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[–]BigSubredditsHateHim 9 points10 points11 points  (0 children)
Hearing that from you says something--I see that you've been a redditor for 7 years.
[–]BigSubredditsHateHim 8 points9 points10 points  (0 children)
It's been covered very well in undelete in the last week:
Start with #3, then go to #7 and work your way up.
[–]BigSubredditsHateHim 48 points49 points50 points  (0 children)
This comment was removed within three minutes and then allowed back up.
Good going, mods.
I've had another two commens removed--if you look in my user history, one is the one that begins with "It's been covered..." and the other starts with "Wouldn't be the first:"
Proof that they've been removed:
[–]BigSubredditsHateHim 95 points96 points97 points  (0 children)
People have been getting banned left and right for pointing out the blatant censorship and for posting these kinds of stories.
They need to get rid of the "no politics" rule because it's used specifically to edit the front page to suit the mods' agenda.
There's a decent chance I'll get banned for this comment, but fuck it.
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