SMALL POSTS THREAD [JUNE] (self.badlinguistics)
linguistrosecircle-jerking attack linguist[M] が 投稿 - stickied post
The Etymology of Jesus Christ = Saturn! (
shannondoahSandscript-the primitive lnguage used by ancient desert people. が 投稿
Portugal is derived from Arabic 'Burtuqal' and not from 'Portus Cale' (
shannondoahSandscript-the primitive lnguage used by ancient desert people. が 投稿
'Do Palestinians know their ethnic name comes from the pre-Judah Hindu kings of Israel? If they were at ease with their history, they would have never had a problem.' (
shannondoahSandscript-the primitive lnguage used by ancient desert people. が 投稿
An /r/India OP insists that Indian English does not exist (
SalamaniacL1:SlowDutch,L2:SanHebrewTamScript が 投稿
Pueblo language is related to Japanese; language isolates prove Atlantis. (
lumina_duhuluiEnglish is a dialect of Başqort が 投稿
Japanese is a Dravidian language (
shannondoahSandscript-the primitive lnguage used by ancient desert people. が 投稿
Minor badling - an oversimplified guide to language learning (
newappealRömische gehen das Haus! が 投稿
"Are you REALLY a grammar nerd?", ask people who have clearly never studied grammar (self.badlinguistics)
poligarLegitimizing the slang version が 投稿