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[–]locuester 6ポイント7ポイント  (8子コメント)

*Edit: I have solved my problem of allowing my children to spend their allowance online without parental involvement if desired. *

This is perhaps being overlooked by many... I pay my children's allowances in bitcoin. Kids are ages 11 and 14. This has been scoffed at by many when I mention it, but consider the following:

  • My kids live with my ex, approx 40 miles away, and I have them every other weekend (being able to pay from a distance is helpful).
  • I act as a fiat exchange for them at anytime (proxy through mom if needed but never has been). Sometimes we are at 7-11 and they want to get something. Simple for them to just trade for cash.
  • eGifter sells Amazon gift cards for exact dollar amounts > $5.
  • Microsoft accepts bitcoin.
  • Steam games are available at steambitshop.com.

What this has allowed:

  • Early understanding of ecommerce.
  • Empowered to buy online without my oversight.
  • Knowledge of cryptocurrency, exchange rates, and related technology at an early age.

My children went through a typical adoption curve. Initial excitement, post-honeymoon complaints and pains, empowerment, freedom, ease of use.

My kids are familiar with wallets and backup procedures, each having fav wallets and understand the denomination Maths associated (breadwallet is bits, mycelium is BTC, merchants are BTC). I keep their BIP32 xpub keys and pay a unique address weekly - it's been pretty educational myself writing little scripts to generate addresses for the different BIP39 clients. I keep the amount a round number in BTC but adjust according with the exchange rate to keep it at around $7 USD/week.

My daughter has things showing up from Amazon all the time, my son saves for Xbox games, buys domains, hosting, steam games, etc. they trade money amongst themselves as needed as well. Sometimes we make silly bets with each other and can settle debts immediately. Fiat exchange can be done in realtime at POS instead of having IOUs with me.

It's been pretty incredible. This past weekend my 11 year old daughter got $20 from her grandma, and much to grandma's amazement, gave it to me in exchange for bitcoin. She then showed grandma how she uses her iPhone to open Amazon, shop for a mini trampoline that she wants, switch to eGifter and buy a gift card using bitcoin, switch back and apply the giftcard to her Amazon purchase. The trampoline showed up 2 days later - and we were on vacation at a rental condo. Needless to say grandma was amazed at my daughters ease of use and comfort with ecommerce - all sans credit cards and adult permission/supervision.

When amazon accepts bitcoin, this gets far easier for us, and lowers the barrier to entry. Before anyone speaks up about purse.io - their site is not mobile friendly, so I hesitate to get the kids involved. Being the newest generation, they really moan and groan about needing to turn on laptops.

Personally, I feel that this is a killer use case for bitcoin, but due to the downvote brigades I've been hit with before when I mention it - I've been hesitant to share the experience.

Is this worthy of a blog post or article/interview with a mainstream or Bitcoin publication?

[–]rync[S] 2ポイント3ポイント  (6子コメント)

This is also a fascinating response, but I asked,

How is bitcoin useful for the average joe? What practical problem does bitcoin solve for someone you know?

but your answer is

I have a unique use case

[–]locuester 0ポイント1ポイント  (5子コメント)

edit: removed "from a distance" because it's drawing a lifestyle debate as opposed to a more pertinent benefit

It solves my problem of allowing my kids to spend their allowance online without parental involvement if desired. Sorry, thought that could be gathered from the detail provided. :/

Or are you denying that I'm an average Joe? Being a unique solution doesn't mean it's not applicable to many.

[–]qawsed123456 -3ポイント-2ポイント  (4子コメント)

The average Joe doesn't send their kids allowance money over a distance. They actually meet their children F2F.

[–]dbthegimp 1ポイント2ポイント  (2子コメント)

your average joe doesn't

[–]locuester 1ポイント2ポイント  (1子コメント)

Thanks for the support. I just removed the "from a distance" part because once again it's drawing irrelevant comments.

[–]locuester 1ポイント2ポイント  (0子コメント)

Every other weekend it's actually not from a distance. And I beg to differ anyhow. Plenty of average Joe's don't see their kids daily. For me it's work. I live in the city as a software architect, and they live where there is cheaper housing and better schools.

Let's not debate the percentage of parents that don't live near kids and instead discuss the benefits of freeing parents and kids from credit cards and permission during ecommerce transactions.


[–]dbthegimp 1ポイント2ポイント  (0子コメント)

This is an amazing story