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[–]TheMatrixWantsMeBack 0ポイント1ポイント  (1子コメント)

User names like /u/thematrixwantsmeback or /u/fatalbinoninja or /u/gettheresomehow are just screaming out how plugged in and unprepared to change you are. The matrix doesn’t want you back man, you are expendable and the matrix could give a shit and would rather just flush you.

Well, I'm flattered to be noticed and mentioned in such a thoughtful contribution to MRP. Hmm... You've made some really interesting points about usernames.

I'm going to explain my username as I see it, but first I'll acknowledge that your reaction gives me a pretty strong signal that I didn't pick a name that really communicated what I had in mind. I appreciate that.

What I imagined when I picked this username was something more along the lines of...

  • the matrix wants me back

Meaning that I am now not in the matrix. This is a positive thing, if a disconcerting or even frightening thing for someone who has just taken TRP.

  • the matrix wants me back

It's true that the matrix (both in the movie and the analogy) views me as an individual to be disposable. I am either a human battery cell or a "beta bux" ATM to the matrix (at best). The idea here is not really that it's "me" as an individual the matrix "wants", but that the current status quo (whether humans as batteries, or men as beta slaves) has a strong impetus (which I described as a want/desire) to keep things as they are or were.

  • the matrix wants me back

I think this part is obvious but of course refers to the movie analogy (matrix as a system for keeping people subservient) or TRP (the current system where things like "divorce rape" have been on the rise for years).

So I am not saying that some attractive seductress is trying to tempt me back into her bosom or that I am somehow valued by "the matrix". I am saying that the system wishes to remain in control and that I am outside of it.

There isn't much more positive stuff to my account name and that's because when I registered it, I was crying out for help because being a beta or taking the BP slowly destroys who you are as a person. I finally realized that there were other voices of wisdom and reason when I discovered TRP but I had no idea how to begin or integrate - being new to reddit (and ignorant) I somehow missed the sidebar content.

As a side note... Since then of course, I've made plans to start working out with a neighbor this week, I've purchased WISNIFG and NMMNG and been reading/listening to them, as well as lurking and reading and learning from others here.

Maybe I should change my username. It's too bad reddit doesn't let you do this without creating a new one or this would be a pretty trivial decision. After revising your post, do you have any specific or updated thoughts on my user name specifically?

[–]thisisme0007Unplugging[S] -1ポイント0ポイント  (0子コメント)

Just think for yourself...will it be like my passwords, when everday I typed it in and that cemented how i thought my company sucked? If not, fuck it, I am just some random idiot on the internet.