electronic_cigarette 内の 10kAllDay によるリンク So Cloud 9 has taken down the recent test results they just posted "pending legal advice." Did this information already get downvoted into oblivion? Why is nobody discussing this?

[–]CressCrowbits 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

Vaping King in the UK make a juice called 'Monkey Jizz' (banana and custard flavour) so I had to think twice before I realised he was being sarcastic.

london 内の CressCrowbits によるリンク Dear Londoners, help me solve something that's been bugging me all morning!

[–]CressCrowbits[S] 2ポイント3ポイント  (0子コメント)

It matches this one much more - it could just be the paintwork and fencing have been changed between when the video and the streetview photos were taken. The brick where the fence would be does look a lot newer than the surrounding brick. If only I could find the video the gif is taken from.

EDIT to your EDIT: oh shit I think you're right!

AnimalsBeingBros 内の GallowBoob によるリンク Cat Ball

[–]CressCrowbits 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

Is it weird that I'm sure I recognise where that is?

It looks like somewhere around Highgate, north London, UK.

Anyone else?

EDIT: FOUND IT!!! Primrose hill, London


aww 内の Ghost_Animator によるリンク Sea puppy gives surfer his seal of approval

[–]CressCrowbits -2ポイント-1ポイント  (0子コメント)

You want to see a video of a child getting killed?

europe 内の Doncuneo によるリンク Greeks of r/europe, Whats the day been like "on the ground"? Whats it like outside and inside? Whats the discussion been like with family and friends?

[–]CressCrowbits 5ポイント6ポイント  (0子コメント)

It really is ridiculous how the other governments and imf are reacting to them calling a referendum - the bail out conditions are so harsh and very political (economically very right wing indeed, all about selling of state assets) and will have effects that will be felt for generations to come.

Of course something so huge should be democratically decided - and the way that has been responded to so negatively and with such negative action is really an attack on democracy, and suggests it's more about protecting the wealthy European countries and the imfs interests and political agenda than helping Greece and its people.

unitedkingdom 内の MyLittleFedora によるリンク Stephen Merchant - "Increasingly now it feels like it’s the liberal agenda that dictates what can and cannot be joked about. This idea that we have to police ourselves, that we might say the wrong thing and upset someone or something. It’s not fun."

[–]CressCrowbits 6ポイント7ポイント  (0子コメント)

The only reaction I remember being out proportion were people's reaction against him apologising, going on about the 'PC police' and 'SJWs' and causing a huge stink about something that had been resolved.

europe 内の matrisylva によるリンク 60% of (religious) Muslims approving gay marriage in Germany - Study

[–]CressCrowbits 36ポイント37ポイント  (0子コメント)

Or quite as your edit suggests, they don't personally like it, but they don't think its up to them to judge or decide.

Many Muslims see Islam as a set of personal rules to follow, and that non followers can do what they like.

unitedkingdom 内の billypilgrim87 によるリンク Tunisia attack: Majority of dead were British, says Tunisia PM

[–]CressCrowbits 25ポイント26ポイント  (0子コメント)

Islam had it's rennaissance in the 17th-19th century. The rise of fundamentalism has only been since the 1970s.

unitedkingdom 内の billypilgrim87 によるリンク Tunisia attack: Majority of dead were British, says Tunisia PM

[–]CressCrowbits 6ポイント7ポイント  (0子コメント)

Islam has largely coexisted with western living for over 500 years.

Radical Islam has largely been an unwanted fringe element, like extremist Christianity, until very recently - remember the vast majority of their victims are other Muslims, even muslims of their own sect.

It's only since the 1970s that radical islam has started to gain power, and the reasons for that are multi faceted and very complicated.

I really recommend watching 'The Power Of Nightmares', a seriously quality documentary that gives a good potted history of the global politics of fear that's developed in the last 40 years.

unitedkingdom 内の billypilgrim87 によるリンク Tunisia attack: Majority of dead were British, says Tunisia PM

[–]CressCrowbits 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

Ban all movement in or out of lislamic country's. Ban all entry into the uk to all Muslims who are not British, if British muslims are not back in Britain by a certain date there not getting back in.

I don't have an irrational fear or hatred of Islam


I must be a ...

Actually it's simpler than that. You're just a bigot. A straight up bigot. The dictionary definition of bigot. You're a bigot.

unitedkingdom 内の billypilgrim87 によるリンク Tunisia attack: Majority of dead were British, says Tunisia PM

[–]CressCrowbits 4ポイント5ポイント  (0子コメント)

Funny how so many of these 'plots' get foiled with such huge media attention, camera crews filming the police raids etc, then a few weeks later everyone arrested gets released without charge.

unitedkingdom 内の billypilgrim87 によるリンク Tunisia attack: Majority of dead were British, says Tunisia PM

[–]CressCrowbits 2ポイント3ポイント  (0子コメント)

No you shouldn't have, because that would be complete bullshit.

unitedkingdom 内の billypilgrim87 によるリンク Tunisia attack: Majority of dead were British, says Tunisia PM

[–]CressCrowbits 2ポイント3ポイント  (0子コメント)

he only thing that's causing them to fight each other is that they interprete a book diffrently.

And there was me thinking it was just warlords trying to get power.

If you think it's actually about reglion, rather than just using religion to give yourself an excuse and a marketing strategy, then I suggest having a look at history, starting with the crusades.

unitedkingdom 内の billypilgrim87 によるリンク Tunisia attack: Majority of dead were British, says Tunisia PM

[–]CressCrowbits 46ポイント47ポイント  (0子コメント)

Because a shitpost blaming a third of the world's population for the actions one man, which contributes nothing to the discussion except the sense of self importance of near-bigots, and the fact you edited it 10 minutes after you posted with faux-shock in a clearly pre-emptive, sneering fashion?

This reminds me of back in the Digg days, when every article about anything negative to do with Islam (usually one every day or two) had a top voted post simply "RELGION OF PEACE". Back then I guess it was just internet atheists circlejerking over how superior they are, nowadays it has a taste of the far-right using these tragedies as a means to push their own agenda.

ukbike 内の toastedipod によるリンク What power do the police have in making sure cars don't park in bike lanes?

[–]CressCrowbits 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

I know a guy who has regularly complained of a brewery lorry that at least twice a week parks in a solid lined contraflow cycle lane - and on the pavement - outside a pub at rush hour.

Driver, brewery, pub, police, council ... none have given a fuck when he reported it to them. And it continues.

europe 内の fnsv によるリンク Mods of /r/europe, stop sweeping Islamist violence under the rug

[–]CressCrowbits 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

Drop the fucking persecution complex already. NO ONE CALLED YOU A NAZI.

Blep 内の deusmacabre によるリンク Relaxed blep

[–]CressCrowbits -4ポイント-3ポイント  (0子コメント)

Dude take that wristband off already, that's gross.

IAmA 内の hitrecordjoe_ によるリンク Hello again! Joseph Gordon-Levitt here. AMA...

[–]CressCrowbits 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

Are you into bikes since Premium Rush, and if so, how sick a skid can you pull?

SubredditDrama 内の nameonereason によるリンク Commenter on r/tinder accuses OP of having double-standards for sleeping around but avoiding girls who do the same. Is promptly called a white knight and all his posts sent to downvote oblivion.

[–]CressCrowbits -2ポイント-1ポイント  (0子コメント)

None of these guys have ever got a girlfriend on tinder.

It's funny how they are all like "I've had 500 dates!". The fuck is wrong with you that not one of them turned into anything? Tinder isn't really a hook up app.