Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Lakim Faust -- A Foot Soldier in the War on White Privilege

On June 24 of this year, a black man in Greenville, North Carolina declared war on his fellow citizens, though his motive in attacking four individuals were declared 'random' [North Carolina Shooting Update: Lakim Anthony Faust, 23, to be charged with 4 counts of attempted murder, police say,, 6-24-13]:
A man who investigators think shot four people near a Greenville Wal-Mart appears to have planned the shooting but picked out his victims at random, Greenville Police Chief Hassan Aden said Sunday. 
Lakim Faust -- shot four people in June, in a mass shooting the police called 'random' at the time; three months later, we learn he was targeting white people. He had 100 rounds of ammunition on him during his white-spree assault
Aden identified the suspect as Lakim Anthony Faust and said the 23-year-old Greenville man will be charged with four counts of attempted first-degree murder when he recovers from gunshot wounds he suffered as police took him into custody Friday. 
Investigators haven't found any links between Faust and the four victims, Aden said at a news conference. But evidence gathered during a search of Faust's home appears to show he had some plan for the attack and wanted to shoot a number of people, the chief said. 
"Some of the way, the manner with which he carried it out, sort of indicates that he had some idea to what he wanted to do. But we don't know that for certain," Aden said. 
Police said Faust used a pistol-gripped shotgun to shoot a man in a car outside a law firm, crossed five lanes of traffic and shot three more people outside a Wal-Mart in the city of about 87,000 people around 85 miles east of Raleigh.
Lakim Faust did have a motive. 

His victims weren't chosen by 'random' or through some sick twist of fate. 

Mr. Faust did his best impression of Django Unchained, though unlike the eponymous character in the 2012 movie, he wasn't paid to do it. [Greenville Walmart shooter picked victims by race,, 9-24-13]:
A man who shot four people near a Greenville Walmart in June picked out his victims because they were white, according to several indictments handed down against him. 
Lakim Faust had more than 100 rounds of ammunition when he started shooting at people at a law firm and a shopping center in June, authorities said. 
A grand jury indicted Faust on 14 charges Monday, including four counts of attempted first-degree murder. 
Faust, who is black, picked out his victims based on their race, according to the indictments. The documents didn't specify why Faust wanted to shoot white people, and police have not talked about why he picked out his targets. 
Police said Faust's first victim on June 21 was an insurance adjustor in the parking lot of a law firm. He then crossed a five-lane highway and shot three more people in the parking lot of a Walmart, investigators said. 
Three of the four people wounded in the shooting suffered permanent and debilitating injuries, according to the indictments. Details of those injuries were not specified. 
James Crow Shadow silently comforted the four white victims of Faust's racial assault, at the time merely described as a 'random' outburst of violence.

Racial violence is real in America.

Racial violence has a face in America.

The Sons of Obama are free to wage an unrelenting war against a helpless population (whose only white privilege is to enjoy the solitude of anonymity if they're the victim of an assault), with the real possibility of being the next George Zimmerman an option to the white person who dares defend themselves.


Anonymous said...

Are they charging him with a hate crime? You know if the roles were reversed we would have to hear about this hate crime bullshit. I am not naive though, I know hate crimes only apply to the white man.

Independent Accountant said...

This is why Obama is pushing gun control: to facilitate the continuing black pogrom against whites.

"Pro-Patria", 31st Inf Regiment said...

Everyday, almost every hour it seems this black on WHITE crime goes on. Yet, the liberal media always proclaims it has nothing to do with race while it just leaps out at the average person with startling clarity. To those who post "fleeing" to Washington state (ie: Seattle) don't. The black count may be lower but the DWL folks just fawn all over blacks and they can do no wrong. It would appear however, that possibly the Seattle Police Department knows the true score as they are under constant attack from the white liberals and the black community for being "racist". Someday blacks that attack whites in the black war on white privilege will encounter more and more whites that will put an end to their personal war on whites. However Drudge is becoming a bright light in addressing this issue. Just disgusting reading & viewing this crap day after day with much not being reported by the news media.

Anonymous said...

"This is why Obama is pushing gun control: to facilitate the continuing black pogrom against whites."

Yes, from a person and persons that are guarded 24/7 around the clock by what could pass easily as an army of trained hit men backed up by whatever amount of gunfire needed and on a moments notice.

Julie said...

"SSDD" in the reality of BRA.

Bogolyubski said...

Lying media, police, officials, judges, lawyers. All say it was "random". At least they're charging him with a racial motive in court - which is almost a surprise. I half expected these 'dedicated public servants' to charge the victims, like they often do in the EUSSR.

Of course, it's all because of advanced technology, the inevitable, inexorable "march of progress" - if you purchase the latest shit-sandwich being sold by Whiskey that is. Squids, TWMNBN 24 x 7 media, the Cathedral, rigged debt-slavery rackets termed as "free enterprise", etc. have nothing whatever to do with BRA. It just grew up all on its own, like a noxious weed. May a million Kaczynskis bloom.

Anonymous said...

We need a National White victim Memorial.

I propose a brick wall. Each brick in the wall bearing the white victims name, age & year they were murdered by blacks.

The brick could be laser engraved for durability & the wall would be enormous. The MSM & Squid eleite could not ignore a National White victim Memorial.


CPM said...

Damn good idea. Make black school kids go there and read all the names. Maybe they'll get the idea that whites are human too.

Expiring Rapper said...

Another spree of spontaneous blackness by a Son of Sambo...

Anonymous said...

"We need a National White victim Memorial."

Some years ago the BNP put up a memorial to White victims of racial murder in Birmingham, England.

The police arrested them.

Anonymous said...

As long as we have DWLs like this doofus:

we will never have the racial cohesion necessary for White solidarity.


Story summary---two trayvons rob a Subway store and kill a middle-aged boon for refusing to hand over his "sail foam." Fambly of dead worm-food cant afford to pay for a funeral 'cuz dey is po'---so enter "DWL Man", who is so emotionally moved at their plight, he writes a check to the fambly so "dey can put dey brudda in da groun."

Misguided, stupid fool says "we are all equal....blah blah blah..." in the following video:

Bogolyubski said...

Anon notes:
Some years ago the BNP put up a memorial to White victims of racial murder in Birmingham, England.

The police arrested them.

This should serve as a warning to the clueless idiots who continue to believe that the police and the military will somehow refuse to participate to carry out all manner of murder and assorted atrocities when ordered to do so by their squid overlords. The police in the UK-okrug are mostly white, but apparently have no qualms about aiding and abetting Muslim child-prostitution rings who target young white girls. Do the police in the UK fear the whites? Hell no. They apparently have nothing to fear at all since most whites there apparently see nothing wrong with either the Musloid rape-jihad or with the police assistance in their nominally criminal activity. Of course, this too is just the natural result of technological advancement and eternal progress. (Pay no attention to that squid behind the curtain).

Bogolyubski said...

CPM (re a proposed memorial to white victims):
Damn good idea. Make black school kids go there and read all the names. Maybe they'll get the idea that whites are human too.

Whose going to make them? Public school administrators? NEA Teachers? Lawyers?, Presecutors? Judges? Police? "Journalists"? Republicans? Christians?

Even if they were forced to go and look at it, it would have zero effect. You're error is in assuming they're capable of empathy. They are not. It's beyond their comprehension. They simply do not care, and cannot care. They're not the same as whites.

bubo said...

So there was a mass shooting at a Walmart committed by a black male 3 months ago and we're just now hearing about it now?

God damn this media.

Western NC is beautiful and white, the eastern part of the state including Charlotte is a groid infested dump.

D said...

It won't end with the bang some of you seem to be waiting for. It will end with the whimpering of the last white children, and the moaning and reeking of millions of aspiring rappers.

D said...

Also , I'm thinking that if z pack of yoofs were bussed to a memorial for white victims of black violence they would only look up from their bags of McDonald's and jolly ranchers long enough to laugh and axe why they's so few names when deys work so hard at dat knockout king.

Anonymous said...

CPM said: Damn good idea. Make black school kids go there and read all the names. Maybe they'll get the idea that whites are human too.

(???) Do you care what the chimp at the zoo thinks of you and whether it recognizes you as human "too"?

Anonymous said...

A White victim Memorial site would not be for blacks or others. It would be to HONOR the memory of the victims & to teach other Whites the true dangers of Integration, DIEversity & Muds.

I already know blacks are incapable of empathy.

A quality Memorial & the right marketing/exposure could possibly turn the tide in our favor. Pull back the curtain & expose the Squids & the MSM for the liars they are.

10mm AUTO said...

1. One hundred rounds of shotgun ammo is a lot, bulky enough to be required to carried in a bag. If it was buckshot, it is both a lot and Heavy. He didn't slip 100 shotgun rounds into the pockets of his droopy drawers or his Hoodie.

2. He was willing to duke it out with the Police (hence the wounding by Officers). This makes him more determined than your usual negro. So why are we not hearing about past associations? If this guy was White (I know Paul, I hate the conflation as well) we would hear about his whole life and just when he started down the "hate KKK path". Is he NOI? Rev. Wright? How much have the taxes of the Insurance Adjuster (and the other Whites he killed) gone to pay for his school lunch programs, Welfare, medical care (not including the top med care he is getting now, now that he is a murderer. Thanks NC!)

3. The Insurance Adjuster really had no chance, though you would hope he would be aware of this negro and drop him before he got close enough to close with a shotgun! But what about the people on the highway? Ladies and Gentlemen, if you see a negro with a shotgun crossing a 5 lane highway, run it over! You can always say later you "froze" at the sight of the weapon. If he gets caught under the car, take the long way to the hospital.

Walmart folks! When you see a negro sporting a pump shotgun come walking toward you, do the Mozambique drill. Two to the chest, one to the head. (I assume you guys in NC have concealed carry.)

Hey CF, can we hear a little "White People do's it Too?".

Anonymous said...

yes, those asians are waaaay smarter than we are...

Anonymous said...

In a perfect world prisons would be segregated. Every day two black prisoners would be sent to the white prison. At the end of the day the prison would be all white again. The next day two more would be sent, and the next day and the next day......

Anonymous said...

White genocide is being committed daily by the anti-Whites. However, more and more White people are being exposed to the double standards, hypocrisy and lies of the anti-Whites. I see it every day in the comment sections for crimes like this and it gives me hope.

panjoomby said...

D be right, yo! 'cept dey be havin' purple drank. i go witchoo to play knockout king. don king gonna pay money to who win! you feel me? dat shiznit's tight, yo!
the south tried to warn us.
the puritan progressives need to be stopped.


I'm still around.

I've had an incredible insight into human nature, happiness, and life. Almost a "religious/spiritual" event which is most interesting since I am a confirmed non-believer in gods.

I've been thinking about what I have perceived and have not had the time, energy nor inclination to deal with hominids. BUT, for the first time in my marriage, my wife finally has seen the light and has said she is "tired of Black people" and that is from a lady who has been an idiot liberal for 52 years.

WOW, Celebration time, come on.....

CPM said...

I agree. They aren't human and thus lack empathy

Anonymous said...

You may find this a bit, erm, interesting. Former Royal marine saves 100 at Kenyan mall.

You see picutres of people running, smoke, and even a black cop with a pistol in his hand but no marine. Think maybe it's because he's white?

james m said...

years ago black drug dealers in the area i worked would say to each other "Soldiers gotta have heart" a kind of anti NYPD sentment. they would dress in those olive drab vietnam -era canvas jackets, and wear "Timmerlim" boots and talk about having to "bust im in the cabbage" (shoot to the head) the most insipid bullshit I had ever heard.
So If Wal-Mart Lakim is a foot soldier then this guy is in the same unit:

CPM said...

My post was tongue in cheek.

10mm AUTO said...

By the way Paul, EXCELLENT article on VDARE by some guy named Paul Kersey.

Congrats and good article. While some Whites on here ridicule the notion of Whites moving to the Northwest and actually doing something about the Dark Riptide (Yea, Pro-Patria, I'm looking at you), negros in the South are cutting out their borders, reorganizing their cities, renaming their streets and Airports, changing the makeup of their police Dept, city contracts and social services and electing separatists and driving out Whites.

We can at least do a little. When the time comes for the breakup, La Raza, MeCHA and the Black Separatists will be ready. Whites should be ready too. Some will have to do the heavy lifting, but that has always been true.

Whiskey said...

Do a magic ghost dance Bog. It will do as much good as it did the Sioux or those in the Black Death.

It is not progress but tech. The tool changes the user as much as the user changes the tool. But cling to your magic.

And the end of BRA will come from the acid of modernity. White people lack any and all unity and racial identity and cohesion. But the flipside is literally millions of proto Kazinskys. Who don't want to get caught but have a personal grudge. A society of no unity for Whites is one of total individualism. It might have already happened. It just never made any news.

There will be no Northwest republic. That's a fantasy, what Whites will suddenly act completely different, like it was 1890? No. But radical autonomy means the only limits are of will.

Mr.Ken said...

Debtors' prison..."During 1971 in Tate v. Short, the Court found it unconstitutional to impose a fine as a sentence and then automatically convert it into a jail term solely because the defendant is indigent and cannot 'forthwith pay the fine in full." I can only imagine that the costs associated with all the fatherless homies in this country if paid-would probably be in the billions. Cannot? or WILL NOT pay?

Anonymous said...

4:09pm: "In a perfect world prisons would be segregated. Every day two black prisoners would be sent to the white prison."
In that scenario, the whites would be outnumbered 2 to 1. Where are you gonna find enough white criminals to fill a whole prison?

Jay Santos said...

Anonymous said...

Story summary---two trayvons rob a Subway store and kill a middle-aged boon for refusing to hand over his "sail foam." Fambly of dead worm-food cant afford to pay for a funeral 'cuz dey is po'---so enter "DWL Man", who is so emotionally moved at their plight, he writes a check to the fambly so "dey can put dey brudda in da groun."

Misguided, stupid fool says "we are all equal....blah blah blah..."

I despise this guy even more than the negro garbage that killed for the sail foam. Along with his DWL credentials, I'm sure he's a good modern day, turn your cheek, Christian.

Anonymous said...


'In a perfect world prisons would be segregated.'
Prisoners self segregate..blacks / browns / whites.

AnalogMan said...

CPM said (tongue in cheek) ...

Damn good idea. Make black school kids go there and read all the names. Maybe they'll get the idea that whites are human too.

Quite right. It's a dumb idea. Anon obviously doesn't know negroes. They would look at the wall and dream of adding their own engraved trophy. Fame at last.

Monty Ehrich said...

Maybe if the government would have given him more welfare, affirmative action, and maybe reparations, this would not have happened.
It's the government's fault!

Anonymous said...

It is never safe to live by different human races in the one society in U.S, UK, France, Germany, Italy, Spain or Russia. Why Japan, Korean or China still the homogenous prosperous society?

Anonymous said...

Did you guys see on Drudge this morning a story about a homeless bum pushing a woman in front of a moving train? He apparently asked the 21-year old college student for some money, she refused and he got his revenge. The cops responding said her fingers were gone, legs mangled. A bystander overheard him say, "now I'll be taken care of" as he was arrested. One of the commenters on the story said he had looked up the guy and he is black. How much you want to bet the girl is white?

Anonymous said...

Anonny 11:07-I guarantee you are correct.The White women are the only ones wif money! They sure as fuck aren't going to rob a nig woman-they may end up owing ! Richard Cranium

Anonymous said...

he writes a check to the fambly so "dey can put dey brudda in da groun."

That's totally stupid. Subway would have some money from their insurance or workman's comp etc and SS would pay a few hundred death benefit. If the guy had any kids they would get his benefits as survivors.
So basically this moron paid to get the guy planted while the family will just keep any money they get lol

Anonymous said...

During 1971 in Tate v. Short, the Court found it unconstitutional to impose a fine as a sentence and then automatically convert it into a jail term solely because the defendant is indigent

I absolutely agree with that decision and have no idea what point you're trying to make.
If you're talking about child support that's a different matter because failure to pay is actually a contempt of court and you can be imprisoned.

Anonymous said...

...and of course this is the very first I've heard about this latest episode in the black-on-white war...

Today's MSM is about as relevant as a parka on a hot August day in a steamy Florida swamp.

Bluff Bunny said...

Like many Americans today, I am appalled at how bad relations between blacks and whites have become in recent years. It disgusts me to have every discussion end up with one party or the other being called a 'RACIST'. That accusation seems to end the debate.

Several of my friends and I were discussing this issue, and one - being much smarter than I - came up with....THE SOLUTION.

Please, think about this before you scoff. She said: Nowadays public opinion and acceptance of any kind of controversial viewpoint seems to be the acceptable norm. High-profile criminals are demanding to have sex change treatment, at public expense. Boys want to be girls and girls want to be boys.Same sex marriage is becoming accepted as 'normal'. Since any form of deviant behavior is not only allowed, but protected....I just want to change my RACE.


Now, think about that. If white people make a claim that they are now African-American it is a far less intrusive change than sexual orientation, which requires expensive medicines and even surgery.

Changing my RACE should require no medical or surgical issues ( unless you want to botox your lips, and have the government pay for it)

Limiting your vocabulary to just several words, is easy. 'Acting out' in any outrageous manner, now becomes acceptable and no one better even raise an eyebrow when you use the MF word in every sentence.

You are excused from otherwise responsible behavior like getting to work on time, actually DOING your job without whining about being 'disrespected', and from demanding special treatment. You are actually listened to by your boss when you complain that fried chicken is not available in the lunch room, and unless it becomes available, you will report your company to whatever government agency regulates that, opening up a plethora of contentious and expensive dialogues.

YOU will become eligible for affirmative action, free college grants, quota hiring and any other 'free' programs that are now only open to African-Americans.

So someone sees you in person and questions your new persona? SCREAM DISCRIMINATION! Ax 'em how they gonna PROVE you ain't black? Force you to give a DNA sample? OH NO...5th amendment forbids that. They just have to take YOUR demand as YOUR declaration that you are BLACK. After all, once back in the olden days, if you had ONE DROP of black blood, you were considered black, and there are many African-Americans who are lighter in skin tone than many people who now claim to be....white, so if you plan to JUDGE ME BY MY SKIN COLOR!!!! HERESY!!! CRIMINAL!!!! CALL DE COPS!!!

Now, this concept can work both ways. If you are BLACK, and don't like it, you can now call yourself...WHITE! But if you do that, you can no longer qualify for any of the 'free' programs created especially and exclusively, for blacks.You will be required to use somewhat intelligent speech, not to 'act out' in public, have good work ethics and otherwise behave like white people.

Like MLK, I HAVE A DREAM..... that by removing all the useless programs the government has created to try to HELP black people....we would ALL be judged by the content of our character....not by the color of our skin. By leveling the playing field, no white people will be blamed for slavery that took place long ago ....and black people will never again be allowed to use SLAVERY as an excuse for any perceived injustice.

So, I am going to be BLACK now. Maybe, if things change, I will decide to be WHITE again, sometime in the future. But for now, I CAN use the 'N' word, because it's OK if blacks use it. I will blame white folks for every failure in my life, and I will be allowed to call YOU a racist, if you try to imply I am white.

BTW, my 'new' name is Sha'moomoo'niquia....