Reader Experienced Father forwards this passage from Teddy Roosevelt, who in this excerpt reveals amazing powers of observation and prescience (and a serum T level that in one brief moment exceeds Obama’s lifetime gonadal output).
This is from Theodore Roosevelt’s Book “A Book-Lover’s Holidays in the Open” —
[T]here is one vital point—the vital point—in which the men and women of these ranch-houses, like those of the South America that I visited generally, are striking examples to us of the English-speaking countries both of North America and Australia. The families are large. The women, charming and attractive, are good and fertile mothers in all classes of society. There are no symptoms of that artificially self-produced dwindling of population which is by far the most threatening symptom in the social life of the United States, Canada, and the Australian commonwealths. The nineteenth century saw a prodigious growth of the English-speaking, relative to the Spanish-speaking, population of the new worlds west of the Atlantic and in the Southern Pacific. The end of the twentieth century will see this completely reversed unless the present ominous tendencies as regards the birth-rate are reversed.
A race is worthless and contemptible if its men cease to be willing and able to work hard and, at need, to fight hard, and if its women cease to breed freely. I am not speaking of pauper families with excessive numbers of ill-nourished and badly brought up children; I am well aware that, like most wise and good principles, this which I advocate can be carried to a mischievous excess; but it nevertheless remains true that voluntary sterility among married men and women of good life is, even more than military or physical cowardice in the ordinary man, the capital sin of civilization, whether in France or Scandinavia, New England or New Zealand. If the best classes do not reproduce themselves the nation will of course go down; for the real question is encouraging the fit, and discouraging the unfit, to survive. When the ordinary decent man does not understand that to marry the woman he loves, as early as he can, is the most desirable of all goals, the most successful of all forms of life entitled to be called really successful; when the ordinary woman does not understand that all other forms of life are but makeshift and starveling substitutes for the life of the happy wife, the mother of a fair-sized family of healthy children; then the state is rotten at heart.
[ed: here comes the money shot.]
The loss of a healthy, vigorous, natural sexual instinct is fatal; and just as much so if the loss is by disuse and atrophy as if it is by abuse and perversion. Whether the man, in the exercise of one form of selfishness, leads a life of easy self-indulgence and celibate profligacy; or whether in the exercise of a colder but no less repulsive selfishness, he sacrifices what is highest to some form of mere material achievement in accord with the base proverb that “he travels farthest who travels alone”; or whether the sacrifice is made in the name of the warped and diseased conscience of asceticism; the result is equally evil.
So, likewise, with the woman. In many modern novels there is portrayed a type of cold, selfish, sexless woman who plumes herself on being “respectable,” but who is really a rather less desirable member of society than a prostitute. Unfortunately the portrayal is true to life. The woman who shrinks from motherhood is as low a creature as a man of the professional pacificist, or poltroon, type, who shirks his duty as a soldier.
The only full life for man or woman is led by those men and women who together, with hearts both gentle and valiant, face lives of love and duty, who see their children rise up to call them blessed and who leave behind them their seed to inherit the earth. Dealing with averages, it is the bare truth to say that no celibate life approaches such a life in point of usefulness, no matter what the motive for the celibacy—religious, philanthropic, political, or professional.
The mother comes ahead of the nun—and also of the settlement or hospital worker; and if either man or woman must treat a profession as a substitute for, instead of as an addition to or basis for, marriage, then by all means the profession or other “career” should be abandoned. It is of course not possible to lay down universal rules. There must be exceptions. But the rule must be as above given. In a community which is at peace there may be a few women or a few men who for good reasons do not marry, and who do excellent work nevertheless; just as in a community which is at war, there may be a few men who for good reasons do not go out as soldiers. But if the average woman does not marry and become the mother of enough healthy children to permit the increase of the race; and if the average man does not, above all other things, wish to marry in time of peace, and to do his full duty in war if the need arises, then the race is decadent, and should be swept aside to make room for one that is better. Only that nation has a future whose sons and daughters recognize and obey the primary laws of their racial being.
Careerist gogrrls, like their dopplegangers, cowardly manlets, are an affront to human dignity.
They don’t make’ em like Teddy anymore. Which is horrible timing, because if ever the West needed more Teddies, it is now. And I say this as someone who possesses the strongest possible fornicative urge hitched to the weakest possible procreative urge. Yareally gotta look at the big picture.
[…] The Great Men On Careerist GoGrrls […]
Wow, fantastic piece.
Best post in 3 years. Thanks for coming to the correct side re: YaReally-type viewpoint.
And Teddy kept mentioning “celibacy.” Today’s women are ten thousandfold worse. They are not celibate while refusing to give us white children. Rather, they are slutting along the cock carousel from age 18-35, using contraception or getting abortions while doing alpha fux with 50 alphas during that time. Then when they are 35, THEN they go on dating sites and as, “where have all the good men gone?”
TR’s great blunder was in misunderestimating the existential threat posed by YKW and not kicking the entirety of their race out of this country after their disciple, Leon Czolgosz, had murdered President McKinley.
Does anyone know whether TR ever spoke out about the Jekyll Island Conspiracy, or whether he was even aware of it? Jekyll Island, and then a few years later, the YKW murders of the Romanovs, were the seminal events of TR’s life.
Czolgosz was a Polish Catholic, but born in the US. Get your facts straight.
You’re correct about Czolgosz but if you know that much about him you’ll also have to know that the Project referred to by the Captain was the brainchild of YKW.
All he mentioned was that the dude was their disciple… not their kin.
In true fashion, they pull in the reigns or do massive damage control on their own… witness Leo Frank, Dreyfuss, Rosenbergs, et. al.
“Best post in 3 years. Thanks for coming to the correct side re: YaReally-type viewpoint.”
It’s a wonderful thought. Sure, who wouldn’t love to raise a bunch of badass little kids and pass on their genes and wisdom while your loving wife (who doesn’t mind you boning the office secretary on the side) dotes on you and cooks healthy meals for you and your kids and you can raise them with red pill beliefs.
Ya that’d be super duper.
Except the reality is that your kids will probably be taken away from you via no-fault divorce because your wife has let herself go so you start to resent her and she’s getting enough Facebook validation and feminist grrrl power talk to think 40 is the new 20 and she can land a rich CEO so she jets and you get to be the next Robin Williams while your kid is raised by a single mom and watched abusive boyfriends come and go.
Even if your chick allows you to stay with her and doesn’t cheat on you, you’re doing half the housework because equality and she’s probably got a career because feminism so you’ve got some nanny raising your kid half the time. Your wife has no real discipline because self discipline is oppressive so she’s not teaching your kids to eat healthy or anything, they’re scarfing down McDonald’s left and right and glued to their iPhones because every other 12 year old they know has an iphone and fuck respecting your parents or respecting the man of the house for the job he does, he’s just a walking ATM.
And all of that can be taken away with one false accusation by your wife, any of your kids, or your wife on BEHALF of your kids, or even by a nosy teacher who just doesn’t like you and decides your kid didn’t get a bruise from playing baseball he must be in an abusive household. Not only is all of that taken away from you effortlessly but with the Internet your name is slandered for life even if you’re innocent. If at ANY point in your 40 year marriage your wife or kids clue in or are told by others just how much power they actually have over you, and how little authority you ACTUALLY have in today’s society where men are demonized and punished without due process or evidence…you are FUCKED.
And all of that is based on the kids even BEING yours, which there’s a solid chance these days that they might not be.
So sorry Teddy but times have changed. I’m just being realistic about the situation. Russian roulette went from one bullet to 5 bullets, I think I’ll pass despite your shaming attempts. It’s unfortunate but hey I will more than happy to pop out a dozen babies if you’ll take full financial and legal responsibility for them and I’ll just babysit and teach them all my wise old man shit.
Every guy who shits on me for not reproducing would throw an even bigger fit if I decided you were right and went out getting married chicks preggers while they tell their hubby’s the kid belongs to them. Hey I’d be passing on my genes and a kid is getting raised without having to roll the dice I just described up above. Sounds win/win to me lol
If I come down with cancer I’ll go raw-dog as many chicks as possible and peace out with an army of my genes out there to alpha fuck your future daughters and cuckold your future beta bucks sons, don’t worry.
The reality of how this will all play out though, and you can quote this from the retirement home when it’s in full effect, is that this next generation of women will see all these lonely spinster aunts and single moms and go “wow I don’t want to end up like that”. They’ll start to clue in that men are deciding it’s not worth it and going MGTOW etc. they’ll start rejecting feminism to separate themselves from the unattractive feminists (this is already happening). One smart girl will figure out “you know maybe I should start bringing more to the table than my pussy and grrrl power mindset. That Sarah girl can cook and she has a bunch of men who want to marry her. Maybe if I hit the gym and learn to cook clean etc and generally be a useful housewife I’ll be more appealing to men than those other girls.” That chick will get locked down fast as fuck and other girls will follow her lead and she’ll teach her daughters etc. slowly over time women will realize that the “you look hot and take care of the household while I bring home the bacon” structure worked for a reason and that they’re happier taking care of their kids and being attracted to their way higher value husband etc than their 40yo lonely career girl friend is and within a couple generations women will be bringing more to the table and it’ll be more worthwhile for men to start families again.
In the meantime feminism is fucking itself especially this year and ppl are starting to look at men’s issues more and marriage rates are plummeting and there’ll come a point while the above is happening where ppl figure out “ok look this legal marriage deal sucks dick for men, we gotta offer more incentive if we want them to come back to society and earn enough $$$ to provide for a full family.” This’ll take more time because it’s a society-wide change and involves legal shit and might be too beyond fucked as it is….whereas the women realizing feminism blows and learning to cook will happen within a couple generations. Odds are marriage will be fucked as it is and instead people will create their own structure where they’re doing everything similar to marriage but just aren’t entering that legal noose.
Eventually we’ll end up voluntarily back in the 1940s and ppl will shake their heads at the few wasted generations that feminism created.
Pay attention, you’re gonna find more and more of these 19-25yo girls are advertising that cooking and yoga are their hobbied and that they’re against modern feminism lol it all starts from there. We are about to have a MAJOR abundance of lonely old cat ladies that serve as warnings to the next generations. Right now those women are only 30-45, it’s still POSSIBLE their Mr Big will come along no one can say for sure. But when those women are still alone and miserable at 50-65, young hotties will be taking note and will be looking at how to avoid that fate.
Young chicks aren’t stupid, they just need motivation to change. A few weekends with crazy fat old lonely Auntie Feminist will provide that. I’m already seeing more college age chicks hitting the gym and doing yoga spin pilates etc and learning about nutrition etc than I’d ever see 5-10 years ago. Same way lifting became more common for young men once MMA got popular and now most young dudes know some shit about lifting and protein.
And as I’ve said before, combine all of the above with being a money 45-50yo dude who takes care of his health and has solid game and succeeds in his career shit…who’s that hot 23yo with the cooking and yoga skills going to look to pop out babies with? The lame feminized manginas they go to school with or the badass older man who triggers their need for a fatherly dominant figure their single mom couldn’t give them? No reason to pop babies out right now, I’m waiting for better circumstances. There’s a reason I’m working on my finances and health this year. Yareally gotta be looking at the long-con lol
Epic YaReally, awesome post. In ten years, I’m planning to be one of those money dudes aged 45 to 50 you describe in the last paragraph. So far, there aren’t too many 23-yr-olds that I would want to wife up, but maybe that’ll change someday, if your predictions come true…
I do agree that we’re looking at a massive mental health problem on the horizon, mostly due to social media/narcissism and young women failing to understand how quickly their self-esteem will be yanked out from underneath them once they lose that youthful shine and the FB likes dry up. IOW, we haven’t yet reached peak cat lady.
You have a lot of good points, YaReally. In fact, if you stand back and look at the big picture, you can’t see the agenda behind this whole fiasco.
This is about population reduction. Namely, of white people, since feminism is targeting white women in particular and these three generations of whites breeding breeding less, while a major influx of immigrants & minorities, and their r-selected ways of popping out bunnies. By the time the white woman will have learned, it may just be too late for this country. Unless men start getting their shıt together.
Comment of the decade. I agree–Gen X men got royally fucked. I hope you are right. The problem seems to be that so many desperate, sexless betas who were literally nearly sexless their entire lives will still marry the 35 year olds. Sandberg’s strategy (for now) is working for these women because a 40 year old beta nerd will marry that 35 year old from who will looks decent and will overlook that she had 40 partners that last 20 years while he had 4. Also the current dads, raising the daughters that will be the return to decency that you describe….still having problems influencing their daughters because of the divorce law situation you accurately describe. Hard to even get access. Impossible to teach them what a proper family should look like, including respect for the father.
Lol “peak cat lady”
I agree though. Like I say at 30-45 they might still find a man. It’ll be when there’s massive swarms of lonely old 50+ women that young girls are forced to see where they’ll go “uhh maybe I don’t wanna end up like that…how can I get an edge over these other girls?” Right now they all think their 40yo fat feminazi aunt is a “lovely soul” who’s going to find her rich 6-packed CEO Mr. Big if they help then write the perfect OKCupid profile. When that fails across the board, young girls will start to notice.
I mean what drives their career mindset now? The fear that they’ll end up like the cartoon stereotype feminism has painted of an oppressed housewife being a slave and having no freedoms etc. That fear is why they’re chasing their sex & the city careers, cause they’ve been simultaneously sold that those girls will have the happy ending.
That’s why you see all these articles coming out about how happy older women are in their singlehood. To keep young girls from realizing how sad their empty lives turned out. But they can hide that now when most of these women are in their 30s-40s…but reality will be impossible to cover up when these granddaughters are taking grandma cat food shopping because she cries herself to sleep lonely every night and talk about the men they let get away and how they should’ve married that nice stable guy when he offered in her early 20s etc
Like I say it’ll be a couple generations for them to figure it out and then to accept it and act on it. But like the latest fashion trends, when one girl figures out being thin, cooking, positive, and feminine gives her an edge, the rest of the herd will follow suit.
Simultaneously men are being beaten down. The 80/20 of normal dudes to top pussy slaying dudes is already more like 90/10. It’s going to keep going till it’s like 99/1. Just a bunch of Michael Cera hipster respectful feminist-brainwashed chodes raised by women because all the male influence in their life has been removed at home and school with the pedo-scare propaganda from feminists. So those guys will literally not know how to be men.
So these girls come up and meet you, you’re 40-60 and in good shape, strong mental frame, successful in business, you have solid game, solid eye contact, these little vagina boys defer to you on everything, and you scold her the way her absent daddy and “everybody wins” female teachers never did, triggering something deep insider her that she doesn’t understand but likes the tingles.
Even now, go meet a bunch of 18-25yos and ask what their she range searches on Tinder etc are now. You’ll find a LOT of them are searching all the way to 35-40 and some even refuse to look at any guy not at least a few years older than them.
And hell, watch what happens when the 50 Shades movie hits theaters. Entire theatres swarming with women soaking their seats over the “older man who opens a young innocent woman’s sexuality” fantasy. That movie is going to get old guys with game laid left and right lol
10-15 years ago being an older guy was a handicap but shit has changed. As long as you take care of your body and handle your life in general, there should be no reason you aren’t able to settle down with a hot 25yo when you’re 45-50 if you want, and by then she should come complete with cooking skills and a housewife mindset realizing her purpose is to pop out babies and make YOU and your family together her purpose and have herself a happier ending than her lonely old aunt they just buried who died alone and bitter.
My buddy is 32 and he’s settling with a 31yo to have kids. In my mind I’m thinking what are you doing? You can enjoy 10 more years of pussy and then you’ll be in your full prime and you can land a hotter 25yo and have kids with her instead at the point where your dick stops working (and if you take care of your health you’ll probably last even longer look at old Chinese Kung fu guys on YouTube half these guys are more spry and coherent at 80 than North American 60yos cause they eat clean and exercise and shit). Cuz right now my buddy’s got about 3 years OPTIMISTICALLY (she doesn’t exercise (metabolism hasn’t died yet) or have the $ for personal trainers plastic surgery Botox etc) before he’s a 35yo man in his prime with an ugly wrinkled sagging possibly fat wife who’s probably preggers for half of that time, with his dick wondering “dude what did you do to me??”
So like I say it’s not that I won’t pass on my genes and get Teddy’s approval. I’m just picking a smarter time to do it instead of rushing in.
All I gotta do is not kick the bucket unexpectedly too soon, knock on wood lol
No fucks given, sorry. My wings and buddies in general are often minorities and I’d be cool with tapping Asian and Spanish chicks lol Half-babies usually grow up to look hot as fuck. I’ll wing my non-white buddy to help him fuck a hot blonde white chick in your honor next time we’re out.
It’s already happening among high school and college girls at least in UMC/UC communities. They look around at the intact families with stay at home moms vs working their ass off for entry level wages and actually verbalize they want to be a stay at home mom. Of course part of that is looking at driving a Range Rover and playing tennis twice a week and shopping etc. like their moms. But I’d say about 20% of college age attractive girls I know will actually verbalize this desire. No career at all. which in itself is a dramatic change from 10 years ago. In elementary schools I’d say a third or more of really young girls will say this, foreshadowing a trend with growth behind it. Maybe others are seeing the same thing.
And the girl fitness and cooking blogs have really popularized those things. so while this kind of girl is not yet common, you can see a wave forming.
Another driver is the boomer grandmothers whose love lives can be summed up with two words – divorce and regret. It’s sad to see a 65-70 YO spend the holidays alone because well this year the kids and grandkids are with dad. see you next year mom. And they too are verbalizing that getting a power woman divorce at 35 was a huge mistake. And they are forced to live of life much poorer for their divided assets. No come round for Sunday lunch at the big house with all the kids and grandkids and great grand kids playing on the lawn, daughters helping in the kitchen and gossiping, sons tossing a ball around while gramps makes some punch.
I think part of what is to come though is BECAUSE men are finally getting off of their asses, even if it is GTOW, Which at least demonstrates some dynamism and some passion. A girl would rather go live on a goat farm with a passionate poor young cheesemaker, and invest herself into him, than an entry level drone doing a job he doesn’t know why and getting parental support while seeking parental affirmation.
I can tell you guys, as a 47YO fit dude with some wealth, the range is fantastic. From peer age married women unfulfilled with their nice guy beta husbands to the just out of college girls trying to live life as a grown up, it’s all there for the taking. With all of the beta guys out there, it’s a great time for some game and to be a dynamic, passionate and authentic guy.
[CH: women who want to do the stay at home mom thing do have to bring something to the table: youth, looks, slenderness, and a willingness to experiment sexually. i mean, do women think sugar daddy providers won’t expect anything in return for their largesse?]
your last comment was gay. so you’re not on the right side (helping browns get blondes). you are part of the problem.
Yeah, when you have kids at 45 that’s a big mistake. Ever tried crawling around on the ground to play with a toddler when you’re 48? Yeah, it doesn’t work that way. You’re going to be a senior citizen by the time your kid gets out of high school. And damn, that’s a huge generation gap. A two-generation gap. If you’re lucky and your kid reproduces early (unlike you), you’ll be alive just long enough for a single family heirloom photo of you holding your infant grandchild, then poof you’re gone.
Great parable
Zombie Shane to the courtesy phone…
> “Obama’s lifetime gonadal output”
From what Steve Sailer called the “Blank Slate” point of view [as opposed to Biological Calvinism, which holds that most of this shiznat is genetic], somebody over at Free Republic absolutely nailed Obama’s SOTU soliloquy [last night] as being the work of a child abandoned by both his father and his mother – an abandoned child suffering from “Pediatric Reactive Attachment Disorder” – who grew up to be an adult suffering from various “Cluster B” maladies:
whatever happened to him? I dismiss a lot of the kookery around here but he was a nice guy.
maybe he’s doing the writing?
He’s sock-puppeting as “Captain Obvious” and some French name. Just watch for:
Biological Calvinism
extreme anti-Semitism
made-up Rush Limbaugh references to the Chateau
Poor Socialist Within can’t accept the fact that some people actually are aware of what even the Tribe members themselves say about their media dominance. “Extremist!” Your labels don’t work here.
I’ve been gone for a while, working and procreating. What’s the situation with yareally? I haven’t seen the archive updated in a long time.
Sorry.He’s dead.
Lol he got married and has lots of white babies now
With Amy. Sorry, boys. We’ll name our first-born Heartiste in your honor.
TR is off the charts terrific right here.
the benefits of a real classical education. His letters in Theodore Rex were probably the ideal of what a Harvard man reads like when he communicates.
Its a frank embarrassment to our present that what our leaders *used* to be like.
Teddy for the win. A lot of guys could use his stuff on “the strenuous life” as well. I don’t know too many presidents these days that could get shot and still insist on finishing his speech before getting medical attention. Excellent role model if you’re looking for someone with balls the size of warships.
Except that he was too keen on pointless war making for my liking.
To be fair, careerist women aren’t his only target. In fact, he first excoriates the players (“man … who leads a life of easy self-indulgence and celibate profligacy”) and the contemporary equivalent of the modern MGTOW (“colder but no less repulsive selfishness”), both conveniently unemphasized.
[CH: are you, by any chance, a twitchy butthurt feminist or tradcon?]
Men are players or MGTOW today because the women, gatekeeper of babymaking and committed marriage and the vagina, made it so after they were “sexually liberated.” Nearly all men, even CH admittedly in his writings, started out naturally beta. Nearly all of us of Generation X who graduated in the mid 90s were expecting to find a wife and future mother of our children around age 24 to 27, and we were shocked, as a generation, to find that our women (at least the white, attractive ones) had no interest in family formation. The white women of generation X were sold (and bought) the feminist lie of partying “sex in the city style” and careerism from age 18-35. Then, after 17 years on the cock carousel, they go on and blame men for their problems, asking “if there are any good men.”
The good men are where they left them, in their early 20s, when they blew off decent men who would have made great husbands and fathers.
Generation X is total bullshit, because those who took over society in the late 1960s liberated women to follow their natural anti-civilizational instincts.
We see the result today.
Exactly this.
Well said.
Spot on!
You perfectly described my situation back in the 90s.
And for us millenials, we’ve been dealt an even worse hand than the gen-Xer above, we got the “heinous generation” of women.
His ire for players and MGTOW must be examined within the context of its time. Those lads didn’t confront the ubiquitous third-wave feminist matriarchy. The world was their oyster and they hadn’t any reason to fear marriage and procreation, other than as shirking responsibility. By comparison, today’s man who marries and reproduces must be constantly vigilant of a culture that has ensured his wife will have fucked a hundred alpha cocks for every warm canal that her beta hubby has penetrated and he needs to fear divorce-rape, raising another as his own, and being usurped and emasculated at every turn by his high-T level boss bitch wife.
That’s NOT true.
Shall Women Vote: A Book for Men by Conway Whittle Sams (1913)
“Not so many years ago we were introduced to the New Woman. The character, duties, position, and functions of woman as they have been construed, accepted, and acted upon since the dawn of history, were suddenly found by her to have been all wrong. Woman was now to be regenerated, to be given her proper position in the economy of the universe. A new light had dawned upon the earth, and all creation was to be made better and happier by this so-called emancipation and elevation of women. A score or so of years have passed since then, and the New Woman has now become, we might say, a middle-aged woman. We know her better than we did when we first made her acquaintance. During these years the aims and ideals which underlay that movement have been made manifest by what has transpired since the agitation began. We have seen men’s places in the business world taken by women; divorces multiplied, and still increasing, most of them brought by -women against their husbands; household duties neglected; the care and the training of the children slighted; the children growing up unruly, ill-mannered, disrespectful; the parents largely subordinated to their children; prolonged absences of wives in the summer; husbands put in jail on preposterous grounds; then put under rules which tend to destroy utterly their influence and their authority in their families; disorder and violence unheard of before in the home, and the
family hearth often stained with the blood of the wretched members by whom and for whom death was preferred to the domestic anarchy in which they were living. But these things were not enough. Upon the shoulders of the men already staggering under the weight of Ossa, Pelion is now to be piled. The New Woman comes before us as the Suffragette. But as that word has already acquired a deservedly odious signification the word “Suffragist,” or “Equal Rights,” or some other such subterfuge or substitution is put forward in place of the primary word to describe her. The Suffragette, then, not satisfied with being a woman, asks or demands as a right to be made a man. She demands the political power of a man. Why? Is it in order to discharge better her duties as a woman? She is a woman, not a man. There is nothing in the present construction of society which hinders her from being the most glorious and blessed, the most illustrious, admired, and beloved of women. She was created as an helpmeet for man, not as another kind of man; and no one thinks any the less of her for being what she is, so long as she does not try to be something else. It is impossible to make her anything different from what she was born. But, although no one can make women men, society can so alter the relations between the sexes as to ruin their harmony. What the Suffragettes are now asking men to do threatens to accomplish this. Is any one so simple as to believe that the Suffragette is demanding the right to vote for the benefit of the men? Is it not perfectly clear that the movement is a thoroughly hostile one to men? If so, why do men seem not to appreciate the far-reaching consequences to them? Do men now get too much satisfaction from their relations with women, and consequently would not be the losers if they were to receive less? Is it not apparent that if women had the right to vote, they would claim the right to hold office, to sit in the Legislature, to make laws? And is there a man so stupid as to believe that if women, who are in the majority in the eastern part of this country, had the power to control legislation he would long have a right left on earth? From what has already been done at their instigation can he imagine that he would be benefited by what might yet be done? As a man, now, with the record of the past few years before you, do you believe that if women had the right to vote, your wife, with her head full of political ideas or ambitions, would be any more disposed to attend to her household duties than she is now?” (P. 273-76)
“When all the women such as we have always thought of women as being, or trying to be, or at least being told that they should be, shall have been ruined and utterly exterminated by these new laws, what have the men of the world to expect in the way of pleasant companionship, affectionate cooperation, sympathy, and love from the race of shrews, scolds, termagants, amazons, viragos, furies, and suffragettes who would take their places? These last are surely insatiable. With all that has been done for women in the past few years, their present demands convict them of being true daughters of the horseleach.” (P.78)
“Then the ingenuity of the women begins to work, and a mass of novel propositions are advanced: that married men should have to wear wedding-rings; that a modification should be made in the title of Mister, to show whether a man be a married or a single man; that all unmarried men be taxed for the selfish luxury they enjoy of being single; that the women should keep their maiden names; and so forth, and so on. All these propositions have one end in view, to break down the position of man, and to have
women dictate to men their status in marriage, instead of having this relation such as the men of the world have thought best to make it. The weakness with which the men of the United States have resisted and resented these changes has already prejudiced the position of men in this country for generations to come. To yield still further will ruin it forever. The “American husband” has already become a byword; he has not much further to go to become the laughing-stock of the nations.” As in the days of the Spanish Inquisition, when the wretched victim was brought forth to be burnt at the stake, and his inhuman tormentors ingeniously diminished the sympathy which his sufferings might have been calculated to awaken in the hearts of the spectators by making him an object of ridicule, dressing him up in absurd costumes, with figures representing the devil sewed upon his clothes and with other grotesque devices, so the victim of the modern persecution of the head of the family is made ridiculous, and often spoken of and joked about as “Hubby,” a word never heard before the era of his persecution began, but which, if allowed by men to be applied to them, may confidently be counted upon to do its part in ‘helping to degrade the husband even more than the word “Dad” will undermine the fathers. A fair sample of all this is a bill-board sign recently posted in this city of a “funny” movingpicture show, “Mr. Hubby’s Wife,” in which the “hubby” is presented on his knees, hands opened, and eyes rolling up to heaven, while his wife is beating him over the head with a clothestree.” (P. 76)
“Our civilization is off the track. The further the locomotive is forced ahead along this line the deeper the whole train will sink into the quagmire. The attempt to subordinate men to women and children, and to tie husbands to their wives’ apron-strings, if it succeed, would simply mean the ruin and disgrace of the race. If they stand in mortal terror of arrest by their wives, and are shut up in their homes every night as in a jail, while their children roam the streets, and their wives are out at a party, “The Land
of the Free and the Home of the Brave” is a description which could no longer be applied, except in jest, to that portion of the earth inhabited by the men of the United States of America.” (P. 77)
“There is a lot of human nature in husbands. Marriage is a state which men are free to enter, or not, as they choose. No sane man takes such a step if he does not expect to gain something by it. If the Legislature adhere to the policy of stripping the husbands of all benefit, advantage, or pleasure which they might derive from marriage, a natural consequence of this policy would be to discourage men from entering into that state. It has some advantages, and many responsibilities, restrictions, burdens, and limitations. Add to these burdens and these responsibilities the policeman, the sheriff, the criminal courts, and the jails, and take away as many of the advantages as possible, and the men may prefer to find their happiness in the pleasures of single blessedness, in clubhouses, or in the lower pleasures of bar-rooms, ‘and other such resorts. When marriage is sought to be made, on these modern lines, (thoroughly satisfactory to the women, it will be found probably not to please the men. It will probably also not really suit the women, for this scheme of married life tends to extract all the sweetness from the relation, and to supplant love, trust, devotion, and honor with distrust, reservation, conflicts of authority, and discord. This policy is, as we all know, a new thing in Virginia, only dating back to April 4, 1877, and going from that date rapidly from bad to worse. Its effect on the social and business status of married men has already been bad, and the injury tends to increase rapidly. We all know many persons who were married under the old system. Very many of us are the children of marriages made under that system. These two classes yet leaven the lump of society, and, in a measure, keep alive the ideals which formerly characterized this relation. But, as with every revolving year we get farther and farther away from that time, and there are fewer and fewer representing the former conditions, and more and more who have never known anything but the present system, the relation will become more and more demoralized. The fact should be emphasized that around the old system, the system of love, confidence, and trust, sprung up and blossomed the flowers of poetry and romance. All our love stories, and all the dear traditions of the past on this subject, were coexistent with the laws which have been so recently overthrown; while around the present system has grown up the noxious weed of divorce, and the too often repeated scenes of violence, terminating in murder and suicide. Divorce will continue to increase, and these tragedies will increase, not until the laws relating to divorce merely be made more strict, as is the frantic demand of so many well meaning men and women, public speakers and writers, but until the marriage relation be made again more satisfactory. A system contemplating two heads in one house, or the unmanly surrender of leadership to the women, is a system which will forever foster divorce, if indeed it do not undermine marriage and society itself.” (P. 95-97)
“It was said a few days ago in the papers that the clinging type of woman was becoming rarer. Of course everybody knows what is meant by the word clinging, the dear, sweet women that men can love and trust, and who are fulfilling the duties which are naturally theirs as the helpmeets of their husbands. Under existing rules, is there any wonder that they are becoming rarer? The question may be asked, how long will it be before they vanish altogether? Women are what men choose to make them. The woman of the past, who was a friend to man, was so made by the rules of society formulated by men. The woman of the future may be anything but a friend to man. Developed according to rules which she may desire to lay down, she may become his competitor, his rival, his opponent, in the outside world, and in his home the source of vexation and misery untold.” (P. 114)
“The Legislature, seeing so many persons marry, seems to think that nothing it may do will ever have any effect in breaking up the natural tendency which causes young men to love young women. Here, they seem to think, is a subject of legislation which cannot escape them, and which they can regulate to their hearts’ content. Their severe rules are intended to operate upon a class supposed to be the best able of any to bear hardships,
young men, the class out of which the armies of the world have always been formed. They need no assistance, and deserve no sympathy. Pile everything on them therefore that can be put upon them. They are young men as contrasted with old men, and men as contrasted with women. Therefore put everything in the way of a burden, a duty, or a liability upon them. Their shoulders are broad, and they can bear it. If they cannot, it is their own fault.” (P. 257-58)
“What the theory is that they are trying to work out in respect to the relation which the husband bears to his wife we are really unable to say. He does not seem to have any dignified position at all with regard to her. To make him a mere drudge, who has to earn enough to supply her wants, and be held liable to imprisonment the instant he fail in this regard, seems to be about what is aimed at.” (P. 260-61)
“The more the State legislates them away from the parental authority, the worse the children are becoming. The interference of the State diminishes the attention and the training they receive from their parents, and no one else takes enough interest in them to supply the loss. Legislate them entirely from their parents, break up the home completely, and we will live among a race of barbarians, who, having learned to submit to no domestic authority in their youth, will resist all civil authority when they become men.” (P. 261)
“This breaking up of the family and the home, resulting from the annihilation of husbands and fathers, is sententiously spoken of by those who admire it as “Western individualism.” But another view taken of the situation is: “We are not a nation; we are a rabble.” If we are not, we certainly will become so under the laws recently passed affecting family life.” (P. 262)
“How long does any reasonable person believe that a system such as we are rapidly drifting into can survive? Wives are represented as objects of terror to their husbands, and are made the threadbare subject of jokes on the stage, in the papers, and in the various other ways by which the public receives its strongest impressions. These jests might have seemed funny at first, before the feminist idea had attained its present dimensions; but they are no longer so; they are ghastly. They are doing all they can utterly to ruin in the mind of every woman her proper duty to her husband, and to foster in the mind of every man the idea, “No Wedding Bells for Me.” What can the end be of such a system? The institutions, customs, laws, habits, the very men and women of any country, can be utterly demoralized and ruined, if enough people are bent upon the accomplishment of such ends. We have already gone too far. It is high time for the men of the various States of this Union to consider seriously the present conditions. It is not yet too late to remedy them, but it may soon be. We have become intoxicated with the idea of political liberty and equality, and have foolishly brought these ideas into play within the family circle, which they are destined to ruin, if this policy be not reversed. The husband must be reestablished in a position of dignity and power, and the father must be reestablished, or the deluge will be upon us all men, women, and children alike.” (P. 300-301)
“Shut up, you. It’s all womens’ fault! Fat! Careerist! Smartphones!….” [He finishes up his post on the iPhone he paid $600 for dangling over his bloated belly and grabs a testosterone-pulverizing beer and claims he’s a masculine man.]
[CH: you have a vivid imagination. almost like you’re projecting.]
Fertility rate of Alt Right men ≤ .580.
They are utter evolutionary failures. (Fertility rates as abysmal as the neo-atheist community? Maybe so. Let’s see who dies out faster!)
[there aren’t many men who would trade in a life of happy cadding with slender young hotties for a married life to a frump with three kids in tow. jes sayin]
And here they’re trying to gravy train the profundity of Theodore Roosevelt, who unequivocally mocks them and says that they, should be swept aside to make room for [men that are] better.
[you sound bitter. what’s up wit dat?]
Teddy Roosevelt would have more appreciation for the black thugs in the ghetto with an IQ of 85, but who at least have the force of will to fuck and to father children and, in however a parasitic or moronic manner, to fight on behalf of his race, than your childless, sexless Alt Righter who says he won’t have children until immigration laws change/feminism is eradicated/obesity epidemic is cured/[insert other excuses here].
[another retard waves his haterbater strawman around like it’s the most profound fucking insight in the world. hey doofus, opposition to nonwhite immigration and satisfaction with the child-free bachelor life aren’t necessarily mutually inclusive propositions.]
The obsession with blaming women
[faggot white knight off the starboard bow. so… just how fat is your wife?]
(note the title of this article, even though Roosevelt targeted men more than women) and all the bizarre conditions Alt Right men put upon society before they (supposedly) will be able to have children is all a cover for their own sexual problems and/or complete weakness of soul.
[i just want mass nonwhite immigration to end because i like a clean poolside and bonhomie.]
Many Alt Right men are the complete opposite of Jack Nicholson’s opening words in ‘The Departed’.
[did an alt right man leave you at the altar?]
completely wrong. those complaining wanted to get married simply to a thin woman, even a butterface is okay… it is the women who refuse to give us children.
Teddy Roosevelt would have more appreciation for the black thugs in the ghetto with an IQ of 85, but who at least have the force of will to fuck and to father children
Um, no. It’s clear you can’t read.
And you claim right-wing men don’t have children. That’s hilarious.
But of course those who are the leading voices in the “Alt Right” as you call it, and I assume you mean the manosphere in particular, will in general be unmarried and without children. Why? Because maintaining an output of writings that make one a leading voice takes a lot of time, which those who are married with children generally don’t have. Mainstream monkeys sucking up to the media bosses can find a well-paid job to do so during work hours, but most in the manosphere must do their writing unpaid and after work hours. Only those without families can do so for a long period of time.
Furthermore, being part of a movement that criticizes mass immigration makes one a target. It can lead to a loss of career and job, and to attacks from left-wing extremist groups that commit thousands of acts of terrorism across the West every year, which the media cover up to make sure they can go on. Married men with children will usually not take this risk, since their families would suffer. Many who have taken the risk anyway have been attacked, lost their jobs, and had their wives leave them. This makes sure others will not take the risk. That is the same with all activism that opposes the mainstream – which you wouldn’t know since you have never done any.
Now go wave your combined U.S./Israel flag some more and spew hatred at those who oppose the shit you listen to. “David”.
“in however a parasitic or moronic manner, to fight on behalf of his race, than your childless, sexless Alt Righter who says he won’t have children until immigration laws change/feminism is eradicated/obesity epidemic is cured/[insert other excuses here].”
Except it’s not an excuse, it’s fact. Rossevelt wouldn’t feel contempt for them because he probably couldn’t have fathomed that it would go THIS bad.
I agree with some of your statements David. In particular a lot of blame get’s laid at the feet of women without men taking some of the responsibility themselves.
The way I see it is that the good fellas here at CH show us the one extreme, mainstream media/feminism etc show us the other. It’s our job as discerning adults to make our own choices, decide which beliefs resonate with our own, walk that path somewhere in the middle or to the left or right whichever it may be and let the rest fall where they may.
Truth is not a compromise.
The rot in a nation is readily apparent in the decline in the quality of its leaders.
We were aristocrats once…and wise.
The penultimate sentence probably describes a growing number of men in the West, I would guess.
Poolside beckons.
Aristocracy =/= wisdom
Ever read any history?
Socialists have nothing worth hearing to say about aristocracy, since you are liars.
The ass is a poor receptacle for the head.
Aristocracy =/= rule of the best. That is what is meant here.
I mean aristocracy = rule of the best.
Miniver Cheevy
Miniver Cheevy, child of scorn,
Grew lean while he assailed the seasons;
He wept that he was ever born,
And he had reasons.
Miniver loved the days of old
When swords were bright and steeds were prancing;
The vision of a warrior bold
Would set him dancing.
Miniver sighed for what was not,
And dreamed, and rested from his labors;
He dreamed of Thebes and Camelot,
And Priam’s neighbors.
Miniver mourned the ripe renown
That made so many a name so fragrant;
He mourned Romance, now on the town,
And Art, a vagrant.
Miniver loved the Medici,
Albeit he had never seen one;
He would have sinned incessantly
Could he have been one.
Miniver cursed the commonplace
And eyed a khaki suit with loathing;
He missed the mediæval grace
Of iron clothing.
Miniver scorned the gold he sought,
But sore annoyed was he without it;
Miniver thought, and thought, and thought,
And thought about it.
Miniver Cheevy, born too late,
Scratched his head and kept on thinking;
Miniver coughed, and called it fate,
And kept on drinking.
And one calm evening Mr. Corey went home and put a bullet in his head.
Who bitch this is?
Alas, yet another jest fallen flat!
ROK rule should preside here also
With the current state of affairs marriage often means divorce rape and being turned into a child support slave for children you barely get to visit with who will later hate you as mom demonizes you to them at every opportunity.
Also who wants to marry all the sluts around here? If a young attractive woman who can recognize that she needs to bring more then just her vagina to the table wanted to get married and not ride the CC for ten years wanted to have a go at monogamy with me I’d be down. I’d like two more children. Of course she’d have to have had a father who helped her build a good character as well.
There aren’t any women like that. Our culture makes sure that they are instilled with narcissism and a belief that they deserve to ride the CC because they have a vagina.
Not a lot of options for men.
exactly this
While you can’t un-cock a carousel rider, there are normal good looking young women out there guys. They are not in bars and clubs though. I know of many slim, pretty smart girls who are 23-25 and I bet have N counts less than 2.
These are the girls who were late-bloomers in high school, had zero girl game and never got into the alpha girl party cliques, or were nerds studying all the time, or into travel athletics or church girls. Basically they had no social circle (the guys would just be uber-beta orbiters who wouldn’t dare make a move, but would go out in a group to a movie and a coffee), had huge time commitments that limited their socialization, were socially awkward around other girls (so they don’t get invited out by a group of girls and don’t know how to chill at parties), didn’t like the taste or feel of alcohol, drug free and terrified of STD or pregnancy.
Where are these girls? Church groups, volunteer/non profit groups, animal focused groups, political clubs and election volunteers (usually right leaning), coffee houses, movies, museums, bookstores.
These are usually solid 7’s. They may look a little dowdy in a ponytail and a sweatshirt when casually shopping or doing errands, but will freshen up nicely in a cocktail dress. So they are not getting hit on all the time or causing a distraction day in and out and not a threat to the 8 and 9 girls. They also tend to be big talkers and readers, spend a lot of time online, but not on dating sites (they think they are too young for that) and are too afraid of being caught on tinder by their social circle.
Now they are still women, and still prone to shit testing etc. and you still need to bring game – but tone down the player vibe… what happens down the road in marriage, well even if “divorce rape” was outlawed, you still need to maintain attraction, that’s gonna still be all up to you and how you lead your relationship. So if you do want it, it is out there.
Personally I recommend waiting unless you really want to have kids in the next couple of years. Then snag, date for a year, decide, marry and kid within 24 months of wedding. There you go. Keep her home with the kid, away from the distractions of a bullshit job, and lead her from there.
Good luck.
another criteria – re college time, they usually commuted, lived at home and also worked at the same time. so again, limited opportunities, big time commitments.
Good comment.
My God this stings to read. He’s right. But I don’t feel completely at fault for my own failings. We don’t live in a society where the family bothers with its own sexual priorities anymore. No parent would dare tell his daughters whom to marry and when. Boys and girls are left to fend for themselves, those with any incline towards politeness are shunned. But, I will say my father’s friend is a really excellent man married a beautiful woman and had 6 children. She is in her 40’s now and still very beautiful. On the other hand, I have seen plenty of fat women with half as many children who wallow in child-rearing and forget they even have a husband. Maybe if there were any reasonable expectation about women’s relationship to men after having a child, it would take the fear of uncertainty away from men.
It stings all right.
But, to go all prosaic for a minute, what was life expectancy in his time? And the divorce rate? And the female obesity rate? Did husbands and fathers get raped in the family courts, and have to start all over again with nothing at 45 years of age?
And he’s got a fuckin’ nerve here: “to do his full duty in war” (trans: die) “if the need arises” (trans: if the bankers say so).
Great points. Life expectancy in 1900 was still only 47 years old. Number one killer was not cardiac-related fatassery, but infectious disease. Women often died in childbirth. Dunno the obesity rate but it was probably low since all this was pre-automobile. They wouldn’t know what divorce rape was, and since they were dead by 47, starting over wouldn’t have even been an option.
Superb Post.
Really the greatest American, wise, brave, courageous, insightful, vigourous and patriotic. Theodore Roosevelt, the model for every good man.
I’ve been saying for years that TR was the last “worthy presidential timber” this country has seen.
Eisenhower was ok.
Meh… you mean the Eisenhower who sent the 101st Airborne (or was it the 82nd) to Arkansas with bayonets drawn so that white kids could give negroes their lunch money?
Is THAT the Eisenhower you mean?
The Eisenhower who exterminated hundreds of thousands of Germans after they surrendered?
The Eisenhower who used to wander around the White House wearing nothing but an Ike jacket and a helmet,shouting at the top of his lungs,”Wanna play with my Little General!” The Eisenhower who,at any time,would force Mamie to get to her knees and suck his hardened cock,even in front of foreign diplomats? (deGaulle was said to have been especially unnerved by this. Churchill not so much.)The Eisenhower who wouldn’t shower for weeks on end,who enjoyed wearing womens panties and shaving his pubic area,who addressed the negro wait staff as ‘my personal niggers”,whose rank body odor filled the area around the Oval Office with a foul smell that lingered for months after he left office? The Eisenhower who once said of Bess Truman,”That bitch could suck the chrome off a tail-pipe,and i KNOW whereof I speak!” ? The Eisenhower who once said of Joe McCarthy,”Tail gunner? I’d like to show that bastard some tail gunning!!”? The Eisenhower who would lock himself in the Oval Office for days on end stuffing himself with pizza and ice cream,and emerge only to gleefully urinate and defecate on the WH Lawn? The Eisenhower who,during cabinet meetings,would often break down and cry so hysterically that he had to be carried to his bed?The Eisenhower who would sit in front of a mirror for hours trying on make-up…?
A golf club in Ike’s hand was like a fiddle in Nero’s.
Wasn’t he a war monger? Why are Spanish colonies his business?
I never understood American anti colonialism. Were they scared of Yuropeans?
Apparently the guy channeling Desi Arnez never learned that brevity is the soul of wit.
American anti-colonialism was merely a Yankee-esque “you keep your boys in their own yard”, writ large.
So who am I supposed to marry? The 32 year old bitter post wall friend I have? The one who has has five abortions? Who told me she used to suck cock for drugs? Who has now “changed” because she realizes that she’s going to die childless and alone? Who had a miscarriage a few months ago with the fat beta loser who agreed to father a child with her because she’s fucked up her ovaries getting all those abortions?
The one who has tried to turn herself into a plate for me? While I have younger more attractive women willing to date me?
If you want me to get married then give me a young attractive woman who hasn’t had fifty dicks in her, who has cultivated a good character (due to having a good father), and who somehow can resist the siren song of the CC that our culture promises her she should enjoy.
Also change the laws so that she can’t divorce rape me and steal all of my retirement and my house and turn me into a child support slave for children I will sometimes get visiting time with.
Yes your calls of man up are surely going up work.
You want my post wall friends number? I bet she can give you some good head once a year on your birthday. She’s got lots of practice.
If you want me to get married then give me a young attractive woman who hasn’t had fifty dicks in her
Stop crying like a woman and expecting the world to give you anything. You have to go out and take what you want; to earn it. You claim you want a good woman with a low N count but what do you have that makes you worthy of such a woman?
You whine like a little bitch. You refuse to improve yourself and instead expect the world to provide what you want…but why should it?
Secondly, there are no good women. Women’s nature is pliable and a woman will become anything for a man who has enough sexual power. You don’t find the perfect woman, you find the woman who is good enough and you make her into the perfect woman. To do that you need to be a man, so go ahead and man up or don’t…but stop whining like a little girl because the world hasn’t given you everything.
If I could string up people like you, who use asinine phrases like “stop whining/man up” regardless of context I would.
Hey faggot: it is YOU that wants him to do something. He is setting conditions for doing those things. It isn’t him that is whining. It’s you and people like you.
Why is a he worthy of such a woman? Are you fucking kidding me?
Only a desperate man would attempt to turn his woman into something. The risks are far too great. It isnt worth it in the west. It doesnt matter that you turned a dumb bitch into a housewife god loving mother . She exists in a place where she can wake up and say fuck it.
Next thing you know, youre on an episode of “Locked Up”.
Fuck them and thats it. Its finished. Let the war come. For all the yammering about islam and their birth rates, theirs is in decline as well, even though its higher than ours.
Let them have the loudmouth diseased whores. I would never waste my time or ressources on them. Even if I found a unicorn, its hopeless at this point. Let it all burn. Humanity is done. Nuclear waste, polluted water sources, weve gone as far as we can without a Great Culling taking place.
I just hope Vulcans are as nice in real life.
Great find. Theodore Roosevelt in fact said many wise things, especially about success and hard work.
I remember watching the “Young Indiana Jones” series in the 1990s, where a young Indiana Jones is a guide to Theodore Roosevelt during a hunt in Africa. TR shoots so many animals that Indiana is forced to cry out and stop him, and at last TR comes to his senses. Yes, TR did enjoy hunting to excess, apparently. But it is telling that that’s the only side of him the leftist producers would want people to see, as he was conservative. They pick and choose. The show also presented Ho Chi Minh as a wise and compassionate man in France – no presenting that mass murderer in a negative light.
I thought TR was the one who said this quote, but it is Calvin Coolidge – still very much worth remembering:
Nothing in this world can take the place of persistence. Talent will not: nothing is more common than unsuccessful men with talent. Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb. Education will not: the world is full of educated derelicts. Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent.
Silent Cal remains woefully unappreciated today.
Speak for yourself!!!
Yes, because he didn’t start any wars. It’s a tragedy that that makes him less appreciated.
Likewise, Warren G. Harding before him. He is unknown because he did America a great service by making sure the recession caused by WWI didn’t turn into a Depression. How? By keeping government out of it. No price controls, no freezing businesses in their tracks by promoting big government-loyal ones in return for political obedience, no huge labor programs raising wages above what fledgling businesses could offer. Warren G. Harding let the economy sort itself out. There were some bankruptcies, but the labor then went to other businesses, accepting a temporary pay cut.
“America’s present need is not heroics but healing; not nostrums but normalcy; not revolution but restoration.”
And because of this, no one hears of him.
By contrast, they hear of a president who made a Depression go on for year after year after year, until finally the next president abolished the government grip on the economy in 1946 and the Depression went away. (But to this day people are told “World War II solved the Depression.” How, exactly, by destroying wealth and taking workers away from productive work? Was there a huge pool of money lying around that wouldn’t be paid to workers unless they went to war?)
Plus Franklin D. “Yeah, I know the Japs are coming” Rosenfeld opened the doors, triple-ass-wide, to YKW’s puppet control of Washington, DC.
The above comment by @Arbiter has been brought to the Chateau by the Republican National Committee.
Harding and Coolidge are unknown, or more correctly deprecated, because they were the last successful, truly “Constitutional” presidents the US had! And the Lib/progtards of academic history deliberately denigrate and mock them as a result, precisely because they were so successful!
Post-WWI Recession ?
Hell, after that racist, totalitarian Wilson brought the world into a full blown depression after the Great War (every bit as bad as that of the progtards Hoover and Roosevelt), Harding’s response was to cut fed spending by 50%; an act which set the stage for the full-scale economic recovery now known as Roaring Twenties! This recovery ended, not through Wall Street shenanigens, but through big business’s anti-capitalistic trade restrictions embodied in the Smoot Hawley tariffs, which led to the world-wide Great Depression of the 30’s!.
Yet, look who the lib/progtard historians venerate: Wilson, FDR, Kennedy, Clinton…..while slamming the Hardings and Coolidges roundly! Harding is accused as a philanderer for his singular WH affair, but no mention of JFK’s banging aides 2-3 at a time every day in the WH.! Not to mention Marilyn Monroe or Judith Exner!
The above comment by @Arbiter has been brought to the Chateau by the Republican National Committee.
Poor little socialist freak once again fails to add any facts. It’s fun to see how consistent he is in revealing his ignorance. Plus, GOP? LOL Hardly.
Excellent comment, Olay Dave. The leftists hate the fact that the internet exists today and can be used to spread the truth about history.
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Great Post by CH
Theodore Roosevelt quotes. How different from the “you didn’t build that” quarter:
Behind the ostensible government sits enthroned an invisible government owing no allegiance and acknowledging no responsibility to the people.
The first requisite of a good citizen in this republic of ours is that he shall be able and willing to pull his own weight.
We can have no ’50-50′ allegiance in this country. Either a man is an American and nothing else, or he is not an American at all.
Every immigrant who comes here should be required within five years to learn English or leave the country.
To announce that there must be no criticism of the president… is morally treasonable to the American public.
Far better is it to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs, even though checkered by failure… than to rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy nor suffer much, because they live in a gray twilight that knows not victory nor defeat.
It is only through labor and painful effort, by grim energy and resolute courage, that we move on to better things.
The only time you really live fully is from thirty to sixty. The young are slaves to dreams; the old servants of regrets. Only the middle-aged have all their five senses in the keeping of their wits. (Today PR advisers would stop a politician from saying this: it might alienate young and old voters.)
To educate a man in mind and not in morals is to educate a menace to society.
When you are asked if you can do a job, tell ’em, ‘Certainly I can!’ Then get busy and find out how to do it.
The things that will destroy America are prosperity-at-any-price, peace-at-any-price, safety-first instead of duty-first, the love of soft living, and the get-rich-quick theory of life.
A typical vice of American politics is the avoidance of saying anything real on real issues.
For unflagging interest and enjoyment, a household of children, if things go reasonably well, certainly all other forms of success and achievement lose their importance by comparison.
When they call the roll in the Senate, the Senators do not know whether to answer ‘Present’ or ‘Not guilty.’
Order without liberty and liberty without order are equally destructive.
The man who loves other countries as much as his own stands on a level with the man who loves other women as much as he loves his own wife.
It is difficult to make our material condition better by the best law, but it is easy enough to ruin it by bad laws.
The Man in the Arena
by TR
It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat.
I remember reading this a long time ago. Thanks.
Teddy Roosevelt and Woodrow Wilson share a huge chunk of the blame for this plague of progressives afflicting America. Those two guys were among the co-founders of the progressive movement.
Mewling low-T pajama boys and snarling lantern-jawed GoGrrrrls trace their ideological origins right back to good ol’ Teddy.
What is that the kids are saying nowadays?
Something like that, yes. History is often inconvenient to progressives.
And for the third time… (((shakin’ mah haid)))
Blaming TR for today’s “progressives” is like blaming God for sin.
You fucks are getting TRULY tiresome. :mad:
[…] The Great Men On Careerist GoGrrls […]
If you prod some worthy men who are sitting on that white picket fence into the sandbox in the backyard or you equip some good guys with the weapons they need to implant their seed, you’re doing your part.
When we replace ‘some’ in the preceding paragraph with countless hundreds or thousands, as is conceivably the case with the breadth and reach of the chateau, well, then we are starting to talk about true heroism.
[…] Source: Heartiste […]
now try to reconcile all his machismo with the following –
“…Over 2,000 delegates attended, including many women. In 1912, neither the other Republican candidate […] endorsed women’s suffrage on the national level.[7] The famed suffragette and social worker Jane Addams gave a seconding speech for Roosevelt’s nomination.”,_1912)
nothing but a spoiled son of a decent lineage of merchants; barely ever had to earn a living himself; known as a “trust-buster”, always was suspicious towards business (especially after stupid doomed attempt to ran cattle ranch in Dakota – “Roosevelt learned to ride western style, rope and hunt; though he earned the respect of the authentic cowboys, they were not overly impressed”)
the very term “progressive” in the XX century’s political discourse in US practically starts with him
why do you think modern “official” history of US looks favorably at him?
Progressive at that time is the same as Jack London’s socialism…
Fair play and progressive attitude towards one’s own kind against actual robber barons of the spirit and soul are one thing…
Today, Teddy and Jack would be at the forefront of white separatism.
Learn to think in three dimensions, young grasshopper.
I’d suggest to educate yourself on “robber” barons. Preferably not from “approved” sources. These people built what lasted (still does) over a hundred years of social pilferage.
Personal masculinity does not necessarily contradict political progressivism.
e.g macho types are a plenty in Hollywood
funny that you had to pull Jack London here. Both him and TR only managed ever make money from writing; both failed miserably at building a ranch. Both despised business (from what I know out of total lack of understanding it)
When I speak of “true” robber barons, I don’t mean the men that built America, and to whom the Cathedral would have us believe as such…
I mean that there were and are greedy corporate types who didn’t and don’t care about the working men of their own race and, indeed, sold and sell them out to other alleged “white” elites… much like the fictional antagonist in London’s The Iron Heel.
And whether a man finds success in business or other endeavors, the message they leave behind and the archetype they represent carry greater sway… so knock off the parade raining on the likes of TR and men like him.
Barring that, come get one in the yarbles, if’n ya got any, eunuch jelly thou!
here’s the list of robber barons –
point, please, those “who didn’t … care about the working men of their own race and, indeed, sold … them out to other alleged “white” elites…”
your idea of American history seems to me way too close to what was taught on a subject in USSR. That alone should be enough of the alarm, if you see my drift
Guy, you’re making my point for me… I already said I wasn’t talking about the people the Cathedral have labeled as such.
You’re going to have to actually read AND comprehend the posts you’re to which you’re deigning to reply if this discussion is to progress.
(((shakin’ mah haid)))
so your robber barons are fictional, much like London’s… thought so
It just dawned on me… in the truest Chomsky-esque form, you’ve focused on a particular phrase and have decided to derail the discussion at hand.
Either the Sunstein crew has taught you well, or… as I’ve already mentioned… you have to learn to think in three dimensions, and not take a phase as “robber barons of the soul and spirit” to mean only the “robber barons” that the Cathedral has imprinted into your memory.
I like the idea of business moguls as much as the next guy, especially when said moguls actually manufactured a product…
… but geez Louise, are you trying to say that there was NEVER a need for things like unions in the past…
… that corporate Big Brother always looked out for the folks who made him rich?
“Ah owes mah soul to the company store…”
It’s funny, especially on this blog, that you don’t see how feminine is your position.
Unions? How about college rape committees? eh… you’re most likely not capable to connect the dots
let me make it clear for you: your robber baron’s name is Haven Monahan.
and now back to the issue at hand – Theodore Roosevelt supported women’s suffrage
Deflection noted, strained analogy recorded. Next.
Unions are fantastic, for they made Marxism obsolete in the West.
funny that you had to pull Jack London here. Both him and TR only managed ever make money from writing; both failed miserably at building a ranch
How many here would be good ranchers? It’s about Jack London’s books: he was “socialist” in his time because that was the new thing, the part of the arena where people were willing to take large action. As many of the men at that time said, “There was no agreement on exactly what socialism was, before the Marxists came to dominate.”
Jack London’s books are about as anti-socialist – as we understand socialism today – as you can get. Call of the Wild, White Fang, and The Sea-Wolf should be required reading for all kids. They teach the eternal truth, that only through hard work and being tough do you survive, the weak perish if they don’t try to stop being weak, and there is no cosmic law that says you are entitled to anything.
“There once was a time in history when the limitation of governmental power meant increasing liberty for the people. In the present day the limitation of governmental power, of governmental action, means the enslavement of the people by the great corporations.” TR, 1913
That had been true for decades at the time TR said this, and it’s twice as true now as it was then. To me, Red Pill means seeing through ALL the lies, those of Wall Street or the Koch Brothers every bit as much as those of SJWs.
Teddy nailed it. You’re shirking your duty as a soldier.
Yeah but that son of a bitch tried to shut down all the brothels in New York City.
What a great illustration. Excellent composition and the eye follows the scene to be drawn into that bawdy world. One can almost hear the shouts of “hurrah!” and the ladie’s mocking entreaties.
Sometimes I wait for my wife at the local CC library where they have hard copies of “Illustration Magazine” which profiles the masters of the golden age of magazines. It exudes sensuality from every page (and some of the best have been razored out by the bums).
For a good time GoogleImages(men’s pulp magazine covers).
Which cheerer are you?
/jes’ playin’, bro… lzlozlozlzolzolzolzolzol
That is indeed a great illustration. It reminds me of that CH piece a while back about an actor, a true alpha, who said he was treated best and most honestly at brothels.
I read what an escort (prostitute) wrote in a family-life forum once. She wrote that 99% of those who write to spew hatred at her and other escorts are women. (I assume they write to her ad at escort websites, or maybe write to her through the forum.) But in politics we hear that “no, we just want to ban prostitution out of concern for the women who are stuck in it…” Sure.
Nobody hates women more than a feminist does.
true dat. the circle diddle grrl empowerment schtick is a transparently forced ruse to conceal from each other the natural intrasex spite and envy that taints the woman’s soul.
If we want to put reproduction as a primary goal in the arena, doesn’t that mean we need to reduce the importance we place on the virginity of a wife? Why shame men who marry women with high N counts? Shouldn’t we be lauding them?
[CH: good point. there’s a certain variety of butthurt hater who likes to play the game of demographic numbers trolling. the “””argument”””, such as it is, is made that white men who aren’t impregnating scads of white women have no right to complain about mass nonwhite immigration or white women with shitty feministing attitudes. this idea is preposterous on its face. one, as a matter of policy it’s a lot simpler to close the borders than it is to raise the birth rate of an entire race. two, getting into a birthing war with the trash world’s wretched refuse is no way to build a city on a hill. three, america did just fine when she was 90% white and half the population she is today. four, reproduction is not the goal of courtship. sex is the goal. children are an after-effect.
and five, most pointedly, there isn’t an exclusionary principle that prevents a man from lamenting the quality of his women and the openness of his nation’s borders while simultaneously pursuing a hedonistic kinderfrei life. it’s as stupid as those dullards who demand that someone who doesn’t vote has no right to express an opinion about political matters or the direction of his country.]
Of course hivemind will never allow this to fly, but official immigration policy should be to let in ONLY lighter skinned Hispanic women. They are willing to be women, marry, make babies, be mothers, and even work hard as housekeepers and maids, and they commit no violence or other crime. They marry and give babies to beta white men–they are high IQ and can make very gifted babies with white men, including additional beautiful women for the gene pool, when the baby is a female. What we need to keep out, obviously, are African and brown men. Pretty, nice Hispanic women also are noticed by some white women, thereby placing pressure on white women to be better as outlined in Yareally’s long post above. White women be a total feminist careerist princess entitled bitch? Okay, I’ll marry that pretty, sweet, feminine woman from Colombia and make babies with her. White feminist bitch ends up a cat woman, an example for the next generation if Yareally’s prediction holds. I have heard white women complain about white men marrying pretty Hispanic women. If white women had not been brainwashed by hivemind and wanted to “settle down” and get married and have kids around age 25 (at the latest) as they should, then they too could land a nice white husband.
If the goal is to encourage reproduction among the right people, then men need to disregard the n count of their potential mates.
Whatsamatter, honey? Inverse porcupine syndrome?
It seems most upper class white men are doing this anyway. They’ll usually marry around age 29 to a woman of similar age who is fresh off the muh dik circuit. It will be a miserable affair, but will probably spawn a few sprog, so that the grim cycle may continue.
Don’t really understand all this mewling about low white fertility. White people are breeding. The problem is that these white babies are essentially blood sacrifices to a multicultural stew.
Well, make up your mind.
[CH: you’re banned for sockpuppetry and general stupidity.]
Do you want woman to leech off men in divorce court? Or should they make their own money?
[false distinction. a wife working outside the home to earn some spending money isn’t the same as a careerist cunt forgoing family formation to pursue two decades worth of shuffling papers and crafting colorful powerpoints.]
This is where a beta like Chateau has no answer, b/c he’s just a windbag who has NO IDEA what he wants.
[i want more life fucker.]
This GuitarGuy sounds like a boy whose daddy never took him to see Corsair ships burning off the shoulder of Orion.
All these titties will be lost … Like tears in the rain.
My mother? Let me tell you about my mother.
God, I love that movie scene.
To preface, I am a tall, handsome, muscular, well educated asshole with a dark triad personality. I have a very good career and am on track to earn 200k+ in my 30s. My N count is thirty. My view of womankind is similar to Schopenhauer’s…women are overgrown children and I find them to be terrible bores, and I find that sexually the juice is not worth the squeeze. I think seduction is mostly about ego gratification. My game style is no bullshit not giving an ounce of a f*** and letting them know. It works. The best frame is one that is real. Masturbation is a more efficient means for dealing with an urge which is as ingrained as the need to take a dump.
Heartiste relays reality. Reality is not neat and tidy. Reality is that there are few virgin women who will marry anyone until they’ve had their fun (with daddies encouragement), which renders the “only marry virgins meme” useless for most men, as those men would be better served by a life focused on their own interests.
Reality is that women love the men who they feel dependent upon. The more they earn, the less dependent they can be.
Reality is that marriage is a massive risk to a man, and inevitably diverts his creative energies. I am glad Tesla (who was frank about finding women unbearable as they grew emancipated) and Newton could see through the marketing around the cult of the Vagina and focus on their passions.
Reality is that no state contract is required to make babies, but few women will marry even a very above average man without the state’s participation.
“Man up and go and get that virgin wife you want”. LOL. I understand the need for propaganda to encourage group action, but the most intelligent realize that the odds are such that most of us will end up losers in the great virgin bride hunt.
So if reproduction is your goal, and you are simultaneously shaming men for marrying high n count women, you are fighting against your own cause! You can reproduce with a woman who’s fucked an entire football team, and if her genes are good you’ll have genetically fit children. Get raped in divorce court? That’s just part of becoming a man, right? Living in your car at 60? Teddy would be proud!
I do want europeans to maintain their populations, but there is no way the population will increase at the hands of this generation if this generation holds out for virgins..they’ll deflower themselves with badboys and wind up part of a muslim harem.
[CH: regardless of demographic trends or fertility rates or urgencies discharged therefrom, men everywhere, particularly eurasian men, will always value the virgin over the non-virgin. sluts carry a higher risk of infidelity and disease, and virgins a higher risk of falling harder in love.
the goal then, should not be to demand that men settle down with road-worn sluts, but to put the pressure on women to reform their wanton ways. this pressure can be applied in may ways, not least of which by the decisions men make about whom to carry over the nuptial threshold.]
I hate to demoralize the volk, but the lifeforms on earth that have been around the longest are also the least conscious. Bacteria, viruses, fish, sharks, mollusks. Mammals are brand new and the mammal species with the longest duration on the planet are the smallest and the dumbest.
Yup. Higher IQ correlates with lower reproduction in our species. I wonder if it also correlates in other ones as well. Is it even possible to measure variations in the intelligence of, say, dolphins?
I’m sure it’s possible, but the government won’t fun such a racist study.
Who bitches these be?
You’re loving that phrase, huh?
I cannot deny!
and groids :-) hahaha–20
We should maintain the frame of the bored russian, not the peppy american with the emotional control of a woman.
The intense guy is a well-known Brit, you moron.
Sensitive. He gave me Yankee vibes.
It’s not unfortunate coincidence that “They don’t make’ em like Teddy anymore”. It’s deliberate policy to emasculate and marginalise men like him. Because the globalist nation-wreckers recognise them for what they are: Their mortal and most deadly enemies.
TR was a mans man, however, one must not forget that he was a progressive. It is through him and many other presidents like him (Woodrow Wilson and his cousin Franklin Delano Roosevelt come to mind) that this country came to the place that it is today.
And as has been mentioned already, a “progressive” of that era is not the “progressive” of today.
It makes sense to be “progressive” when your own folk are the overwhelmingly dominant force in the nation… and Manifest Destiny has come to fruition… with an Age of Technology about to blossom.
That era’s idea of progressive was to actually progress towards something; to achieve greater than the prior generation; to continue to ascend.
This era’s idea of progressive is to progress towards degeneracy under the guise of freedom; to regress in fact.
Isn’t it amazing how pushers of degeneracy are calling themselves “progressives” or shills for globo-banking are calling themselves “leftists.”
It’s almost as if Capital beat Labor and coopted its language.
Correct. The progressives of 1910 supported eugenics. Judge Oliver Wendall Holmes ruled, “Three generations of imbeciles are enough.”
Incorrect. The Progressive party of that day was indeed the root of today’s “progressives”. Read my commentary further down or look it up. Yes, the Progressives were that pernicious an influence on the USA. TR’s run as president had many aspects of the imperial presidency and the rule that any power used has to be looked at from the most negative possible use of it before being exercised never entered TR’s head once. We have reaped the results of his good intentions many times over.
This one’s for you CarpePro, again:
And here I thought my post got eaten by WordPress..
Glad you thought Teddy’s observations as relevant as I did.
This is what a real woman of the WW2 Generation looked like, from the same blog I got that TR quote.
She was a Daughter, Wife, Mother, Grandmother and Great-Grandmother of American Soldiers.
Under the Flag
This is why TR was such a horrible influence on American society. He would come out with patriarchal commentary like this, then work at starting to slow slide the shiv in the back off society. Don’t forget his stint with the Progressive party. That party and his run for President gave the USA
– The Federal Reserve system (created under Wilson’s presidency after Roosevelt split off enough Republicans to get him elected)
– the Federal income tax (same)
– Anti-monopoly laws (he pushed them and Taft went along to try to keep splintering Republican support together) [historically, there has never been a complete monopoly that wasn’t granted and enforced by government]
The Progressive party was the home of the vote for women and almost any other idea that has brought on the decline of the country. The core idea was that government could be a force for good in society – instead of the necessary evil that must be constrained that it really is. It helped remove the “burden” of being charitable, reaching out to others to lend a helping hand and similar problems “weighing society down” by allocating the responsibility to the State. Though it was originally a splinter of “forward thinking Republicans” the party basically absorbed into and rotted the core of the Democratic party. Wonder where SJWs are descended from? Look no further.
This commentary was spot on by TR, but his record as a leader is down there with his cousin FDR.
But then I’d look like the world’s loser race.
To all you hand-wringers and nervous nellies harping on today’s so-called progressives being the result of those of the TR stamp, try reading the man’s wisdom first instead:
I quote from the the thread’s actual posting:
You guys suck.
(((shakin’ mah haid)))
[…] Written by Theodore Roosevelt […]