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[–]YoungIcarus4 [スコア非表示]  (2子コメント)

Can someone explain to me why many Muslims in the UK fight like this. Never one on one. Always kicking people when they are on the ground. I don't care what you people who have never been in a fight let alone stepped out your house for 2 weeks think. That kid is an utter scumbag and so to is anyone who fights unfairly like this. Could have killed that poor kid. Kicking him in the head.

[–]TotallyNotGwempeck [スコア非表示]  (0子コメント)

I don't care what you people who have never been in a fight let alone stepped out your house for 2 weeks think.

Ohohohoho! We've got a genuine internet hard man here. Tell us more about your vast experience of straighteners with Muslims.