Violence against black people is not a mental illness.
It is a learned and modeled behavior that has been reinforced by our society.
Why are so many of these (white male)* spree murderers teenage boys, or young men barely out of their teens?
*I can’t think of any black or female spree murderers.
Oh dear god you didn’t I can’t think of any? In a world where single moms wipe out their offspring in a single night? Wow six kids dead, great job that’s straight up Santa Barbara of you, and you didn’t even need a fucking world conspiracy.
Like it’s any better just because they knew their murder victims.
Jesus fucking christ, just because some narcissist with paranoid delusions makes a spectacle of it doesn’t mean it isn’t a human behavior.
Are POC spree killers in America superior somehow because they have their mates with them when they go to shoot a place up (don’t you fucking dare deny it, spree killing is spree killing, and I don’t give a fuck what the reasons are, or who is with you).
TL;DR you assholes humans are wild savage, infant eating, family culling, aneurotypical, head taking, and barbarous by nature.
That some guys don’t have friends, and have better aim doesn’t make them any less human. It makes them just sadder, lonelier, and less guilty by means of mental incompetence.
You’re comparing a woman who is suffering from mental illness, and has no family support because she’s a single mom, to white guys, who have planned what they are doing in great detail, going to a place where people gather and murdering them?
You are so devoid of facts, you got the number of deaths wrong, and the age of the victims wrong.
You’re an MRA POS who can’t even remember the slightest details of a terrorist act that happened only a couple of days ago.