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The most important Items from will be posted here (mainly, functionality changes). See also /r/blog.
Removing harassing subreddits (self.announcements)
reddit[A] が 2日 前 * 投稿x33
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[–]TeamBlackFox 3ポイント4ポイント5ポイント 2日 前 (1子コメント)
Your logic is FALLACY. Do you hear me you insufferable tyrant?
/r/coontown is inappropriate to a race of people - something that is, by and large, not a choice.
/r/fatpeoplehate et al is inappropriate to a choice led primarily by poor lifestyle, diet, and various socioeconomic factors. These choices are fixable.
You have done yourself in, Ellen. We will take back reddit by force if we have to. You are a disgrace to free speech - and you need to stop listening to feminists and Tess Munster. They're bad for your brain. You've literally become the most hated woman on reddit within the span of less than 24 hours.
You've lost my respect. Ban me and others, if you will. We will be back.
π Rendered by PID 2755 on app-217 at 2015-06-13 16:41:28.005815+00:00 running 8856c9b country code: JP.
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[–]TeamBlackFox 3ポイント4ポイント5ポイント (1子コメント)