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[–]Roman Catholicheatdeath -12ポイント-11ポイント  (62子コメント)

Children that are raised with gay parents are probably going to be psychologically messed up. Heterosexual marriage is obviously what God intended. It always shall be so.

Edit: I'm not replying to any replies due to downvotes, sorry to those of you who wanted a civil discussion, but the downvoters prefer to suppress views that are in favor of traditional marriage, such as the Pope's.

[–]Leuku 15ポイント16ポイント  (0子コメント)

Children that are raised with gay parents are probably going to be psychologically messed up.

From a person who studies psychology and Emotional Health and Development, observably no.

[–]Secular Humanistraluth 25ポイント26ポイント  (2子コメント)

that's a huge "probably" which doesn't correlate to the trend of the various studies and meta-studies; sure, I expect you can find a few cherry-picked studies that have found that only children of white heterosexual Catholic middle-class non-smoking parents are "any good", but that is ... cherry picking (and note: many of the "gay parents bad" studies have been torn apart for methodological and data interpretation errors)

[–]Secular Humanistexelion18120 13ポイント14ポイント  (0子コメント)

Have a source for that?

[–]muffin9 13ポイント14ポイント  (0子コメント)


Uh, nope. The American Psychological Association has confirmed no difference in the effectiveness of gay parents. I think i trust peer-reviewed empirical data over some prejudiced person's random biased assumptions.

[–]Mesne 18ポイント19ポイント  (38子コメント)

'Probably'? Going to base that on anything?

[–]AtheistDuke_of_New_Dallas 8ポイント9ポイント  (0子コメント)

"Gays are icky child molesters" is probably his reasoning

[–]AtheistDuke_of_New_Dallas 13ポイント14ポイント  (16子コメント)

Children that are raised with interracial parents are probably going to be psychologically messed up. Same race marriage is obviously what God intended. It always shall be so.