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[–]Watawkichaw -6ポイント-5ポイント  (3子コメント)

Yeah, but GMO's are not proven safe. The vast body of literature that's out there supporting GM technology was paid for by biotech companies. It's not difficult to imagine a $multi-billion company and its cronies using its power, money and influence to create a large wave of media supporting its cause. As a matter of fact, they saved themselves countless dollars and years by NOT doing the proper research required to determine the long term health effects; instead pouring their efforts into funding universities and labs to get the results they want. It's unbelievable to me that this article makes soaring front page news on Reddit. Reddit is damn near fundamentalist psychopath when it comes to scientifically backed studies, but people generally don't question the validity of those studies. There is this gross mathematical patriotism that surrounds peoples' responses to anything saying GMO's might potentially have negative effects. I truly wish beyond all wishes in my heart that people would allow their bias to drop for just an hour and read some stuff that shows we have lots of work to do before we should allow these companies to rape our land, culture and health. For those of you wiling to open yourselves to the possibility that we are being lied to and you and your family are being harmed unwittingly...




[–]Roth1 5ポイント6ポイント  (0子コメント)

Maybe because none of what you actually linked to states that it's bad. The irony here, is that you linked to fear mongering biased articles that even mis-cite the articles they're referencing.

I particularly liked this quote from the conclusion from the first study in your 3rd article.

The analysis of all the publicly available circulating cell-free DNA sequencing data of over 1000 human subjects confirms our hypothesis that the presence of foreign DNA in human plasma is not unusual.

The article then goes on to say that they should be "uncertain" about whether or not DNA gained from GMO foods should be cause for concern. The DNA in GMO foods is still DNA. It doesn't break rules of stoichiometry or physics. If there were cause for concern in free dna, we would have gotten fucked over by every living thing we eat long ago.

It's a difficult situation to be in as someone who is trying to show the effects of GMO food versus non-GMO. If nothing happens it's always grounds for "we don't know enough." If something slight happens (even on the edges of being statistically significant) the sky is falling.

The fact of the matter is, people are AFRAID of things they don't know. GMO food is just a great example of that.

[–]Nixflyn 3ポイント4ポイント  (0子コメント)

Dude, your sources need work. Two from dedicated anti GM websites and an RT link?

[–]gib_moniez 1ポイント2ポイント  (0子コメント)

