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2013年6月10日 (月)



799 :N[]投稿日:2012/12/13(木) 04:41:28.38 ID:ynDrarbF0[3/3回(PC)]

One last thing.
You are saying that is self-protection racking the information to a person.
You annoyed a person who was working at night and forced to phone because you did not share the password of your own PC with him.
The situation you said is just that?

I remember, that was happened about 10 years ago. The time my boss was Satoru Nagai, and he ignored me and he gave me no work to me, I convince he had persecuted me, so I got angry, and just once, I didn't tell the password and went home. But he called me and I told my password. Nothing bad.
So I must say this must be Satoru Nagai.
This is also a defamation of Onishi.
And, he has written so many times in internet about the password problem, but I think I did only one time a pinprick, so he couldn't say other problems to me.


21 :I[]投稿日:2012/12/15(土) 18:26:00.91 ID:Rv0xMoyt0[1/1回(PC)]

I feel Onishi is troublesome, because he is strong in belief.
Some years ago, regardless of colleagues who met Onishi at SNS were speaking about she had a boyfriend, Onishi had a delusional mode, and he said she had really not a boyfriend, or either bored with a boyfriend!
A woman going alone to museums or Museum of Art as a hobby of individuals, is the evidence who must not has a boyfriend, he said.
This is about Mizuho Saijo, who is working in Hitachi Ultra LSI company, as I said that anywhere.
You may think that is true or not, but anyway that is my privacy.
And, the SNS is strictly Komorebi. Komorebi is used by Hitachi group company.
It may written by Mizuho Saijo, but I think this is written by Waka Igarashi, who had hate me so much. In Komorebi, she blocked my access.
And even worse, many of my friend had become blocking my access, when they had befriend to Waka Igarashi.
I convince she had done negative campain in Komorebi to me.
Anyway, this is also a defamation of Onishi.

86 :O[]投稿日:2012/12/16(日) 00:12:00.83 ID:NB8SAP0e0[1/2回(PC)]

You Onishi, Onishi you made so many posts and comments about AKB, and you could not work. I can prove that as a fact.
Then, Onishi, you admitted you could not have been paying off at the meeting?
Behavior problems about Onishi was, before executive secretariat of Komorebi sent an email to his boss, that was seen as a problem.
Hitachi's people have no rights to write my working attitude.
And, I had a progress report meeting with Yokosuka, who was my boss, once at a time.
Yokosuka said me nothing.
I said I couldn't make an outcome, but the most big reason was Yokosuka gave me a little work since December. Yokosuka removed me from all of projects.
Anyway, this is also a defamation of Onishi.

328 :Y[]投稿日:2012/12/17(月) 22:42:01.97 ID:KCYkg1Rx0[1/1回(PC)]



Onishi had mentally ill at the time of April, and did the string of abnormal behavior, so the company was at a loss what to do with him.
Therefore, I guess he could make things like touching the law without hesitation.
Let me show Onishi's problem behaviors from April to disciplinary dismissal[part].
How judge who has a fair eyes think, when he get to see this?

From the 25th march, when he went to America travel, he said he would go home owing to a bereavement as a false request, and he took a vacation.

Truly I said wrong reason to my boss to go to America, but not "bereavement", because I took rights may be one week or so before.
Why could I say bereavement one week before?
And, I went New York Times at the travel. If I said truth things to go to America, my boss may reject, so I said I will go home.
But anyway, my boss Yokosuka gave me no work, anyway he didn't talk to me, if I said something to him. I thought he was ignoring me.
I must say this must be Yasushi Yokosuka, was my final boss in Hitachi.
This is also a defamation of Onishi.
Onishi had mentally ill is so defamation.

These are just a few examples. So many insults to me is written in 2ch, in internet.
And, persons who can know the personal information of Onishi in Hitachi are so limited. so I can imagine some people who is writing them.
I suspect initials of the last name of the writing people, is written in the name field.
For example, as follows.
Y may Yasushi Yokosuka
N may Satoru Nagai
O may Ofuji (I don't know his name)
I may Waka Igarashi
Sk may Seki (I don't know his name)
F may Kazunori Fujiwara
S may Masataka Shiba
K may Toshiya Kurakake

Why they do those things? I don't know. But anyway that is happening.
If you think that is unbelievable, please click those URL and see the writings and translate to your own language.
Never think "Everything Onishi tells unbelievable", and never decide without investigation, as many people include BAMF did.

Claim information about Onishi in Japan Airlines, that only be known by the workers of Japan Airlines,


221 :名無し[]投稿日:2012/11/23(金) 10:28:28.84 ID:1qllQfb70[1/1回(PC)]


This person has criticized Mimei Sakamoto, but he can not say other person.
It is a story of more than five years ago, there was no storage space, for his bags, personal computer, he seem to have been signaled, but he had remained alone by CA without noticing (CA said "start preparation" and all of them sat their own seats).
He may got very angry, personnel have to apologize directly to him, in the threatening attitude to chief parser.

I remembered, that occurred about 6 or 7 years before using JAL.
I had got angry, because Cabin Attendants are "Safe security guard", for planes may get serious accident.
All of Cabin Attendants forgot to check the cabin and sit, so I thought I couldn't trust my life to those people if there is an accident.
Anyway, why my privacy in JAL's is leaking?
Can't that be said as persecution from Japan?
This is also a defamation of Onishi.

222 :名無し[]投稿日:2012/11/23(金) 15:07:11.07 ID:ZTG/7LJI0[1/2回(PC)]

His name was well known as claimer in JAL.
He had requested the privilege by brandishing a good customer.
I think he does such in all interpersonal relationships.

I said sometimes difficult demand as a good customer, but that was as negotiation, anyway just I tried to. I didn't demand so severe.
I think I was thought truly good customer, Cabin Attendant of All Nippon Airways said to me I was so humble, in a plane a year ago.
Anyway, why my privacy in JAL's is leaking?
This is also a defamation of Onishi.

510 :名無し[]投稿日:2012/11/25(日) 04:07:20.12 ID:UgtRM/FX0[1/1回(PC)]


> I had used priority boarding, but I had never been forced a priority boarding.
I might say, you shouldn't treat us in accordance with the manual only.
Say again, I had never forced a priority boarding. Truly I don't remember.
When and where did I say?

You must not say forgot!
When you indicated a mistake, "citron" and "water", you are persistently saying towards the top of this page.
After angry on the spot, you said the claim again to the other cabin crew. At that time you had said in various things.
And I say one more thing, if you pronounced correctly Cabin Attendant must not bring citrus juice, said water.
You said you showed medicine to the Cabin Attendant, but are you certain that looked by her?
Above you write when someone scold children, usually do on the spot, but if so why you had to claim to catch another person later?
If you couldn't endure, do you think you could write in the comment card?

I showed a medicine with looking the Cabin Attendant.
But she mistook "mizu" to "yuzu", so I scolded to her.
And, she seemed to feel no remorse over, so I said to another.
That's all.
Anyway, why my privacy in JAL's is leaking?
This is also a defamation of Onishi.

4. In the 2ch website, there was a post looked like the BKA.
In the report of the Bundesamt, nothing is described about research to 2ch.
BKA wrote themselves? Or human pretending to BKA wrote?
It is not clear to Onishi.


451 :Instruktion[]投稿日:2012/12/19(水) 08:00:00.27 ID:UEZF0Jtn0[1/1回(PC)]
BKA 80 168 176 88 177 200 184 104 86 17 228 113 111 236 124 108 52 90 72 133 239 70i 85 181 155 182 228 141 90h 156 8 229 9 223
A0 215 223 68 148 33s 122 240 248 205 74 204 127 74 8 11i 249 B0 192 122 78 60n 102 244 144 226 58 96 56o 6 105 150 115 3
C0 67 1 30u 52 226 188 193 174 135 188 246 106 182 43b 188 231 D0 165 254 135 183 134 134 157 118 177 100 130 165 204 49o 10 110
E0 101 205 83n 56 163 147 188 39 131 227 31 94 193 89e 215 37 F0 103 137 238 205 32 30d 106 238 71i 191 143 88 86 135 41h 86 BKA
Umsichtig handeln

5. To appeal for violations the personal information protection law by Hitachi to Onishi, there was no clear answer from Hitachi, privacy Mark Office, Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, etc.
First, Onishi, a Hitachi IT Strategy Headquarters of IT Division, which created the problem mail, is an organization separated with Hitachi Transport System, Inc. (one of In-house Companies of Hitachi) I was belonging to. There is no hierarchical relationship between each Division.
I explained that IT Strategy Headquarters made a material from my personal informations, which was collected from personal mail of "Komorebi", directory from me to "Komorebi" Administration Bureau in IT Strategy Headquarters, without consent of Onishi.
(Contrary to, such as Article 15 (1) Article 16 (1))

Act on the Protection of Personal Information
http://www.japaneselawtranslation.go.jp/law/detail_main?id=130 &
Article 15 (1) When handling personal information, a business operator handling personal information shall specify the purpose of utilization of personal information (hereinafter referred to as "Purpose of Utilization") as much as possible.
Article 16 (1) A business operator handling personal information shall not handle personal information about a person, without obtaining the prior consent of the person, beyond the scope necessary for the achievement of the Purpose of Utilization specified pursuant to the provision of the preceding article .

In the material made by "Komorebi" Administration Bureau, twitter writing seemed written by Onishi (The user didn't write the name in twitter account) was used as Onishi's writings.
These are contrary to Article 15 (1) Article 16 (1) as well.

Although Onishi sued to Hitachi compliance division about the case above-mentioned, Hitachi compliance division did wrote on Parrot words of Onishi, and wrote there is no problem.
2012年4月25日 コンプライアンス本部
交通システム社 経営企画部 研究開発企画室 大西秀宜様

Compliance Division April 25 2012
Research and Development Planning Department / Corporate Planning Department / Transportation Systems Inc.
Mr. Hidenobu Onishi
Review of compliance report answers
Regard to report that we received in the April 11, 2012 review from you, of the neck mentioned, let's answer as follows.
1. Report content
(1) Disclosure and unauthorized collection of personal information by (IT strategy) has been carried out.
(2) From instructions made by my boss, and general affairs / labor division / industrial physicians, I was likely to be created a medical certificate document which indicates the leave of absence by mania, I was almost forced to leave.
2. Answer
(1) It was confirmed that for the boss of you, (IT strategy) was sent your writings in "Komorebi", and so on, but it was confirmed that, in the act, there is no problem of compliance.
(2) It has come to our attention that the discussion has been made between you and the parties concerned, but in the course of the discussion there was seen no problem of compliance.
Or more
Because "the reason" s not listed at all, Onishi asked to Hitachi people, "Why you say there is no problem, please say the reason.", but the relationship of the Hitachi did not answer at all.

To Onishi's appeal, Privacy Mark Office said "There is no problem, because Hitachi says that as labor management information".
Onishi appealed that, "you say leakage of information is legal, but previously that, it is illegal to collect personal information by the unauthorized department, and further, the collection of twitter is also illegal.", but they did not hear me.
Time:2012/05/09 14:20:22 (GMT+09:00)
From:プライバシーマーク事務局 消費者相談窓口
大西秀宜 様
Time: 2012/05/09 14:20:22 (GMT +09:00)
From: Privacy Mark Office Consumers consultation window
To: onicchan@docomo.ne.jp
Mr. Hidenobu Onishi
Hitachi, Ltd., reported, for the SNS site Management Office of Hitachi, Ltd., contacted the boss of Onishi about the exchange of them, "the contact his or her divisions boss is, since reports the actions of in-house employees and requesting a in-house guidance, that is a matter of employment management."
From above reports, in our office, we tell we have determined that the "this matter does not fall under the disclosure of personal information".
(I have been transmitted This e-mail by the send-only-address)
General information the Japan Association for Promotion of economic and social
Privacy Mark Office
Consumers consultation window
Because "Privacy Mark Office" is a third party position, which should direct Hitachi, must answer by an independent survey, instead of trust the answer of Hitachi, Ltd.,
Onishi complained that, but, Privacy Mark Office did not listen at all.
As for the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, Onishi claimed over again and again to have the opportunity of detailed description from Onishi, which shall be heard, as guidelines of treating a claim from Whistleblower indicates.
国の行政機関の通報処理ガイドライン (外部の労働者からの通報)
Report processing guidelines of the Administrative Organs of the country (Reports from workers outside)
(2) Implementation of Survey
① Once you have accepted the report, you make the necessary investigation.
② As for the implementation of investigation, it is done, to protect the confidentiality of whistleblowers, while consideration enough to whistleblowers is not specified, without delay, or using any other method that is found to be reasonable and necessary.
③ Concerning about such as ensuring appropriate law enforcement, when under investigation, trade secrets of an interested person, trust, and honor and privacy, should be protected, and, on the progress of the investigation, tell to the informants appropriately times, and, the results should be issued so promptly, and should tell without delay.

(5) Notification of measures to whom report
① When an administrative organ has taken measures, for whistleblowers, should be informed its contents without delay in consideration of privacy, such as ensuring the appropriate law enforcement, trade secrets of an interested person, trust, and honor.
② Each administrative agencies, should set the standard processing period to the end of the process from receipt of notification, or for whistleblowers, should inform without delay a period, that is expected to required.
Contrary to, above guideline, My demand was all rejected.
In addition, without having to answer to Onishi, Japanese Government finished the survey in August (four months was passed) in silence as no problem.
Onishi, requested the contents many times, but they don't tell me at all, and only said "If you have any question, go to the lawyer" (I thought it must be "go to the court").
Even though guidelines write "should" instead "shall", so the Government doesn't have to treat whitsleblowing, but once the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry received the whistleblowing, I think it shall not do the behavior that deviates guidelines significantly.
I described a report at that time on Internet (2ch). Let me show.

265 :hidenobu onishi ip-80-226-24-13.vodafone-net.de 忍法帖【Lv=32,xxxPT】(1/5:0) []投稿日:2012/09/03(月) 15:10:23.75 ID:XWqQLpIy0[3/16回(PC)]
(* I write English translation only. Japanese is seen by above site)
New Facts About Personal Information Protection Act violation
As a result of contact, Industrial Machinery Division of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, one time will not lead even wait 3 minutes, placed on hold in the inside of a section.
Because a trick by Industrial Machinery Division was suspected, secondly I had called to Information Economy Division, and from there transferred to Industrial Machinery Division, and the person answered.
It has been answered as follows.
Fact of the Personal Information Protection Act violation by Hitachi was not observed, and the necessary research had been aborted in more than a month ago.
Can not be explained any specific content of the survey.
I requested the number of day and month accepted the Whistleblower manual, and the number of day and month broke off the investigation, but the person said no explanation.
Because Onishi was not saying a need to contact, so didn't make contact to Onishi's home, etc. I answered because this inquiry comes.
Views of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry is as such, we recommend that you consult the lawyer if there are doubts.
I made sure that I will ask not a lawyer, but a way to exile to the BAMF.
Originally, the person who accused should be waiting for an answer, so the answer must be transmitted to him? Is that a work? If no telling, what bureaucrats think is the goal of the work?
Even if it has not been made compulsory by law, the applicant requested and had a contact many times, so can bureaucrats say under no obligation to tell?
Guidelines for Whistleblower is one in which the Japanese government is to proactively protect, to enlightenment in each local government. I heard this from a person in a Consumer Agency, which is a regulatory agency of the Whistleblower Protection Act.
If Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, a Japanese government is not protected in the case of a complaint of Onishi, and defending in the case of appeal, and if other Whistleblowers are done as written in the guidelines, then in accordance with the principle of equality, why the case of Onishi is not protected, I think should be an explanation of the reason at least.

6. In this way, Onishi, is keenly aware that people usually say "because Hitachi said,". People and organizations don't think by themselves, they ought to swallow the claim of large organizations. I am also acutely aware that large organizations often hide criminal things get together.
Onishi strongly say, that it is necessary to think "what is real thing with reference to evidence, rather than who and what organisation is saying".
But, no one and no organisation can say the reason referenced to the evidence, so about the exile of Onishi, no one thought as reference to the evidence.
Onishi had became refugee because of those thinking ways of Japanese people, but at present even in the asylum, from prejudiced impression of the BAMF has, Onishi is subject to persecution from the BAMF.
Even, BAMF is bullying me. That is strictly an abuse of Onishi's human rights.
Suppose, if any one organization that explains the reason, I was to be explained with reference to the evidence, there was no need to exile Onishi, for I could talk to the organisaiton.

From the report by BAMF, it has written that there is no reason at all of complaints by Onishi. However, when Onishi was in Japan, not all were necessarily rejected the declaration of me. One Doctor, and two lawyers, admitted some part of the story by me.

One doctor was Takuro Endo.

Endo, who is Alienist told me, Onishi is not the disease, nothing is bad.
Further, why Onishi receive the misdiagnosis was, he pointed point out the problems of the health care system of Japan.
And, the law relating to industrial physician system was also a problem, he said.
But he could not assist Onishi legally.

Two lawyers told me, both of them said Onishi's case is really a problem.

1 person was Hiroyuki Adachi.

When Onishi first met, he told me projects of Onishi will be a major event that comes to broadcast by evening news of NHK.
However, even if I called so many times and reminded him, he did no act at all to me then, I decided not ask to him.

Second person was an Shinichi Shima.

When he first met to Onishi, he also said that is a crime.
However, Onishi insisted that this a criminal case, not a civil action, I want to create a good complaint to prosecutors office in Tokyo, but he reminds persistently as a civil action, because he said prosecutors don't receive.
Onishi felt, this matter become pointless to be in civil cases, despite this case is apparently a criminal case.
Onishi decided not to ask for this lawyer.

In this way, I want you to understand that for the review of Onishi, not all said no problem at all.
Rather, please consider the fact that, experts with each field talked to me much and said "this is a problem", but large organizations had neither talk chance nor gave no reports with some reason.

Onishi contacted other lawyers, but it was rejected without look, the reason was: "criminal cases become not much money."
Mr.Shima, too, argued strongly to the civil action rather than a criminal case. I think in fact Shima wanted a lot of money.
So, Onishi, was not able to find a lawyer before I caught disciplinary dismissal from Hitachi, willing to write a complaint of criminal cases.

---------- 転送メッセージ ----------
From: hidenobu onishi
日付: 2013年4月13日 16:29
件名: Threat to me came, in which written, "Deutsche Government will refuse Onishi's application in June".
To: gfrbe@unhcr.org, "ivs-anfragen@bamf.bund.de"

Dear Bundesamt and UNHCR Berlin office,

I am Hidenobu Onishi, the first refugee of Deutschland from Japan.
My number is 5556608-442.

Today, I got a commnent below:



(* now the url is hidenobu onishi 忍法帖【Lv=40,xxxPT】

560 :dinq:2013/04/13(土) 06:51:47.61 ID:rbzh6nRs0






In which written:

Onishi is well-known on the blacklist among Japanese people in Hamburg, and he is supervised now, given a house in a village 120km north from Hamburg.
He applied for asylum, but the Bundesamt investigated and that was considered as false, because that was not based the facts.
Bundesamt decided not to display the conclusion soon, and as a penalty to his false application, he is kept in his own custody now.
Bundesamt is planning to tell Onishi to reject in June.

I think that is not based on the fact.
But that is only my analogy.
Deutsche Bundesamt person might leak information of the fact to Japanese person, and the person might tell me.
The probability, that Bundesamt person does wrong is not zero, so you nor me can't declare.

If that is true, that is a problem not only of Japanese Government, but also of Deutsche one.
So Deutsche Bundesamt and UNHCR have to investigate about that.

I am very uneasy now, so Deutsche Bundesamt and UNHCR have to explain me even if that is not the fact.
I think that is Deutsche Bundesamt's role.

I want a investigation in good faith.

Hidenobu Onishi



(* now the url is 日立製作所を公益通報→懲戒解雇された大西秀宜スレ

364 :工作員:2013/05/23(木) 22:04:09.30 ID:yYJUba1A0
> 不当解雇を訴えるのは労働基準監督署とかやけど,労働基準監督署は既に
> 日立製作所が手を回しとったから,意味ないと思ったからスルーしたの。


In that, one wrote;

Becoming a political refugee (that is me) to Deutschland is meaningless.
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan and Hitachi company already lobbied to Deutsche Government.
In Hitachi company, Sir Stephen Gomersall works as a director, who is ex-diplomat of the United Kingdom.
Hitachi makes nothing of it.

Stephen Gomersall

If it is true, does Deutsche Government hide my problem?

Please investigate if it is true or not.

Best regards,
Hidenobu Onishi

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: hidenobu onishi
Date: 2013/4/23
Subject: Who have responsibility?
To: asia@rsf.org, europe@rsf.org, kontakt@reporter-ohne-grenzen.de, "ivs-anfragen@bamf.bund.de" , gfrbe@unhcr.org, central@iso.org, jpntopi@unhcr.org, info@wolferen.jp, info@karelvanwolferen.com

Dear Reporters without borders, Deutsche Bundesamt and UNHCR Berlin & Japan office, Prof.Wolferen, ISO central office

I have got the mail below yesterday via facebook:

Reporter Ohne Grenzen e.V.
Dear Hidenobu Onishi,
Thank you for your message. Unfortunately we are not able to help you regarding your matter. This is because Reporters without Borders is an international human rights organization supporting journalists in need and fighting for press freedom. However, our staff members don’t pursue investigative journalism themselves.
We document on violations of freedom of expression and information all over the world and we also alarm the public if there are any media representatives in danger. Our global network for fast communication and intervention is possible through the support of more than 150 correspondents worldwide as well as our sections in many countries for example the US, Austria, Tunisia, Libya and Spain.
We thank you for your understanding and still wish you success with your cause!
Best wishes
**** ****

I want to say strongly, who have responsibility?

This is not only a problem of journalism themselves.

I brought a whistleblowing to Japanese Government.
But they did nothing, because they didn't want to solve the problem which would punish Hitachi, which company has cozy relationship to Japanese Government.

I brought a whistleblowing to Japanese journalism.
But Japanese journalism didn't accept that, because they didn't want to broadcast the problem, because they had cozy relationship to Japanese Government. For example, "kisha clubs(*)".

I made a refugee application to Deutsche Bundesamt.
Deutsche Bundesamt is holding my problem for 10 months, I don't know why they take so long time.
And I have sent many mails to Deutsche Bundesamt, mentioning about Deutsche's law, in which written, they have to send me a copy of my evidences when I say I want a copy. But they did nothing.

I have sent so many mails to UNHCR, but they did nothing.

I have sent so many mails to Deutsche journalism, but they did nothing, because they said "that isn't our problem".

Then, who can solve that?
Do I only have to wait without a time period?

But, I want you to think, if my saying is true, who can decide that?

I strongly state, you have to remember the poem;

Als die Nazis die Kommunisten holten,
habe ich geschwiegen;
ich war ja kein Kommunist.

Als sie die Sozialdemokraten einsperrten,
habe ich geschwiegen;
ich war ja kein Sozialdemokrat.

Als sie die Gewerkschafter holten,
habe ich nicht protestiert;
ich war ja kein Gewerkschafter.

Als sie die Juden holten,
habe ich geschwiegen;
ich war ja kein Jude.

Als sie mich holten,
gab es keinen mehr, der protestieren konnte.

If you say I have to solve the problem myself, can you introduce a journalist who is interested in Japan?
That is what you can.
You should not be a bystander.

Anyway, please answer me.

(*) Reporters Without Borders wrote reports below;
Japan resorts to press restrictions
Japan, demoted from 22nd to 53rd place, recorded the biggest drop of any Asian country.
The reason was the ban imposed by the authorities on independent coverage of any topic related directly or indirectly to the accident at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant. Several freelance journalists who complained that public debate was being stifled were subjected to censorship, police intimidation and judicial harassment.
The continued existence of the discriminatory system of “kisha clubs”, exclusive press clubs which restrict access to information to their own members, is a key element that could prevent the country from moving up the index significantly in the near future.

Hidenobu Onishi










岩田華怜さんへのファンレター 20130608

AKB48 チームA 岩田華怜さま







「明らかに根拠なし」として申請を却下されれば、入国許可が降りないため、簡易判決が下されるまで、トランジットエリアで待機することになる(最長19 日間)。



てか,ワタシは日立製作所を潰して世直しをするつもりやったんやけど,それが日本政府に広がり,恐らく日本政府が上手いことドイツ政府を抱き込んだんやろなあ,日立のゴマソールとか使ってゴマスーリしたんちゃう? ←うまい!!www










2013/6/8 Viölにて おーにっちゃん


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