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[–]supahflyTNT 46ポイント47ポイント  (8子コメント)

As much as I love 'last week tonight' and Oliver I could barely get through this episode without turning it off. He acts as though this is some clear issue that everyone should understand from the beginning and if you don't, you are an immoral, uneducated person. Yes, he has great intentions in trying to spread awareness of this issue, but doing it in a patronizing fashion is hurting more than it helps IMO. This is an understandably incredibly confusing topic

edit: grammar

[–]ThatIowanGuy 50ポイント51ポイント  (7子コメント)

It actually can be quite a clear issue.

"Are you man or woman?"


"Than please piss in the men's bathroom please"

[–]davanillagorilla 8ポイント9ポイント  (6子コメント)

Not for people like me who have never thought of "gender" as a real thing. Personally, I don't even feel I have a gender, I feel that I'm a man because I have a penis. I've read and watched tons of things about it, I've asked people on reddit to explain, and nothing changes. For the record, I am totally for LGBT rights. I agree that transgender people should not be discriminated against and should be able to use the correct bathroom. It just makes absolutely no sense to me and acting like it's the simplest thing in the world is off putting. I have absolutely no problem with transgender people but the way Oliver talked about it in this episode was not the best way to convince anyone. I suppose that's not really his goal though.. I love him, but he never says anything that would be controversial to his ultra liberal audience.

[–]Fuhzzies 24ポイント25ポイント  (5子コメント)

Personally, I don't even feel I have a gender, I feel that I'm a man because I have a penis.

A color blind person may not be able to distinguish between the color red and the color green but that doesn't mean that green and red are the same color for everyone. Also, just because you can't distinguish between your gender identity and your genitalia doesn't mean everyone experiences it the same way you do.

But then how do you explain to a color blind person the difference between green and red? How does a transperson explain to you the difference in how their mind feels it should be and how their body is? Neither of you has a frame of reference to make that distinction. To you, they are one in the same, and there is no more wrong with that than someone not being able to distinguish red and green, it's just a limitation of your ability to experience and percieve something.

At some point you just have to trust that some people aren't making things up when they say they can actually see green and red are different colors and some people aren't making things up when they say they do experience mental gender conflicting physical gender.

[–]supahflyTNT -10ポイント-9ポイント  (4子コメント)

why is everyone pretending that black and white or green and red are comparable to mistaking a penis with a vagina? Colorblindness can be explained with science. If someone thinks their penis is supposed to be a vagina.. well there is no real science behind that yet is there? so can we stop pretending like it is the same thing when it clearly is not. please. And if there is scientific evidence behind why people experience the need to change their physical appearance to mirror the opposite sex instead of just being gay PLEASE ENLIGHTEN US. because I know I am not the only one baffled by this. What happened to just being gay?? This gender changing shit is only possible because of cosmetic surgery ffs. 100 years ago people were just simply gay. now they want to take it to the next level. Maybe i am just ignorant but NOONE has explained this to me logically! especially not john oliver or anyone in this thread.

[–]Fuhzzies 11ポイント12ポイント  (3子コメント)

Don't really have time to explain right now before I go to sleep, but one thing I can say is that you need to start off by realizing the difference between 3 things: gender identity, gender presentation, and sexual orientation.

From your comment it seems not only do you intertwine gender with physical sex (penis, therefore man. vagina, therefore woman), you also intertwine sexual orientation with those two as well...

What happened to just being gay??

Are you aware that transpeople are not always attracted to the gender opposite to their identity? For transwomen it comes out to about 1/3 straight (transwoman attracted to men), 1/3 gay (transwoman attracted to women), and 1/3 bisexual. Sexual orientation is who you want to sleep with, gender identity is who you want to sleep as. They are separate things.

[–]supahflyTNT -3ポイント-2ポイント  (2子コメント)

If reproductive organs do not indicate a trait that is unchangeable, what does? I thought sex was something you can't change. like transgender mtf is still a male technically in sex, but in gender they identify as whatever they want. Am i wrong? Is everything eligible for change now? Can my brown eye's now be blue because I said so? If not, why? and how is that reasoning different from saying my penis is now a female genitalia? I am so confused.

edit: also in regards to sexual orientation.. if you(general you not specifically you) are a male and attracted to women yet 'feel' like a female, tbh i think you are just a crossdresser who got way too carried away. but pls show me some studies that refute me and i will gladly concede my argument.

[–]BigLebowskiBot 3ポイント4ポイント  (1子コメント)

You're not wrong, Walter, you're just an asshole.

[–]Davidfreeze 3ポイント4ポイント  (0子コメント)

I would say he is wrong. There is evidence trans individuals have distinct brain chemistry from cis individuals. There is certainly no scientific evidence that changing brain chemistry is somehow better than changing physical appearance because that's not a scientific question. There is a disconnect between brain chemistry and physical sex. For some reason this guy thinks physical sex is somehow immutable and they should instead change their brain chemistry. That is not a scientifically backed opinion.