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[–]throwaway_99989[S] -21ポイント-20ポイント  (19子コメント)


You didn't "choose" not to be gay. You were born heterosexual. You wife was either born bi or born gay and realized it late. It's not uncommon for women in particular.

You are not born gay. That is the biggest cop out on the planet. You are gay because of whatever psychological biases are in your mind make you more comfortable with a person of the same sex than of the opposite sex. e.g. a girl might be uncomfortable or insecure around boys - for whatever reason - well there is nothing more comfortable than not getting intimate with a boy and instead looking to a girl to get intimate with - because they feel more comfortable. That's not being born gay - that is choosing gay - subconsciously but nevertheless "choosing". As for women in middle age. It also is a subconscious choice. Their hormones start changing as they become menopausal and whatever it is that attracts them to a man starts to wane and they find that a woman can give them the intimacy they now need more than a man can. That is why 70% of divorces are initiated by women. Not that they all become homosexual... they all start to lose interest in the man that got them to this point in their life. Then they look for another man (possibly multiple) or even another woman. They fill a need that their man can't. It is not being BORN that way. It is a choice and a selfish choice - especially when you have 3 TEENAGE kids!

[–]expatinpa 17ポイント18ポイント  (2子コメント)


Oh My God.

Bigoted and stupid. A wonderful combination. You are wrong in so many ways about so many things it's just impossible to know where to start.

their hormones start changing as they become menopausal and whatever it is that attracts them to a man starts to wane and they find that a woman can give them the intimacy they now need more than a man can

Can you hear yourself? Do you know just how stupid you sound?

[–]grasshoppa1 24ポイント25ポイント  (4子コメント)


Not only are you a bigot, but you're a backwards ass stupid bigot.

There's no point in continuing this debate, since you're not going to listen to anyone here. Go back to your trailer, crack open some generic yellow piss beer, put on your favorite wife beater, watch some WWE wrestling, and try to get over the fact that your wife is a lesbian.

P.S. I feel sorry for your children. You're a horrible person and, from the sounds of it, a horrible father and husband as well.

[–]Lynn_L 11ポイント12ポイント  (8子コメント)


You are not born gay. That is the biggest cop out on the planet.

An increasing scientific consensus disagrees. Yes, I know, you're next going to tell me about how science is bullshit, climate change isn't real, God made man 6000 years ago in his current form, dinosaurs walked with Adam, etc. etc. etc.

You are gay because of whatever psychological biases are in your mind make you more comfortable with a person of the same sex than of the opposite sex. e.g. a girl might be uncomfortable or insecure around boys - for whatever reason - well there is nothing more comfortable than not getting intimate with a boy and instead looking to a girl to get intimate with - because they feel more comfortable.

Scientific citation needed.

As for women in middle age. It also is a subconscious choice. Their hormones start changing as they become menopausal and whatever it is that attracts them to a man starts to wane and they find that a woman can give them the intimacy they now need more than a man can. That is why 70% of divorces are initiated by women. Not that they all become homosexual... they all start to lose interest in the man that got them to this point in their life.

Congratulations, not only bigoted against gays but just plain old sexist. They "lose interest in the man that got them to this point in their life" as if the woman herself had nothing to do with it.

It is not being BORN that way. It is a choice and a selfish choice - especially when you have 3 TEENAGE kids!

The sad thing is, I'm sure you actually believe this.

Look into therapy for yourself. You really, really need it.

[–]throwaway_99989[S] -5ポイント-4ポイント  (1子コメント)


Further - what about pedophiles? They too must be born that way right? They are people who may or may not be attracted to adults but are certainly attracted to children. Is this deliberate choice or is this born that way? We don't accept them but what if, according to your argument, are "born" that way??

[–]toucher 2ポイント3ポイント  (0子コメント)


I'm sure you're not here any longer, but I wanted to address this point. Pedophelia is not a sexual orientation- this is a common misconception. It's like saying that necrophelia is a sexual orientation; it's apples and oranges.