

I'm a huge fan of Twitter. It's easily my favorite social media service because it lets me test jokes and material quickly and gives me instant feedback. But I do die a little inside every time I see someone try to use it to "debate" anything more important than the merits of burritos vs tacos (Burritos are by far the superior snack, don't come at me with that soft shelled shit). Its inherently reductive and reactionary nature, combined with an easy sign-up process and an anti-harassment policy about as effective as a marzipan condom make the service an awful place for any kind of serious discussion. It's an important promotional tool for any kind of internet-based creative, but it's also very good at driving people absolutely fucking nuts.

You can follow Grey and Cory on Twitter or find more of their work via their Facebook Page

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Erik Jacobson RT @CompSciFact: The most important skill in software development Reply
Janelle Bonanno We spoiled ourselves and actually got more than 4 hours of sleep last night! Never felt so ready for day 3 of #E3. Reply
Erik Jacobson RT @csoghoian: Top US gov official: Hashed MAC addresses can't be linked, thus no privacy harm. Me: Will you tell me the hash of your SSN? ... Reply
Erik Jacobson "police entering the dispensary [&] an officer surveys what appears to be an edible, then tosses it into his mouth." Reply
Joshua Vanderwall Actually slept in for the first time since I arrived in LA. Can you believe I didn't wake up til 6! Glorious. #E3 Reply
Alexander Macris @flyingcarskill Indeed. I had a professor once call me "the bloodsucking Mr. Macris" in class. I's a wonder I escaped with my sanity intact! Reply
Janelle Bonanno The coffee place by my E3 hotel apparently now knows my coffee order by memory. I think I've been drinking too much coffee. #E32015 Reply
Alexander Macris A depressed friend of mine said "Is this how the elves felt at the end of the Third Age?" I told him to stop appropriating elven culture. Reply
Alexander Macris Well I guess my chances of being invited to my alma mater's faculty are lower than ever. Reply