I was born a princess years ago
in a land far, far away,
and burdened with a fearful curse
that struck at sunset every day.

Only with true love’s first kiss
could my gender take steady form–
but then I’d be forever stuck
as a slave to gender norms.

Many stories have been penned
about breaking curses with a kiss,
for me, that’d be the worst curse of all–
because then I would be cis.

I was born a princess years ago
in a land far, far away,
and burdened with a fearful curse
that struck at sunset every day.

Only with true love’s first kiss
could my gender take steady form–
but then I’d be forever stuck
as a slave to gender norms.

Many stories have been penned
about breaking curses with a kiss,
for me, that’d be the worst curse of all–
because then I would be cis.

genders I'm pretty pleased with this tbh shrek
Oh salubrious salugender,
I stand and salute,
for you’re the perfect gender
for this high-strung young tucute.
My self-diagnosed psychosis
has me down in the dumps,
and my self-diagnosed breast cancer
just turned out to be the mumps.
Oh salugender hear me, 
and fold me to your breast–
truly, salugender, you’re 
a cut above the rest.

Oh salubrious salugender,
I stand and salute,
for you’re the perfect gender
for this high-strung young tucute.
My self-diagnosed psychosis
has me down in the dumps,
and my self-diagnosed breast cancer
just turned out to be the mumps.
Oh salugender hear me,
and fold me to your breast–
truly, salugender, you’re
a cut above the rest.
