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[–]G-Solutions 0ポイント1ポイント  (1子コメント)

They did not attack our military, they attacked a building, and our government likely had some level of complicity with it if not at least allowing it to happen to serve as a reichstag fire to bring forth the PNAC to its ideological conclusion.

However, you cannot discount the extreme military might harbored by the United states, particularly in its carrier groups. Unless you got an operative on board it's very hard to sink. You have to fight through an entire navy just to get near a carrier group. A navy of battleships which can take on the most advanced countries. Only China or Russia could even hope to touch them as the only ordnance capable of sinking them has to be fired from land. With an array of new laser weaponry and rail guns etc, it would be very very difficult to take one down, let alone an entire carrier group of 4 which is how they operate.

[–]nebuchadrezzar 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

They did not attack our military, they attacked a building...

To be fair, one of those buildings was pretty much the most important building our military has, and I would assume an attack on our military headquarters is an attack on our military. As for the rest, I completely agree that either there are a lot of military leadership who are enormously incompetent, or they were complicit. And how many folks were imprisoned, fired, demoted, or even chastised? I think zero. That's the level of responsibility our military leadership takes.

So if there are vulnerabilities or problems with our crazy expensive weapons systems that make our ships unsinkable, don't expect them to be addressed honestly. Weapons systems are a milk cow for too many people for anyone to be able to criticize them with much effect.

So I won't hold the same level of confidence that you have about our unsinkable ships. I'm sure it would be incredibly difficult, but so was the Taliban holding out against two superpowers in a row. Our enemies won't all waste their time and their lives trying to negotiate, like Saddam or Gaddafi. No doubt Iran, after being threatened countless times by US politicians, has a plan ready to spring into action. I just really don't want to find out if they are sinkable, I hope we are done with pointless conflicts.