conspiracy 内の high-priest-of-slack によるリンク The MMR vaccine, autism connection

[–]high-priest-of-slack[S] [スコア非表示]  (0子コメント)

Looks like it was my comment trying to share links on the US Government's 7+year lawsuit against Merck over the MMR vaccine [1], including how Merck can only provide the courts with efficacy data for its mumps vaccines from 50 years ago [2].

The censorship here is such garbage, but there's nowhere else anyone is even listening anymore. We might be past the event horizon of give a fuck about anything except the screen anymore.

conspiracy 内の bigwoody20 によるリンク [QUESTION] How to live your life as a free thinker?

[–]high-priest-of-slack [スコア非表示]  (0子コメント)

"Before enlightenment, chop wood carry water. After enlightenment, chop wood carry water."

Start the change within yourself. Stay true and keep searching for the truth.

Learn to grow food. Plant seeds and grow food anywhere and everywhere you can.

Learn to share your experience. Plant ideas and grow wisdom anywhere and everywhere you can.

Learn to love. Plant compassion and grow community anywhere and everywhere you can.

conspiracy 内の _LMiller によるリンク Russian Official Proposes International Investigation Into U.S. Moon Landings

[–]high-priest-of-slack 1ポイント2ポイント  (0子コメント)

As well as at least two of that author's books, Programmed to Kill: The Politics of Serial Murder and Weird Scenes Inside the Canyon: Laurel Canyon, Covert Ops, and the Dark Heart of the Hippy Dream.

Interested in mind control and culture creation? This is a great place to get started.

conspiracy 内の SavageDark によるリンク Need Honest Opinions Here

[–]high-priest-of-slack 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

The SuccubusRift is merely a more seductive version of the screens most people spend their lives surrounded by and completely focused on. This degradation of the creative individual into a passive consumer is part of the depopulation agenda. In a painful confusing world with little love, many come to depend upon fiction as a coping mechanism.

There has been a lot of predictive programming on this topic. From the telescreens in 1984 and the TV parlor walls in Fahrenheit 451, to the portals in Stargate and the Star Trek ship's viewscreen, we've been induced to believe that there are untold wonders that can be experienced through the portal of a screen, virtually. As we drift further and further out of reality into mental playgrounds designed to exploit our addictive tendencies and cognitive biases, the fear is that we might never return. Ours wouldn't be the first civilization to collapse; the idea is planted in our children's stories, which resemble conspiracy theories more and more every year.

conspiracy 内の _LMiller によるリンク Russian Official Proposes International Investigation Into U.S. Moon Landings

[–]high-priest-of-slack 8ポイント9ポイント  (0子コメント)

Roflmao, can we expect that to start as soon as we receive Putin's satellite images of 9/11?

conspiracy 内の high-priest-of-slack によるリンク Education

[–]high-priest-of-slack[S] -2ポイント-1ポイント  (0子コメント)

Already answered here:

I wasn't claiming that mods delete and resubmit, what I was trying to say was that the mods do not have a problem with the users deleting and resubmitting. Sorry if it wasn't completely clear!

I thought you could tell from the context; you wouldn't be trying to grasp at straws, would you? Looks like you freely admit you have nothing to contribute and can only detract.

conspiracy 内の high-priest-of-slack によるリンク Education

[–]high-priest-of-slack[S] -1ポイント0ポイント  (0子コメント)

Aw...high-priest-of-slack...It so cute you took a little effort to embed a link in your comments to my account.

I didn't take the effort at all, just type /u/InsertNameHere and bam, link created by reddit for you. Also works for /r/InsertSubredditHere.

You really do not want that.

What do you want? Why are you here /u/FortHouston? Your account shows that you sit in /r/conspiracy and detract from every post. Can you name 3 conspiracies that you believe in with a short explanation as to why?

conspiracy 内の high-priest-of-slack によるリンク Education

[–]high-priest-of-slack[S] -1ポイント0ポイント  (0子コメント)

3 comments in this thread and you have yet to contribute anything on topic /u/FortHouston. Yesterday I shared a post about the depopulation agenda. You're welcome to judge me based on my contributions, but I'd ask that you actually look at all of them and not just a minority.

EDIT: Wow, the entire content of your comment has changed since my response: you removed the ad hominem and attempted a contribution! I wasn't claiming that mods delete and resubmit, what I was trying to say was that the mods do not have a problem with the users deleting and resubmitting. Sorry if it wasn't completely clear!

conspiracy 内の high-priest-of-slack によるリンク Education

[–]high-priest-of-slack[S] -1ポイント0ポイント  (0子コメント)

By the way, education standards in Red states like Texas have fallen because politicians weaken the curriculum with their agenda.

Do you really think this matches the level of discourse in the OP?

conspiracy 内の high-priest-of-slack によるリンク Education

[–]high-priest-of-slack[S] -1ポイント0ポイント  (0子コメント)

I'm sure the regulars in this sub-reddit have noticed how often all the posts in the new queue are at zero points lately, and I don't think the mods have a problem with deleting and resubmitting when content receives immediate downvotes.