AskHistorians 内の veritasiness によるリンク Communications liabilities in battle: Is there an example of resources (living or otherwise) which could have been pivotal in battle had appropriate communications been able to reach them?
AskHistorians 内の deathguard6 によるリンク Was the use of the word "Muslims" in Witold Pilecki report due to some differing definition or prejudice or is it just an artifact of the Polish to English translation?
AskHistorians 内の Jcorb によるリンク Hollywood loves Norse and Greek Mythology; what are some other, lesser-known religions that are interesting or elaborate?
SubredditDrama 内の AmesCG によるリンク OP with a history of domestic violence describes "an altercation" with his ex "that leaves her with a bruised eye." Does that mean OP hit his ex, again? Is assuming so an "outrageous example" of "stigmatising males"? /r/LegalAdvice offers counsel.
AskHistorians 内の RageElement によるリンク Why/how did people around the world break the bonds of European Imperialism after WWII?
AskHistorians 内の Leecannon_ によるリンク Where/Was fascism invented?
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