Chalk up another scientific confirmation of Heartiste theory: ugly women who can’t attract a desirable man switch strategies from finding a provider male to collecting the resources themselves, (and then rationalizing their life choice using the rubric of feminism).
A controversial study has concluded that the real reason women pursue careers is because they fear they are too unattractive to get married.
The research team, made up of three women and two men, said that when men are thin on the ground, ‘women are more likely to choose briefcase over baby’.
And the plainer a woman is, they claim, the more she is driven to succeed in the workplace.
Central to their argument was the idea that women have evolved to become homemakers and men, providers.
They said this means that when men are scarce in a particular area, women, and particularly less attractive ladies, may decide they need to provide for themselves with a well-paid career. […]
After collecting data from across the U.S., they found that as the number of eligible men in a state decreased, the proportion of women in highly paid careers rose.
In addition, the women who became mothers in those states did so at an older age and had fewer children. […]
The final experiment tested the researchers’ suspicion that less attractive women would be more interested in careers because they might find it difficult to secure a partner.
The 87 young women were given mocked-up newspaper articles describing the sex ratio in nearby university campuses and were asked about their views on family and career.
They were also asked how attractive they believed themselves to be to men.
Those women who saw themselves as being less desirable than average were highly likely to be career-orientated.
Here’s a picture of Hilary Rosen, the über feminist who said stay-at-home mother Ann Romney never worked a day in her life:
Hot babes usually put marriage before career, and tend to have happier love and family lives. This is why ugly feminists with multiple degrees insult stay-at-home moms so vociferously; ugly women feel, on a deep visceral level, that their ugliness is the real reason why they don’t have the things that better looking women have, so they pretend they never really wanted those things or that the women who want those things are somehow lesser women, inexperienced, provincial puppets of an imagined patriarchy who don’t understand the joys of climbing the corporate ladder. These feminists are, of course, engaged in a heated, scorched id campaign of lying to themselves.
This all ties back to the growing dystopia of single momhood and men dropping out of sexual market contention. When women work or collect government largesse, their economic independence renders men in their income bracket less desirable as mates, because women are naturally hypergamous and prefer the company of higher status, more powerful men. A vicious negative feedback loop ensues, wherein men deem that efforts to make a pittance are no longer effective at securing women’s sexual interest, and women with fewer mate options pursue careers as a substitute for the loss of acceptably higher status beta provider males. Throw in obesity disfiguring large swaths of young womanhood, the divorce industrial complex creating perverse incentives for women in loveless marriages, and a skewed sex ratio with too many men living into their prime reproductive years, and you’ve got a recipe for total societal breakdown, unprecedented antagonism between the sexes, and a playing field ripe for men to plunder using the charismatic arts known as game.
In a future post I will explain why intelligent men need to learn game and start marrying and having kids with dumber but hotter chicks in order to save Western civilization. Not joking.
I cannot wait for that future post.
Also, first.
HEY GOOD NEWS HEARTISETSS!!!! gawekerr gawker coker reports dat DA GBFM IS GONNA BE A DAYYY DADDY!!!!! lzolzozlzolzoz
“Woman Uses Craigslist to Find Guy Who Knocked Her Up at Motorhead Concert
Hey, did you have sex in the bathroom of a Motorhead/Megadeth concert in Chicago? Do you have a red mohawk and black pentagram gauges? Congrats, you’re a father.
A pregna”
lozlzozozlz hwy are tehre no good menz left>? zlozozlzoloz
“I was grinding on you in the pit, then we went to the bathroom, and got fucked up. You had a nice cock and I was wasted so I let [you] raw dog it in the stall. You were really good and you had to gag me so I would make too much noise.”
i was wondeirng if allyo betas could sh chip in to raize my batsard spawsz zlzozozo or if you just thouyght beenrnanke should print more fiat butthex dollars thusly devaluig your savinsg szlzozozol
eitehr way youzs gottasdsa pay for it! lzzoozlzzozlzzol
alpha fucks and beta bucks is how da modern western owmenz roll! lzolzolzlzol
@ that video:
Hum num shivi, hum num shivi, hum num shivi, hum num shivi…
What intelligent man who knows game would be dumb enough to get married and have kids though? It only makes rational sense for the man if the woman is younger, and has more money. It’ll never become a trend. So I guess Western civilization is doomed?
Congrats: you win –
The Grand Prize
a vasectomy
we have comment of the week nominee
Tom Leykis certainly
does not need
the money
There hasn’t been a civilized society in the West for at least 75 years; probably more like 150.
Civilization requires societies where governments govern with the consent of the governed. Meaning those governed, have the realistic option of withholding that consent. Meaning some kind of military parity between citizens, and any government governing a region large enough to render picking up and leaving unrealistic.
America in the frontier days is probably the most obvious example, but even post frontier, America prior to the federal income tax, federal level monetary monopoly and direct election of senators may sort of qualify.
The Swiss Cantons are probably the closest thing in the West today, but contemporary Afghanistan is much closer still. Indicating civilization is hardly Western thing anymore, in anything more than a historical sense.
Maybe the real reason some women pursue career to its ultimate end, is not because they are not attractive, but because they think it brings them closer to “the man who I feel is the one for me”.
In other words, they pick the job hoping to meet the boss “He’ll like me since I am so accomplished!”
I like the fireworks between Hilary Rosen and Ann Romney, it’s so good that a woman brought it up … a man would have lost his job. :)
OK … So what can we do? Glad you are at least aware of the fact that women CAN’T settle.
[heartiste: please point to where i said that women CAN’T settle. and then please go fuck your lying self. women can indeed settle — many of them do settle — but it is more difficult, not impossible, for women to settle than it is for men.]
We’re simply not attracted to low-status men.
[lowER status men. the first sign of trollery is lack of precision.]
It’s way more romantic to be a lonely old maid than settle for a useless omega.
[not from what i can observe of old maids. it looks very much like it’s way sadder to be an old maid than a married woman in a less than ideal marriage.]
You’re right, I’m a liar. You never said exactly what I wrote, that women can’t settle … but you know that this is VERY difficult. Why don’t you write a textbook for ugly girls to teach us how to settle? I mean, a nice one, not just full of insults (It’s not my fault that I was born ugly!)
[heartiste: this will make an excellent comment for me to auto-reference every time you troll the comments section here.]
Maya, if you want to learn how settle go out a buy yourself a full length mirror. Next, look at yourself naked in that mirror. Really give yourself a good look. Finally ask yourself how you become so delusional about what you deserve in a man.
My 36 year old ex refuses to settle. She’s fat, alone, no prospects, and no children. Yeah, that dour look I see on her face everyday must be an act.
And you,the man she left behind, are,I assume,banging 20 year old Art History majors.
You are my Lord and Savior.
Rosen, Steinem, Abzug, Dworkin, Gilligan, what do these women have in common? They and feminism generally are Jewish. They support the values of Jewish society–stronger women/matriarchal families, antipathy to physical work, sexual looseness, intellectualism, materialism, and miscegination among the gentile majority–in order to remake the society in their image, to protect their flourishing as a leadership cohort, and to express their values. Feminism, in other words, is pretty clearly a Jewish movement to pursue Jewish goals. Read enough feminism and this “secret” is openly discussed and acknowledged. Obviously, non-Jews sign on, but their vanguard and leadership class, which is deeply entrenched in higher education and the media, is undoubtedly Jewish.
Along these lines, I do think the one reason whites are so hated by minorities of all types is the beauty of our women. It far exceeds blacks and Asians and a great many Jews–look at Rosen. Our women are the most beautiful in the world, and everyone wants to destroy them by destroying their morals–already mostly happened–and by destroying their pride in their kind through two decades of miscegenation propaganda by the time they graduate college.
Some beg to differ. I think Helen Rosen is reasonably good looking.
Ah, no…columnist. Hilary Sarah is not getting a page at TSJ. Neither is Bella Abzug, or Emma Goldman, or Betty Friedan, or Bettina Aptheker….well, maybe Bettina. That nose gets me.
Damn, check out those big titties.
I was going to say “2 syllable names and ugly”, but Gilligan broke the rule on “2 syllable names”.
Sorry. Traditional Jewish culture subordinates women: shaved heads, wigs, burqa-wear, no touching husbands 2 weeks of every 4 because the women are dirty (boost/spotting) and contaminate the men, married guys hang out “studying” all day long with the guys while wives work to support 5-10 kids apiece while keeping them dumb and ill-educated?
What do you think has made Jewish women so angry for 100 years, anyway? Our women have always been respected. Theirs, not so much. As Detocqueville explained, it was the quality of our American women that made American culture so indomitable.
Well said. The appropriate gentile response is to game and fuck Jewish women. Best blowjob I ever had was by a Jewish chick. She attacked my cock like a mohel at a bris. I mean without the disfiguring of course.
And Naomi Wolfe, and half of Sweden’s women, and Hillary Clinton, and Camille Paglia.
The word you are searching for is LESBIAN. Not Jews. Heck given the disappearance of Jews due to out-marriage and reproduction, if you don’t like Jews, just wait twenty years. There will hardly be any — they’re more endangered than the Clouded Leopard. No place is more feminist than Sweden, and hardly any European country is more hostile towards Jews.
Heck Feminism goes back to Enlightenment figures such as Mary Wollstonecroft, mother of Mary Wollstonecroft Shelley, and William Blake. Explicitly heretical Christian and Greek Humanist, there was nothing “Jewish” about these very English radical heretics. [Blake wanted marriage abolished and advocated like Wollstonecroft “free love.”]
If anything Feminism is a deeply rooted Christian / Greek Humanist heresy, that has nothing to do with traditionalist Jews whose women are extremely subordinate. Go check out the Orthodox sometime, that was Jews until the 19th Century.
No Whiskey, The word she is searching for is actually “Jews.” Why are you always piping up whenever someone references “Jews” on this blog?
If you think left wing Jews were not a major driving force behind feminism, in addition to all the major societal upheavals in the last 60 years, you are truly delusional
If Whsky doesn’t mention
YKW on his blog
why not here
Jews have had it built into their culture to fight against the Christians and their (our) civilization by any means available. After all, Christians started out as a faction of Jews at odds with the Jewish establishment, but the Christians proselytized and the rump Jews didn’t. Demographically sacrificing some Jewish women to feminism is no biggie, since the fast-breeding Israelis and Ultra-Orthodox will just replace those they lose. Win win… Christian civilization caves in, and the Jews survive.
And I wouldn’t characterize Sweden as actually “feminist”. Sure, Scandinavians seem (perhaps for genetic reasons alien to, say, Italians) more egalitarian, but Swedish women don’t exactly hate men. Also, as their country gets invaded by Muslims and Africans, even they will come to their senses, given the constantly increasing support for Sverigedemokraterna.
Enlightenment feminism was about removing legal, artificial obstacles women that wanted non traditional roles faced. As in, getting rid of laws (or bylaws). Getting rid of laws are always a good thing. Having some tax feeding thug run around beating women for not wearing a veil, is no better than having the same tax feeding thug beating said woman’s husband for beating her for not wearing a veil.
The root of the problem you are trying to solve, is not “Jews” or “lesbians” or “feminism”, but simply the idiotic notion that government is somehow a useful institution; in any but the most severely limited extent; and perhaps not even then. Start by getting rid of 95% of current government, replacing it with absolutely nothing. People are adaptive; they’ll quickly revert to modes of social interaction and organization that is not evolutionary suicidal; all without silly us-vs-them sandbox fights whose only beneficiaries are the non productive, self promoting alphas of both sexes who bacstabs their way to the role of “leaders” of the various government protected and promoted factions pretending to be at odds with eachother in the great dystopian sandbox fight that is the contemporary West.
Following the rationale of the article, Jewish women are angry cuz they tend to be ugly, and most of the ones that aren’t angry have bad breath – at least it smells to me, possibly as a sign that I shouldn’t be breeding with them. I’ll take a trailer park ho anyday of the week.
There are some hot ones, of course, though maybe three dozen walking the entire planet actualy have a nice ass, most of them being 3/4 shiksas from Russia living in Israel. In fact, speaking of asses, around a third of Jewish women have irritable bowel syndrome. Yuch. When my brother fingered his wife when they were first dating, he smelled his finger and it smelled like shit. He married her anyway, and regrets it to this day. Having suffered through Hebrew School, Jewish Sunday School, gone to a Jewish summer camp, and attended a non-sectarian university with at least about 1/3 of the students being Jewish, any red-blooded guy shouldn’t know from most of these women.
Anonymous, whether what you say is just a theory, or if you actually dislike all Jews, all I can say is I don’t wish them on you. When I read the Passover Haggadah and it says the worst thing the Egyptians did was deprive the Jews of their connubial rights, all I can think about is how the Pharoah was doing the Jewish men a favor. Of course, since the Jewish slaves never had pussy at all or hadn’t had it in years, they didn’t know any better. It figures Moses led us out of the promised land, because he actually was raised as a rich goy. If he knew what Jewish women were like, as opposed to tip-top-shelf white Egyptians chicks, he would have just taken the guys across the Red Sea and headed to Thailand or somewhere like that. In fact, I’m sure he eventually realized it. He didn’t get angry and smash the tablet for nothing, and then passed on crossing the river into Israel. “You guys go ahead; oh, and be sure to take all the women. Yes, all!” Henny Youngman wasn’t the first Jew that first said, “Take my wife. Please!”
First, it must be noted that Jewish women always seem to swallow my cum. Makes sense, they don’t like wasting things of value.
I need to also note however -not that it matters that much- that Jews are both a race and religious belief system. Jewish DNA can be traced back to a particular time in human history. However there are also Jews of varying other races that may or may not have “Jewish DNA” or only some JewDNA. JDNA. It’s cheaper supposedly. Heh.
And it’s entirely possible for a Jewish family to be completely of a different race. German Jews for example, among many other European Jews. E-Jews.
Wikipedia has a shit ton of info re the history of Jewvolution.
This dude I knew in high school was a Jewish Mexican. I felt pretty bad for him. When he’d steal he’d only take the merchandise that was on sale.
Feminist and Lesbian – oh what a coincidence! God help the twins referenced below.
From wikipedia for Hilary Rosen:
“Rosen resigned as head of the RIAA at the end of 2003 with the officially stated reason that Rosen’s wanted to spend more time with her partner, Elizabeth Birch, and the twins they adopted in 1999. Birch was then the executive director of the Human Rights Campaign, an organization devoted to LGBT rights.[4]
Rosen is herself a lesbian[5] and briefly served as interim director for the LGBT organization Human Rights Campaign in 2004.[6] Her partner Elizabeth Birch had been the executive director of HRC for eight years prior.
Rosen and Birch separated in 2006.”
Lesbian. Bummer.
Marry hot dumbasses? You can’t marry an idiot! You’ll have idiot children.
[heartiste: not if you’re a smart man. hold your thoughts until the post comes out. all will be explained. hint: pure IQ is not all beneficial.]
2 people of high IQ marrying often results in autistic children.
I would put money on the idea that the lady wasn’t completely chaste though (a contributory factor, maybe? Science does not ask that).
Primarily for the reason that it’s much easier for a woman to find a relationship (with or without quote marks) than a man.
[pure IQ is not all beneficial]
No kidding!
Neanderthals lacked genes linked to successful socialization and management skills. They could count perfectly well, but they couldn’t deal with groups. Socialization genes came from Sapiens”
“You’re trying to tell me …” I said, but my mental censor blocked the idea.
“That human mathematical intelligence came from Neanderthals? That’s what the data say. The Cro-Magnons had the social skills. But that isn’t all.”
I stared at her. I couldn’t tell that to the research council.
As usual, she couldn’t read the warning look on my face. “The hybridization was successful in the Stone Age, but the environment has changed. I found that modern culture selects for socialization but against the Neanderthal traits for mathematics and intelligence,” she said, and looked down. “I don’t know how you’ll survive when our genes are gone.”
Pure IQ represents potential. But potential needs to be translated into actions and in molding one’s reality. High IQ can lead you to have delusions of grandeur, which can hamper you in the long run.
Well-argued. Not sure Hilary Rosen is a good example of this though—she’s a lesbian (I believe) so direct male provisioning isn’t something that would really affect her decisionmaking on stuff like this, no?
[heartiste: female sexuality is more fluid than male sexuality. so i would make it a habit to put “lesbian” in quotes, but not gay. there are probably innate lesbians from birth (they are usually the very manly looking ones), but a nontrivial number of them simply turn to lesbianism, like they do to careerism, because they are ugly losers in the sexual marketplace.]
But otherwise definitely true for the majority of straight women.
[i would love to see a chart comparing the looks of waitresses with HR cogs with CEOs with lawyers, etc. and controlled for age. i’d put good money on the result being that the waitresses and HR drones are a hotter bunch, on average.]
“so i would make it a habit to put “lesbian” in quotes, but not gay. there are probably innate lesbians from birth (they are usually the very manly looking ones), but a nontrivial number of them simply turn to lesbianism, like they do to careerism, because they are ugly losers in the sexual marketplace.”
I agree with you that lesbians are not really lesbians in most cases. But I would say the same for gay guys … Oh, but you have studies proving the existence of gay gene etc.
[heartiste: there are studies proving that female sexuality is more fluid than male sexuality. why don’t you shut your fucking lying trolling piehole for once and take the time and effort to look them up? here’s a hint to get you started: new york times, male female sexuality vagina penis.
ps does this abuse make you tingle? i bet it does!]
“ps does this abuse make you tingle?”
I am going to posit as Opus’ second law:
‘The more career orientated (and thus less attractive) a woman is, the more she is likely to put out for sex’.
Is it really a coincidence that the rise of the Corporate Bitch has also seen the rise of the Gigollo servicing for high fees not merely the middle-aged but also younger women who can only remain chaste for so long. He is young fit and muscular, indeed just what she feels she deserves. It is a sad sight where such a woman crosses that line which turns her into a whore, knowing that to get sexual attention she must pay for it – but what is money for, after all – as any man knows.
Whore? SHE is the one paying for sex!
But I do hear women my age that they are willing to pay for sex.
A woman needing to PAY for sex? You don’t think that’s a whore? That’s bottom of the barrel. has an excellent picture constrasting Ann Romney’s family with Rosen’s “family”.
and here is the picture in question:
At least they are mixed race kids as opposed to Sandra Bullocks Thug Life Baby!
Even better, tell men that learning Game means they are ever so smart. Oh, wait…
[heartiste: actually, some dumb men have the tightest game. think about why that would be the case.]
Honestly, I’m impressed. Have you considered using your powers of manipulation in the service of your creator?
[have you committed your life to your god feminism?]
I know you’re all about materialism, but certainly you’re familiar with prime-mover logic. It can’t have escaped you that Something is probably out there.
[i have no idea what is out there. but since there is as much evidence for god as there is for santa claus, i have to live my life according to the principles in harmony with the real world in which i reside. i thus remain, respectfully, agnostic on the issue of Something out there.]
The Psycho Hose beast is one of those Somethings.
@ Aeoli Pera
“Even better, tell men that learning Game means they are ever so smart. Oh, wait…”
Aeoli, people who use snarky, cringe-inducing words and phrases like, “ever so smart,” “Oh, wait…,” and my personal favorite, “Methinks,” immediately tip their hand by coming across as churlish, thick-rimmed, skinny-jeaned, knitted-hat-wearing, bed-wetting maladroits, difficult to take seriously.
“Honestly, I’m impressed. Have you considered using your powers of manipulation in the service of your creator?”
I’m not in the business of giving out too many details of my personal life, but consider this: before I stumbled upon the life-changing wonder that is the Chateau Heartiste, I had a precise plan worked out as to how I was to procure my cousin’s firearm, put it to the side of my head, and pull the trigger. I had been so wrecked and broken by women breaking my beta heart that even an appointment with the doctors at the Mayo Clinic did little to resolve the issue. When a person’s spirit is broken enough, the gun seems like a way out, as crazy as that sounds (and quite frankly I’m a little embarrassed to even admit such a thing).
So I’m saying this respectfully as a Catholic man, and I’m saying it with humility: perhaps the blessing I believe I received by finding the CH website can be seen as “using (Chateau’s) powers of manipulation in the service of your creator…”
I’m quite certain you understand what I’m saying here.
Firepower is shocked
– shocked he says –
to discover a Jewish Broad
laying The Guilt Trip
on a
Shicksa Goddess…
Nothing sticks in a Jew’s tuchus like a traditional White family:
Short of plastic surgery, what else can a plain woman do? If she’s plain, in reasonable shape, and doesn’t ride the cock carousel, and understands a higher stat man won’t choose her…isn’t all that’s left a career ladder? I’m being completely serious here.
[heartiste: she can lower her standards and settle. naturally, some women are so strongly hypergamously wired that such a prospect chills them to the bone and they’d rather live alone with a mewing mountain of cats. the good news is that if a plain jane stays slender she has a shot at landing a decent beta provider who has some redeeming qualities, owing to the obesity epidemic which has rendered some 30%+ of the female population totally unfuckable (by a man with options).]
The plain woman can be agreeable to a decent man. She can start with that when young.
Men are more loyal to women they meet early, who give a damn about them.
Men are less loyal to women when they meet them after they have made their way in the world and are established.
Of course, it goes unsaid that in order for a man to meet a woman … SHE has to be RECEPTIVE to him.
Women who complain that they have never met decent men … are women who ignore and downplay the attempts at communication decent men make. Or don’t even bother to encourage the guy and meet him halfway.
In addition to being agreeable and pleasant, she can also dress well, and *look* feminine. That means no sweatpants, no jeans, no flip-flops in the workplace, etc., etc. The 1960s are the sweet spot — skirts are getting shorter compared to the previous decades, but women still look like women.
Ladies, you’d be amazed how far a simple change in wardrobe goes. Resolve never to wear pants, sticking with skirts and dresses only, and you’ll have a good man before you know it.
Couldn’t a nice pair of well-fitting jeans show off a well-formed ass nicely? Or is a skirt better for that as well?
The Magic Four: skirt, heels, long hair, and staying thin.
heels are murder on the feet.
High heels aggravate hypergamy in most women, who then complain that there aren’t enough men tall enough. They also cause foot injuries, which since obamacare eliminated gender rating in insurance, guys have to pay for indirectly. Any woman that doesn’t look good enough to fuck without the body combover effect of high heels is not worth breeding. They should be banned, and immediately seized from any woman wearing them just like other contraband.
oops… hit post too soon.
guys, you have no idea how uncomfortable the get-up you’re prescribing can be. the 60’s as ideal? those poor women were wearing girdles and long-line bras (met girdle at waist), as well as itchy nylons that were held up by a garter belt. there was a veritable multitude of what was called ‘foundation garments’ to help pull off the illusion.
these were worn in the summer heat. high heels standing on the subway all the way to and from work. this before the nyc subway strike that inspired the practice of wearing sneakers to walk to work, (carrying your heals in a bag) continuing oh so sensibly after that strike was resolved. after that, there was no stopping the inroads of common sense on women’s wardrobes. thank god.
surely there should be concessions to comfort and convenience.
Of course women should weed out bad shoes from their wardrobe. Heck, I have a hard time choosing shoes that don’t make my own feet ache. And incidentally, I’m not going by the 1960s, I’m going by Kiev 2012. I think American women should spend time in Eastern Europe rooming with local women and copying their fashions. And lest the plain janes out there be intimidated by the sylphs of Russia and Ukraine, note that Polish women are usually in the 5-7 range — they’re rather funny-looking in my opinion — but they dress well and still do extremely well with Western men.
Yeah, like the whole world began and ended with New York City. (rolls eyes)
The sad thing is, you’re parochial and narrow-minded enough to actually believe this. Real New York sophisticates know how to use the shift key, as well as know the difference between ‘heal’ (cure) and ‘heel’ (ball of the foot). Nah, who are we kidding, you’re an accurate representative of your kind.
‘Real New York sophisticates know how to use the shift key’
oh for chrissake. what do you know.
‘you’re an accurate representative of your kind.’
whoa…your hostility is way over the top. all i’m doing is relating what it was like when strict and uncomfortable sartorial ‘choices’ were de rigueur.
skip my comments if they get your panties in such a twist.
surely there should be concessions to comfort and convenience”
Sure, as long you concede that men who are less than entralled by women who wear more “comfortable and convenient” clothing dont have to “man up” to date and marry such women.
But I doubt you would you say that, Im sure you still want to “have it all”
That is another aspect of female narcissism, the inability to understand trade offs.
Any surprise that women more than men believe in a zero sum economy?
‘…Im sure you still want to “have it all”’
not at all. you’d be surprised at how reasonable i can be. here’s a possible trade-off: ban neckties.
Better yet: no flip-flops ever, except maybe at the pool or beach.
So…basically act more feminine and stay in shape. I was hoping for some more life changing responses but I guess you have to work for it if you’re a plain woman. I don’t understand the vitriol surrounding flip-flops but whatever.
Ponytails. Always hot, even on a not so hottie.
How about be undemanding and pleasant to be around. You know, be nice and respectful towards your man, and don’t indulge in pointless dramatics. No, I’m not being facetious, because trust me, for a man that is a valuable and RARE quality to find in a woman.
I don’t understand the vitriol surrounding flip-flops but whatever.
here’s a tip for sounding more feminine: strike ‘but whatever’ from your vocabulary.
^ brilliant.
Imagine the simple joy of never having to hear that horrid phrase again.
“Plain” women have never had it easier when it comes to landing a man. I mean, half+ of the competition aren’t even on the playing field, instead remaining locked up in the locker room with IV driips of donuts and piglard.
And 90% of those remaining are either carousel riding whores, or running neck to neck with Metusalem in the race for oldest human alive.
Here’s some advice to plain women: marry while a teen (or at the very maximum, 22-23). Stay a virgin, or at the most some high school boyfriend, until married. Take care to look good. No use going completely overboard, as there are diminishing returns to everything, including time spent primping. And make it a goal to make it as easy and uncomplicated for your man to go out every day and do what he is supposed to do, which is bring external resources into the household you do your very best to run as best you can.
An additional hint, marry a guy 15 years older than you. Even a “plain” 18yo virgin is pretty tough competition for a 35 yo banged up jalopy of a once were hot carousel rider; and by the time you are 35 yourself, hubby is 50 and on the downward slope himself. Synchronized SMV decline rates, makes it more likely neither party feels he/she could do better by stepping out.
“I was hoping for some more life changing responses but I guess you have to work for it if you’re a plain woman. I don’t understand the vitriol surrounding flip-flops but whatever.”
Andrea, you don’t have to work for it: that’s the whole point. A pleasant demeanor costs not a penny to develop. Feminine clothing costs no more than non-feminine clothing. Eliminating low-class speech from your vocabulary: a simple matter of willpower.
My own GF did all these things at a young age (or had their importance impressed upon her before she could take up bad habits): at about 5’2″ she wears shoes with heels often, but the heels aren’t high enough to be painful; she never wears pants in public, choosing shirts and dresses both at work and casually (with thicker tights in winter and thinner ones in the summer and very occasionally knee socks on the hottest days); she’s never uttered even the mildest of obscenities. I’ve known her for a decade, and she has many friends with similar habits, all of whom also have no problem getting along in the world.
(I confess that her skirts could be a little shorter. Can’t have it all!)
She makes a positive impression on absolutely everyone she meets, not least my conservative American grandparents — something she wouldn’t be doing if she wore jeans with her bare feet sticking out. Having everyone like you and look forward to seeing you, and hold you up as an example of what they want their own kids to grow up to be like, because you’re pleasant to be around: you can’t buy this kind of goodwill. It comes from positive investment in one’s self; investment that requires very little effort to keep up, once you’ve got it going. The rewards are immense. Give it a try.
I will give it a go. I think I already have a pleasant demeanor, as people like me (I think they do, who knows). As far as the heels…not so much. I’m 5’7″ which makes me, about 5’10” in heels. Kind of awkward when some of my male co-workers comment on how tall I am in relation to them or worse, I tower over them. Also, tights? In the summer? Props to your GF but where I live, tights can get irritating in the humid south.
i’m surprised at the objection to these by so many men. they seem like sexy footwear, especially with painted toenails.
I get the impression that women think they’re sexy, but we find them rather gross, childish, and annoying, with their constant *pop* *pop* *pop* *pop*.
okay. fair enough.
a short woman with a girly face, ponytail, sneakers and a nice dress and smile makes my dick swell. they are rare nowadays in Europe where I live. High heels, face and nail paintings, hardcore glasses and general Sex and the city look are just not my style.
flip flops are sloppy.
Cotton dresses are the most comfortable in hot weather. I stay away from high heels, because they are impossible to walk in and my husband is short.
I got a VS shoe catalogue in the mail the other day. There is nary a single heel I would buy as not only are they now almost all five inches, but they have frickin’ platforms on them as well! At five four, I have no desire to become a Leaning Tower of Pesa. My three inchers in the closet will have to do :)
I’m five nine, GK. I think you can see where this is going…
No, I can’t. Please tell me…in detail :)
Jesus, I leave you two alone for just five minutes….
Girls, if you want to skip the high heels, feel free to do so. Just keep your weight in line. NOTHING wrecks a woman’s attractiveness more than flab. A slender woman wearing crummy clothes is infinitely more attractive to men than a fat woman wearing the best clothes in the world. On a fat woman, sexy clothes are a waste. They don’t make her look sexy, they just make her look gross.
Body shape accounts for 99% of a woman’s attractiveness. Clothes account for 1%. So all the agonizing over clothing choices is only affecting 1% of the problem. Much ado about almost nothing. Focus on staying in shape and don’t worry about clothes.
“Those women who saw themselves as being less desirable than average were highly likely to be career-orientated.”
Ha! That’s where the trouble lies. How you see yourself often has very little to do with what you actually are – especially when it comes to looks. I’ve seen plenty of unusually beautiful girls who were convinced they’re plain and just as many ugly chicks who were dead sure they were drop-dead gorgeous. (The same goes for guys, by the way. However, here the latter group is, unfortunately, much more numerous than the former.)
[heartiste: i doubt this. i’m pretty sure that alone in a room, with the drapes closed and nothing but the whir of their own thoughts to keep them company, most women are subconsciously aware where they stand on the sexual totem pole.]
There are other things that have huge effect on how you perceive yourself. For example, everyone gets more confident with age (at least nowadays when nobody is reminding you constantly that you should get married before 25).
[heartiste: wrong. men get more confident with age. women get less confident with age (once past 25 or so.)]
It has been proven that women feel sexiest at 31 or something like that …
[happiest. which is not the same as confident. no surprise either. many women are married with kids at age 31, and being a mom makes most women very happy. single childless women at age 31 reek of desperation. you should be intimately familiar with this feeling, eh?]
One other thing is that when you are damaged goods you feel worthless no matter how young and beautiful you are.
[most young and beautiful women are more confident and happier than older and ugly women. exceptions prove the rule.]
And there are probably other reasons that affect the perception of our own SMV.
[trolling, for instance.]
Older women are not more confident, they are just in a position of having to look out for themselves. When you’re young and cute, you aren’t as willing to make an issue out of things. One, because you don’t care as much, and two, being assertive isn’t attractive, which is your primary concern.
Being a mother gives you confidence.
Agreed. The day my whole life changed. Its starts with pregnancy, I think.
absolutely agree.
“wrong. men get more confident with age. women get less confident with age (once past 25 or so”
Only if they get a good job. If not, they become less confident with age.
[heartiste: men generally become more confident because their status increases in the various social and economic spheres in which they participate. part of this is work-related, but not all of it. also, keep in mind that women prefer mates older than themselves.]
That’s just what YOU think.
[heartiste: that’s just what reality demonstrates.]
I speak of my own experience and environment.
[which is cute, but worthless in light of your natural biases.]
BTW, I could send you two pics of two different chicks I know – one of them what you’ll probably stigmatize as careerist and another strongly convinced her sacred duty is to create a family, get married, have kids and stuff – which, nevertheless, doesn’t prevent her from studying for two degrees simultaneously. (However, I’m still afraid it will be a bit over-the-top – even via e-mail and if no one sees the photos.) Guess which one is the plain Jane and which one is dumb?
[exceptions. rules. learn the difference. oh, and internet pics with back stories attached are about as verifiable as north korean promises.
ps “dumb” is not the opposite of “plain jane”.]
‘that’s just what reality demonstrates.’
Hey, you tell me who’s trolling now!
[heartiste: interesting. you write like someone who has been a longtime reader and hater of this blog.]
Natural biases? I wonder which ones.
[your femcunt ones.]
‘internet pics with back stories attached are about as verifiable as north korean promises.’
Which, for some curious reason, doesn’t stop you from posting some once in a while.
[i don’t post pics with back stories.]
‘”dumb” is not the opposite of “plain jane”.’
Still, as you put it in your post, there are only two possible options – a dumb hottie and a plain Jane with brains. Can’t you make up your mind?:)
[wrong. try reading for comprehension. i never wrote those were the only two possible options.]
(This one is not to say I disagree with your “ps”.)
[the opposite of a dumb chick is a smart chick. the opposite of an unattractive woman is an attractive woman. crossing these streams is a common femcunt tactic that serves as a dead giveaway of your hateration and trollery.]
Better not be the soft-touch subjects.
I also point out to you that past a certain age you can get MBAs with the initial qualifier being “life experience”
And some people even have MBAs without a previous degree (just completeted a secondary school education).
Even a DOG can get an MBA (GPA 3.19)
I’ve never met a beauty who didn’t realize it. I’ve met plenty of beauties who were down to earth, which is different, and has more to do with how they were raised.
[heartiste: right. being humble and being oblivious to your status are not the same thing, though very gullible people like to think they are, for reasons that are all too obvious.]
I’ve seen plenty of unusually beautiful girls who were convinced they’re plain and just as many ugly chicks who were dead sure they were drop-dead gorgeous.
Doesn’t surprise me. Partly because the ugly fatsos don’t give a shit and think they’re gorgeous just the way they are. They also alternate between complaining a lot about being single and going on about how great it is to be single. The flowers, OTOH, are more perfectionist and want to look good. Is that a bad thing?
(The same goes for guys, by the way. However, here the latter group is, unfortunately, much more numerous than the former.)
Ugliess is not as much a handicap for guys as it is for girls.
But…more masculine women,who are more ambitious,more interested in “things’ as opposed to just people,,more competitive etc ad nauseum,would seem also to be less attractive. They would certainly figure that out early on and incorportate that knowledge into their world view. So does being ugly make one ambitious,or does being ambitious come from the same place that makes you ugly?
No…. To start marrying is not the answer. Dumb woman or not the institution of marriage is stacked against men to an unmanageable degree. I don’t see game as a sustainable long term strategy for managing a modern marriage. I think that determining a way to flip the current paradigm of singe motherhood to one of single fatherhood would be a better investment of effort. The problem with finding that path is societies total investment of children with the mother. Single father adoption and surrogacy is not an accepted idea. Single fatherhood as a choice.. Try saying that in public. In a single father model I could see how game may be applied. But the current structure of marriage is one of complete male surrender and disposability
Heartiste’s genius is there for all to see, but if Maya is actually a real female, then she’s actually even more awesome (albeit in an excruciatingly fucked up way) lol Some of ‘her’ trolling posts are so retarded they’re sublime :-)
Part of me thinks ‘Maya’ is Heartiste being his own nemesis for our edification….
stopped reading there
that rag is shit
Hmm – Hilary Rosen has certainly hit the wall and let herself go, but one would need pictures of when she was 18 to 24 to be absolutely sure this is the case. One gets the feeling she might not have been that bad – at least a 5. If she was, while the post is valid, she might not make the best example.
Then again, she might have always been a fatty.
[heartiste: folks, go to the link at the article and read about the study. try not to get too distracted by amusing side lights. even if hilary rosen was a hard 10 in her youth, that would not invalidate the post. judging by rosen’s event horizon ugliness, though, i doubt very much she was much better looking when younger.]
And the feminist narrative involves obscene amounts of “Sour grapes” as well.
Why do you think girls need to get drunk? All those grapes…
“In a future post I will explain why intelligent men need to learn game and start marrying and having kids with dumber but hotter chicks in order to save Western civilization. Not joking.”
This has been my goal since college. That’s when I realized that I have enough brains for the both of us… so I’ve been trying to impregnate as many as many hot-bodied average to below-average brained girls as possible.
Guaranteed way to have children who are dumber than you are. And then, should your sons do the same, grand-children who are dumber yet.
Great thinking, Einstein. Way to dilute your own genes and send the human race further into the abyss.
It sounds like you want all these guys to have babies with you.
Is that right? I’ll save my eggs for the smart ones, thanks. I’d rather not dilute my genes.
way to go. it’s cruel in this day and age to bear dumb kids. this world is not the ‘kind and gentle’ one it was in years past and will be getting worse.
my own are all pretty bright, thank god. that’s the upside of marrying a hs valedictorian.
You’re already married, and I’m guessing like most women, you married someone of comparable intelligence. Your kids will probably be bright.
If theyre boys,theyll be posting here soon…
“Way to dilute your own genes and send the human race further into the abyss”
We are designed to go for attractive females, or semi-attractive ones with potential for fidelity if we want to stick around.
Women are designed to breed with dominant males (not necessarily bright, wishful thinking aside) and convince an unsuspecting lesser male that the offspring is his.
It’s not up to us to care for the long-term future of human race, or to try shaping its form. That’s eugenic utopia, not gonna happen without mass murders or sterilization.
Alea iacta est, The die has been cast and the ship has sailed. We only have to find a system which limits the perverse effects.
Patriarchy and great books for men’s wisdom were doing a decent job until the leftist shits took over. Patriarchy was the only bulwark against idiocracy. Conservatism is the real progressism. So called progressists paradoxically led us to a complete regression to the paleolithic.
Besides, you seem to project your attraction towards smart males to all females. You’re an exception, rather than the rule. The female hindbrain is shaped for survival in a scarce resource environment. Dominance will be preferred over smarts most of the time. Just like males will prefer curves over career anytime.
My point is that while it’s commendable to desire smart descendants, it’s utterly unrealistic because of our biological impulses, because of the male-female relationship dynamics and because things are further worsened by the civilizational zeitgeist.
For someone who thinks she is intelligent, you obviously don’t know the fundamental concepts of evolution. Evolution isn’t about getting taller, stronger and smarter; it’s about selecting for traits that best enable survival for the species in a given environment. Intelligence may or may not be an adaptive trait.
By the way, I fully expect you you to unleash a tirade of insults in response to my post. I also expect you to boast about your so-called intellectual prowess to compensate for making an argument, which proves that you aren’t as intelligent and you think you are.
I know that the advice I am about to give you might be very difficult for you to understand, so try reading it multiple times until it gets through to you: Try to actually make an argument instead of insulting people and boasting about your non-existent genius.
Wow…already feeling threatened, and I haven’t even said anything to you! Project much?!? What fun.
If you were actually a keen observer, you would be well aware that I respond with courtesy to those who can actually string a sentence together and who respond with courtesy themselves. You have now demonstrated that you are not one of these people, and have immediately merited disrespect.
However, since you appear to have at least a middling command of the English language, you get minor points.
Therapy would probably help with the projection issues.
As someone with keen analytical skills, I didn’t interpret anyone feeling threatened by your posts, which must mean that you are the one who is projecting your unstable feelings onto others. The fact that you never bothered to respond to any actual arguments and instead chose to go off on a tirade of insults, as I accurately predicted, confirms my analysis of your inflated view of your intelligence. Although you falsely assert that you’re just too “good” to respond to me, the fact that you did respond to me proves that I struck a nerve with you enough to make you feel threatened, so you resorted condescension and mud slinging in lieu of an intelligent post.
As for projection and therapy, I’ll spare you the humor of the obvious irony and leave you to figure it out, assuming you have rudimentary critical thinking skills.
Leave the hysterical bitch alone.
I’m surprised why so many people respond to her and why she hasn’t been banned already.
Ignore her and she will hopefully get tired and stop spitting out her venom.
Blah blah blah.
What actual arguments were presented to me, pray tell? Copy and paste, please. Other than from P Ray, who is, in fact, an idiot? In actual fact, several other commenters responded to my original post with interesting and pithy information. P Ray was not one of them. You were not one of them, either. Do you see me ripping up “Anon”, who posted just before you in this thread? No. Because he actually had something interesting and intelligent to say.
For some reason known only to yourself, I push your buttons. Tell us all, who do I remind you of, exactly? Your overbearing mother? Your estranged wife? An older sister who surpassed you academically growing up?
In any case, your unwarranted hostility and insecurity causes me to say, yet again: therapy.
Hie thee hence.
@ Anon:
I haven’t been banned because:
1. I am in agreement with a great deal (if not most) of what CH says (which anyone who actually reads and comprehends my posts understands)
2. It’s great fun for everyone to see how weak men respond when goaded. It weeds out the alphas from the betas in short order.
That last comment directed at the brutish “Anonymous”, not, in fact, “Anon” who posted intelligently earlier in the thread.
“Do you see me ripping up “Anon”, who posted just before you in this thread? No. Because he actually had something interesting and intelligent to say.”
Lovely. Except I’m a girl. (and a 100% feminine one minus the hysterics and the 2-4/yearly calculated cunt comments for good measure lest people forget that I’m female).
Do agree, though with you on selecting for intelligence, although it’s probably not a priority for many females, possibly because they don’t recognize it when they see it. And let’s face it, for girls who are intellectually limited, it takes much less to impress them. (intellectually)
As far as getting banned, I’ve been around long enough to remember the Lady liquid condensation (real name not used to avoid giving her additional PR) episode.
“heartiste: i doubt this. i’m pretty sure that alone in a room, with the drapes closed and nothing but the whir of their own thoughts to keep them company, most women are subconsciously aware where they stand on the sexual totem pole.”
I dunno. In parts of Amerika where the obesity epidemic is most rampant, I see the genuine delusion to be pretty strong. Especially amongst quite plain women who happen to be slender.
[heartiste: slender, plain women whose competition is mostly fat chicks have a legitimate reason to consider themselves catches. because men will see them that way.]
The midwest is full of fatties and slim plain janes who think they are 8’s and 9’s.
A sad obsevation of our culture it is. Sixty years ago, when the average adult American woman weighed 125 pounds(v. 165 lbs today), these bony snaggletooths would have been solid candidates for spinsterville. Nowadays, they can and do strut around like entitled queens. I do believe them to be oblivious to what it is that has catapaulted them up the relative SMV scale.
Could Satan himself think of a more sinister way to destroy the family than feminism?
It doesn’t happen without the cooperation of women.
They have brains, and are capable of thinking for themselves.
But it is their choice to use those abilities and gifts (or not).
Fuck western civilization. As long as I’m getting poon I don’t give a shit about any civilization. Not joking.
“In a future post I will explain why intelligent men need to learn game and start marrying and having kids with dumber but hotter chicks in order to save Western civilization. Not joking.”
This, I can’t wait for. Not joking.
“In a future post I will explain why intelligent men need to learn game and start marrying and having kids with dumber but hotter chicks
in order to save Western civilization. Not joking.”
I’m sure you aren’t. Right now, women seem to be selecting men who will doom society. However, I’m not sure how you’d get men collectively to change their stripes. I look forward to your follow up.
Maybe women just realize that our society is doomed and are planning and playing accordingly.
You may have a point. The gangster and the liar get somebody else to pay for things: women may simply want the guy that gets all the things … so they can have some too.
Converse is also true–women in schools with high male-female ratios (or see NYC) are likely more neurotic about looks. Also for females don’t discount how oustide of clubs, online dating and random approachs on the street social skills are important (as in social circle game). I often get approached on the street, in clubs, etc “you should be a model”, but rarely get attention within my own social circles.
It really isn’t all about looks.
“and you’ve got a recipe for total societal breakdown.”
No, because all we really need are a few highly skilled technocrats and a bunch of Mexicans. What’s more likely to happen is that lots of people will simply fail to reproduce(and no, I don’t see the creation of a real polygamy happening). You actually made a post on this – “The Great Culling”.
You’re going to need people to advance science and technology, and maintain the currently existing infrastructure.
And they’re going to want to be paid.
Along with being paid comes leverage.
Or else be prepared for total social breakdown.
“The Great Culling” will happen in societies that don’t reward the productive men.
They’re already being rewarded! In fact, being a blue-collar worker does not make you a “productive man”, since your job can easily be performed by Mexicans.
“In a future post I will explain why intelligent men need to learn game and start marrying and having kids with dumber but hotter chicks in order to save Western civilization. Not joking.”
This is already happening. Yet even here, the number of men who can take advantage of it is fairly limited – even poor women are now making almost as much money as the average man.
Until they come up against another girl who out-politicks them.
Then they’re out on the street and can’t keep up with Mr. Alpha.
Hopefully Mr. Reliable has a good understanding of most women’s motivations then, and enjoys the ride without paying for it. :)
Its impossible to “enjoy the ride without paying for it”. You still need money in addition to Game. If otherwise, we’d have become a race of mulattos long ago…
“””No, because all we really need are a few highly skilled technocrats and a bunch of Mexicans. What’s more likely to happen is that lots of people will simply fail to reproduce(and no, I don’t see the creation of a real polygamy happening). You actually made a post on this – “The Great Culling”.”””
What is the relation between the whole text and the last paragraph? Are you implying that ugly career oriented women are more intelligent that hotter, more marriage oriented women?
Janet Reno, just sayin’.
I really dont know how western civ could be saved at this point.
Even if lots of anglos learned game and unplugged from the beta-trix how could that ever stop mutlikulti and the disentegration of racial/national identities(for the productive whitey) which were the fertile fields producing homogenous societies with strong family units.
Maybe its the pot but this shit really racks my brain sometimes.
God i love white women. The most beautiful in the world bar none.
I really take comfort in knowing i probably wont be here when we’ve all become morlocks.
Looking forward to your take on this CH.
Oh please. Lay off the pot. Civilizations are always in flux. Your slippery slope “western-civ-and-white-people-are-failing” is just SO nineteenth-century ignorant….
Beautiful women exist in all cultures. Beyond that, it’s just your taste.
Jason, you are either disengenious or a closet case.
Find us a beautiful full-blooded aboriginal or west african woman, mr. koombay-fuckinyah.
well i am from pakistan ,and i ve reading this true fountain of knowledge i e your blog. you ve said a lot of hateful things about western women ,neverthless true ,but where feminism and women in general have no voice ,there is no prosperity . for example india and pakistan. it sucks here dude. why dont all the american boys learn game and bad attitude and live happily everafter.
Because Game and attitude aren’t enough! If they were, every white woman would be paired with a black man – rather than less 2% of white women opting for that route.
History is driven by technological change. Current technology has created an environment where only a minority of men are “productive”. As a result, a possible majority of men will not reproduce. Nothing can change this – except further technological changes.
I can’t wait to see the future post!
Unfortunately, I don’t think women will EVER settle for a “lower status” guy, and that’ll be all she wrote. Go back & re-read the Kate Bolick “All the Single Ladies” article. She concludes by admitting that she’s headed for a dormitory filled with old maids and cats. She isn’t bad looking for a 40 year old and could easily get a decent 50 yr old guy if she would LOWER HER STANDARDS.
But she won’t.
I guess there’s something in the human psyche that won’t accept reality. She isn’t going to find a guy who meets all the 400 bullet points, so in her mind, it’s better to hang out with aging hags and the felines instead of *maybe* reducing the list to 200.
fuuuuuck . . . that’s what Western Civ is headed for, a bunch of dorm buildings filled with single old people. How wrong were the population explosion idiots like Paul Ehrlich and Harry Harrison.
They were wrong, but so are you.
The reality is going to be an upper-caste of beautiful, intelligent, and talented eloi, supported by incredibly sophisticated technology. Nobody else.
Something that I always suspected in the back of my mind…..
This also explains why women in Engineering look like men. I always felt bad for the guys in Engineering who didn’t belong to a fraternity.
More scientific proof of Heartiste’s principles, Interesting stuff. Hard to argue with hard science.
And the women in Engineering who “don’t look like men”, almost always have a guy 1 or 2 years ahead that tutor them.
He’s usually their boyfriend until they complete their course, then “things just didn’t work out” ahahahaha…
Yep. The chicks who are good at STEM stuff and make it to the upper-level classes almost always have masculine features (lantern jaw, dark arm hair, etc…)
@ Dan Fletcher
“The chicks who are good at STEM stuff and make it to the upper-level classes almost always have masculine features (lantern jaw, dark arm hair, etc…)”
…unless they’re stock photo models in mainstream magazines or actresses in a techno-crime tv show. In that case they’re usually quite attractive. And full of moxie. And more than able to play hardball with the guys who secretly respect her despite her tough, take-no-prisoners, ball-breaking attitude.
There are a lot of cute girls in the lower ranks of some firms, but you can tell most of the female partners were never attractive. I’d bet there is also some relationship with masculinity and career success as well, so masculine women are more career-oriented even if you control for looks.
Those never attractive female partners will move heaven and earth to make sure the cute girls don’t get in.
Which is why sleeping with the boss has always been an attractive strategy for some women to move on up.
Related to this post, and squarely in the Chatea’s wheelhouse, one study that validates numerous Chateau maxims and ideology:
A bunch of sexually active undergrad women (the best kind) were asked to report height & weight, and thus BMI, and also self-report their own attractiveness.
The were then asked to read an erotic story, and following the study, they were asked to rate their arousal. The arousal questionairre basically even asks them if their vagina is tingling.
The results are Chateau-predictable.
Overweight women don’t get turned on as fast as healthy BMI women.
Most importantly, the women who self-rate as most attractive get turned on more highly and more quickly than other women.
Game translation: The hottest women are the most open to being turned on by stories & suggestion, and thus most succeptible to game. Fat fugly eminists weep for their dusty, bereft muffs.
Aim high, gentlemen. Do not dumpster dive. And–Escalate, escalate, escalate.
Always. Be. Closing.
(Hat Tip to Danger & Play for turning me on to, a great aggregator for Testosterone & training related study abstracts.)
The corollary to that is “propinquity”.
If you are always around the land whales, your standards predictably drop too.
Keep around copies or issues of beauty pageants (the ones with 100 contestants are good). Study them religiously.
Those will build your shield of indifference against the blubbery hordes.
A shield of indifference should exist against all women. Heck, against all people, until they’ve earned otherwise.
What truly is propinquitous
is roy-c approved
all 205 of your
Don’t hate me because I don’t disagree with him.
When men no longer compete among themselves for women, the women will have to be honest about the kind of men they want.
“Let’s you and him fight” is a fairly transparent female ploy.
Along with “pamper me to make me interested in you”.
You, are a multi-faceted expert on groundbreaking advice, double negatives and even – gaming guys
Genuine question: why would it make any sense for alpha, intelligent men to breed with dumber, hotter women?
Genetically, the offspring of such a couple is more likely to be less intelligent than the father (a combination of smart father and dumb mother) and eventually the intelligence quotient of the entire population will be lowered.
Surely it would make more sense for alpha, intelligent men to breed with hot, intelligent women? Particularly since “intelligent” in and of itself is not equivalent with “ambitious/career-driven”.
In other words: A woman can be highly intelligent and still choose more traditional roles.
I realize that personal anecdotes only go so far, but as a case in point, I have an IQ of 137, a degree from a very prestigious university, and don’t have the faintest interest in a high-flying career. However, my man adores the fact that I can help HIM by proof-reading/editing his academic work, as well as discuss topics like the short stories of Jorge Luis Borges, the more subtle nuances of Augustinian theology, or the recent scientific research regarding the placebo effect.
All while wearing the stockings, suspenders and little black teddy that he picked out for me. Bliss.
So again…why do you recommend diluting the gene pool with stupid women’s genes? Please explain.
“why would it make any sense for alpha, intelligent men to breed with dumber, hotter women? ”
It makes sense of any man to breed with dumber, hotter women.
Keyword here being breed, NOT marry. You answer your own question.
“A woman can be highly intell
igent and still choose more traditional roles. ”
How many intelligent women are intelligent enough to understand that if a guy has options and the laws are stacked against him, that the guy is not likely to get married to her … or she won’t choose men that commit to her?
“Surely it would make more sense for alpha, intelligent men to breed with hot, intelligent women?”
Most intelligent women are not hot, their “hot” reduces the need for “intelligent”.
“I have an IQ of 137, a degree from a very prestigious university,”
A degree in Social Sciences is also a degree.
A degree in Social Sciences from Harvard comes from a prestigious university … but is hardly indicative of intelligence. Smart people can also be lazy, and take the easy qualifications.
“However, my man adores the fact that I can help HIM by proof-reading/editing his academic work”
Your man doesn’t sound that smart.
Proving what Heartiste posited:
“the more subtle nuances of Augustinian theology,”
That guy was great. Whore around then become a church elder. Sometimes you think they’ll let in anybody.
“So again…why do you recommend diluting the gene pool with stupid women’s genes?”
Yes, your man is totally loyal to you. Keep thinking that.
@ Pray = Your post is completely incoherent and proof that stupidity has already infiltrated the gene pool.
Apparently you don’t understand the meaning of “breed”. It means “to engender offspring”.
Engendering stupid offspring = more stupid people = the human race declines.
The lack of coherence and articulation in your post is a perfect example of sub-standard intelligence. Keep ’em comin, though. Tragically amusing!
I’m not sure what you mean by “stupid”.
A person who does what they’re good at is hardly stupid.
Many women handle children well because they’re childish.
WHY would I expect them to do what they’re not very good at?
And endure disappointment after disappointment?
Failures are the pillars of success, but I think that past 3 times of trying, you should accept that there’s no sense in looking foolish, when it comes to exams or learning. Fair enough, there are women who are intelligent and smart, and others who aren’t.
The only thing dumber than someone who doesn’t know they’ve bitten off more than they can chew, is someone who doesn’t know when to quit after previous results weren’t satisfactory.
P.S. You haven’t mentioned your degree yet. Social Sciences for you it is.
Write an essay about heteronormative patriarchy and how the presence of boys in the class stifles a womans’ natural drive to succeed (then ask yourself where the boys are in a womans’ college, hence no women should fail, amirite?)
@ P Ray: go back and look at all the comments you’ve posted here in the last few hours. Then note how many have elicited any comments from anyone. At all. Male or female.
There’s a reason for the total lack of response to you. The reason is: you don’t sound bright, your comments generally make zero sense, and usually don’t even relate to the topic at hand. This is a consistent trend with you.
Leave the dialogue to the big boys, k? You’re just cluttering up the space and nobody has any interest in hearing from you.
See my comment below about respect, and commanding it. You, my dear boy, simply do not.
There’s no harm in saying you love someone, so why not start now, crumpetess?
Then note how many have elicited any comments from anyone. At all. Male or female.
There’s a reason for the total lack of response to you
actually there is one person who has been consistently responding to him. can you figure out who that is?
Leave the dialogue to the big boys
Since he responds to virtually every post, your attempt at a jibe falls woefully flat. But yes, he (and you) should be grateful that you elicit responses from even one poster, female or otherwise. My extremely ow tolerance for fools gets the better of me, four times out of five. And wow…”lmfao”???? How old are you? 14?
*low, not “ow”, although “ow” as in, “This idiocy is painful” also works.
@ Pray again:
Reading your reply for a second time, and am even more dumbfounded. I raise a question about the genetic future of the human race ie. intelligent people breeding (again, to define the word for you, that means *having children with*) stupid people, and you extrapolate from that to imagine, in your fantasy world, that I’m talking about marriage and loyalty?!?
You’re moronic, to say the least. Do you have offspring? *Keeps fingers crossed…*
Some people grow old, and some people grow up.
No shame in you being in the first group, not everybody can be a success, because you can only have success where others are failures (otherwise there would be no such thing as success).
P.S. Nyah nyah you’re a poopyhead.
The comment is not about intelligence per-se, but about avoiding the mental virus which inhabits the minds of “intelligent women” these days. Unspoiled is the right word. Only two kinds of people fall into that category – the wise and the naive fools. The ones in between are useless for birthing and rearing children. The wise is hard to find; the naive are much easier.
A man with options would rather breed with Ann Romney than with Hilary Rosen.
Any chance of some genuine discourse here, or am I stuck with handicapped beta idiots who don’t know how to read, comprehend concepts, or form a grammatically correct sentence?
Nevermind. CH, I don’t really believe that you think breeding stupid people is a good idea, and if you do..well…more proof that stupidity is already too widespread to be fixed.
Bring on the Platonic oligarchy, I say. Enough democracy. People are far, far, far too stupid.
thank you for demonstrating perfectly why an alpha wouldn’t want to breed with an intelligent woman.
Thank you for demonstrating perfectly why you are not an alpha.
“Bring on the Platonic oligarchy, I say. Enough democracy. People are far, far, far too stupid.”
Knowing that you are from US, I try to be empathetic with your feelings … However, you’re saying that others are stupid and you are smart … How can you be so sure? Oh yeah, your IQ of 137 ;)
“@ Pray = Your post is completely incoherent and proof that stupidity has already infiltrated the gene pool.”
This comment was very funny, though!
Before showing up to bloviate here, dearie, at a minimum, you need to brush up on what a beta male is. The most intelligent and productive men in both hemispheres are preponderantly beta.
It depends on the definitions. The definition of “alpha” here at CH is “a man who gets laid more than the average man”, with “beta” being “a man who doesn’t often get laid”.
[heartiste: that’s not the definition. for instance, an omega male could get laid with an obese whale every day for the rest of his miserable life, but that wouldn’t make him an alpha.]
As I’ve stated before, for me, this is a grossly incomplete definition when taken at face value.
“Alpha” to me is true alpha, not simulated alpha. And true alphas are the leaders, movers, shakers of the world. Leaders among men, as well as women.
Yes, of course there are lots of betas in that “intelligent and productive” category. But for me, all alphas will also have those two traits, as well as strength, dominance, and mastery (among others).
Tastes vary, in any case. I’m cerebro-sexual. If a man presents as a dumb-ass, he’s not going to be alpha in my book. Ever. No amount of game in other areas will ever compensate.
You already live in an oligarchy (Rule of the rich over the poor).
And a refresher for you: Plato advocated an ARISTOCRACY.
If you’re going to cite Platonic Philosophy for your beliefs, at least get with the idea that he stated that Aristocracy (rule by a Philosopher-King) was better than anything coming after (timocracy, oligarchy … etc etc).
Are you sure you actually know what you’re talking about?
Are you sure you shouldn’t shut up, already? Nobody is interested in your ignorant drivel.
Nice Google work, though. How long did it take you to come up with that on Wikipedia?
Speaking without thinking means that your work is suspect.
I wonder how many times you’ve gotten by without being fact-checked, just because you scream and stamp when you’re found out.
crumpetess is 100% right on this one. you are an idiot, “p ray”.
for one thing, plato never speaks in his own voice in the dialogues, so it’s not at all certain what plato advocated. if you had actually read plato, instead of brushing up on your ignorance by surreptitiously citing wikipedia, you would know this.
You sir, are the idiot “anonymous”.
Plato never speaks in his own voice (I said he advocated, not that he said) … BUT HE WROTE the dialogues.
Am I to say that he never wrote them?
So if he didn’t write them, who did?
There may be a qualification in hair-splitting for you out there.
Go on and impress the world – assuming your education is up to scratch, a Masters’ should not be hard to swing.
After all, the Social Sciences manage to produce the majority of graduates making up OWS.
An oligarchy with the potential to evolve and let in new blood (i.e., partially meritocratic) and a sense of obligation to the masses (note: not the same as political participation by the masses) is probably the best form of government. barring monarchy with an enlightened monarch- the downside of that system being that you can’t pick an abslote ruler or displace him if he is not benign.
Because he does not want to be controlled by female machinations. Man desires a wife, not a co-worker. So called “intelligent women” come with too much baggage. If one wants a decent family life, and kids…it’s either dumb ones or super intelligent ones who know how to make a marriage work. Anything in the middle is useless.
“Anything in the middle is useless”.
Yeah, I can go with that. But I don’t think mankind should be aiming for the middle, either. So if it’s between the low ground or high ground, why not at least shoot for the stars?
Overly idealistic, I suppose…but the alternative is pretty horrific.
I did state (and it’s been pointed out by some male commenters in the past) that high intelligence can be used for different purposes. If I use my intelligence to help my man in any way possible, and also to please him in any way possible, how is that not the best possible deal for both of us? It actually takes a great deal of foresight, diligence, skill and understanding to exercise the feminine arts in a way that is potent and durable. I’d much rather be doing that pretty much anything else. And I venture to say that, in the long run, the conscious, deliberate, artful application of the feminine arts by an intelligent woman trumps the naivete and vacuousness of a dumb woman.
You have a point…but such women are hard to find….and hope is not a strategy. There was a time when when society molded women to be good partners for worthy men. As GBFM likes to say – intelligent women have been bernakified. An intelligent man would rather marry ann romney (not very smart) who can give him lots of kids and good family, and won’t nag or question him much than a hillary rosen (supposedly intelligent) who will make life hell for him. Ideally I’d love to marry an emily dickenson…but that kind of woman is not to be found. Worse there is fine line between that and sylvia plath. Most women these days are some form of Hilary Rosen and Carly Fiorina. So marrying dumb woman is not a bad strategy for the times we live in.
Why does everyone keep saying that Ann Romney isn’t smart? I genuinely have no idea about her background, but I suspect that she is probably of above average intelligence.
The charge levied by Hilary Rosen was concerning her life experience level, not her actual IQ, if I understand it correctly.
The widespread assumption, even here at CH, seems that she (Ann) must not be smart because she chose domesticity over a career. I doubt it. I can’t stand anything about Romney, but I don’t think he’s stupid, and I really can’t imagine that he would have stayed married this long to a dummy.
It’s all about respect. If I truly trust and respect the man in my life, then I’m happy to turn big decisions over to him and rely on his good judgment. Interestingly, the natural result is that he then involves me more in the process, because he knows that I trust him and am not going to question or undermine him.
No it’s not because of her life choices that one says she is less intelligent than Rosen. Someone’s intelligence is apparent once they open their mouth. Not to say that she is dumb…but she’s not the smartest knife in the drawer. Just calling a spade a spade.
Ann Romney did make intelligent choices…but one need not be intelligent to make that choice. Maybe only intelligent enough to know your limitations, and make the best of it. Or maybe she had an upbringing which led her to make those choices.
Actually I’m more surprised that Bill Clinton remained married to Hillary, or John Edwards to Elizabeth. Oh wait they cheated. But Ronald Reagan did remain married to Nancy, and apparently they had a good marriage. Go figure!
If rosen were intelligent, you would have never heard of her
Also…men don’t seek challenge in relationships. We seek stability. We seek our excitement at work. Women of course are they opposite – they seek stable jobs and tingle when it comes to LTR.
So relationship with girls who are not very smart, but otherwise good looking, affectionate, feminine and caring is no problem….especially for a man with resources.
I’m not discounting intelligence….but it’s more important to women than men.
Why do you think men like Schwarzenegger and Clinton have affairs with nannies and waitresses ?
“However, my man adores the fact that I can help HIM by proof-reading/editing his academic work, as well as discuss topics like the short stories of Jorge Luis Borges, the more subtle nuances of Augustinian theology, or the recent scientific research regarding the placebo effect. ”
That’s seriously great and all, BUT what does he think about the fact that you admitted to “having a part of you that he’s never going to see?” (pretty sure you were the one who said that) Does he adore that also? (and I’m not talking about the fleeting thoughts you might get about an annoying future mother-in-law that are better left unsaid, but specifically talking about whatever part of you that you have that you’re unwilling (likely afraid) to disclose).
Otherwise, I agree with your view on smart people mating with other smart people.
Thanks for the cordial and intelligent reply. It wasn’t me who said that about him not having all of me, though. Not sure who it was. He gets to see everything…nothing of me is hidden at all. That’s how we both need/want it to be.
I think the comment you’re referring to was made by one of the other female commenters (Carolyn, maybe?) who was noting the fact that my religious background allows me to feel a strength of piety and devotion in a romantic relationship that is lacking in people who have not experienced spirituality.
not me!
as for your point about increasing the smartz of the next generation, i can’t agree more. sadly, female empowerment is dysgenic-smarter women in such a culture have fewer children overall. (cue opening scene of ‘idiocracy’)
No, carolyn, it wasn’t you. It was a 23yo (I have to find the post the comment was under) who said something similar to, “I’m atheist, and there’s part of me my partner is just never going to be privvy too.” It might (but not sure) have been the same person who said “I don’t see how moms who don’t work could ever feel satisfied given how “society” is. I looked briefly, but didn’t find the commentor.
Agreed. :( We need to be emulating the 60’s foxes from Mad Men…using our smarts for feminine wiles, and to raise the true leaders of the next generation…
crumpetess–sigh…but how to talk our sisters into it? aware of my status as an outlier fertility-wise, it pains me to see really bright women settle for no children or one. they should be having 6-10 like hasidic jews, although i know that’s too much to wish for. financial reasons are certainly part of the blame.
there should be a generous targeted child tax credit for educated women to encourage sah moms with more than say 2 children. sort of like what the old afdc did for low-income moms (encourage breeding). i can dream…
Sorry for the mixup. I didn’t bother checking back to see who it was and your name stood out from a few weeks ago from other posts. But, yeah, now I realize it was someone who sounded pretty dumb. I’ll figure out who it was…
Not absolutely dumb, I suppose. Just dumber.
Look at your answer to P Ray, you assumed that you were smarter than him and you tried to destroy the poor guy.
That’s what you would do if you were living with a dumber husband. Nag and boss around and be an obnoxious bitch. I don’t think that would be a recipe for a good marriage. Whereas a man tends to be protective towards a mentally inferior woman, a woman cannot do the same because of her hypergamous impulses.
Women need someone in charge. Relative smarts must be in the package of a dominant guy.
And more honestly, smart women tend to be less feminine and less submissive. You may be feminine in real life, but your attitude in here proves that you’re not genuinely nice, and less prone to submission.
Either your partner is a super alpha, or there is a significant discrepancy between your IRL persona and your attitude on this blog.
@ Anon: “Look at your answer to P Ray, you assumed that you were smarter than him and you tried to destroy the poor guy.
That’s what you would do if you were living with a dumber husband. Nag and boss around and be an obnoxious bitch. I don’t think that would be a recipe for a good marriage. Whereas a man tends to be protective towards a mentally inferior woman, a woman cannot do the same because of her hypergamous impulses.”
I agree with this 100%!!!!!!! Which is why I would never, ever, EVER marry (or be with) someone who was dumber than I am. My point was not that men should breed with women smarter then they are, or even AS smart. It was that they shouldn’t breed with “dumb” or stupid women. A really bright guy should be with an above average woman, and it should be scaled, accordingly.
“Women need someone in charge. Relative smarts must be in the package of a dominant guy.”
Totally agree.
“Either your partner is a super alpha, or there is a significant discrepancy between your IRL persona and your attitude on this blog.”
My partner is a super alpha. And I respect him immensely, so I would never speak to him disrespectfully, as I did to P Ray and itsme, and others here at times. I do not respect them, therefore I’ll speak to them however I like.
The discerning observer will also note that I have never been, and mostly likely will never be,bitchily disrespectful to certain other posters, such as King A (notably), Rollo Tomassi, or CH himself. This is because they command respect (however grudgingly, in some cases).
You mean “my partner NOW is a super alpha”.
Time in it’s course reveals all things.
It’s “Time in its course”, not “Time in it’s course”. Do a Wiki search on basic English grammar, now that you’ve exhausted the philosophy section.
Thank you crumpetess. The social sciences benefit greatly from your contribution.
Showing no disrespect towards these valued contributors is not enough.
A blowjob, on the other hand…
It still surprises me that so many people treat oral sex as something that women only do for men to please or serve them. my primary motivation for giving my man blow jobs is, simply, I’m attracted to his penis. Touching and licking it and feeling how it responds are incredibly arousing to me. Surely I’m not in the minority for that!
How long have you two been together? That probably explains the difference.
I think that the idea is not to have people who are so smart they can’t function socially with the broader world. I think Heartiste’s fears in this regard are somewhat overblown, because of regression to the mean. My parents both have IQs around 150, I seem to also, and one of my sisters is autistic, but my other three siblings all seem to be more in the 120-130 range. They are also considerably more adept socially than me or my parents.
For white people, those with IQs much less than 100 also tend to be uglier and fatter than average. “Dumb hot” women may be interpreted as those with IQs around the mean — i.e., dumb compared to the super-intelligent — rather than super-intelligent mating with super-intelligent.
So smart that you can’t function? Are you serious? Higher IQ people are taller, have more energy, and are handsomer/more beautiful.
Autism is completely unrelated to it.
With an IQ of 137 and a degree from a very prestigious university, shouldn’t you be able to apply some logic to figure this one out?
That’s fantastic! I actually have an IQ of 263, a Ph.D. in Metaphysics from the Universal Life Church, and I love giving my man blowjobs while playing piccolo selections from Wagner’s Ring cycle in between my Sports Illustrated modeling shoots. Oh, and did I mention I I I me me me blah blah blah?
This is the internet; nobody cares about your supposed credentials. And although P Ray is supposedly dumber than you, he’s trolling you hard.
If we objectively assess the likelihood of the United States reversing its ongoing, rapid deterioration, we would have to conclude the likelihood is so small it may as well be zero. There is no indication that even a huge society-wide catastrophe would cause people to give up their collective stupidity. Good post though.
Add in a healthy dose of the spoiled, bitchy entitledment of most modern females and we are doomed. But that’s likely part of the hypergamy epidemic and the corresponding hate of beta males, along with a healthy resentment of alphas, once they hit their thirties and they’ve been fucked and chucked enough. I’ve noticed this in action – I’m basically alpha, 41, established, tall and in good shape – women in their 30’s are wary of me, younger women respond to me wonderfully. Older women in their 30’s – 40’s look at me with contempt, younger women ask me to take them home and fuck their brains out.
Dating success is by the number of women with baby rabies who hate you, and by the number of women young enough to BE your baby that are with you. :)
I’ll admit, I’m jealous. I wish there were a way I could provide a hot body and sexiness for my man when I’m middle-aged. Of course, I’m doing my damnedest to take care of my looks and stay well-preserved, but I already feel like a disappointment knowing that my man’s primary sexual partner will inevitably decline in looks.
“I wish there were a way I could provide a hot body and sexiness for my man when I’m middle-aged.”
Hire a prostitute.
He won’t need to pay for sex with attractive women at middle age. I already encourage him to flirt and sleep with attractive female friends(with and without me). Occasionally he does. It’s sexy that he loves sex enough to explore all sorts of experiences will female friends.
Before writing the big post about how men need to start marrying to save civilization, let’s remember that it’s probably a better solution to bring back the days when governments didn’t violently collect excessive child support. Alphas should be able to spread their seed and divide their money to see that the kids get raised well.
The worst thing about the current feminist system is not the way feminism let hypergamy “run free” but the way western men have been frightened economically into not having babies because they supposedly cost $230k each according to government statisticians who intend to make men pay that amount for any biological child he doesn’t end up raising.
But it is still possible for American men to get hot foreign women pregnant and it won’t cost him any more per month than he wants to send which should be a few hundred dollars at least (these are your offspring after all).
I think it’s better for a child to have an alpha dad who visits every few months and provides something everyone values (except time) than a beta dad who lives every day under the rule of the wife, providing plenty of “beta time”.
The boys of beta fathers tend to be the last to learn game, for instance. Often they are well into their thirties or forties before they read about it on blogs like this for instance.
If this blog starts to say “Be a gamer until you are 35 and then marry someone worthy of your alphatude” the married man will only be sexually attracted to that “worthy” woman for 10 years at most. When his kids turn 18, he will definitely prefer to have sex with one of their female friends than with his own wife. Alphas will turn their thoughts into action.
To suggest that these men stay faithfully monogamous after helping to raise the kids, or that the hottest young women should ignore these old dudes who served civlization well, is just political correctness and it would be a huge disincentive for men to sign on to the self-sacrificial program in the first place if you try to enforce such a “hard monogamy” culture with no reward to men for having done their duty to civilization.
Human males have evolved to be able to impregnate two generations. Any model for “what civilization needs” has to take this into account.
It’s wrong to pretend that what the individual alpha wants is bad for civilization.
That 15% of the population has to be respected and satiated in any culture that intends to succeed. Alphas lead civilizations and betas are the worker drones. You don’t want the alphas abandoning your civilization for greener pastures.
Because, if that 15% abandons a culture, they are likely to help defeat it from the outside.
and part of the reason why white men are being punished for having children (the $230k jeopardy price tag the government puts on each man’s offspring) is because misguided 1980s politicians on the right thought they were punishing irresponsible black guys in the ghetto when they and their constituents agreed with the feminists who wrote the child support laws. I remember being manipulated in the eighties into “wanting to do something about those thuggish black guys getting all those teen girls pregnant”. High child support mandates were the answer.
This is why government is almost never the solution for anything. “Conservatives” thought they were voting to stop thuggish black alphas from getting lots of teen girls pregnant in Harlem when they agreed with the fems about declaring every man’s offspring to put him on the hook for a quarter million dollars payable if he doesn’t stay with the baby mamma for whatever reason. Male conservatives participated in hanging their own noose just as male liberals cluelessly let the feminists choose their politicians.
The idea of creating poison pills to keep men married has become what is apparently the biggest things men’s rights advocates oppose…yet, if any given MRA is a social conservative, he probably voted for such laws twenty years ago himself.
With the erosion of North America’s manufacturing sector (offloading to cheaper labour markets, excessive gov’t and union demands all playing a part), our economies have coasted on Military Might and resource-based industries.
What emerged in the meantime was ever-increasing bureaucracies and the service sectors, filled with over-educated and ultimately useless cogs.
Not able to actually produce anything tangible except write memos, file reports and go to meetings, this was prime territory for careerist bitches.
Now, if women become miserable in these non-creative endeavors, what would happen if the manufacturing-based economies return? What would those jobs do to them, where they sweat and toil? My guess it they would run into the arms of the first person promising them a return to air-conditioned offices.
My point is this: the modern workplace creates bitter, nasty women. They are unable to create anything of value so they go out of their way to ruin it for anyone else who actually wants to get ahead and do something meaningful.
There are many, many attractive women who strive for careers. Women in major urban centers, for instance. Why do they do it? I suspect it’s because she’ll be in proximity to men with good careers.
It took 80% of the women to get us here and only 40% of the men. The 20% suffer more than the 60%.
Don’t make me do math.
A warped form of hypergamy? Or an emerging career option for the alpha male?
ABC Nightline video from February:
Gigolos: Is It Prostitution?
More women are signing up to pay for sex in no-strings-attached situations.
07:11 | 02/16/2012
Men are objectifying dirt bags
[heartiste: and women are not?]
who built a world that suits them.
[actually men built a world that suits women. who do you think electronic home appliances are for?]
If women in the workplace are bitter,
[takes one to know one.]
maybe its because they are paid 70 cents to every dollar a man makes,
[this is a lie because it is deliberately misleading. women don’r make less than men once you control for hours worked, time away from career for family, and occupational choice. service sector and people person jobs that women prefer generally pay less than STEM jobs.]
that they are sexually harassed,
[are you a child who needs state intervention because you can’t handle an unwelcome come-on from a man?]
and that there’s no work/life balance because the workplace
[the “workplace” owes you nothing but what you are paid for your services. if you don’t like it, you can go find another workplace, or you can quit and starve to death.]
hasn’t caught up to the fact that its 2012 and not 1950 when most women were homemakers.
[companies are not required to pay for your decision to become a mother.]
The problem isn’t women –
[actually, the problem is entitled cunts like you.]
its douche bags like you.
[just how ugly are you? inquiring minds want to spew.]
And for the record, really pretty women marry rich powerful men.
[so what’s your excuse?]
That leaves out you chauvinist blogsterbaters.
[your rapist-like wit is breathtaking.]
The hamster is strong with this one.
What a charming lady!
Reminds me of the radfem hub talk, also known for its charming ladies.
@ poetess:
A real charmer, this one …
Not saying I disagree (because I think there is probably a fair amount of validity in the study), but if you’re looking for a reliable source to cite, the Daily Mail probably isn’t it. I mean, Daily Mail is notorious for being one of the UK’s chief sources of tabloid trash. Frankly, I’m surprised an “alpha male” such as yourself is reading it at all.
[…] Heartiste: "In a future post I will explain why intelligent men need to learn game and start marrying […]
” In a future post I will explain why intelligent men need to learn game and start marrying and having kids with dumber but hotter chicks in order to save Western civilization. Not joking. ”
Try as I might , I just don’t find dumb women attractive. I see where you’re going with the smart guy + dumb hot chick pairing as it would seem evolutionarily viable . But I can’t, in good conscience, risk adding anymore stupid people to the world. We’re already way over the quota on that count.
Off topic
Apparently women are more moral than men…….lolz were had
Perhaps. I don’t know. But men are definitely more just than women.
“In a future post I will explain why intelligent men need to learn game and start marrying and having kids with dumber but hotter chicks in order to save Western civilization. Not joking.”
First, why do hot women have to be dumb? It’s not necessary to lower your beauty standards in order to screen for a smart girl.
Second, it may benefit society, although I fail to see how, but marrying a dumb hot girl is stright terrible advice for men. This reminds me of some obnoxiously stupid aunts whose only redeemable quality was that they were hot in their youth: past the wall, they have nothing to offer, and the look of my uncles, forever disappointed about the ultimate shit test they failed, reflects that. No, hot dumb women aren’t for marriage, they are made for a pump n’ dump.
A smart woman can be chosen afterwards if the urge to marry arises.
Third, IQ is heritable so marriage is overkill for smart people and futile for dumb ones. People can live fine without it if they dare to try.
“Dumber but hotter”. Note, he said “dumb-er“. So, if you have an IQ of 150, that basically means choosing from the human race. An attractive, leggy blonde with an IQ of 130 would qualify as “dumber but hotter”.
1. It is a natural and healthy impulse that prompts one to tell stupid people to shut up. Continued association with a feeb may result in suppression of this vital impulse, just for the sake of keeping the peace.
2. Smart women respond better to game.
3. Violence and drama are the first refuges of the mentally impaired.
4. Women who are mentally limited and unchallenging are bad for you. With them, your horizons will contract instead of expanding.
5. Some types of stupidity are heritable. If you enjoy the comedic potential inherent in raising a brood of dolts, go for it. (Wait, some beta male will step in and raise them, so disregard that.)
6. Low IQ women are often bad mothers who require immense amounts of supervision and hand-holding to do an adequate job as parents.
7. While the glacial and meandering thought processes of idiot females have short-term entertainment value, you are certain to feel ashamed when your bimbo GF explains to your relatives that she never eats anything with turmeric in it because the word turmeric sounds like ‘tumor.’
8. Dimwits are more likely to become dependent on state aid because they are prettymuch unemployable, and this is even more true for those who are single mothers. District attorneys prosecute deadbeat dads more promptly and vigorously if the mom collects welfare.
9. The dumber the woman, the faster her looks fade.
10. Your moron bedmate will come to resent the pity and contempt that you feel for her. Expect some nasty comeuppance, since even mentally limited women have their pride.
Two words: Andrea Dworkin (’nuff said)
IQ and the mating game:
People look for partners within 20 IQ points of their own. Looking for dumber women is helpful only up to a point.
There are many, many attractive women who strive for careers. Women in major urban centers, for instance. Why do they do it? I suspect it’s because she’ll be in proximity to men with good careers.
Bingo. My #1 daughter is majoring in Chem E (3rd year). Her boyfriend is a Senior in EE. BTW the daughter is a knockout. Tall (six feet) and beautifully proportioned. Nice face too. Her personality is a little rough (perfect for engineering) though.
“…and you’ve got a recipe for total societal breakdown, unprecedented antagonism between the sexes, and a playing field ripe for men to plunder using the charismatic arts known as game.”
There couldn’t be a BETTER time in modern western civilization to fulfill your sexual desires and materialize them into reality.
At this time point and more than ever in history, there are more women at peak years of health/beauty/fertility that are encouraged by society to:
-not have children
-be financially independent
-use contraception
Essentially society is circumventing their biological purpose to bear and raise children during the optimal time.
So what are they supposed to do if they’re not encouraged to value a provider male and be a mother [drum roll please…]
And that is exactly what they are doing. And for those that hate, don’t believe, lack the courage, lack the intelligence or whatever rationalization du jour to try and dismiss the truth I happily welcome your ignorance. More pussy for me.
And what useful inventions has the working women contributed to society? More bullshit shoes and clothes to make them feel better as their beauty degrades. Paid for by fiat dollars from beta provider x-hubbys so they can get butthexed and bernakified bc tucker maxxx ryhmes with goldman sachsss and YaReally ryhmes bernanke lollzlzozlzozlllzlzolz…
hillary rosen looks like a dick tracy villain
may the creator of all goodness heal you and bring you the light.Know that discrimination,hate,intolerance,bigotry disguised as pseudo-intellectualism will return to you,sooner or later,until you learn to love others,Never have i seen such misery or lack of love than on these pages.especially for yourselves.One who truly loves himself,loves all.I hope you find love and compassion and wish you all a happy fulfilling life .My son is a paratrooper paramedic my daughters are both beautiful and social workers helping drug addicts and children at risk..Some women can actually be smart and beautiful.Many of your comments seem to show a profound self-hate and it’s being projected on to ugly women?jews?feminists?noses?Each of you has the opportunity to be great,kind,compassionate,,unique.Give yourselves a chance to are too smart for this.As a fat,ugly,jewish,ISRAELI(no less)feminist I forgive you.
Yea, cuz 100 years ago life was such a picnic for the average guy. We all got to marry the hottest chick on the planet and have her serve us grapes all day while laying around getting blown.
[…] is what nature has genetically endowed her with; this is cruel, but unalterable. But just as ugly women are more likely to become feminists, women with pleasing personalities can cut YEARS off their perceived age. As I wrote in the […]
[…] [Ugly Women Are More Likely To Be Careerist Feminists] […]
it is utterly disgusting how anti-Semitic people in the world are. Shame on you all.