resounding disappointment of music fans as they realized that that era was over and would not likely come again in their lifetimes.

[–]newfiedave84 96ポイント97ポイント  (20子コメント)

In many ways I think the terrible music of the mid-80s was a reaction to the resounding disappointment of music fans as they realized that that era was over and would not likely come again in their lifetimes.

In my opinion, the terrible music of the 80s was a product of people thinking "OMG WE'RE IN THE FUTURE!" and trying to jam god-awful synthesizers into everything. It's probably for the best that Led Zeppelin never survived into the 80s, because that decade would have utterly ruined them.

[–]Countpudyoola 20ポイント21ポイント  (1子コメント)

Rise and peak of prevalence of cocaine in the music production industry = Terrible music of the 80's


[–]fabulousprizes 3ポイント4ポイント  (1子コメント)

I blame the success of 1984 for the explosion of rock synth. It's like every mediocre band thought "hey, it worked for Van Halen"

[–]dgafboutu 19ポイント20ポイント  (5子コメント)

It was my understanding that Freddie did not receive any formal opera training and was self taught. This is also why he couldn't read sheet music.

[–]OnceIthought 27ポイント28ポイント  (0子コメント)

Hence the famouscomplete bullshit quote:

"I can't read this piece of sheet."

-Freddie Mercury

[–]giraffe_taxi 10ポイント11ポイント  (2子コメント)

That's my understanding too. I believe it's one of the reasons he thought Montserrat Caballé was the most talented singer he'd ever heard. In their duet Barcelona you can easily hear the difference between his self-taught vocal technique and her opera training.

[–]Mythiees 838ポイント839ポイント  (768子コメント)

At Freddie's tribute concert you had the big names of the day sing his songs. It was really obvious who could not match his register.

Kanye is... not quite there.

[–]ox_ 176ポイント177ポイント  (78子コメント)

I love that George Michael version of Somebody to Love. Tough one to cover but he nailed it.

[–]dibsODDJOB 272ポイント273ポイント  (52子コメント)

George Michael version of Somebody to Love


[–]nittun 90ポイント91ポイント  (14子コメント)

never been much of a fan, but he sure as hell nailed that one.

[–]Not_a_Fagottist 20ポイント21ポイント  (4子コメント)

Oh that was great. He can sing, but I like how he didn't even try the last melisma on love and had the audience do it. Freddy was an acrobat with his voice and it's hard to match

[–]JimmyCumbs 14ポイント15ポイント  (1子コメント)

oh boy I learned a word today. Now I have a classy word for over-sung renditions of the star spangled banner.

[–]TheSanityInspector 16ポイント17ポイント  (0子コメント)

Agreed! I hate it when people sing the anthem like it's a smooth jazz saxophone solo.

[–]TitaniumShovel 36ポイント37ポイント  (2子コメント)

Definitely killed it. It's worth noting that while many performers have performed at venues this large.. at a tribute concert, with the old band behind you, singing one of the most difficult songs to cover - the pressure can be overwhelming. Stellar performance.

[–]khiron 12ポイント13ポイント  (0子コメント)

I prefer Marc Martel's audition.

I know it's unfair to make a comparison, singing live is another monster, but Marc's similitude to Freddy (both in image and voice) makes it very difficult for me to be unbiased.

[–]theaussiesamurai 65ポイント66ポイント  (1子コメント)

Damn.. I was expecting Michael Cera jamming out to some Queen.

edit: I don't know what I expected

[–]drn8 7ポイント8ポイント  (1子コメント)

He absolutely did that song justice. Thanks for sharing.

[–]astrobabe2 2ポイント3ポイント  (0子コメント)

Awesome - thanks for posting!

[–]grandadjethro 64ポイント65ポイント  (61子コメント)

There isn't many who can. Freddie was an awesome talent.

[–]Shaggyv108 68ポイント69ポイント  (23子コメント)

You know who was surprisingly close? the lead singer of Panic at the disco. I went to a festival and they happened to be playing there (i would never seek a panic at the disco concert) but he did a cover of bohe rapso and it was fucking amazing. That panic guy can really sing

[–]MyOnlyAlias 23ポイント24ポイント  (0子コメント)

Yeah, Brendon Urie has some pipes.

[–]LuminalOrb 3ポイント4ポイント  (0子コメント)

Brendon Urie is a hell of a vocalist. If you ever feel like it go to his vine and just listen to him sing for fun it's mindblowing.

[–]ziptime 80ポイント81ポイント  (34子コメント)

The greatest frontman (in terms of entertainer) and male vocalist (in terms of range) in history, and I'm not even a massive Queen fan

[–]AE1360 17ポイント18ポイント  (8子コメント)

It is amazing just how good he really was. I love Guns'n'Roses and I think young Axl is the only person I think could come close in terms of frontman and vocalist....and it isn't even close. I would compare the gap of them (in my mind) to the NHL scoring leaders list to get the idea.

Axl also performed at this concert doing Bohemian with Elton John...who killed it. Axl not so much, his used his 'rasp' and it didn't fit the song.

[–]thenobleknightofgale 478ポイント479ポイント  (562子コメント)

kanye cant sing for shit apparently...that was painful.

[–]sykingen 562ポイント563ポイント  (512子コメント)

His style of performing doesn't work with Queens music. Nothing wrong with that, not seeing any rock legend putting out a hip hop album anytime soon.

[–]ploydgrimes 844ポイント845ポイント  (41子コメント)

The fact that he is a terrible singer doesn't work with Queens music.

[–]burnshimself 44ポイント45ポイント  (7子コメント)

Yes, but this should be unsurprising. I mean he's a rapper/hip-hop artist. His technical vocal skills are generally pretty weak, but that is not his skill set. He's more of a lyricist, his skill is in rhyming, songwriting, and composing/producing music. Delivery is somewhat of a secondary concern for his genre. His inability to sing like a rock star does not in any way take away from his talent in his genre.

[–]poorscribbler 24ポイント25ポイント  (6子コメント)

[–]dazwah 11ポイント12ポイント  (0子コメント)

I'm surprised Axl showed up on time for that.

[–]typs 8ポイント9ポイント  (0子コメント)

I'd also like to point out that Axl Rose is wearing a leather skirt, a decade before Kanye tried to pull it off.

[–]elevendayempire 10ポイント11ポイント  (2子コメント)

I was very impressed with Adam Lambert on their recent tour. There was a recent interview where Brian May said that Freddie often sang his songs in a lower register live, and Lambert pointed out that the audience would be comparing him to the studio versions, so he sang them as they were on the record.

[–]Mythiees 2ポイント3ポイント  (0子コメント)

You have to give it to him, try filling those shoes.

[–]optomas 56ポイント57ポイント  (3子コメント)

Kanye is... not quite there.

Yes, just like an LED is not quite a supernova.

[–]BitchesQuoteMarilyn 11ポイント12ポイント  (5子コメント)

Kanye not only didn't match his register, he didn't hold a note either

[–]RainerKoreaTrillke 1038ポイント1039ポイント x2 (112子コメント)

This is actually a really sweet and touching video if you stop watching it around :35. It's like Freddie Mercury is in skeptical disbelief that one of today's most prominent musicians would pay tribute to him, and that disbelief turns into tickled flattery as the crowd joins in singing one of his songs so long after he's been gone.

So many of yall are missing the very point of music. It's not some pissing contest where musicians are trying to shit all over their counterparts and tear each other down. At the end of the day, musicians, regardless of genre or time period, are trying to connect their art with people and connect people with each other. Whether we're talking about Queen or Kanye, Beethoven or Carly Rae Jepsen, that's the point of music, to reach past the ugly divisiveness of the world and unite in some kind of human beauty.

Kanye isn't taking a great song for his own personal glory. He knows he can't even almost sing like Freddie Mercury. But he's pushing his own personal glory aside and risking criticism like the stuff in this thread in order to say, I have a huge amount of respect for this man who has brought me a huge amount of enjoyment. Let me share that with you. In hip-hop the saying goes, "Real recognize real," and in rock the saying goes, "You gotta pay your dues if you wanna sing the blues."

This tribute is especially meaningful because like Kanye, Freddie's critics said he was too flashy, too full of himself. Rather than writing off another great because they're not what we want them to be or what we're used to, let's appreciate them the way they appreciate each other.

[–]face_hair 26ポイント27ポイント  (2子コメント)

In TV we say "if you want the boys hole, youve got to pay the troll toll"

[–]Christendom 49ポイント50ポイント  (2子コメント)

This guy gets it. Kayne wasn't doing that song to show off his singing chops, he's connecting with the crowd and putting on a show. Doing a cover, albeit not a great one, of a song/singer universally loved and then get the audience to sing parts of it is about making it a memorable night for the fans. Think Kayne gives a shit about how his voice is stacking up to Freddie's right then and there? Nope. He's a performer doing his craft and hoping some of those folks go home enjoying that moment.

Perhaps if some of you neckbeards actually put down your iPhones at a fucking concert for once, you might get to enjoy one. Live music is different than sitting on your computer with a pair of cans on. It's about the experience, not the criticism.

[–]never0101 5ポイント6ポイント  (0子コメント)

Perhaps if some of you neckbeards actually put down your iPhones at a fucking concert for once, you might get to enjoy one.

Good fuck this drives me nuts. Why are you watching a show through a 5" screen? Its going on RIGHT FUCKING THERE! Not every show is a perfect re-creation of the album, but at that moment there is NOTHING else in the world. There's a group of musicians playing their heart out for a group of folks to eat up. I feel like the shows i used to goto in highschool and shortly after(late 90's early 00's) had so much more energy and excitement. People were there to experience music, not film it on their shitty tablets to watch later on youtube with distortion and shaking shitty video. I've seen plenty of bands do a half assed cover of some popular song. They sucked at it, but the crowd sang their hearts out, everyone loved it and the night was better for it.

[–]jwyche008 175ポイント176ポイント  (48子コメント)

Kanye West's concerts legit seem like a blast between this and that video of him going crazy to Take on Me.


[–]zanthius 27ポイント28ポイント  (6子コメント)

Was he doing the Carlton?

[–]mattloch666 15ポイント16ポイント  (0子コメント)

That's the move you do to that song. It's really that simple.

[–]45flight2 6ポイント7ポイント  (0子コメント)

no lol it's the dance from the music video

[–]livingshadow97 522ポイント523ポイント  (18子コメント)

From the youtube comments: "dying of AIDS is now the second worst thing to happen to Freddy"

[–]firagomusic 3ポイント4ポイント  (0子コメント)

Saw this comment on reddit yesterday...don't give them too much credit.

[–]ThatsASpicyMeme 578ポイント579ポイント  (40子コメント)



[–]emotionalboys2001 268ポイント269ポイント  (10子コメント)

We're puttin in work in this thread fam

[–]mountaincalledmonkey 112ポイント113ポイント  (6子コメント)

2war was merely preparing us for this

[–]streetbum 15ポイント16ポイント  (1子コメント)

You know, the fact that I've never seen him in one of these threads outside HHH makes me wonder if he's really a fan after all.

[–]copiousbootysweat 36ポイント37ポイント  (0子コメント)

we entered a heavy warzone but ye militia can deal with it

[–]hanna1kj 20ポイント21ポイント  (0子コメント)


[–]SherlockDoto 7ポイント8ポイント  (1子コメント)

Well to be fair thread is basically.

  1. A video comparing Kanye having a giggle at one of his concerts to a professional singer seriously singing one of his most influential songs with the clear implication that Kanye is a hack.

  2. The response that Kanye clearly isn't a hack if you know anything about music.


[–]Acetius 8ポイント9ポイント  (1子コメント)

ITT: Kanye West fanboys vs Kanye West counterfanboys, and literally nothing else.

[–]initial_david 15ポイント16ポイント  (1子コメント)

It wouldn't surprise me if 90% of the people in this topic gushing over how amazing Freddie Mercury is only listen to Bohemian Rhapsody, and no other Queen songs.

[–]JoshuMertens 8ポイント9ポイント  (0子コメント)

True. Elitist Dadrock Neckbeards man.

[–]Frathier 1573ポイント1574ポイント  (584子コメント)

[–]harrysplinkett 245ポイント246ポイント  (66子コメント)

pointing out that kanye can't sing to save his life doesn't make anyone a lewronggeneration tard, just a person with ears.

[–]LINK_DISTRIBUTOR 177ポイント178ポイント  (52子コメント)

He's not a singer, he's a producer/rapper mainly. He sang a rock song in reference to Jay z singing wonderwall last year. smh

[–]wowwaitwhat 5ポイント6ポイント  (1子コメント)

this video is like showing tiger woods shooting a basketball for fun, and then juxtaposing it with michael jordan slam dunking. not all sports are the same and neither are all types of music.

tiger knows he's not jordan, and kanye knows he's not freddy. all this video is is a nice little stroke-off for people who aren't into today's artists. it completely is lewronggeneration shit.

[–]ValiantPie 392ポイント393ポイント  (432子コメント)

As the number of overly defensive Kanye fans in a thread approaches infinity, the chance of many many references to /r/lewronggeneration approaches 1. Seriously, Taylor Swift fans are way more chill than you guys.

[–]BruceWaynesWorld 907ポイント908ポイント  (356子コメント)

But Everybody loves Taylor Swift! If you're a Taylor Swift fan you don't have to argue with anybody about it.

Kanye though, when you love Kanye here's how every conversation goes.

"Hey did you guys hear that new Kanye song?"


We end up getting defensive.

[–]KushDingies 160ポイント161ポイント  (25子コメント)

That's totally understandable, but in this thread and a few others yesterday it's been swinging in the opposite direction.

"Man, Kanye did a pretty bad job singing that"

"He's just having fun you virgin neckbeard faggot, go jack off to Pink Floyd some more"

[–]joewaffle1 2ポイント3ポイント  (0子コメント)

I end up being defensive as a Kanye fan because everybody hates him for how he acts and when it comes to his music they've pretty much only heard whatever makes it on the radio

[–]Grantetons 27ポイント28ポイント  (52子コメント)

Not to get into this whole debate again, but it's not hating him as a person that's the real issue for me. Yes, he strikes me as a self important asshole. The music he makes is good though, and he's no doubt making the best rap/hip hop of his generation of artists. The thing I take issue with is the blind ignorance he perpetuates, and the feeling that he's going to end up a role model to a generation who thinks they're right simply for having an opinion.

Without getting too deep into examples, the latest big one was saying Beyonce's album was better than Beck's after the grammys, when he hadn't heard Beck's album. I personally think Beyonce's album was better than Beck's, but I LISTENED TO THEM BOTH. I didn't just form my opinion based on how awesome I think I am.

EDIT: Guys, I'm not trying to spark a debate about his music, I don't really care for it. He put out 7 extremely popular albums in about 10 years, and I couldn't think of anyone in rap today who put out that quality and quantity. I'm only trying to make the point that idolizing him for anything other than his music is in poor taste, and it worries me because he does and says things without reason.

[–]In_Dying_Arms 36ポイント37ポイント  (3子コメント)

So everyone on reddit either hates Kanye or is an "overly defensive fan?"

[–]UR_MR_GAY 5ポイント6ポイント  (0子コメント)

As the number of overly defensive Kanye fans in a thread approaches infinity

so /r/hiphopheads

[–]manu_facere 1ポイント2ポイント  (0子コメント)

Well if number of people in a thread approaches infinity the chance of linkng any sub approaches 1.

[–]bigpenisdragonslayer 24ポイント25ポイント  (9子コメント)

This is literally this stupidest fucking post I've ever seen on this website. He was just having a laugh and the crowd all enjoyed it. I've also been to plenty of metal shows where during the show the singer starts to play Britney Spears or Celine Dion to entertain the crowd, I would never say oh he did a terrible job singing, it's all just for fun.

[–]KokiriEmerald 34ポイント35ポイント  (5子コメント)

Ah, the weekly "shit on Kanye for no reason" thread

[–]BAIIPlus 5ポイント6ポイント  (0子コメント)

The people at both shows were having fun.

I love chances to sing Bohemian Rhapsody, so if Kanye did that at the concert of his that I went to I'd love it.

[–]calyco81 4ポイント5ポイント  (0子コメント)

To be fair, it is Freddie Mercury after all

[–]topmarksbrian 13ポイント14ポイント  (0子コメント)

I was there and paid to be there. It was sick and obviously just a bit of fun for a tiny bit of a wider concert. Chill out lads if you think it's bad don't pay to see his shit.

[–]PilarVIRUS 9ポイント10ポイント  (1子コメント)

We take the Kanye West Hate too far sometimes.

[–]Darkromani 494ポイント495ポイント  (100子コメント)

Here's an idea, i'll just let the crowd sing it because i can't

[–]larsvondank 365ポイント366ポイント  (43子コメント)

Letting the crowd sing Bohemian Rhapsody in England is a no-brainer. Would work well in many other festivals, cities, countries etc. He could have straight up started Wonderwall, though...wait.

[–]CapitaFK 142ポイント143ポイント  (36子コメント)

I long for the day when Kanye picks up an acoustic guitar, sits on a bench, and says nonchalantly, "But anyway, here's Wonderwall."

[–]TheMeatball 70ポイント71ポイント  (29子コメント)

[–]qous 10ポイント11ポイント  (0子コメント)

To be fair, Jay Z did this as a jab to Noel Gallagher. Noel said: "I'm not having hip-hop at Glastonbury. It's wrong."

So Jay decided to display the quote on the screen, then go out and completely ruin "Wonderwall."

[–]purplegoalie1 2ポイント3ポイント  (0子コメント)

At least you can tell he's not lip syncing

[–]average_AZN 35ポイント36ポイント  (20子コメント)

Oh god. That was worse than Kanye. Before you start yelling at me, I love j and Kanye. But this was just... Wow

[–]i_stab_trees 135ポイント136ポイント  (2子コメント)

The Jay Z performance was done as a joke at Oasis' expense though. They'd been saying that Jay Z didn't deserve a festival headline and that it should be a Rock band (ie Oasis). So Jay Z came on stage and imitated their performance. Right after the video ends he drops 99 problems and everybody goes crazy, showing that he was indeed headline material.

[–]_ulinity 63ポイント64ポイント  (12子コメント)

You know the context? He was bascially saying "Fuck you" to Oasis for their backwards opinions about the festival.

[–]crudmeal 58ポイント59ポイント  (4子コメント)

A few years back there was a bit of controversy at Glastonbury when Jay-Z was the headliner. One of the Gallaghers had something to say about it being a rock festival, not a rap festival. Jay-Z opened his set by bringing out a guitar and pretended to play it while poorly singing "Wonderwall" before launching into his own songs. It's pretty amazing, there's video of it somewhere

[–]CapitaFK 12ポイント13ポイント  (0子コメント)

Haha, /u/TheMeatball linked it. That is fascinating. And horrible. But fascinating.

[–]YungSnuggie 2ポイント3ポイント  (0子コメント)

he actually went from wonderwall straight to "99 problems" which made it better

[–]Denziloe 22ポイント23ポイント  (0子コメント)

Letting the crowd sing all the high notes in Bohemian Rhapsody


[–]iamkanyewestAMA 192ポイント193ポイント  (24子コメント)

To be fair, it is a concert, artists do the "singing with the fans" thing all the time. If you ask me this was kanye just having some fun playing a song he knew almost all of the crowd would sing along with

[–]SDSKamikaze 42ポイント43ポイント  (9子コメント)

To be fair to Kanye, something I don't say a lot, I think the fact he lets the crows sings significantly brings down the cringe factor of this video. It makes it appear more like a tribute rather than a "I have the ability to cover this classic" sort of performance.

[–]raivetica20 35ポイント36ポイント  (4子コメント)

That's because it was a tribute rather than a performance. I don't think he was going for the "I have the ability to cover this classic" performance because I'm pretty sure Kanye knows he doesn't. He only did the first bit of Bohemian Rhapsody and then segued into one of his songs. It was more of a "let's get the crowd hyped" type of thing.

[–]ARCHA1C 3ポイント4ポイント  (0子コメント)

Freddie Mercury is probably the performer that I most wish I could have seen live.

[–]LifeInvader04 196ポイント197ポイント  (36子コメント)

There's no doubt that Freddy did it better, but it was probably still an awesome moment in the Kanye concert. For the crowd I mean. And that's who it was for. Kanye is an entertainer and delivered entertainment for his fans. No need to hate.

[–]thezond 85ポイント86ポイント  (13子コメント)

I was there and can confirm that it went down well with the whole crowd, the whole performance was amazing if you were there

[–]sharkiest 23ポイント24ポイント  (0子コメント)

Can confirm, it was fucking awesome. That whole show was.

[–]Walt_F 2ポイント3ポイント  (0子コメント)

Most level-headed reply in this thread.

[–]fineillmakeausername 37ポイント38ポイント  (4子コメント)

The fact that I will never get to see the magic of Freddy Mercury live makes me very sad.

[–]Rauven 258ポイント259ポイント  (51子コメント)

That is just painful to watch...

[–]Penntium 108ポイント109ポイント  (30子コメント)

Yo Kanye, imma let you finish but Freddie did the best Bohemian Rhapsody ever

[–]Happy_Harry 90ポイント91ポイント  (25子コメント)

[–]beaujangles727 18ポイント19ポイント  (4子コメント)

Huge Marc Martel fan, I remember before Adam Lambert he tried out for queen, and didnt get it. I think he tours with a canadian Queen cover band (or did), he is amazing.

[–]Sarke1 12ポイント13ポイント  (0子コメント)

The Queen Extravaganza. It's the official Queen cover band, I saw them live a few years ago. Really good show.

They had 4 different vocalist to cover Freddie's range.

[–]LegoBobaFett 32ポイント33ポイント  (6子コメント)

It's so good it's almost creepy. Like, it's Freddy's voice coming out of a another man's face.

[–]cadisguy 4ポイント5ポイント  (0子コメント)

Wow, so many times people will post links like this "this guy/girl does xx song very damn good" and they suck.

But the first like you posted, holy crap is he good.

[–]IWantToBeAProducer 3ポイント4ポイント  (0子コメント)

He is so good, but damn that chorus is lacking by comparison...

[–]north7 27ポイント28ポイント  (0子コメント)

In this case no, don't let him finish.

[–]Yellohh 22ポイント23ポイント  (6子コメント)

Being a hip hop fan, reading these comments was an awful idea

[–]TimmiT401K 7ポイント8ポイント  (1子コメント)

If the reddit comments are this bad, I seriously dread getting on facebook today.

[–]guessdragon 1ポイント2ポイント  (0子コメント)

Animal did it BETTER.

[–]bigdongmagee 2ポイント3ポイント  (0子コメント)

I saw the performance and I am struggling to see why he did it. It just makes him look like a bad performer.

[–]fast0r 80ポイント81ポイント  (25子コメント)

This video is fucking retarded and half the comments are. Disclaimer: I love Queen and Freddie's singing, and I also really like most of Kanye's music. Kanye's is a rapper, a talented producer but he's not a great singer. I don't think he ever claimed to be one. Who in today's music industry can compete with Freddie's singing? Fucking no-one because Freddie was the greatest rock singer of all time. This video is like comparing apples and oranges. It's on the same level of stupidity of people mocking Michael Jordan's attempt at Base ball or golfing. Totally different field of expertise.