全 25 件のコメント

[–]myfirstredditaccnt90I'm blue da ba dee da ba di 9ポイント10ポイント  (6子コメント)

Terps will hate women no matter what, for any reason. It's basically what TRP is about, trying to "justify" their hate for women.

There are members who are so far in TRP that there's no convincing them. But, for other young men who are looking for a "dating manual" etc. it's still possible for them to realise how much of a shithole TRP really is through subs like this one.

But yeah, it does get incredibly sad and infuriating reading about the shit that terps put their partners, friends, family through. It's easy to miss the fact that they are actual, real people who do this stuff from all the mocking we do.

[–]muffy2008[S] 1ポイント2ポイント  (5子コメント)

What do you mean, they do this stuff from the mocking we do? I'm being genuinely serious. Do you thin TBP contributes to the problem?

[–]sedushonExpert in Gorilla Warfare 3ポイント4ポイント  (0子コメント)

[Not answering for /u/myfirstredditaccnt90]

No. It's just easy to forget that the issues we mock in a facetious manner affect real people, since we see only a theoretical, abstract presentation of the manipulation/abuse.

[–]myfirstredditaccnt90I'm blue da ba dee da ba di 2ポイント3ポイント  (3子コメント)

Hah, Whoops, I meant to say,

"From all the mocking we do, it's easy to miss the fact that they are actual, real people who do this stuff"

My phrasing was fucked up. In terms of the role of TBP? When you have terps calling us "fat feminazis" you know we're doing it right.

[–]muffy2008[S] 2ポイント3ポイント  (2子コメント)

I see what you're saying. Sorry, I read it wrong. i guess my problem is, I can make fun of them and and pretend it's all a big joke, but I actually don't do that. I tend to argue with them because I can't see passed it. I can't see it as a big joke. I read their FR, and they might be fake, but what if they're not? Some of them are so horrible, if it's true, they should be arrested.

The kinds of stuff they say about women... I just read this one post on TRP saying that if women weren't good for sex, men would would eat them. A woman replied saying that if a woman couldn't reproduce, is he advocating they kill her? He said no, because she still has an ass, mouth, and vagina which makes her worth something. It actually might have been on PPD. But after reading that kind of trash over, and over, and over again, and reading stuff about how women want to be raped, and stuff about how women shouldn't be able to vote, and being called a "plate" and HB whatever, and that no guy cares about a women's education or hobbies, or hearing about how if a woman is legitimately raped, her body has a way of shutting it down by a fucking congressmen, and how women are whores, yet they would rather be with a man who cheats on them than a beta, and how it's ok for a man to cheat and travel the world, but God forbid a woman do it. How about a women's sole purpose is to care for a man, and if a women is a "slut", she doesn't have the right anymore to say no to someone... I could keep going, but honestly, I hope they all start MGTOW, because then they could finally all die out. The whole thing gets so depressing.

[–]IwillpixiecutyouAnd I assume you lift. 7ポイント8ポイント  (1子コメント)

Twerps demonstrate why feminism happened; believing women are some sort of subhuman animal is a part of the sad history of our species.

Twerpers are evolutionary dead ends. The incredible gift given to our species is our awareness, and a brain which is able to use thinking tools to create an even better brain. Terpers tools are the intellectual equivalent of pointy sticks.

A society which cuts out half of their talent (and more, lest we forget racism), via bigotry, is an inferior society. A twerp society is one of profound stupidity. It is only attractive to people who refuse to use better thinking tools because the pointy stick makes them feel safe. Like a blankie.

Twerps think what humanity has accomplished in the height of sexist bigotry (rather than in spite of it) is some pinnacle of our species and they wish to continue this as it likely makes them feel more okay about their imminent, inescapable mortality. "At least I'm special; at least I'm a man!". From there they gloss over, or idiotically defend into the abyss of irrational thinking, the impoverished logic and rationality inherent in societies which live by a code of bigotry.

They are genuinely and willfully stupid. No use sugar coating it, especially when they are so desperate to protect attitudes which lead to dehumanizing women in history, and considering that they want to take away women's humanity in any way that is legal, whilst perversely fantasizing about doing so in ways which are illegal.

They also think they can talk away women's humanity, which nope, you fucking cannot do that. There are billions of women who are more intelligent than they have the capacity to be (again, thanks to their believing something so stupid and irrational it cripples their intellect overall). They can't make up a fantasy and change that.

But remember they have to cope with the fact that they will cease to exist. This alpha nonsense is the thing they cling to in order to feel like they are powerful in the face of the reality of their own unavoidable, unpredictable death.

Some of them are genuine abusers or rapists and definitely some percentage will end up in the criminal justice system.

Another percentage are in their late adolescents and are simply not playing with a full deck.

But in general, they are scared of dying like we all are and this is what they cling to, which I pity as it destroys their capacity to understand life accurately, destroys what the computer inside their skulls can accomplish in terms of awareness and making sense of information.

Their inner world is an irrational fantasy filled with nonsense.

[–]YeahaNSFWaccount 2ポイント3ポイント  (0子コメント)

remember they have to cope with the fact that they will cease to exist. This alpha nonsense is the thing they cling to in order to feel like they are powerful in the face of the reality of their own unavoidable, unpredictable death.

And you know what makes the whole thing terribly ironic? We are in the first age in history where, well, age is becoming less relevant. We humans are actually making progress towards understanding aging, the mind and the process of death. We actually have a (albeit minuscule) chance of finding a way to beat it.

This progress has gone hand in hand with the progress of civilization; as the technology and species ability to use it improves, so has our ability to interact with each other on a more equitable level, and to reach new heights of knowledge and power for humanity.

But fuck it...let's toss it all away because some people on tumblr are idiots, or some unfair laws are passed. Yeah, let's toss out everything!

I wish people advocating "enjoying the decline" would understand this simple fact; we are a one shot civilization. If twenty-first century civilization "declines" that is it. The energy, population and resources needed to build up a modern civilization, one that has a chance of dealing with such things as immortality and escaping our gravity well...it will never happen again.

This. Is. It.

We either all move forward, as humans, or we crash and never get a chance to build further and observe the true glory of the Universe.

Not directly applicable, but astronaut Edgar Mitchell explained my feelings on this matter well when he described his experience viewing the Earth from the Moon...substituting international politics for prejudice.

“You develop an instant global consciousness, a people orientation, an intense dissatisfaction with the state of the world, and a compulsion to do something about it. From out there on the moon, sexism looks so petty. You want to grab a sexist by the scruff of the neck and drag them a quarter of a million miles out and say, ‘Look at that, you son of a bitch!”

[–]sedushonExpert in Gorilla Warfare 11ポイント12ポイント  (8子コメント)

There are 100k accounts on the red pill and likely most of them are dupes. Certainly, I have 2 accounts on there. As far as manipulative people go, they are a very small sub-section of the world. The problem is that it's in your face. It's right in front of you.

Sociopathy, which affects at least 1% of the population, accounts for 70 million people or more. They're just the tip of the iceberg and I'm sorry if that depresses you more but fretting over them seems almost a futile pursuit.

[–]muffy2008[S] 2ポイント3ポイント  (7子コメント)

Yeah. You're right. But some of what is said is so horrible, I am still upset.

[–]sedushonExpert in Gorilla Warfare 7ポイント8ポイント  (6子コメント)

I think this is why so many turn to irony and satire. It's a relief from the frustration. Have you given it a try? Maybe seeing them as a ridiculous community would be a better release for you.

[–]muffy2008[S] 0ポイント1ポイント  (5子コメント)

I have been on TBP for a loooong time. I feel like TRP community is just getting worse, more misogynistic, and they have a lot more followers. You can only make fun of it for so long before you start realizing the group is not a joke, they're not going away, and they are going to hurt a lot of people.

[–]myfirstredditaccnt90I'm blue da ba dee da ba di 6ポイント7ポイント  (4子コメント)

You can find solace in the fact that TRP is basically just a high concentration of shitheads. They'd get laughed at in the real world, which is why they always encourage their members to never talk about TRP in real life. Makes me wonder if most of those guys are just all talk (which would be reassuring).

[–]muffy2008[S] 1ポイント2ポイント  (2子コメント)

I really fucking hope so.

[–]sedushonExpert in Gorilla Warfare 1ポイント2ポイント  (1子コメント)

Maybe TRP is their form of venting and the stories are just a release from their perfectly normal, boring lives :P

That would be nice.

[–]muffy2008[S] 1ポイント2ポイント  (0子コメント)

I doubt it. But we can hope.

[–]TheDeadManWalks 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

I knew a guy once who'd be a prime candidate for TRP, self-obsessed, bullying, talked constantly about going to the gym but never actually did, you know the type.

He used to do something incredibly bizarre, he'd be making conversation and then when a woman, any woman, entered the room he'd go completely silent. His eyes would literally follow her around the room constantly until she left, then once she'd be out of earshot he'd say "She'd get it" and continue on with conversation like nothing had happened.

That is how I imagine your average Terper, someone who'll constantly spew horrible things about women but can't bring themselves to even talk in front of a woman, let alone talk to them.

[–]sohamsterferal and proud 1ポイント2ポイント  (0子コメント)

I get angry, I get frustrated. I sure don't find them sexy.

[–]VermiciousKnidzz 0ポイント1ポイント  (1子コメント)

it sucks when you think about the fact that they're gender roles to the extreme, and sort of what happens if you exaggerate masculinity so much that it implodes

still, i take a lot of solace in the fact that its just a subreddit. most people you or i will meet will realize the absurdity of what they say. TRP isnt accepted in academia the way feminism is, and it will likely either fade with time or not grow beyond what it is now

[–]new_c 1ポイント2ポイント  (0子コメント)

This is a great answer. TRP will never ever penetrate academic circles. The second you look at TRP critically, it falls apart. That's why it won't leave isolated retreats on the internet and a few Men's rights conferences.

[–]FailedTech 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

I don't think it works as much as they let on.

[–]DoctorPoo25Daenerys Whoreborn 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

i don't really get angry at them, it's more "lolwat, these guys are on bath salts".

[–]Righteousbros 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

Actually it's about ethics in mating strategy.

Try to keep in mind that about half of the shit they talk about there never fucking happened. Red pillers, libertarians, gun nuts, and other assorted right wing types lie to perpetuate their beliefs, it's second nature to them.

[–]Level100ProtWarriorAT LAST, BACK TO MISANDRY -3ポイント-2ポイント  (2子コメント)

Put it this way - if I ever had a terminal illness but could still function, I'd spend my last healthy days seeing how high my KD could go, and twerps would be my primary target.

[–]new_c -1ポイント0ポイント  (1子コメント)

Can't beat Adolf m8

[–]Level100ProtWarriorAT LAST, BACK TO MISANDRY -1ポイント0ポイント  (0子コメント)

Not in KDA, no.