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Author of "American Monsters" and upcoming "Crime Rave"

His Watch Has Ended, And So Has Mine: An Open Letter to Game of Thrones

Posted: Updated:
*SPOILER alerts regarding Game of Thrones season five and trigger warnings for discussions of rape and other extreme violence.*
Dear Game of Thrones,
I've long had problems with your exploitative and gratuitous use of full frontal female nudity when male counterparts are granted visual bodily integrity. I've written about this at length for Sociological Images and examined the sexist phenomenon across various HBO shows over the years in graphic detail, much to my own chagrin.
While I was pleasantly surprised to see that for once an HBO show -- The Leftovers -- was not only light on nudity in general, but actually had an equal ratio of partially naked women to full frontal men, I thought maybe HBO was on a new track. I had so much hope.
And then came the fifth season of you, Game of Thrones.
Oy vey.
Where do I even begin?
With the dozens of full frontal female extras being paraded around at length for even more gratuitous brothel scenes?
The fact that the High Septon also did a walk of shame and his male bits were not on display, but when Cersei Lannister did the same walk we had a prolonged and almost gynecological view of her body?
Then you began changing book plotlines so that beloved young girl characters could be brutally and repeatedly raped, tortured and murdered? You did not need to do that to Sansa Stark, or Shireen Baratheon. Backtracking to past seasons, neither Danaerys Targaryan or Cersei Lannister were raped in the novels, and yet you decided that would be an appropriate shift in your adaptation. So wrong, Game of Thrones. So repulsive of you.
And pedophile and sadist Merryn Trant beating young girls with a stick, including Arya Stark, before presumably going on to rape them? Are you kidding me?! When we can still hear the echoes of Sansa's and Shireen's screams clanging about our heads and hearts? Those are the creative choices you're making?
Amazingly, the one instance of full frontal male nudity we did see in your fifth season was -- gasp! -- actually relevant to the plot development. So, Game of Thrones, this tells me you do know the difference between gratuitous and "necessary" bodily displays, and ta da! Your sexism just took on newly epic levels.
Do you realize, Game of Thrones, through all of these narrative choices you're enmeshing yourself further into the rape culture that saturates our media, in many ways making the actual real world a more dangerous place for girls and women?
Do you know, Game of Thrones, that you're contributing to a toxic culture of male entitlement to female bodies that generally results in actual violence against women and girls?
Do you understand, Game of Thrones, how offensive all of this is to your legions of incredibly intelligent viewers, many of whom are women? Do you even care?
Then I learned that you didn't have one woman in the writer's room or behind the camera this entire season. No wonder you've mucked everything up so dreadfully. I would expect nothing less from a team of bro-dudes behind each episode, completely missing the mark on these sensitive gender issues.
I'm so disappointed in you, Game of Thrones. George R. R. Martin's stories deserved better. Your viewers deserved better. Your artists deserved better. And you deserve to think better of your own productions rather than pandering to the lowest common "perv side of the audience."
And along with the death of a major character on the show, I too am saying goodbye to Westeros and its environs.
I can't in good conscience, feminist and otherwise, continue watching a show that is so blatant -- so over the top -- in its sexism and misogyny and makes no apologies for it.
I will not invest any more emotional energy in a production that exploits and makes sexual objects out of women for borderline pornographic purposes. Now that I see once and for all that these disgusting narrative choices are truly a pattern and have been since season one, I'm finally out.
I cannot support a show that capitalizes on the gratuitous displays of female nudity, rape, torture, murder, and pedophilia disguised as entertainment. As a woman, these displays are far from entertaining. You need to step up your trigger warnings, Game of Thrones.
As an artist, these unnecessary displays are demonstrative of shock and awe tactics masquerading as (lazy) creativity. Mad Max: Fury Road, the plot of which revolves around a sexual slavery narrative, managed to not include one single rape scene and still made its point.
As a human being, I agree with Tyrion Lannister: "There's always been enough death in the world for my taste: I can do without it in my leisure time."
The women of this world and their allies live in the knowledge that everywhere girls are being hurt, murdered, exploited, devalued. We do not need extensions of that awareness in the entertainment we consume, especially when it's contributing to society's sexual objectification and dehumanization of this already marginalized group of people, rather than advocating for their human and equal rights.
Rest well, Jon Snow. My wish for you is that your death is final, for there are far worse ends than death in Westeros.
Drogon, Rhaegal, and Viserion, you magnificent creatures: I hope you burn that world down to the ground. Dracarys.
And Tyrion, I will miss you most of all.
Godspeed, Game of Thrones. Valar Morghulis.
And now, my watch has ended.
If you or someone you know has been affected by sexual violence, help is available 24/7 through the National Sexual Assault Hotline 800-656-HOPE and online at rainn.org.
Follow Sezin Koehler on Twitter: www.twitter.com/SezinKoehler
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  • Tally Briggs · Top Commenter · Artistic Director/Concept Originator at Drama After Dark
    Why anyone would put 21st Century Western social mores on a fictional fantasy story set in a fictional fantasy world that's based on the Wars of the Roses in England, completely baffles me. Do you react the same way to actual real history? Easy solution, don't watch. But as a feminist myself, and an educated adult, I realize that fiction ≠ reality. I am also very appreciative of how GRRM makes all his women into super heroes because they all make the very best of the "chattel" status they're given in this world. I also think the story you want, set in GRRMs world, would be incredibly boring. But that's why the Gods invented Baskin Robbins - there's a flavor for everyone, unless you just want to hate ice cream because it's fun to do so.
    • Gerald Walker
      Tremendous reply!
      Reply · Like
      · 24 minutes ago
    • Alyssa Vetter · Top Commenter · Waukesha, Wisconsin
      I think you've missed the entire point of the article. Much of what the author does not like is that the senseless violence and female nudity which adds nothing to the story line and much of it is completely made up. It's a very cheap way to draw in more viewers and we all know female nudity and violence sells! (How come???) The books were violent and sex-filled but reading is far different than seeing something on screen. Your statement that "the story you want, set in GRRMs world, would be incredibly boring." is a good example of how the public has been fed dross for so long that they don't even recognize it for what it is! That you equate female violence and gratuitous nudity with entertainment is very telling. A lot of people feel the same way. Quantity over quality. And the fact you, along with many others, don't realize how this type of "entertainment" only adds to the problems women have in this world, is sad.
      Reply · Like
      · 7 minutes ago
    • Mary Taylor · Top Commenter · Chicago, Illinois
      Because it's being written and watched by a 21st century audience that has women who have experienced the crap in the stories and don't need to see it portrayed in gratuitous, unnecessary fashion for the titillation of the males writing and watching the show.
      Reply · Like
      · 3 minutes ago
  • Robert Jackson · Top Commenter
    The author clearly did not read the books which are incredibly violent and have pretty much all of this. It is about medieval times. But if a Third Waver does not like it I will sure to watch it in its entirety.
    • Alex Huen · Top Commenter · Chicago, Illinois
      Ramsey Boltan used dogs and made Reek get involve with the Jayne Poole thing in the books.. even HBO can't put that on screen...
      • Michael Guinn · Top Commenter · St. Louis
        What I got out of this article is: you (the author) are desensitized to gruesome murder/torture on TV, so it's ok for the producers to depict this. You are not yet desensitized to rape on TV, so it's not ok for the producers to depict this. Maybe it is over the top. Maybe they don't have to show it and can merely imply it happened. But don't speak for everyone in saying that to do so would have the same emotional effect for me. So the story should go that Ramsey doesn't rape Sansa because people don't like to see that kind of thing? If they would have put up an old-timey silent movie black screen with the words "Sansa is raped here", the degree of emotionally charged hatred I feel toward the character is softened. If they don't depict every second of Theon being tortured that they did, I'm still holding on to my deep hatred for Theon's betrayal, rather than feeling a smidge of pity for the price he payed for it.
        • Moof Nixon · Top Commenter
          I don't get get it. Here we have a show that is intelligent and sophisticated and structured toward actual adults. It's rare that it makes no apologies and doesn't pander to the audience. To try to box it into 21 century standards would be tragic. This is how women were treated back then- probably even worse. If it catered to what some people are asking, It would be like doing a show on WWII and making the Nazi's "nice people." It's a ridiculous "ask." Leave the show to those of us who can properly appreciate it, then.
          • Mary Taylor · Top Commenter · Chicago, Illinois
            I don't find it intelligent and sophisticated. It started out that way, but now it's just a vehicle for hatred of women to be given voice and film.
            Reply · Like
            · 3 minutes ago
        • Patricia OHara · Top Commenter · Dallas, Texas
          The scenery is often breathtaking, as are the sets. The costuming pivots equally on stunning and horrific. The storylines, standardized; the plots not too surprising and totally gratuitous.

          However, even after watching this show for the first time recently, I found it quite blasé except for the first two points. Being an artist, it remains a somewhat compelling reason to watch.

          I fast forward through a large portion, though.
          • Brian Bower · Top Commenter · Manhattan, New York
            Being upset that GOT treats its characters badly is like being upset that there isn't more character development in a Michael Bay movie... The whole point of the stories is that Westeros is a horrible, horrible place, and only those in power have it good, and even then that doesn't last long. Hell, one of the tag lines of the story is "All men must die." Did you really think we would see any Character happily riding into the sunset?
            • Jeanette Scherrer · Top Commenter · Herculaneum High
              Oh please. It's fiction set in basically the dark ages. Why would you compare a fictional show basically set in medieval times to modern sensibilities? I'm a woman who loves the show and is capable of understanding the difference between a fictional show and real life.
              And Jon Snow is not dead....for long.
              • Mark Boyle · Top Commenter · Unversity of Waterloo
                Goodbye, you and others like you won't be missed.
                Maybe now the rest of us non-crazy people can enjoy the show in peace.
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