What truscum don’t get is that even in an alternative universe were trans people weren’t always seen as fakers and its all nounself and transtrenders fault, I would work really hard to fuck you over just because I hate you.
I would make it as hard as possible for you to live your life. I would make sure everyone saw you as a fake. I would make sure you could never get transition all hormones because your doctor wouldn’t believe you. If I was really cis and the only true trans ppl were the ones truscum said there was, I would be really transphobic.
But since truscum are wrong and I’m not cis like you all tell me, I don’t have to do that. Because we have always been jokes.
I guess what I’m saying is that truscum can’t push nontruscum outta the community because a lot of them stay just to spite you.
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OP confirmed to be a big gross smelly person ;(
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So, how does it feel to be completely transphobic gayaliensdotcom? Tell me, what’s the difference between you, TERFS and...
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op why do you need hormones if you aren’t trying to alleviate dysphoria
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[screenshot] [archive.is]
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If you have no dysphoria, and you try and transition you will get dysphoria
- truchum reblogged this from gayaliensdotcom and added:
And over to the right you can see a transphobe in their natural habitat.
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TBH, I can’t see the difference between OP and the Fundies and TERF’s who have called me a faker for not living as my...
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Glad to know you’re a transphobe. I hope every time you feel like someone is watching you, it will seem like you’re...
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That is so vitriolic, I don’t think any amount of therapy could help them
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Er, you are saying that even if it was the case that cis appropriators damaged things up for trans people, you would...
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