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I'm a professional journalist and avid student of fan culture. My reporting has appeared on CNN, PBS, the Daily Dot, and numerous other outlets. My blog, Otaku Journalist, is a resource for geek and fandom reporters. My latest book, Cosplay: The Fantasy World of Role Play, was published in May 2015.

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How American Fans Pirated Japanese Cartoons Into Careers

Decades before Hayao Miyazaki’s Spirited Away became the first anime film to win an American Academy Award in 2001, science fiction fans in the United States were discovering that anime was much bigger than the Speed Racer and Robotech of Saturday morning cartoons.

Like others in this subculture, Neil Nadelman and his high school friends in Connecticut thrived on grainy VHS tapes of ‘80s-era anime, such as Macross, Zeta Gundam and Dragon Ball—even though they had no clue what the colorfully coiffed, wide-eyed characters were saying.

“You could watch and sort of figure it out from the visuals,” Nadelman, 45, remembers. “We had no idea what was going on or who the characters were but we knew it looked awesome.”

Many early anime tapes made the rounds through the Los Angeles-based Cartoon/Fantasy Organization. Chapters of the original club, founded in 1977, sprung up all over the U.S., facilitating the import and sharing of exotic science fiction anime, subtitles not included. So Nadelman learned Japanese, at Boston University and through subsequent trips to Japan. He started translating anime for his friends as they watched, but that got old fast.

Enter his Commodore Amiga 500 computer—one of the first PCs with a video system capable of TV display. It wasn’t the most intuitive of tools, but it got the job done. “Every time you made a mistake, you had to open a new edit, and by the end it’d have hundreds or thousands of edits,” Nadelman said.

Soon, he and his friends were ripping copies the tapes they rented from Tokyo Video, a now-defunct VHS-import store in New York City, and adding their own subtitles. It’s called “fan subbing” in the hardcore fan communities, and back then, they had an idea what they were doing was probably illegal. But “nobody was selling anime in the United States yet, so nobody saw it as a big deal,” Nadelman said.

Now, that generation of American anime addicts who grew up translating Japanese cartoons into English subtitles make a living at the very companies whose copyrights they likely violated.

Neil Nadelman

Neil Nadelman

It’s the American Dream for Japanophiles, even if they’ll never get rich doing it. Their former hobby has become an important link in the process of localizing foreign media today.

From Hobby To Profession 

Nadelman went from fansubber to pro in 1991 when he was hired by as a translator Central Park Media, one of the first North American anime distributors, shortly after he graduated college. He nailed the interview with his portfolio of illegally copied-and-fansubbed anime. Instead of getting reported, he got the job.

This was right before that same Central Park Media led a consortium of U.S. anime companies in a crack-down on “tape pirates.” Despite the resulting organization’s foreboding title, the Japanese Animation Industry Legal Enforcement Division (JAILED), it included little more than one lawyer on retainer and a tip line. With large-scale pirating as its target, fansubbers went largely ignored.

See also: Why Adults Fall In Love With (And Spend Big Money On) Cartoon Characters

What’s more, this underground market revealed economic opportunities for those distributors who could offer anime pre-translated. Enter distribution companies like Viz, Media Blasters, and AnimEigo, which needed anime obsessives able to deliver quality translations. Kara Dennison, 34, a freelance editor and former fansubber, said this is how she began working in the U.S. anime industry.

In her fansub days, Dennison’s group would stop translating a show when they received a “cease and desist” notice from a company, notifying them that the anime was now going to be legally available.

“What I think they realized is that, ‘we could shut these people down, but a lot of them have already done translations of shows we’ve just licensed,’” she said. “‘We could hire them because they have their own tools and they taught themselves to do this.’”

How Your Anime Subtitle Sausage Gets Made

Even now with advanced technology, translating Japanese anime is a team effort. First, you need somebody who can translate from Japanese, which is on record as one of the most difficult languages for English speakers to learn. Second, you need an editor, also known as a localizer, to ensure the translations make sense to a foreign audience. Third, you need a timer, somebody who can set the subtitles in the screen according to when the words are coming out of characters’ mouths.

Dennison works as a freelance localizer who works for anime distributors such as Crunchyroll from her home in Newport News, Virginia.

“My job is to make people forget they’re watching something that existed in another language,” she said. “When translation is impeccable, my job takes only as long as it takes to watch an episode. When the translation needs work, I do a lot of rewrites and a 20-minute episode will take me an hour or more.”

Kara Dennison

Kara Dennison

While Nadelman and Dennison work on their former hobby, one thing they haven’t left behind from their fansubbing days is a piece of software called Aegisub, the same open source program that was built for fansubbers to use.

“Almost everyone uses it, even professionals,” Nadelman said. “A lot of times, professional software isn’t even as good.”

Their hard work as hobbyists has paid off in flexible hours and a work-from-home career, albeit one from which they won’t get rich. Nadelman recalled the Great Recession of the late ‘00s, when several of his clients, including Central Park Media, folded or went bankrupt.

“Over the last few years when the economy crashed, there was a wholesale crash in the anime industry and it was really touch-and-go for a while,” he said.

Anime Streaming In The Hulu Era

Streaming sites marked a turning point—both for Nadelman and Dennison’s incomes and for the anime industry—was the popularity of streaming sites. Just as Netflix Netflix and Hulu provide current TV shows to anyone with an Internet connection, sites like Crunchyroll and Funimation do the same with Japanese anime and films.

“When we first started, publishers doubted anime viewers would pay online to support the anime industry,” Crunchyroll CEO Kun Gao told me. “We showed them that anime fans are decent people willing to support the anime industry directly by subscription or ad support and that piracy is really a last resort for when they really love the content but can’t get it any other way.”

Once Crunchyroll went, as Gao said, “from YouTube to Hulu overnight” in 2009, fast-working translators and editors were in demand. Both Crunchyroll and Funimation pride themselves on their “simulcast” deals, in which Japanese companies agree to let them show the same episode, with subtitles, at the same time it is released in Japan. That means that for contractors, speed is everything.

The anime distributors in Japan “try to get episodes to you a week in advance, but it doesn’t always work out that way,” said Dennison, who remembers the deadline test she had to take when she started with with Crunchyroll.  On occasion, translators have far less to work with. “A friend once had to translate based on animatics,” the episode’s unfinished animation storyboard.

As popularity grows, so does the market.

“A lot of companies are looking for people who can translate into languages other than English, like Italian or Portuguese. Anime is global now,” said Dennison.

Now that most anime is available via simulcast, fansubbing is reverting to its niche status, though one based on bragging rights rather than love of the genre. “Fansubbing was always about bringing unlicensed shows to the U.S., where they might not be seen otherwise,” Dennison observed. “And now there are very few still unlicensed shows.”

“Now it’s all about who has the fanciest typesettings and who has the wackiest karaoke lyrics for the opening songs,” Nadelman pointed out. “They just want to have bragging rights to say this is their version of it, even though the same show will be available on Crunchyroll, or Funimation, or a number of other streaming sites.”

From illegal hobby to viable profession, fansubbing pioneers helped build the current anime economy. This includes the people it employs, the tools they use and the audience fansubbing built back when anime wasn’t an affordable venture.

“When I first got into anime fandom, we were watching cartoons in another language, trying to work out the stories,” Nadelman said. “At the time, we all imagined how great it would be to not have to wait months or years for these shows to make it over here. Now, that’s pretty much what we’ve accomplished. And I’m happy I’m able to be a part of that.”

I cover fandom and journalism at Otaku Journalist. I tweet @laureninspace. I write books; you can read them here.

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