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2013年6月 9日 (日)

Point out to the Deutsche government Ver3

Point out to the Deutsche government Ver3

1. Documents submitted during the meeting of 16/7/2012 as evidence have been lost, except for passport, airline tickets, business cards. In addition, additional letters I sent later have also been lost. For example, such as those complained of a tyranny of the Deutsche police in the letter.
Deutsche Government might think they shall not trivial, but when Onishi becomes deported to Japan temporarily, may be lack of evidence suing without that article. I presented  them because I thought they were the most important evidences.
In addition, it may seem I should have made a copy, but because there was the meeting immediately after exile in Deutscheland, I did not know how to take a copy in Deutscheland.
I asked by letter and e-mail to send copy to Bundesamt, but did not have heard from him since.

Now I have no evidence of a letter, but I have a mail to demand a copy.
I wrote in that e-mail, "I had requested to Bundesamt and local officer many times to send me copies of my documents, but nothing had done."

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: hidenobu onishi

Date: 2013/4/19
Subject: Deutsche Government did nothing to me, which is against the AsylVfG law.
To: "ivs-anfragen@bamf.bund.de"

, gfrbe@unhcr.org, jpntopi@unhcr.org
Cc: central@iso.org, info@karelvanwolferen.com, info@wolferen.jp

Dear Deutsche Bundesamt and UNHCR Berlin & Japan office,
Cc: Prof.Wolferen, ISO central office

I am Hidenobu Onishi, the first refugee of Deutschland from Japan.
My ID number of Deutschland is 5556608-442.

I had requested to Bundesamt and local officer many times to send me copies of my documents, but nothing had done.

Let me show you;


Section 21 Retention and transfer of documents
(4) Copies of the documents taken into custody shall be provided to the foreigner on request.

Deutsche Bundesamt has to send me copies on my request, as written.
Please do so.

I will read the law and indicate what Deutsche Bundesamt has to do, on next week.

I can also read the Japanese version of AsylVfG and explanation of that from the file below.


Hidenobu Onishi



I ask for the return of these materials.

2. You might think my eviedences you lost were insignificant, but they were most important materials for the asylum application. So I think it is a big problem without reviewing the asylum application.
The fact that the letter has not been carefully studied, is apparent, because I had reported in a letter that report to the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry is rejected in September

The evidence is:
4/9/2012 P57
1. Yesterday, I called to Japanese Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry to hear my whistleblowing sent 19/4/2012. The person said research finished one month before and nothing against the law.
I told why, I want to discuss why nothing against the law, but he said he can say nothing and if I have a question I have to go to the court.

and, the report does not reflect the fact, I had rejected.

Also, the request to send a copy of the evidence materials, meeting requirements of such additional, are not accepted wholly.
Of course, documents submitted to the meeting held at 16/7/2012 had lost, and it is not been studied at all. That is also apparent.
From the fact that not only from my memory, but also the fact I explained about the Personal Information Protection Act violation in detai in the meeting, you can imagine easily I had handed to Bundesamt not only passport, airline tickets, business cards, but also many evidence docuents.
The materials Bundesamt seems to have lost, I come up now, are as follows.

· Whistleblower writing to the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (In it, attached criminal mail documents IT Strategy Headquarters created, which violates Personal Information Protection Act)
· Complaint to the Tokyo District Public Prosecutors Office, and the reason document for the rejection about that (reason for the rejection is the lack of configuration requirements, in that document it was described that I should talk with a lawyer, etc., so I don't think that is not the reason for claims Onishi made is not a crime).
· Mail a total of 100 hip, sent to 11 people director of Hitachi, Ltd.(and 4IDs, total 15IDs), to sue the personal information protection law violations. (Why Onishi sent so much? You may think, but I explained the reaspn in 16/7/2012 meeting.)
· Information manual from the industrial physician Minoru Arai, and the response from Daisuke Mori. I think doctors should consider only treatment of the disease, and had an order to make suspension from "a light manic state", is believed to be ultra vires.
(I think if I were a seevere manic state, it'll be allowed. But there is a fact, another doctor Takuro Endo said I had nothing bad.)

Also, since there are some missing pages, and nested pages, the possibility that investigators have lost article is inferred easily.

Let I tell:

P63 is, despite being described as "1/6", there is only one page. Investigators had lost five.
P64, P65 was described in 29/11, from the fact that there is a statement that "November 29th" in the fourth row of the P64. However, the P66, there is a receiving push of "28.Nov.2012". The order is reversed.
The P66, it is with "I send a letter 3 days before", and is also on the P68 "I used Japan Airlines (JAL) and, my customer information leaked. 3days before I told one, but, occurs another." And further, since the term "26/11/2012" in the signature line of P69, there should be a letter written in "23/11/2012". And you can imagine, the mail contents written in 23/11/2012 is a disclosure of personal information about JAL.
Materials P122-123, P124-125 are a pair, but P126 is only one. One page had been lost.

Other problems are, I was beaten by Bundesamt calling the police 12/07/2012(say later), and, I called once to Neumünster in October around, to make a counceling. And I had heared the phone number twice, and in addition, I repeated to say, but that was a FAX number. I called there twice.
Neumünster person cheated me.

The following request in letters sent to Bundesamt has not been fulfilled at all.

4/9/2012 P62
I want to tell many peoples the truth of Japan.

After November 29th (correct date not written) P64-65
And now, I a sincerely hope, I want a interview by a person.
Since I am a refugee of politics, I want to tell my problems all over the world.
I already sent so many massages to Bundesamt,
I convince, if I meet a person such as a UNHCR, an expert of world peace, an university professor, they can think it's a big problem and they may introduce me to some correct person, such as mass-communication.
Please think about these matters.

26/11/2012 P69
Anyway, Japanese Government and Japanese companies leaks so many privacy informations of me. That is accurately persecution.
Please take account of these facts.

22.12.2012 P76
Please investigate about this.
If I have to, I will go anywhere and I will tell about my opinions.
If you say, I will correct my doings.

11/1/2013 P80-81
In these mails, Chisa Yamamoto did hacking with account of Naoya Muraoka.(* P84)
She may also hacked Manabu Takahashi.
This is exactly a crime.
Muraoka says, he will tell Japanese police about this. I want to tell this to Deutsche police. Please investigate about this.
Chisa Yamamoto demands me commit a suicide two times. (* P83”自ら命を絶つという選択肢もあるかと思います。 I think you have a choice to commit a cuicide”, P88”日本に早く帰るか,自ら命を絶ってください。 You shall go back to Japan soon, or shall commit a suicide.”) This is apparently illegal in Deutsche, I think.
These are strictly persecution by Japanese people. Please investigate.

8/1/2013 P96-97
They told me so many lies and they tried me insult and threat.
And, for Chisa Yamamoto's case, She is my home countrie's person.
I am refugee. I have got serious crime from my home country, Japan.
She has no right to insult and threat me.
That is persecution from Japan.

2/4/2013 P120-121
I wrote many opinions below site for almost 10 months, and Hitachi's person, I convince, attacked me so much.
I have caught so many attacks every day.
Many people say me, Commit a suicide!
I want your reply as soon as possible.

3. Hitachi has continued to attack against Onishi thereafter.
I think those attacks are against the Personal Information Protection Act, Privacy Mark, and those base, OECD privacy principles.
However, even if I appealed to Bundesamt, Peter Martensen, and Zink Ailne, they ignored or did nothing because it was a matter of Japan.

If Hitachi, in an organized manner is violating the Personal Information Protection Act, Privacy Mark, and those base, OECD privacy principles now and attacks me on the Internet, I think Privacy Mark buro and Bundesamt can never say the answer "no problem concerning about the privacy mark and personal information protection law" by Hitachi is correct.
It is not possible to state definitively without having to study to have doubts about the story of Hitachi, because it is lack of thinking the case of Hitachi violates those Acts and cheats you.

Hitachi, Ltd. had wrote the reason for the disciplinary dismissal of me as "slander on the Internet". And I had seen Hitachi person read the writing to 2ch (Internet site) in the meeting at the time. Therefore it is clear that Hitachi organisation is monitoring 2ch.
However, Onishi has been under attack from the man looked like Hitachi's employee who write my personal informaiton at Hitachi, again and again.
You may say that is a problem of Japan, but I want to confirm you that it is not in accordance with the OECD privacy principles that Japan also comply.

OECD Privacy Principles

1. Collection Limitation Principle
There should be limits to the collection of personal data and any such data should be obtained by lawful and fair means and, where appropriate, with the knowledge or consent of the data subject.

2. Data Quality Principle
Personal data should be relevant to the purposes for which they are to be used, and, to the extent necessary for those purposes, should be accurate, complete and kept up-to-date.

3. Purpose Specification Principle
The purposes for which personal data are collected should be specified not later than at the time of data collection and the subsequent use limited to the fulfilment of those purposes or such others as are not incompatible with those purposes and as are specified on each occasion of change of purpose.

4. Use Limitation Principle
Personal data should not be disclosed, made available or otherwise used for purposes other than those specified in accordance with Paragraph 9 except:

a) with the consent of the data subject; or

b) by the authority of law.

5. Security Safeguards Principle
Personal data should be protected by reasonable security safeguards against such risks as loss or unauthorised access, destruction, use, modification or disclosure of data.

6. Openness Principle
There should be a general policy of openness about developments, practices and policies with respect to personal data. Means should be readily available of establishing the existence and nature of personal data, and the main purposes of their use, as well as the identity and usual residence of the data controller.

7. Individual Participation Principle
An individual should have the right:

a) to obtain from a data controller, or otherwise, confirmation of whether or not the data controller has data relating to him;

b) to have communicated to him, data relating to him

i) within a reasonable time;
ii) at a charge, if any, that is not excessive;
iii) in a reasonable manner; and
iv) in a form that is readily intelligible to him;

c) to be given reasons if a request made under subparagraphs (a) and (b) is denied, and to be able to challenge such denial; and

d) to challenge data relating to him and, if the challenge is successful to have the data erased, rectified, completed or amended.

8. Accountability Principle
A data controller should be accountable for complying with measures which give effect to the principles stated above.

The main thing of violation is the following. (I take some.)

· A detailed medical history, medication history information of Onishi only be known by Hitachi industrial physician Minoru Arai and the attending physician Daisuke Mori, who is also hired by other division of Hitachi as a industrial physician


958 :M[]投稿日:2012/10/07(日) 14:53:26.01 ID:XKmVrW9e0[1/1回(PC)]

Note about Onishi.
He was taking Ritalin until February 2012 at least from July 2011.
There is a variety of negative impact, after returning to work in September, so he did posts about AKB to the corporate SNS without regard to the nuisance of others, and then did the behavior to reprint the lyrics and it now leads out.

Why the person can write about my medical history in detail?
I must say this is by Minoru Arai or Daisuke Mori.
This is also an abuse of confidentiality as a doctor.
Defamation of Onishi, too.



Drugs he was taking at the return point,
Let I show as it occurs to me...
Solanax, Depakene, Atarax, Limas, Lendormin, Benzalin, Depas...
It was a situation of abnormal drugged, as anyone can see.

Why the person can write about my medicine history in detail?
I must say this is by Minoru Arai.
This is also an abuse of confidentiality as a doctor.
Defamation of Onishi, too.


657 :A[]投稿日:2012/12/21(金) 22:56:50.70 ID:3ARlTmDk0[1/1回(PC)]


You told a lie yesterday.
I saw some abnormal behaviors seemed to be caused as side effects, and there are no effect at all for Onishi for Ritalin. I had to stop the prescription of Ritalin.

Why the person can write about my medical history in detail?
I must say this is by Minoru Arai.
This is also an abuse of confidentiality as a doctor.
Defamation of Onishi, too.


34 :O[]投稿日:2012/09/27(木) 01:01:23.15 ID:FP0MbQ0A0[1/3回(PC)]


Onishi declears not to confirm the other.
Onishi had claimed results of the diagnosis about the leave of absence made two months ago stubbornly, but you didn't confirm after a diagnosis of Arai's? You are weak in basis, everything ?

Why the person can write "you didn't confirm after a diagnosis of Arai's"?
I must say this maybe Ofuji, but anyway he says person's name "Arai", so he is a worker of Hitachi.
This is also a defamation of Onishi.


142 :K[]投稿日:2012/10/20(土) 09:07:55.01 ID:+VsAdvbJ0[1/1回(PC)]

Write to "Komorebi" also began around September, and those posts were just similar, so everyone had been fed up with.
Onishi has to be thinking about the other party.

Why the person can write about "Komorebi"'s writing?
I can't say who is this, but anyway he can say "Komorebi" doing of me, so he is a worker of Hitachi.
This is also a defamation of Onishi.

472 :O[]投稿日:2012/10/23(火) 08:12:39.15 ID:Nkq4UlkI0[2/2回(PC)]

Now you Onishi, the fact Onishi coluld do nothing at work was well known to the public company?
The change from Omika works was not a promotion, you understand?

Why the person can say my change "from Omika works was not a promotion"?
Omika works is a Hitachi's real works.
I must say this maybe Ofuji, but anyway he knows inside affairs of Hitachi well.
This is also a defamation of Onishi.

岩田華怜さんへのファンレター 20130607

AKB48 チームA 岩田華怜さま





































2013/6/7 Viölにて おーにっちゃん


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