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[–]cputnik 18ポイント19ポイント  (3子コメント)

the internet has given a particularly vitriolic group of people a voice. the media, to their shame, have embraced these people and given them a platform to spread their hate

these people care nothing of facts, of reality, they care only to wreck and destroy the dreams of others, to jump on the nearest bandwagon and thrust their pitchforks towards any who dont fear them

there is however, hope. these people have forgotten the most important maxim of internet use - everything is recorded and nothing is anonymous. zeitgeist changes but printed words do not. it has taken the world too long to awaken to these people, to realise what they are really about, but that understanding is coming. good, decent people are beginning to see the reality of this movement - mainly thanks to the incessant ramblings of the SJWs and extreme feminazis themselves

when to world finally does say enough is enough, when these people start causing so much havoc that they can no longer be brushed aside, the backlash will be substantial - there are already many victims who are more than motivated to take action

when the day of reckoning comes, there will be no hiding, there will be no way to avoid that 'kill all white men' tweet that they liked and the rest of the mindless bigotry that they have posted

[–]SelectaRx [スコア非表示]  (1子コメント)

I can only imagine how difficult it must be to be a white male in today's social climate. You guys really get the raw end of the stick, huh?

[–]Thunder-ten-tronckh [スコア非表示]  (0子コメント)

Shifting the focus away from the criticism solves nothing.