something like safe, something like home



about me

 my loves


The fucking nun says Christianity and Judaism are the same except for the Jesus part. Someone says Jews run the media. Someone boils all Jewry down to Annie Hall and Barbara Streisand. Some girl wants to convert for real just so she can get kosher food. They bring in a fucking rent-a-rabbi to “verify” who’s jewish when NONE OF THEM ARE. And also this bitch mumbles in gibberish pretending it’s Hebrew. And someone else sings Hava Negilah (with the rest of the lyrics as “blah blah blah blah”). It makes me sick. I’m honestly crying watching.

Yeah that settles it I’m not gonna catch up on this show

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    Sigh. I was really excited for the new season but now I’ve just got this bitter feeling in my stomach after hearing all...
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    What show is this so I can not watch it.
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