9:11am June 29, 2015

Updated List of Sexual Orientations

  • Asexual: lack of sexual attraction towards anyone.
  • Graysexual: blanket term for those who fall anywhere in the spectrum between Sexual and Asexual.
  • Bisexual: sexual attraction towards person(s) of two or more genders.
  • Heterorseuxal: sexual attraction towards person(s) of one gender other than their own.
  • Homosexual: sexual attraction towards person(s) of the same gender.
  • Pansexual: sexual attraction to person(s) of any gender.
  • Androsexual: sexual attraction to males.
  • Gynosexual: sexual attraction to females.
  • Neurosexual: sexual attraction to those who lack gender.
  • Polysexual: sexual attraction to person of more than two genders but not all genders.
  • Antisexual: an asexual that is not interested in sex/sexual attraction at all. Has no desire to be in any type of sexual relationship whatsoever.
  • Demisexual: sexual attraction to person(s) only after an emotional (though not necessarily romantic or sexual) connection is formed.
  • Reciprosexual: sexual attraction only after other person is sexually attracted.
  • Quoirosexual (or Wtfsexual or Platonisexual): unable to distinguish the difference between sexual and platonic feelings, or cannot define sexual attraction, therefore do not know whether or not they have experienced it.
  • Romantisexual: much like quoirosexual, but instead of platonic feelings, it's romantic feelings.
  • Requiesexual: little to no sexual attraction because of some mental or emotional exhaustion, likely due to bad experiences of sexual interaction/sex in the past.
  • Cupiosexual: desire for a sexual relationship despite not experiencing sexual attraction.
  • Akoirosexual (or lithrosexual or aprosexual): sexual attraction which fades or disappears once it is reciprocated.
  • Idemsexual: experiencing sexual and platonic feelings in the same way.
  • Idiosexual: experiencing sexual and romantic feelings in the same way.
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