10-Year-Old Boy Raised as Girl for Two Years as a "Project" to make him an "Enlightened Adult"

Writing to Slate, a concerned reader asked for advice when it came to an "unusual request" that his wife had to face.

The reader explained what can only be described as a form of abuse: the reader's wife is a ballet instructor. Two parents recently came to her and requested that their 10-year-old son, named Dan in the letter, be given private dancing lessons.

Dan identifies as a boy. However, his parents told the ballet instructor to address him as "Danielle" and that he would be dressed in a pink tutu.
Dan's parents further told the instructor that this was not his choice; instead, they said that they are forcing him to dress and live like a female for two years as an "experiment" to make him a more "enlightened adult."

The reader said that his wife rejected the request, as she saw it as unhealthy, particularly because it was against Dan's will.

Slate responded that a call to Child Protective Services was warranted and that this "project" was clearly emotional abuse.


Founder and editor of the Social Memo

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