Summary: A succinct and insightful explanation of how men have been brainwashed into putting women on pedestals, and why this leads to the "anger phase" when they finally wake up.
Here's the AskWomen link. Now I was pretty surprised to see such a comment, considering the subreddit it's in. AW is well-known for being a place where fat women come to whine about misogyny and blame the patriarchy for their inability to attract a high quality man.
But this was different, and that's good. The thread OP asked the question "Why is there so much misogyny on Reddit?" and our friend here answered completely honestly. It's a new account so not sure if it's a man or woman, but I'm betting money on man since it's not filled with the usual feel-good bullshit talk that girls tend to infuse in their speech.
Let's examine the post:
Have you heard of the women are wonderful effect? Its the tendency of almost everyone to attribute almost any positive trait to women at much higher rates than men.
Guys grow up with this bias clouding their expectations of women. They really think women are wonderful. As they go through the reality of relationships with women they discover they are just as terrible as everyone else and become disillusioned. But its disillusioning on three levels. First is the one I described.
The second is how a man is programmed to support a women. Not to treat her like an equal but more like a child in need of protection. Men are taught to lay down their lives for women. This is not a theoretical thing. See this story for example So discovering the mythical angels you were raised to protect are just normal often shitty peopre rike eweryone else can be a painful realisation.
The third level is discovering that women are no deeper than men and are just as attracted to superficial traits as men are is also very hard. Men are raised to believe that women's 'inner goodness' means they see the good inside people and are attracted to that rather than simply how someone looks etc. When guys realise that attraction for women is just as superficial for women as it is for men its pretty upsetting to their worldview.
The net result of all this is a feeling of betrayal of their expectations of women. Because these expectations are programmed in from a young age its very upsetting and just realising they are unrealistic does not make them go away. They still expect women to be wonderful, but know they never really were.
This guy did such a good job of explaining why TRP is needed that I truly don't even need to put it in my own words. But I post this here because I want all of you to read this. Especially the newcomers, those of you who are just visiting. Research the "women are wonderful" effect, it's a real thing. Research how VASTLY more men than women have died violent deaths throughout history, because of the belief that women are special and should be protected at all costs.
And then maybe we will all fully understand why the anger phase is not only common around here, it is expected. It's understandable to become angry when you have been lied to over and over again by society.
Lessons learned: Since elementary school, we men have been indoctrinated into thinking that women can do no wrong. That women care about personality more than looks. That woman - just by being a woman - worthy of you taking a bullet in your own chest for her. When men finally start understand they've been deceived, they are angry. And this is understandable; we should empathize instead of scoffing and calling them angry misogynist neckbeards.
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