
“Exercise is free- no one has an excuse to be unfit (see: fat*).”

*and I’m not even going to get into actual fat politics right here because it’s a huge thing and fuck right off fat people are fine

I’ve seen this a lot lately. And I’d like to tell everyone who posts it to go fuck themselves with…

I make 7.55 an hour with student loans to repay. Rent to pay. BILLS TO PAY.
I live in an area of texas with literally no sidewalks.

goodwill sneakers: $5.00
yoga pants: $10

I lost 40 lbs. I went from being 200 to 160 lbs.

Eating right you say? Thats expensive? 
Half can of progresso lite soup (chicken noodle): roughly $1.00 (70kcal)

45 calorie per slice bread- 2 slices: 0.12 (90kcal)
thin sliced lunch meat 10 slices: 0.66 (100kcal)
thin sliced provolone cheese 1 slice: 0.48 (40kcal)
tomato, roma, 2 slices: 0.03 (3kcal)

Meal cost: 2.29
Calories: 303


Doing sit ups at home are free.
doing push ups at home are free.
looking up a yoga video on youtube is free.
doing jumping jacks are free.

you can also literally buy a pound of vegetables for like 3 dollars. I would like to see you sit there and straight up eat a pound of raw vegetables (NO DIFFICULT BASIC COOKING REQUIRED) and tell me your ass isn’t full. Even if you eat the ranch dressing that comes with it you’re still only looking at like 400 calorie. If you buy JUST VEGETABLES your diet will be cheap.Go vegetarian for a while, shit, it wont kill you! And that’s coming from someone with a heavy protein dependence. I would eat nothing but meat if my body could get away with it. I would. Decide you have the will power to do it and it can be done. Decide that you’re okay with feeling a little hungry every now and again, and it can be done. USE MEASURING CUPS FOR YOUR FOOD AND IT CAN BE DONE. PAY ATTENTION TO THE NUTRITIONAL LABEL AND IT CAN BE DONE. Don’t use your money as an excuse. 

All the best,
Someone who did it.

(P.S. if you’re fat and okay with it, I really don’t care. But if you’re making posts like these, you’re obviously not okay with it and nobody wants to hear your whining and excuses.)

  1. dtrdungeons reblogged this from thelastunicorg and added:
    I make 7.55 an hour with student loans to repay. Rent to pay. BILLS TO PAY. I live in an area of texas with literally no...
  2. i-will-fight-you reblogged this from thelastunicorg and added:
    Pushups require a flat surface to stand on. So do situpsWith food, the type is less important than the amount. If...
  3. thebearstartsrockin reblogged this from thelastunicorg and added:
    I tipped the scales at 310 earlier this year. I’m down almost 20 pounds. You know what I did? All I did was walk around...
  4. tauntingartist reblogged this from makingfunofbullshit
  5. mister-antonio reblogged this from kyosplosion
  6. hetastuck-supernatural-jaeger reblogged this from moonieflavoureddressing
  7. part-time-cyborg reblogged this from notprivilege
  8. rubadubdubshittininthatub reblogged this from notprivilege and added:
    lol i love when lazy fat people try to justify being fat and lazy
  9. cakeforkafka reblogged this from mexicanmansplainer and added:
    God, some people are just looking for excuses not to be healthy I see. I don’t have much money. I work out at home (My 1...
  10. asioflammeusaureus reblogged this from notprivilege
  11. ihatetaeyang reblogged this from thelastunicorg and added:
    What? Why would you buy them every 6 months? I have some great shoes that I bought 4 years ago and they have survived...
  12. notprivilege reblogged this from grip-grap and added:
    Eating healthy is cheap and easy as well. All you have to do is buy in bulk, cook in bulk and freeze. Once that’s done...
  13. chasserioue reblogged this from justanotheregalitarian and added:
    LMAO you can also do stretches and zumba stuff at your own home/room, you know that right?? Simply just go on Youtube...
  14. nexushub reblogged this from makingfunofbullshit and added:
    I can’t afford new running shoes, mine are falling apart, but they aren’t anywhere near $100 at my local shoe retailer....
  15. mexicanmansplainer reblogged this from justanotheregalitarian and added:
    There are a ton of HIIT workout routines that I do that require no equipment and don’t even require running shoes. On...
  16. kyosplosion reblogged this from theeldritchdreamer
  17. livinoffthefatalan reblogged this from thelastunicorg and added:
    Excuses, and more excuses. This is why so many fat people are beyond saving.
  18. spiltmilkenigma reblogged this from youhateyourfat and added:
    Get shoes at Walmart or a thrift store.
  19. thelibertarianfeminist reblogged this from drejofvalenwood
  20. thatmorguebat reblogged this from justanotheregalitarian
  21. grip-grap reblogged this from justanotheregalitarian
  22. sovietpropagandaofficer reblogged this from durkin62 and added:
    Excuses to the max
  23. cobain-in-the-membrane reblogged this from let-me-take-a-pikachu and added:
    So, we’re bullying people now? Cool.
  24. frogradar reblogged this from makingfunofbullshit
  25. hematite2 reblogged this from makingfunofbullshit and added:
    Literally, step outside. Take another step. And another. Keep going. Wearing shorts and a t-shirt? wearing flip flops?...
  26. hikikomori1995 reblogged this from justanotheregalitarian