Context: Star Citizen is the largest crowd-funded project of all time.
It's a PC-only space sim––currently in public alpha testing––being developed by Chris Roberts (Freelancer, Wing Commander). The community has become increasingly restless since the delay of one of the major game modules (the FPS module).
People can "donate" to the game buy buying (currently unusable) digital spaceships.
/u/wesha––a community member who admits to having donated $28,726 to the game's development––goes on a whiny tirade about how whiny the community is in a post called:
"Shut up and take [back] your money" Star Citizen detox program
where he suggests finding the whiny members of the community and "buying them out." The post is upvoted but all of his subsequent comments are downvoted, and the highest upvoted replies disagree strongly.
OP doesn't feel obligated to prove his financial commitment, but does anyway.
OP tells the story of coming to America with only $500 in his pocket (in the snow! uphill, both ways!).
A user does the math to see how much development time OP has actually paid for.
OP thinks people are whiny because they're not as successful as him.
OP equates whiny community members with whiny babies on airplanes.
OP even manages to insult a comic artist in passing.
The thread inspired a rant/team bonding thread for people to shout the demons out.
Lots more drama in that thread.