FindChaos: The Official Blog of A. Stiffler

Professional illustrator, comic artist, graphic designer and avid birder. Stuff I draw and other nonsense.
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ChaosLife: Society’s New Rules* (*According to the Internet)

Ah, the internet.

Probably one of the greatest psychological experiments ever created, allowing people to reinvent society through the (almost) impenetrable power of anonymity.  And since K and I usually do our damnedest to throw text-based punches against the mean-spirited, it seems only fair that we knock around the internet puritans a little bit, too. Or as it was better put:

“I detest what you write, but I would give my life to make it possible for you to continue to write.” - Voltaire, probably. The internet fights about that, too. Is nothing sacred? You still get the idea.

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