In my years of living, dating, and loving across these United Plates, I’ve come to certain conclusions about women drawn from a wellspring of eagle-eyed observations and red raw experiences. One of my personal observations is that smarter women tend, for various reasons among which female hypergamy must surely loom prominent, to have more difficulty locking down a long-term boyfriend, and to stay single far longer in between relationship bouts, than do women of less Hollywood-sized prefrontal-pectorals. And this romantic failure is worse the smarter the woman.
But, I didn’t have the benefit of ¡scientifical! studies to confirm my observations, so I guess I should have washed my brain of any pattern recognition inputs and waited the requisite fifty years for the scientific consensus to come to a prevailing view.
As I’ve always said, if you keep your eyes open and live not by pretty lies, 80% of the patterns you observe about human nature will eventually be proven true by laboratory analysis (or at least recognized as a real phenomenon by cultural gatekeepers). (15% of the remaining 20% are too difficult to properly measure by social scientists, and the last 5% of your observations can be grouped under conventional wisdom that science manages to overturn, usually by data-twisting legerdemain.)
From the article relevant to this post, the quotes that make feminists choke:
A study conducted with 121 British participants reported findings that females with high intelligence in male/female relationships were seen as problematic.
Their intelligence were predicted to cause problems in the relationships. Whereas, high intelligence in the male partner was not seen as problematic, but desirable. […]
Why don’t men want women with whom they can converse and who challenge them? [ed: spot the false premise] When did the aversion to strong and intelligent women become a code orange? When did everyone just want to go to the Bahamas and lie around?
In an article by “The Wire,” financial reporter, John Carney, gives one explanation for this phenomenon, deducing, “successful men date less successful women not because they want ‘women to be dumb’ but rather because they want ‘someone who prioritizes their life in a way that’s compatible with how you prioritize yours.’”
Basically, they want someone who isn’t ever going to let her career come before making dinner and pleasing them first.
My take is that men, especially smart men, instinctively recoil from very smart and/or educated women (in the same way women instinctively recoil from needy niceguys) because men know that a woman of equal or greater brainpower or academic achievement is a high risk for future relationship instability and a latent threat to paternity assurance. Men are aware, consciously perhaps, subconsciously definitely, that female hypergamy is real and therefore it’s personally advantageous to find women who aren’t too much more gifted in traits that double as male mate fitness cues.
In short, it pays men to date up in looks and date down in everything else.
The inverse is also true. It pays women to date down in looks and date up in everything else.
Everyone’s happier all around if they abide the above two Heartistian precepts.
A reader contemptuously adds,
Nearly schizophrenic incoherence, self-loathing, generalized rage, sexual frustration, pride that she can’t admit that a life has been spent believing pretty, stupid lies and making irretrievable mistakes, contempt and hatred for men on one hand, yet demands and pangs of hopeless desire for their attention and affection and love on the other hand, unabashed hatred for women who are young and attractive and willing to make love and devotion to a man a priority in their lives.
This hamster wheel is spinning at 10,000 revolutions per second. The axle is going red-hot from the friction. The spinning wheel is making a sharp, high-pitched, painful screeching sound, which sets your teeth on edge. If you listen carefully millions just like it are audible all over America.
This can’t go on much longer. 10 years, maybe. But not 50. Probably not another entire generation.
Future generations will look back on the women of this era with disgusted amazement.
Before then they are going to spend the second 50 years of their medically extended lives alone and filled with a despair and a hatred for their own lives and for the lives of those around them who have managed to be happy which is going to poison our society for many years to come.
If they weren’t so vicious and destructive you could almost feel sorry for them.
I do think we Americans are living through a period (heh) when women are at their absolute worst. Porn addicted manlet men aren’t much better, but this dystopia is largely a female-centered implosion.
There’s a gene-culture co-evolution process that describes how groups have self-balancing mechanisms, so that when one type of organism within the group becomes too numerous, a competing type will start to have greater reproductive success to “bring balance to the force”. I forget the term for it, but the classic case is the “cheater-cooperator” evolutionary strategies, in which cheaters prosper (and hence reproductively prosper) in cooperative societies, but then lose ground to cooperators when cheaters become too numerous and start poaching each other.
Well, a similar thing could be happening with SMRT women. The more smart over-educated over-credentialed women a society has, the less reproductively fit they become at the same time women with average smarts become more reproductively fit. The group shifts its evolutionary strategy toward smarter or dumber women as each becomes prominent. Maybe this is why human IQ hasn’t continued upward into the stratosphere…. smart men get tired of the haranguing from smart women and smart women get locked out of the dating market because there aren’t very many men smarter than them who can satisfy their hypergamous urgings, and they resist settling for dumber men.
Related, the supply of beta males in a group could also fluctuate according to some cosmic balancing mechanism that favors or disfavors betas depending on their numbers. The rise of pathologically altruistic white beta males in the West is producing blowback as their ranks swell with self-abnegating ankle-biters. Ultra violent thugs or ultra charming cads are starting to increase in impression, if not yet in number, and women are turning to them for relief from the effete beta male masses.
It’s a spitball, I know, but maybe it’s high time for the patented CH BOSSS strategy to invigorate our culture to take center stage? Maybe it already has and we’re just now waking up to the fact?
PS Really smart women fuck like demonesses. They love their contraceptively-enabled fucking as much as any sub-mensa slut.
“In short, it pays men to date up in looks and date down in everything else.”
Codswallop. It pays men to date to a minimum standard in looks and date up in warmth, sweetness, loyalty, and femininity, maxing out those qualities. If you’re looking for kids, then looks matter more, because better-looking women have healthier kids. Not everybody wants kids.
You need to up your sperginess a tad, heh.
> “warmth, sweetness, loyalty, and femininity” That’s my new baseline. Once that’s established, then I start looking for the IQ.
“warmth, sweetness, loyalty, and femininity”
All about them four food groups.
> “warmth, sweetness, loyalty, and femininity”
Which… happens to correlate with… well, looks.
Thanks for playing.
Well that was a quick reversal. Good job!
Warmth, sweetness, loyalty, and femininity are not female personality traits, only capacities. Women are vapid role players. It takes a conquest to remove alternative strategies, eliminate prior depreciation events, and get good wifey behavior. I don’t f-close, only regularly open and attract. There’s a lot of ignorant pretense ’round here. Don’t need much PUA success to spot this BS.
Loyalty correlates with looks? Sweetness correlates with looks? Warmth correlates with looks?
Been drinking the rubbing alcohol again, I see.
Sigh… I suppose to be fair, I do realize they don’t have any girls higher than HB7 in Britain (as shown by your use of the word “codswallop”), so you wouldn’t really be aware of that fact.
Dating = fucking. Unless you’re a masochist who wants kids, or, I shudder to think, actually enjoys rather than tolerates as a means to an end the company of clothed women, warmth, sweetness, and loyalty are irrelevant. You gives spergs a bad name.
How many women have you fucked lately Ω?
Please, it’s too easy to make fun of me. To refute my arguments thus would be both ad hominem and “straw-man”. Nice use of the “Ω” symbol, though.
Kids are the only reason we’re here… all else is fluff.
You want to live a life of fluff, well… okay… but don’t look me in the eye and think you’re some sort of asset to the planet.
Barring the truly remarkable and rare individuals who happen to leave a legacy in the sciences or arts, and somehow don’t leave offspring as well.
If children are the only reason to be here, then there is no reason to be here. If the only reason is to perpetuate the species why care if it continues after you’re gone?
Greg, you err in thinking there is a “reason we’re here.” By your twisted logic, Shaneequa the welfare queen is doing us all a service each time she goes on “Maury” to find out whom the father is. “All else is fluff,” so why would she get a job, or make him wear a condom?
Ohio, you nihilistic fuck, you should know by now that when I say “we” I mean my folk.
And when it comes to the survival of one’s own kind, those Shaneequa’s are certainly doing more for their folk than our “empowered” career women who wind up with but one child, if any.
You don’t want to believe in a God, boy, that’s your karma… whether you admit it or not, we all wind up worshiping something.
So you worship whatever gods or man-made isms you see fit… as for me and my house, we will serve Jehovah.
Because I’m not a self-centered sophomoric dweeb, such as some of you young clowns appear to be, that you could even ask such a question.
You’re not really an adult until you have children. Otherwise, you’re just someone else’s child. You get out of children what you put into them.
Having a child is the closest most of us will get to ever actually owning a negro.
I actually have a higher regard for Omega males than Beta males. At least Omega males know the whole system is baloney and have decided to check out with porn and food.
The beta are the ones who support the Matrix with their taxes and boring feminized lives.
You can’t check out of life. You can only fail at it.
Negroes can be had for a lot lesser price… commensurate with the joy they bring.
Not owning a negro has made having children a lot more labor intensive.
Oh, snap!
Well-played, sir.
was the wet nurse really that important?
How many kee-uuds you have?
The wet nurse was important – she labored – and gave me two children.
Look upon your wife nursing your children – you’ll understand that warmth, sweetness, and loyalty are very relevant – and how lucky you are to be here.
Try to maintain a household with your wife pinned to a chair nursing – and you’ll wish you owned a negro.
Eewww – won’t the children get cavities if they’re fed a diet of chocolate milk?
No; but growing up sucking on a big black titty may result in the “Strom Thurmond Effect”
Thanks for playing, you are dismissed.
No. but growing up sucking on a big black titty may result in the “Strom Thurmond Effect”
This article sums up perfectly how female doctors are horrors to date:
I don’t think many guys turn their noses up at smart women if they look good, which CH seems to think. In fact, I think guys who want kids want a smart wife so they’ll have smart kids.
The problem smart women have dating is, women like to date taller, smarter, richer, more powerful, older. So a tall, smart, rich woman really has trouble finding anyone she’ll accept. A smart guy would lay a dumb pretty girl, but even he likely wouldn’t marry one, but a smart girl won’t usually even be interested in laying a dumb hunk if she decides he’s much stupider then she is.
Great article sbout why female doctors are terrible to date:
I like smart chicks…dumb chicks go for idiots and drugs and rap music. By smart I don’t mean over-degreed or over-credentialed. Smart chicks are interested in what I have to say because, frankly, I’m fucking apex brilliant.
I can tolerate a lot but I can’t endure stupid.
It pays women to date down in looks and date up in everything else.
Bollocks. Up/down in male looks are irrelevant. Status/confidence/social sense and resource acquisition ability are desirable.
I agree with this. “Status/confidence/social sense and resource acquisition ability” are preeminent but a mans looks (i.e. facial handsomeness, height, musculature/build, hair) correlate with status and confidence. All things equal the better looking guy wins every time. There is some fungibility among these treads that depends on the woman’s age. For example a woman may trade some looks for personal charm/humor or high social status.
There are plenty of average looking actors, musicians, and sports figures who have high status. Plenty of bald men get laid like crazy, too. Ugly, too, if they are muscled and confident and bad boys.
“I do think we Americans are living through a period (heh)”
Are you licensed to perform flo humor? Heh.
What do you mean by “smarter?”
PHD smarter or know how to talk to police /hide a gun smarter?
Obviously the smarts to hide incriminating evidence are more important for your race.
You better find a foot surgeon to extract my boot from your ass.
His father’s race. His mother was either a Levi or a Cohen.
You better get started, pediatricians aint cheap.
Re Capt Obvious:Arent Cohens supposed to be the classy ones?? I bet his mom was a fat loser with panic attacks,agoraphobia and diabetes who hated her father.
In Israel Cohens are prohibited BY LAW to marry non-Jews. Like this guy at the HebeBC, sorry BBC.
“You better find a foot surgeon to extract my boot from your ass.”
You mean a proctologist.
T-h-w-a-c-k, why don’t you tell ’em about the time they had to take BOTH of us to the emergency room… to extricate my size 12 Carolina out of YOUR hindquarters?
pediatricians aint cheap
You mean podiatrists.
Excellent shiv to the jugular vein, Arby. lolz…
Thw@ck pipe, you will now require a vascular surgeon. Or “neck doctor” to use your vernacular.
…make sure your Obonga Care card is paid up.
A pediatrician is a foot doctor who walks to work.
Your welcome.
Ways that women can talk to the police:
1) “he dindu nuffin mothafucka!!!!” (slap swat smack hurl herself at the officer who desperately fumbles for his mace or taser)
2) “Wow officer, I had no idea but I assure you we are going to cooperate with the investigation” (doe eyes and sweet smile stall the cops while husband or boyfriend contacts the lawyer and accountant)
James Thwack Blonde,
” women with good hide-a-gun- smarts”
Do dating sites for blacks have a box you can check so that such women will appear in search results for those looking for that particular “skill”?
“PHD smarter or know how to talk to police /hide a gun smarter?”
this is actually more important than most think.
if you are doing her, she’s going to overhear things. if you are dark triad type this will include felony things.
girls blab. a lot. about everything. this will include your felony activity unless you train her to keep her mouth shut.
special is the girl who when questioned by police about her boyfriend’s activities sits perfectly still and refuses to speak without a lawyer present.
I really meant the felony things as proxies for not putting any of your business in the street. Don’t forget, we are in the age of Bookface and Twatter… unless you are prepared to lie all the time; get a bitch who already knows when and where to keep her mouf shut.
Especially, don’t share your private life with people at work. Monday morning at the water cooler, you didn’t do anything and you didnt go anywhere… the end.
And don’t tell anyone about any money you’ve made… not ever her.
Not if you maintain good OPSEC.
BTW, does anybody out there know a girl (20s or younger) WITHOUT a facebook or twitter account?
Do they exist?
Or how bout a girl without a smart phone?
Im going to try to find one just to see what it looks like?
Both skills are equally important, snarky humor aside. People who do both well are usually very rich.
Smart women are harder to game, no doubt. Sweetness is still the main factor for women in relationships. It takes game to manage your woman to minimize b1tchiness and maximize sweetness. More game for smarter women. I continually bemoan the fact that I go for smart women. When you can successfully game smart, sweet women, there can be substantial benefits!
I don’t think they are harder to game, they seem to be a little more direct than more average women, less attuned to game and more open to an aggressive, direct approach. They do tend to be short on delicacy – maybe they’re high functioning autistic – and often blurt out uncomfortable truths without really thinking about it. They also seem to be very aware of their own shortcomings.
It’s kind of a bummer being around women like that. A work friend is a physics PhD with a law degree, hb 7, past the wall, and painfully desparate to settle down, churn out kids, bake cookies for a family and regularly get boned by some guy. All she manages to pull are whiny beta guys or periodic interest from an alpha interested in a pump & dump, and it kills her. Focusing on education and career for 12-14 years put her totally behind the SMP eight ball. Great girl, a lot of fun to be around, but she’s headed for Cat City. So sad.
What color is she and where does she live?
There’s only so much room in their skulls. Their massive fore-brain crowds out their hind-brain so they react slower to the click-whirl auto-impulses of attraction.
OK, I’ll bite. Expound this, please!
Women have embedded algorithms that signal attraction. Game techniques target these in a specific sequence to efficiently build attraction, comfort and seduction. Basic Mystery Method. Sex isn’t the conclusion of a intellectual process – intellect inhibits sex and has to be overcome. To trigger attraction in intelligent women and ‘manipulate’ her into sex – you could try to debate her with push/pull and speak to her forebrain – or you could marginalized her intellect by an oblique approach to her hindbrain with repeated demonstrations of higher value, social proof, negs, ignoring, etc… Just recognize that the hamster spins faster and gyroscopic inertia brings them slower to heel. But as the thread mentions – patience is rewarded.
[…] Smarter Women More Likely To Be Romantic Failures […]
As I’ve always said, if you keep your eyes open and live not by pretty lies, 80% of the patterns you observe about human nature will eventually be proven true by laboratory analysis
That is true for … intelligent conservatives. Not for other groups. Which is why studies are necessary. EVERYONE uses anecdotal evidence to prove their theories: “But I know someone who….” If everyone had an equal chance of being correct in the theories they support this way, then thousands of contradictory beliefs would all be true.
The reason why men don’t want more intelligent women must obviously be the same as why men don’t want women who are taller or stronger. They want to be the smartest, tallest and strongest person in the relationship. This is because of the instinct to find a woman to care for, just like women have the instinct to find a man who can care for them.
Arbiter, gotta disagree – it is absolute BLISS to be with a smart woman when she’s in a good mood. But when they go DARK on you?!? Good God Almighty, Katy bar the door…
Smart woman, yes, but it’s about being with a smarter woman. Imagine a two-digit-IQ man being with a three-digit-IQ woman. Wouldn’t work well.
I certainly also appreciate being with an intelligent woman. She must be able to understand certain realities in life. Equally important, she must have the courage to understand without shying away from the facts. I have met a lot of intelligent people who didn’t have the courage to understand clearly established facts.
When we discuss people’s qualities, courage is often overlooked. And let’s remember that there are at least two kinds of courage: physical and social courage. Physical courage is plentiful, social courage is very rare. Many people would rather die in a battle where they fight for criminal overseers than show the social courage to object before it goes that far.
I’ve never met a chick who was as smart as me. But I’ve dated plenty of chicks who are Ivy League professorettes – many, many standard deviations above average intelligence. And what ruins it for the smart chicks is when they go Dark, and then The Darkness gets vicious.
“Social Courage” gets back to their innate Common Sense and their ability [natured -vs- nurtured] to resist the relentless brainwashing on the part of Evil Psychiatry Inc and the Gramsci Project. But I definitely want Common Sense and Resistance to Evil in my womynz.
Also, Arbiter, on the question of “smartER” women – women will NOT date guys who are stupider than they. I’ve often felt that that’s why so many ugly but very intelligent women turn to bulldykery – they’re not pretty enough to snag a quality man, but the men of lesser quality disgust them [because of hypergamy], and so they say, “To he11 with the dating market,” and then Teh Simmering Hate pushes them into lives of politicized bulldykery.
Oh, and I knew one super-smart chick who was a totally giggly sorority-sister man-loving slut when she was drunk, but who was a doctrinaire @n@l-retentive man-hating dyke when she was sober. Go figure.
Actually two smart chicks like that – giggly sorority sisters when drunk – although the second one was more of a hippy mother-gaia dyke when she was sober. The first one is a chemistry professorette somewhere now, and the second one is an epidemiologist at the CDC. But beware of smart chicks who are introduced to you when they’re drunk, because there’s no guarantee as to what sort of a hideous w!tch she’s gonna be, lying nak3d next to you, the following morning. Sobriety and Day Game FTW.
Also, Arbiter, I’m becoming convinced that “Social Courage” [and especially the dogged resistance to brainwashing] is largely genetic in nature. So that if you want the quality in your ch!ldren, then you dadgum better demand it in their m0ther.
Six, count ’em folks!, six consecutive comments.
Seven, if you count his original. Zombie doesn’t seem to be able to have a conversation with anybody but himself.
Captain, you should be able to game a “smarter” woman. Yeah, the down’s are really down, but they can be gamed like any woman. Their 5h1t-tests are really savage ball-busters and your frame has to be very solid. It’s doable.
Arbiter, what realities do you speak of?
How about we wait for a study with a sample size that’s worth getting out of bed for?
Indeed, a quick look at the GSS finds that smarter women are no more likely to have divorced that less intelligent women (except the very dumbest women)
Higher native future time orientation would be expected to drive divorce rates down among the intelligent, so this isn’t terribly surprising.
I do find myself wondering whether intelligence matters nearly as much as credentialism in creating this double-bind for smart women. I suspect that social cues of status matter at least as much as relative intelligence.
Anyways, per Larry Summers, there are more very smart men than very smart women, so that part of hypergamy shouldn’t be too tricky to assuage. The issue is that smarter people tend to be a lot better at rationalizing bad ideas, which is dangerous given the progs’ control over the Ministry of Truth.
Not to steal Captain Obvious title, but the issue with credentials is…. the more they have the more time being immersed in the dysgenic place know as higher edumacation. That simple. They reach a certain saturation point and there is no bringing them back to reality.
in less than 15 minutes two of my comments destroyed by wordpress…
what the hell is going on???
Good, you deserve that shit you bitch ass canadian traitor red coat Benidict Arnold crown sucking faggot;
go tha fuck back to Africa.
Are you and the strapon within sucking the same dick or what?
No; it just dawn on me that not only are you NOT an American, you’re a fucking traitor who supported taxation without representation.
You have NO standing; get gone you commonwealth goon.
And if I see yo pale ass south of the 49th parallel, Im slappin tha shit out you.
Happy slave king george house ni66er COOnadian bitch made goose.
Are you and the strapon within lovers? why so mad?
And T.H. Wack cannonballs the purpledrank vat….
oh lawd
James Blonde. Do not address Canadian Friend like that.
Eaten one of mine as well. A brilliant piece of writing lost to posterity (sigh).
Control A, Control C, then hit the post comment button. That way, if wordpress eats your comment, you can immediately paste it back into a new comment box.
Make it a reflexive habit.
anything over 2 sentences gets the ol copy treatment over here.
Actual moderation, where you see your comment with the mod note, is triggered by certain words. I’ve deduced what several of those words are. Don’t ask, I won’t tell. I’ll just say that they are innocuous words.
And then there is the case of a comment being eaten — disappearing when sent. As far as I know that’s a software glitch outside of the site owner’s control.
It’s baffling. Does “Amanda Marcotte” trigger the banhammer? As in Amanda Marcotte blames MRAs rather than her strident feminism for poisoning her dating prospects.
The thought of some guy “negging” Amanda sounds hilarious :
What a stupid looking hairdo. Oh but it looks good on you though.
It is a balancing act though: you don’t want an idiot-woman because sons inherit a lot of their intelligence from their mother’s X chromosome. So while it is still possible for an intelligent man and a stupid woman to have intelligent daughters, they will most likely have stupid sons.
some truth to that. and i don’t care what other guys say, stupid women are tedious and boring.
i prefer smart women. not the quasi intellectuals who think degrees are akin to intelligence. i mean women who are truly bright and have a little depth to them but who are still sweet and feminine. hard to be with anyone long term if they don’t have much going on upstairs.
and it’s not intelligence in women that makes them bad prospects. the smartest women know how to use their intellect and still be feminine and appealing.
it’s women who think they are more intelligent than they actually are or who have insecurity problems that are the hardest to deal with. it’s not their intellect that makes most smart women horrible, it’s their rottten personalities.
nothing worse than a girl who thinks she’s smarter than she is and feels the need to one up you or prove she’s smarter than everyone all the time. very smart women know better than to do that.
I know what you mean about the ideal intelligence for a woman. It’s probably between 110 to 120 IQ. In other words, just intelligent enough so that she can contribute to a smart conversation — a well-placed sentence or two is perfect, if you’ve met a woman like that then you know what I mean — but not so intelligent that she blows up her own SMV by hammering you with ferocious shit-tests.
THIS is a great part of why the smartest men tend to avoid the Shaniquas and the Tammie Hopes of the world. Nobody wants to have stupid kids. And remember, you can fix ugly but you can’t fix stupid.
Smarter is different than more credentialed. A woman can wave her three PhDs around all she wants but if it didn’t lead to her success then she’s not that bright. So if her actions didn’t allow her to get the man that she wanted, then she’s a fair bit dumber than the girl who barely graduated highschool but locked down a quality man while she was in her prime.
You’re using the word “smart” in the way that the Darw!n!an N!h!l!sts use it – “smart” as a genetic algorithm – “smart” being that which finds a way not just to survive, but to in fact thrive. In that sense, an IQ-80 Nogette, with a brood of 10 ch!ldren, who net her 10 x $750 = $7500 per month in SSDI checks, is infinitely “smarter” than, say, a post-men0pausal Maureen Dowd, who has zero ch!ldren.
@captain obvious
Does social courage mean not burning down a city?
From the point of view of Darw!n!an N!h!l!sm, “social courage” is only “good” if it persists and survives and multplies. Otherwise Darw!n!an N!h!l!sts would argue for social cowardice.
The smartest women are smart enough to not waste their time on credentials. They figure out how to be feminine and sweet. They know how to be beautiful and keep fit. They know when to speak and when to not. But then these are the women who get the most alpha of men because they are genuinely smart.
Educated is not the same as smart but then perhaps smart isn’t the right word either. Wise seems closer to the mark.
“The smartest women are smart enough to not waste their time on credentials. ”
yup. my favorite combo is hot, thin, feminine, smart and uncredentialed.
seems I’m not the only one as I meet more and more gorgeous women with huge diamonds on their finger that have “some college” under their belts.
no need to finish a degree when you’re smoking hot.
@felonious; That was once referred to as the “MRS Degree”
The “some college” women are more likely to divorce you than the women who finished high school and went no further.
Divorce rate likelihood based on education level:
Highest risk: High school dropout
Second highest risk: Some college, did not finish
Third: High school diploma, no further eduacation
Lowest: University degree
Obviously, the less education, the more desperate for and then dependent on an employed man. Sure you want a lifetime leach, basically a forever-child?
Hemingway said ‘Happiness in intelligent people is the rarest thing I know’. He had a gift for speaking plainly and from experience. I’d go with happy over smart.
U.S. Supreme Court heard oral arguments on gay marriage today.
I thought BOSSS=Bend Over Silly Smart Sluts?
In my experience, a truly intelligent woman is a sociopathic woman. A man should get his value from himself and his resources from society. Men also tend to be more altruistic for the greater good of their family/society. But women, as the traditional caregivers of the family unit, had to be more selfish for themselves and their children to survive. We see this when women try and get the richest guy they can in order to procure his resources.
I’ve met some intelligent women in my life – Did they use their intelligence to invent new things or make advancements in STEM fields to help mankind? Nope. Rather, they excelled at manipulation and emotional warfare. In fact, I’ve found girls with symptoms of borderline personality disorder to be some of the most intelligent females I know. They can keep up in conversations about abstract ideas, and many of them also had a sense of humor, which I feel requires some degree of intelligence. But my God, the mind games they put me through to guilt me into doing things for them or giving them money was out of this world.
So in the great debate about who’s smarter (Men vs. women), I say we can’t even compare the two. Men’s intelligence is valued for what they can do for others, while women’s intelligence is valued for what they can do for themselves.
Very interesting. I definitely seem to attract the Borderlines. Also, with the gifted women – have you ever crossed paths with a true Empath? A chick who seems to be able to smell your emotions on you? Whom you can’t hide anything from, because she can sniff it all out of your emotional state?
Pro comment…
“Men’s intelligence is valued for what they can do for others, while women’s intelligence is valued for what they can do for themselves.”
Utterly dead-on.
“Men’s intelligence is valued for what they can do for others, while women’s intelligence is valued for what they can do for themselves.”
A good brief reason why men are born to lead and women to follow. Exception, being men who are intelligent man would follow one of those.
Also, a reason why many men are wise..wisdom is something women lack significantly.
Is it the intelligence that makes men recoil from them, or the associated pride these women have that they think they know everything that makes men recoil?
I have nothing against an intelligent woman, I do however have something against know-it-alls (myself included if I get on that warpath). Especially since a lot of them certainly don’t know it all.
you are right, that is usually what happens. they turn into bitches & then pretend that men are “intimidated” but we aren’t. we just don’t want to spend time with some smart-ass bitch.
Femininity is the key here i think. Intelligent women usually = opinionated = manlike = lack of femininity = turn-off.
Think Megan Kelly on Fox.
You might as well be watching a man regarding her sex appeal once you start listening to her.
You actually hear the words that are coming out of her mouth instead of imagining yourself cumming in her mouth? and ditto for other women? Gay.
Megan Kelly has quite the manjaw to go with the attitude.
Femininity is what makes an attractive women irresistible.
‘You actually hear the words that are coming out of her mouth instead of imagining yourself cumming in her mouth? and ditto for other women? Gay.’
What you just imagined there is one of the definitions of sodomy.
Sodomy includes oral?, and it’s a sin? Wow!, you’re god hates you.
Nope God loves me and you.
*your god
People who think they know it all are a real pain in the ass for those of us who do.
I hate women. I despise them for being weak things in need of protection, incapable of accepting responsibility. I want them only for sex.
I like it when feminists are honest.
Youre the biggest cuckold faggot to post here. Only Tillicum is worse.
It’s irrational to despise something for simply being what it is. Do you hate dogs for being too stupid to feed themselves or understand English? Would you actually be attracted to women (for sex) if they were mens’ equal in strength and physical prowess and could easily protect themselves? You are attracted to them as a man precisely because they are the opposite of men. The equivalent of your statement for a woman would be, “I hate men because they are strong and can protect not only themselves but me and are so good at taking care of business and managing responsibilities”. Does that make sense? I’m guessing you’re not successful with many women.
Youre an imbecile.
I do hate dogs. Theyre an unnatural deviation. Theyre scavengers desperate for affection. Incompetent carnivores. Nothing is so absurd. Women, perhaps.
Dogs and women are both “social parasites” with some benefits to man. Dogs can herd sheep, kill vermin, etc. Women can make babies, remedy DSB (dreaded sperm buildup), and cook (maybe clean too.)
I have neither sheep nor vermin so don’t feed any dogs.
The women help keep the DSB to a dull roar and have given me 5 healthy, prosperous, loving children.
So I tend to feed females.
I *do* like getting fucked good and hard by a big dog like a Dobie, though!
Dogs make great ni66er repellant; I have a blonde east German Shepherd named Anja; she provokes ni66ers to kick buckets just by standing up, closing her mouth and staring at them.
“men know that a woman of equal or greater brainpower or academic achievement is a high risk for future relationship instability and a latent threat to paternity assurance”
Epic post, but this sentence doesn’t hold water. Since when does hypergamy correspond with female intelligence? I assume that all women will, under the right circumstances, spread legs for alpha.
As a woman you would know
now go back to your facial and pedicure
Come back after you finish third grade.
It seems true to me.
Anecdotally, it appears that high-IQ women do take a long time to find a mate, and if they do — a tall proposition, as many end up old maids — it’s almost invariably to super-high-IQ nerdy types.
(The nerds, of course, have a chance simply because the smart women are aging toward the Wall by that time and they’re getting baby rabies.)
“The nerds, of course, have a chance simply because the smart women are aging toward the Wall by that time and they’re getting baby rabies.
it’s not just because they are approaching the wall. most women want men who are smarter than them.
it’s not just because they are approaching the wall. most women want men who are smarter than them.
True, but high-IQ alphas tend to go BoSSS, or at least for those smart women who are hot, which means that most smart women are left scrounging for a small number of high-IQ beta nerds.
I love how horrible at science everyone here is. You need to control for education if you want your sentences to not simply be trite shit like women who do other shit than settle down take longer time to settle down. Seriously, do you bother to read any of the studies CH links to? Because if you read half of the ones posted in the last year, you would have developed this kind of scientific thinking.
“Since when does hypergamy correspond with female intelligence? I assume that all women will, under the right circumstances, spread legs for alpha.”
sure, but alpha can have a different definition for every woman. sure, the stupid barmaid at the local tavern will probably think the dumb jock who can’t hold a job but gets in fights every other weekend is alpha.
maybe the cocktail waitress who loves all the finer things in life but isn’t smart enough to do anything but wait tables is going to think the schmuck who isn’t very smart but has the means to buy an expensive sportscar and a fake rolex is an alpha.
women want men who can show superiority over them in a way that correlates with their own value system and priorities. they want someone they can admire and look up to. a highly intellectual woman may be attracted to dumb alphas for the short term but it’s never going to end up well.
she isn’t as likely as other women to be satisfied with a man who can only impress her with his brute strength and materialistic displays of worth. she will want someone who can challenge and impress her intellectually. if she doesn’t have that, she will always feel superior to him in intellect and no woman wants to feel superior to her man.
Smart chicks are fun to game – they’re usually very neurotic and easy to tease in numerous ways
“Smart women”.
Is this the look you wear on your face after you drop the Cosbys off on some poor girl’s chest?
el oh el
Your mom.
YR, since we’re talking smarts here, it’s been almost a week, and the machine still hasn’t spit out your reply about recalibrating “JULIEN” on the fly when you realize that the chick’s IQ is substantially different than what you had been expecting.
CH: the full term you were looking for is very close to the language you used: ‘evolutionary stable strategy.’
The term has shortcomings unless properly understood, because by itself it suggests stasis – say stability at, to use your example, a population of 90% cooperators and 10% cheaters.
But what it really means is that cooperating say, is one evolutionary strategy that is stable enough not to die out in a given, relatively long-term, environment, and cheating is another. The balance between the two can shift with shorter-term changes, say to 95%/5% within several generations, but both strategies are stable enough not to disappear altogether. The reason they don’t disappear is related to what you might call ‘cosmic rebalancing.’
Take your example. It’s easy to picture a scenario in which, as the number of cheaters declines, the advantages to those few cheaters left who are willing to take the risk increases, leading to an eventual upsurge again in cheaters.
Another drawback to the term is that it’s used in the singular, whereas what is most interesting is the changing blend of varied strategies over time.
Do smart women really want high-IQ men? High IQ men, by which I mean 145+ IQ, are widely considered to be romantic duds. Though exceptions exist, they appear to be rare. There’s a reason engineers are bottom of the dating totem pole.
“Really smart women fuck like demonesses.
Absolutely true. Especially MDs. Use as needed.
Smart (and/or neurotic) women have more sexual imagination. Not necessarily desirable in a partner, but more interesting for sexual entertainment.
Thats right brother.
But remember, women in general are not very sexually creative; so if she wants you to do something really filthy to her, its because some guy taught her it.
I imagine someone like Rihanna would be insane in da sack,but I don’t see her as having much of an IQ…
Yeah, for women, being good in bed is at least 50% being good-looking in bed. That’s not to say IQ doesn’t factor into it; it’s just not the be all, end all.
I’m 55. I dated a double PhD and I agree with the entire post except the PS. My Mensa plate was a 50 year old “9”. 5-0; 98 pounds. Double 0 HARD body.
She was a double zero in bed too. Clueless. I only fucked her more than once because her body was so hard and amazing I just had to have it again. Nexted her soon thereafter. Most clueless “smart” woman I have ever met. But what a bod!
“50 year old ‘9’.” GTFOH
I agree, wtf is a 50 yr old 9!
I think he meant ‘a 9 relative to other 50-year-olds’, thus the quote marks.
That somewhat excuses it, but the 1-10 system shouldn’t be used on 50-plus women, even to describe them relative to their fellow crones. Read the Dating Market Value Test for Women again; I’m pretty sure women at or past that age automatically fail, as in no man of any age with a healthy libido would want anything to do with any of them sexually–ever. Acknowledging this ugly truth is one of the core tenets of “red-pill”.
~*Ugly truth warning*~
Go to a shrink, swallow some funny pills and log out, preferably into real life. It’s much more fulfilling, I promise.
Most of 50 year old women probably lead much more productive lives than yours.
Never said they couldn’t be productive, just not reproductive.
“but not so intelligent that she blows up her own SMV by hammering you with ferocious shit-tests”
Sucks to be me…you’re describing my wife’s insecurity testing.
My experience jibes with this jive. n of about 4
[…] Source: Heartiste […]
A man wants a wife, not a co-worker.
A man likes to read an occasional Atlas Shrugged… but fuck the authoress? Eh… not so much.
In a moment it cristallized … I agree with the feminists!
A woman really DOES need a man like a fish needs a bicycle.
What the woman NEEDS is children. And it’s the dang children where the man comes in, because the children need a father.
Yes, Sir we live in a cold and purposeless universe, indeed.
My stock reply to that femsnark:
“When your bike needs fixin’, call the fish.”
But men can hire surrogates. Get all legal rights to the kid at birth for as little as $20-30k. The child will of course have far better emotional and economic outcomes than any spawn of a single-mom. Then, your legacy secured, you maybe shack up with a 30-something, or just walk the streets with the ultimate chick magnet and teach him to hunt.
# Unintended Consequences
# Blowback to Feminizm
You can get away without a father these days, it’s just bad for the kids. Especially if it’s a boy.
Get away from what? To where? To a cold and purposeless universe … Ask me I’d say there’s a generation of young men out there shuffling about, moaning about ‘the system’ and how meaningless life is – because they didn’t see their fathers slugging it out day after day for their daily bread. Mothers don’t impart grit, determination or optimism.
CH, I think you’ve gone a little scattershot on this one.
A big reason fourth quartile IQ women, let’s say, don’t do as well as a third quartile in the short and long term romance market is physiognomy: on average they’re less attractive than the third quartile.
Essence of physiognomy is that nature is parsimonious – you can’t have it all from her. Eg, a major reason why Jews are uglier, on average, than Aryans. Price of breeding for smarts.
Throw in assortative mating and physiognomy rules.
Extend that and we see why smart women are NOT, an average, demons in the sack. You’ve said here many times, and I agree, that all else equal, the better looking the woman the better in bed. And that’s not just because they make us hornier and are thus more memorable, although that’s part of it. It’s also because of physiognomy. There’s nothing like a soft, pretty, feminine, average IQ, hourglass cloud of estrogen in her prime for living a life that’s centered around the pleasing of men. Smart bitches and banana lawyercunts barely come from the same planet.
“hourglass cloud of estrogen”—POETRY!
From my recollection of the ‘positive manifold’, positive traits correlate with IQ up to about 2 SDs above the mean (130) or so.
I think the problem is that women with high IQs tend to be in high-powered careers where looking too feminine is frowned upon–thus, what you observe.
My gf is as smart as most girls come. Made the math olympiad finals in a populous and competitive country, was student council president at the university, a top outstanding student nationally when she graduated. And very good looking. Multi talented. She has a great voice, sense of style, takes great photos, good designer, great negotiator, and so on. Has 3000 friends on facebook, but only adds the people she likes and knows.
Game worked like a charm. I seem a bit disinterested some times, cocky funny, ignore some times, call her out on bs, lots of teasing.
She doesn’t care about money or material things, but when she talked about putting a ring on it, I took the nearest coke can ring pull and put it around her pinky. After half a year or so when she hinted it might be a bit cheap, I just asked her “Did you throw it away?”. She had kept it. I have to say it touched my stony heart ever so lightly.
One of the reasons why she likes me is most people treat her like some kind of demigoddess, but I just treat her like a bratty little sister. A little sister whom I love deep inside of course, but I still play around with her. Pedestalling really, really dries them up. And everyone around her does that. Just not me. She knows I screw lots of skanks too, but she doesn’t mind too much. She just asks me to use a condom, and when she does, I just ignore it, although I do, mostly. Heh.
“Basically, they want someone who isn’t ever going to let her career come before making dinner and pleasing them first.”
Before you leap, beta, ask yourself: Will you really be happier and better off with Sheryl Sandberg?
As a homo with masochistic/passive desires I like guys who are hotter and dominant but not very smart. I like straight guys (and pay them). I don’t think intelligence is a turnon for men or for women. When you say that women won’t “settle” for a dumber guy is this about the marriage market or sex? I think that a smarter woman might especially enjoy fucking a hot, dominant, but simple-minded man. Of course they won’t admit it but so what.
“Why don’t men want women with whom they can converse and who challenge them?”
Challenging. Weeeeelllllll sweeeetheart … It’s like a woman marrying an alkie who beats her. A fat sweaty alkie without money. It’s a life choice, just not a good one, honeybaconbuns.
“She’s smart! Not like everybody says… like dumb… She’s smart and she wants respect!
Reblogged this on ElderofZyklon's Blog!.
So here’s the thing: ape-like, ugly ass femcunts whine about how men “don’t like intelligent women”. Not true. What men don’t like is LOUD, OPINIONATED, BITCHES.
As men are visually stimulated, we often find it simpler just to find the hottest woman we can find who is NOT a fucking pain in the ass all the time.
Intelligent women WILL shit test the fuck out of us, so why bother? There’s an angle; read on.
Uncle Mistral’s Guide for Gaming Intelligent Women
The advantage to dating and mating with intelligent women is that, if one is an intelligent man, one is going to have more options. A bright man can get along just fine with a hottie who is not a smartie; the WORST thing that can happen to an intelligent women is to be saddled with a dumb guy.
Intelligent women tend to be submissive, they just don’t know how to show it. They’re, quite literally, afraid of what might happen. I formerly dated a college professor who I absolutely RULED. Once we were in the bedroom, she went from FEMINIST! to submissive kitten. Of course, I was forbidden to reveal this (why would I? I mean, it was fun fodder to use to exert control over her, which set the Pussy Tingle Generator into the red zone, but really, why fuck with someone’s work?), or express any of my “right wing” (i.e. sane, rational, not liberal fucktard) opinions at her work’s social functions.
Of course, when we were at the door, heading of to such a function, I would look at her and say, “panties” and she would remove her panties and I would put them in my pocket. She would attend the event ‘commando’ and then we would return home and we’d bang, with me telling her what a little fraud she was while she fucked my dick black and blue.
Gaming a smart girl is simple. There are three things to remember:
1. Tell the truth about herself. Say what you mean and mean what you say. Intelligent chicks tend toward the submissive. Put that out on the table. Tell her that you KNOW. Tell her you *require* it of your girls. She
2. NEVER break frame. The shit tests will be fast and furious.
3. Disobedience MUST result in massive retaliation. Never let her get away with any bullshit. Turn that ass cherry red, and make her thank you for it.
Go forth and slay.
I am in college (STEM major), spinning plates (some STEM), and I know this to be true.
Once she knows she can relax and be herself around you, she will thank you for every moment of it – in every way.
I concur with this. Im married to an extremely smart -yet very feminine – woman. She is the most submissive woman I have ever been with. In my past I hooked up with a PHD professor. Under her little tough shell was a naughty little bitch. Damn did she liked to be dominated. It was obvious she was not used to experiencing that often
Yup, you’re preaching here. My best chick was smart as hell, and she was my sex slave and doted on me like none other. She got NASTY as I wanted, literally there was nothing I couldn’t do with/to her.
This was in my pre-red-pill days and the crazy thing is, I eventually got tired of her because she was making everything TOO easy. So, to sabotage the relationship I banged a stripper and told my girl about it the next day. I didn’t understand it, but she still loved me as much as ever, only she got so extremely neurotic and depressed after that incident that I had to dump her.
I really might have messed her up, I sometimes regret not wifing her up no joke.
A lot of the nerdy chicks are into BDSM for some reason. Fine by me.
American girls are famous for their scowls regardless of how hot they are. They all have scowls on their faces. That Megyn Kelly pissed look. Nothing as sad than to see a gorgeous girl with a bored scowl on her face.
I love smart women. Not the “strong” ones – there is no connection between bitchiness and smarts, although many nasty bitches like to claim they are smart, based on history of A- grades in English Lit and squeaking by in STEM. Still, there are the sweet, sexy librarian types, bookish, not fat, they are a delight to talk to after a fuck. The only one of my exes that I still stay in contact with, after 30 years, is the smartest one I had. Normal women get boring awfully fast.
If the smartest men are really the most desirable, why don’t MIT and Caltech students get laid more?
I don’t entirely agree with you. I think that the smartest and the dumbest people of both genders are most likely to be single. So yes, the smartest women are more likely to be romantic failures, but the Down Syndrome women will suffer this fate too. Same applies to men. Caltech men either never get laid or get laid at a later age than most other men; same applies so Down Syndrome men.
As for paternity assurance, I think you’ll find that the women who are most likely to commit paternity fraud are not the MIT girls who grew up in two parent families. The girls who commit paternity fraud at the highest rates are still the ghetto, barrio, and trailer girls.
Right. Professional women don’t see paternity fraud as a way to get ahead–after all, if the guy launches a countersuit there’s a risk of losing too.
If you’re a ghetto ho, well…might as well play the lotto. If nothing else he might wind up paying to make you go away, in one way or another.
Ive heard of ho’s collecting abortion money from several scared dudes they slept with and spending it at the casino with her friends.
Heartiste: You should do more posts mocking posts from Jezebel.
Why are intelligent women((oxymoron)heh) more prone to being single and miserable? One word. Naggers.
I see what you did there.
Hella droll
Dindu swarm. Story has a very quotable victim.
An excellent quote, in its matter-of-factness. More people in these situations should start talking that way, and maybe collective behavior will start changing.
[…] wrote a comment to the Heartiste post “Smarter Women More Likely To Be Romantic Failures” dated 28 April 2015. I present it here for my edification and amusement. I am one of my […]
Field Report-
Getting my system down. Go to set place and locate an 8 plus women.
Today a 9 came in with a friend. Natural blond with nice tits and cleavage showing. They sat down and started chatting. I got set to approach while the usual per-approach fears started cropping up. I get up and make my way to the bathroom and then stop in front of her table put my hand out while she is in mid conversation. Taken back a little she hesitates then takes my hand and a pleasant smile appears on her face. I say hello my name is…then I ask her name and she gives it. I then continue to the bathroom as I feel like I just scored a touchdown. Come back from the bathroom as if nothing happened. Catch her looking at me later. Go outside to talk on phone. She and her friend come out and kind of hesitate near me as if they were expecting me to come talk to the 9. I don’t. Just ignore and continue with my conversation. Mission accomplished.
Remember –
No tl;dr is safe typed in the comment box at the Chateau. Other blogs I would assume ok. But remember, after the c/p transfer WP needs at least one letter typed in the comment box of the receiving blog.
A small mission I know, but the comment will go through.
Fastest way to get over a women? Find another women. If you have a couple in reserve then no need to worry.
9’s and 10’s make terrible wives. Just sayin.
When they get to 65, they probably aren’t whales and are still fakkable. Maybe 6’s at 65.
My god. . . . “65” and “fuckable” don’t belong in the same sentence–or even the same paragraph.
And when the rejuv therapy comes online in a couple of years, the skin of women at 50-60 will look like 30. And men at 50-60 will be able to lift like they did at 30.
“When they get to 65, they probably aren’t whales and are still fakkable. Maybe 6’s at 65.”
definitely true. 9’s and 10’s may be harder to get and keep but if you can manage it, they will tend to look better much longer. no doubt about that.
You guys are showing your own ages.
Likewise, I’m shuah.
And when the rejuv therapy comes online in a couple of years,
It won’t.
If ya wanna be happy for the rest of your life, never make a fancy woman your wife, so from my personal point of view, get an ugly girl to marry you!
@YaReally, Kant, Sentient and all…just an interesting update. The 21 year old exchange student I met over the weekend and banged on Sunday is leaving in a month to go back to her country, then study abroad again in September.
She lives 2 minutes away from me which made meeting up convenient. We met up last night and her reactions were very interesting. When a girl likes you and wants you…she doesn’t hesitate. She made it clear to me she likes older, mature guys who are strong. Girls are also practical when they want to be.
We met up for dinner, I got her to pay for dessert. Then she invited herself over saying “Let’s watch a DVD”…when we got back to my place she said “I’m going to put on my night dress”….put on her kind of sexy pyjamas and stayed. Then next morning after banging our brains out she said: “I’ll just leave this here’…”
I get where this is going. I just laughed. If she wasn’t leaving in 3 weeks I’d be worried.
This also gives girls plausible deniability….if she thinks it’s a regular thing, then she doesn’t feel so bad that we’re banging and she’s leaving.
Also we talked about the older guy younger girl thing…She asked me what I thought. I said I think younger girls are a better fit for me…more energy, more open-minded, not so hung up on the future…. Her: “yah, you’re right.”
Wow, from whiny bitch with oneitus to this in the space of, what? A year?
Well done.
@pdwalker…. lolzzz there’s hope for you too…
“The 21 year old exchange student I met over the weekend and banged on Sunday”
Wow, that was fast. What country?
Wala nice, I also got myself a hot new 21 year old little number to fuck over the weekend, easily an HB8.5.
She’s in college here in NYC but actually seems to have some pretty red pill beliefs. Fun fact, she personally knows quite well both the guy and the girl from the Columbia mattress rape case, and told me she definitely believes the girl is full of shit and making it all up.
Most of the hot girls I’ve met (fucked) over the past year or so aren’t man-hating crazy feminists, despite what CH / Roosh would have you believe. Less attractive girls probably are, but who cares?
> “a hot new 21 year old little number… HB8.5… some pretty red pill beliefs…”
*** cough *** MOAR WHYTE BABIEZ *** cough ***
That presents a free-rider problem. You have to decide whether your white progeny will alter the demographics enough to save the West, or simply have to live through the nadir of their culture.
OM, cheer the f*ck up, man. Don’t let Evi1 P$chiatry Inc and the Gram$ci Pr0ject ruin your outlook on l!fe. To he11 with them and their anti-Shk0tzim genet!c a1gorithms. Enjoy your d@mned life.
I find both hotter girls to be more pleasant and smarter girls to be so too, in Eastern Europe. It helps that the poz spreads here through American culture and NGOs, not universities.
What’s funny is how easy smart girls are to turn on once you make them fantasize about things a few times and get the hang of their quirks. So few men get to understand the elaborate fantasies of some smart girls that if you do, even hinting towards them will make them gush. I know this girl from another country and she’s always happy to masturbate when I talk to her despite me not answering any of her questions despite insisting and calling her names(I’m actually curious how far I can take the ‘abuse’ at this point). lol
Most of the hot girls I’ve met (fucked) over the past year or so aren’t man-hating crazy feminists, despite what CH / Roosh would have you believe.
i dont think h3artsie’s ever said or even hinted that hot girls tend to be man-hating rabid feminists. if anything, he’s said the opposite.
hot girls don’t need feminism (talking about the real man-hating feminism, not the ‘lip service’ feminism). they’ve got the world at their feet – guys pay for their drinks and meals, they get free shit in stores, they can get away with murder..
when was the last time you saw one of those ‘this is what a feminist looks like’ t-shirts on a legit hot chick? answer: never
that is, until they hit the wall. then the probability of feministic tendencies increases
I believe Kant the cunt is a mulatto.
@Kant, YaReally and all…a follow up to this. So this 21 year old I met last week and banged. We end up meeting up Tuesday night and bang, Wednesday I took her to a Latin dance practice night. All the other people there were drawn to her and kind of curious. They all love to gossip. That night I didn’t take her home because I had to make some work calls. We made plans for Friday. Friday comes along, she suddenly has “period pain” and it’s so “annoying”. Me; Sorry to hear, in that case let’s meet up when you’re feeling better” she thanks me. Saturday she opens me: “how was the party last night?” we banter back and forth…Then she says “Are you going to Latin tonite?” I banter back and forth then say “Let’s meet up for dinner before the party”. Suddenly she’s backing off. “I don’t feel confident enough in my dance abilities” WTF? So I just replied “k”. Left it there. In terms of pure game, I hit it all: attraction, rapport, comfort. She left her make up shit at my place. What’s with the sudden weirdness? I couldn’t think of anything else to say except “k” and then made plans with some other friends. Is this hamster in overdrive? Did I handle this right?
wala, you’ve lost comfort, you need to regame her as if you were starting from scratch.
Did you only fuck her once? if so, it was a mistake to not fuck her on Wednesday night. You have to fuck a girl at least twice in order to ‘lock her in’ and be able to schedule things with no ASD
@Kant Yes banged her last Sunday twice, then when we met up again on Tuesday. Was a text misunderstanding. After the “k” she asked the time for the meet up. We met, cooked dinner, went to a party. The party was a disaster. We went for drinks. Came back, banged her again on her period.
Truly nice girl, a little inexperienced but quite open-minded and mature for her age.
This article, about the origin of the culture wars in the 1960s, is as timely as ever. Lots of quotes (or their spirit, at least) could have been taken from this very blog.
The forebrain is in service to the limbic system – reason is a tool and servant of emotion. Women are emotion-centric, more so than men, and very smart women rationalize rather than reason. Hence we see smart female leftists and feminists CREATING illusionary “reasons” to serve their butt hurts from unfulfilled female agenda.
That said, an intelligent woman with a strong and grounded emotional life can be a good life partner. Let her plan menus and make shopping lists, select dentists for the kids, and even pay the bills.
Good luck finding a pretty one and lassoing her (and deserving her.)
As to being extra good in bed – maybe. It goes both ways in my experience. The best sex is mindless sex (aka hot monkey love) and that can be difficult for the intelligent. Pot helps with that (“Why do they call it ‘dope’?”)®ion=Header&action=click&contentCollection=Most%20Emailed&pgtype=Blogs
paging CH…
Ha ha Ha ha
I was involved with stuff like that in China over 25 years ago. Nice to see nothing has changed.
The modern cellphone-clutching entitlement queen is the end result of the suffragettes and the pro-temperance broads from 100+ years back.
This dysfunctional zeitgeist has reached its hellish apex because masculinity is being discouraged…unless it’s being expressed by a womyn.
[…] In my years of living, dating, and loving across these United Plates, I’ve come to certain conclusions about women drawn from a wellspring of eagle-eyed observations and red raw experiences. […]
Smart women often act like this- reporting builders to police for wolf-whistling and whipping up the white knights of twitter.
That said, the builder’s response should be commended to the Lords of the Chateau for Alpha of the Year
“Really smart women fuck like demonesses.””
–most recently confirmed this Monday night and have plans to do so again tomorrow night
“It pays women to date down in looks…”
–explains why I’m always “that guy” for them and seldom, if ever, “boyfriend material”
re hillary duff on tinder;
approaching wall, divorced, a kid, worked over non stop since she was a teen, average looks, super high maintenance…
fame does nothing for the attractiveness of women.
But you know she wants to get fucked, and really good. Why else would she be on there? After a while, the toys don’t do it. And of course, she’s got a career to manage. So, here boys, pound it real good and then let me go be a starlet.
Nothin’ at all wrong with that as long as it’s still poundable.
she’s doing it for money and publicity. it’s all just a ploy to get her own reality show.
Congratulations on your first dick rider; you’ve officially “arrived”.
They aren’t gonna stop till you send em a Tee-shirt.
I’m thinking this one.
Perhaps it’s not such a bad thing… the idiot may just help confuse other SJWs.
Odd? Some of the timestamps for some posts are earlier/later than others.
Skynet has become aware.
If you beat her on the SAT’s and can command her respect, why not actively breed with Ms. Einstein and spawn a dynasty for the ages?
‘Cause she’s probably not too much fun. Bright people tend to be opinionated, etc.–statistically, they are much more likely to be right in an argument than most people.
The only case I can think of where this happened was the Curies, and the well ran dry after a few generations–the daughter got a Nobel, but nobody after that.
This is actually an argument against careers for women–given the low fertility of nerd-nerd couples, better to keep the genes in the general population.
Aristocratic classes have bred this way since the dawn of time. Heartiste is an idiot for suggesting to the contrary. Let him deal with a lifetime of disappointment from his middling offspring. Crack your alpha whip and make that hot nerd chick obey.
One thing about more intelligent women: they are more susceptible to propaganda. After all, you have to know what Susan Sontag is talking about to agree that whites are the cancer of the human race. Psy-ops don’t work as well on women who live below the propaganda radar. Hence “smart” women are the most furious supporters of gay gay gay, anti-racism, feminism, etc. and this, in turn, makes them put off marriage. They believe the hype.
Happy is a man who finds wisdom
and who acquires understanding,
for she is more profitable than silver,
and her revenue is better than gold.
She is more precious than jewels;
nothing you desire compares with her.
Long life is in her right hand;
in her left, riches and honor.
Her ways are pleasant,
and all her paths, peaceful.
She is a tree of life to those who embrace her,
and those who hold on to her are happy.
Proverbs 3. Very nice!
The convert to Islam known as Yusef Salam.
The curse of being a smart woman is that people rarely tell you anything you don’t already know ;)
When I was a child, I fell into the habit of saying, “I know that.” My father must have found it annoying because when I would say it at the dinner table, he would pick up a bicycle horn that was on a nearby shelf and honk it twice. This happened so often it created a conditioned response, so that if anyone in our family says, “I know that,” someone else will invariably say, “Honk, honk.” :)
A wise woman will find people who know more than she does.
Even a 40 yo plumber with a 100 IQ can teach a 60 yo PhD in physics things the physicist doesn’t know.
Relative intelligence was an important factor when I chose my wife. I wanted her to be considerably less intelligent than me, but sufficiently bright that our children wouldn’t regress to a mean that was too low. Numbers also played a role-try finding (even if you wanted to) an attractive, feminine white woman with an IQ over 150 who wants to stay home with the kids. Unicorn! Anyway, the wife is home raising the kids, the kids are smart enough, and I can come home from work and not have to worry about an incipient intellectual pissing contest waiting for me.
David Carrol delivers classic black ugly truth on Baltimore savages, shines and coons:
Note his trademark MLK and JC portraits…
Good vid.
Problem is this guy is probably 1/2 SD above the black mean. His numbers are too few, and the blacks that match his intelligence lack his morality, e.g., Sharpton.
I doubt there’s any other option but separation.
What is the IQ of a 7 year old?
When you were 7 were you looting, robbing and raping?
Well why not?
Low IQ was never a problem for the Taliban?; was never a problem for the Gestapo?; was never a problem for the SS…
What country you from?
Straight from the horse’s mouth comes wisdom:
” Because there’s nothing more addictive than that oscillating trifecta of affection, ambivalence, and disinterest.”
Three kinds of Women of Color in America.
1) Off The Radar, Both Ways. They are the females whose looks and intelligence keep them completely off White men’s radars: ghetto black women, barrel-shaped Mestizas, aboriginal-looking south-Asians. They are indifferent to Whites except when they wanna keep it real. On a positive note, in my experience the very squat Mestizas can even be very nice.
2) The Toxic Middle. Here you will find the mediocre-looking Asian and Hispanic women who are intelligent enough to socialize with Whites and just attractive enough to not be completely invisible to us — but still under most of our attractiveness threshold. Here you will find the Strong Militant Wymyn of Color who write anti-racist screeds online or teach Leftoid courses in college. This is radioactive resentment for being ignored by White men.
3) The Elite Club. Women of Color, including the tiny sliver of black women, who are intelligent and attractive enough to compete with White female 6’s or occasionally higher. They LOVE LOVE LOVE White men, marrying one being their great aspiration. Black women in the elite beauty category in particular are, in my observation, very White-friendly.
What would your advice be for a mid 20s (not super nerdy good Smv) guy who is going to med school.
I’m passionate about it however I realize I could succeed in starting/investing in my own business etc. there is a lotttt of opportunity cost and debt that goes with med school (and that’s not even including the ACA obamacare mess)
So I ask you, what would your advice be in terms of future for someone like me who has time (both future career-wise and interns of GIRLS b/c I like the gaming of girls and having relationships with them but it’s destracting and time consuming etc)…
But, wouldn’t a truly smart woman know what’s in the article, recognizing the importance of femininity and aligning her priorities to be compatible with male leadership? I guess this depends on how you define “smart”.
“but the classic case is the “cheater-cooperator” evolutionary strategies, in which cheaters prosper (and hence reproductively prosper) in cooperative societies, but then lose ground to cooperators when cheaters become too numerous and start poaching each other.”
I think you just solved history. Cooperators build, cheaters (the selfish) arise and take advantage, civilization dies… mass chaos and brigandage… cooperators band together and rebuild. And the story continues. Happened with Rome and it’s happening to us.
I wonder why they feel compelled to disable comments in videos like this:
Best piece of advice my dad ever gave me:
“You want to find yourself a smart girl. But NEVER smarter than you.”
Here’s how it has panned out for me, and some words of wisdom..
I am engaged to a former career woman wannabe. She has a BS in Engineering and an MBA, with ambitions to be at the top of her fortune 100 company. Since I am much smarter than her, and the leader of the household, within months she was more than ready to give that all up and submit to her own real dreams of being a mommy and good wife. She cooks me dinner every night and can’t wait to have kids and stay at home. She now condemns the corporate life.
But this post is dead on if you aren’t the kind of guy who can’t tame a lady. Sticking with dumber girls is definitely a great way to go.
Just remember this…
a dumb girl will annoy you with stupid questions and requests that aren’t really relevant, like tv shows and iphones. A smart girl will REALLY annoy you with stupid questions and second guessing about things that ARE relevant, like your home finances, etc
As a guy, when you’re intelligent or very intelligent, you are often given wisdom by your elders how to be responsible with your intelligence. Your elders are also quick to correct you when you’re wrong, and show you how to be right. They teach you that no matter how intelligent you are, you will be wrong a lot and others are smarter than you. Not much different than how a coach teaches you humility when you’re an athlete. These lessons help you become successful and well liked.
However, when girls are smarter than their peers, no one keeps them in check. Their female elders do not pass this same wisdom to them. They immediately think everything they say is right and by being smarter than all their female peers, they think somehow they are smarter than men. Any woman with a modicum of intelligence is instantly crowned a genius; and all her lesser female peers also believe she is never wrong . This is a major hindrance on personal growth. They basically become spoiled brat know-it-alls and shockingly no one wants to work with them or date them.
some good stuff Jack H… This here is so true “she was more than ready to give that all up and submit to her own real dreams of being a mommy and good wife.” My wife was the same way, upon graduation was going to take on the world in her field… She worked a mere 6 months, until her maternity leave.. 24 years ago now…
The poor things are afraid to self acknowledge this is really what most of them want. They are herd creatures so when the herd was MRS – WIFE – BABY – in the pre 1968 tim eframe, they all acknowledged the same. When all that changed to GOGRRL, well they all said that.
What’s in their heart though is what they are wired to do, follow men, have children, raise children and compete with other women… so pay no attention to what your girl is saying, just make sure you are leading and she will follow.
Important note: a not insignificant subset of smart women will go thug. Both the wives of the dead Chechens, Tamerlane Tsarnaev and his pal shot dead in Florida by an FBI agent after a confession, married college chicks who were daughters of doctors or lawyers respectively, dropped out, converted, and worked two-three jobs to support their MMA amateur husbands who also beat them. Hypergamy in smart women can also lead to choosing thug over everything else. Making Game even more important for Smart Guys.
‘Eewww – won’t the children get cavities if they’re fed a diet of chocolate milk?’
No. but they will develop a strange obsession with all things Negro……
Negro Food,Negro Music,Negro Clothe-Dress style,Negro Dance
Negro Talk, Negro Phallus, Negro Lips, Negress Steatopygia…….
After all, you are what you eat !
generations of early American white babies downing Negress breast milk….
Best sex ever was with a religious bimbo.
Smart girls have to exercise full use of their vocabularies prior to any fun via either nagging, or long, boring convos.
If you need a brainy girl, keep a homelier one as a f**k buddy:she’ll let you play around and maybe even join in but NOT if she’s your *real* gf.
Keep her at brain’s-length and enjoy the benefits.
My vote for nasty careerist, feminist, third world immigrant cunt of the century:
Smart women and smart men I would think are both unlikely to get involved in relationships because they tend to be socially awkward. They are also smart enough to realize that sex is trouble (unlike all the sexually promiscuous fools who are under the delusion that they can have sex without consequences).
“Been around the world and found that only stupid people are breeding, the cretins cloning and feeding …” said Harvey Danger in his song “Flagpole Sitta”.
Of course, the human race should go, on, I guess. I don’t know. It’s an existential question.
For the record, I think dumb, uneducated girls are mildly entertaining but ultimately boring.
But that’s probably because I’m not an insecure, misogynistic prick.
It seems like what’s being warned against here doesn’t have to be higher-IQ women per se. More like (as some of the commenters have pointed out) women whose problematic [narcissistic/crazy/aggressive] personalities and inflated egos cause them to not only think they’re smarter than they really are, but are also flawed to the extent that said personalities warp them to utilize what intelligence they do have to rationalize away the necessity to acknowledge and make room for the biological drives that would actually make them happiest. If a woman is really smart, she will not spend time trying to deny what makes her female.
She will make allowances for it and encourage it to enrich her life–not rail against it and her own self in a way only the truly defective can do. Anything less is not genuine intelligence by any measure, and is definitely not worthy of being humored as a long-term relationship prospect–aside from which, both faux-intellectual chicks & and obviously vapid ones become painfully boring abrasive to the interesting man who wants companionship that actually adds something to his downtime and engages his own imagination.
Chicks who bring something stimulating to the table mentally without being adversarial or anti-nurturing should be obviously preferable in LTRs over high-ish, dull-normal or even average-range intelligence thundercunts who constantly annoying the shit out of an interesting guy (during not-sex) and send him eyeing for the door by blathering at inopportune times about either Slate feminism articles or when unironically parroting tidbits from TMZ. Either way if LTRs are your thing, it’s counterproductive to search for chicks who can only work in the short-term because it’s not possible for their values to complement yours if they lack any reasoning ability on which to base them. Even if you have the dreaded “equal intelligence” dynamic that this heavily implies is unworkable, it should still be a given that that doesn’t undermine the truly feminine woman’s desire to let a man she genuinely respects and values win where it matters, to attain the height of her own biological happiness. If your game can capture that level of sustained surrender from a woman like that, your skill is unassailable.
My (short) ex-girlfriend wants to re-see me. Suggestions?
This is so sexist it makes me sick. You are generalizing everything. Ridiculous.
Moderation??? I tried to mis-spell all of the words which would trigger the F!1ter.
Hmmm, that reminds me: bomb, terrorism, target, revenge, fertilizer, FBI headquarters, blueprints, Oklahoma City, World Trade Center, ZOG, bin Ladin, blowback, passenger plane, machine gun, The Order, Rahowa, holy, crusade, race war, compound, Pierce, TEOTWAWKI, dirty bomb, suicide vest, explosives, Washington sites, revolution, First Amendment, rebels, Confederacy, Final Reich, the establishment, tax revolt, not voting Hillary.
Let’s give the powers that be a little more work to do every day.
Arbiter, the only two words that I didn’t mis-spell were “Goldwater” and “Alinsky”. Go figure.
That was a reply to Captain Obvious. As for the moderation, look back in a few hours. I have seen posts appear after 24 hours. Easy does it, said the tortoise.
You’re not all bad, lol
Odd. Reply function out of order?
Mod holds are going over 7 days now…
If you’re worried about mod holds, don’t post on weekends.
Guys, if you want your golden words to post then follow these tips and tricks:
When commenting have cookies enabled or the comment will get eaten.
The WordPress software is partial to Apple products.
If using windows avoid writing lengthy comments directly in the comment box.
Write all tl;drs in a word processor then cut n paste, however, WP needs at least one letter typed directly in the comment box before the screed is sent into cyber orbit.
I have no tips or tricks to circumvent specific words that trigger the appetite of the moderation monster.
You’re welcome.
PS 99.9 percent of my posts go through.
Write all tl;drs in a word processor then cut n paste
Absent MS Word or such on your device, can it be typed in, say, another blog’s comment window and cut/pasted, or even on this blog and then CTRL X, CTRL V?
Also, I should point out that there’s an SJW using my handle on the Goodbye America site. That, needless to say, is not me.
I’ve tried to post stuff over there but none of it has gotten out of m0deration.
Congratulations on your first dick rider; you’ve officially “arrived”.
They aren’t gonna stop till you send em a Tee-shirt.
Open a support ticket with ye Château IT.
While were OT venting about the joo mod monster …I’m surprised at the level of mod censorship and propaganda spin on fox news re comments section and the decission to not allow comments on certain articles.
It seems like fox is getting less and less conservative and becoming a full neocon sh1t stew. Like what happened to national review.
CH hasn’t posted in a comment in a while either… think moderation is on hold…
If you really want a comment to go thru, just re-word it slightly and push send. It works nearly every time.
Don’t trust anything that has a budget.
That was meant to be nested under the Fox News comment above.
and issues with nested comments…
Ooh, maybe he’s met someone:) :) :) Or on a nice vacation :) Or both!