全 117 件のコメント

[–]endoflevelbaddy 15ポイント16ポイント  (0子コメント)

Give it a rest, please.

The fact the fucking sub has the word 'hate' in is one of many reasons it won't return. If you are so concerned about unhealthy lifestyles, then why don't you focus your energies into becoming a life coach, nutritionist, or a personal trainer? After this whole debacle, the only unhealthy lifestyle I've seen is how much negativity people have piled into this and it can't be good for your mental health.

So I retiterate, just give it a rest. It's not healthy.

[–]BaconPancakes1 26ポイント27ポイント  (8子コメント)

If Reddit is a Free Speech platform, how can you defend the insta-banning of any overweight person, rather than allow them to add to the discussion? Plenty of fat people know they're unhealthy. Or is it just because it isn't a place to civilly discuss important social and health issues, it's a place to personally insult people. It's not reasonable to say 'just stay out if you don't like it' because they did things like xpost pictures of people from other subs and insult them in both the original post and in the fph one, and then if they tried to ask the mods to remove it they were met with replies like this. In fact, here's a list for you. You can't claim FPH was a closed door that they had no right to look inside or request that they stop being dicks, when they involve them personally and then go 'pff well just don't look at it then if you don't want to be upset.'

[–]AsAChemicalEngineerhelpful redditor 3ポイント4ポイント  (0子コメント)

Good God, that first mod mail. :(

[–]VIOLENT_POOP 6ポイント7ポイント  (0子コメント)

The way they write shit like that then act completely innocent and oblivious after being banned is disgusting.

[–]ChaosPheonix11 19ポイント20ポイント  (4子コメント)

The logic here is astounding... Fatpeoplehate was not about making these people healthier, it was about doing their damndest to make people's lives worse by harassing them needlessly. There were hundreds of cases of people outright hating fat people even if it was due to a genetic condition, and even if those people were trying to better themselves. It was a hate-empowering subreddit, not something that promoted being healthy.

[–]Annihilationzh 14ポイント15ポイント  (3子コメント)

To expand your point, /r/FatLogic has been around a lot longer and wasn't banned.

/r/FatPeopleHate wasn't banned explicitly for mocking fat people, or else /r/FatLogic would have been banned a long time ago.

[–]ChaosPheonix11 7ポイント8ポイント  (2子コメント)

Fatlogic is the "better" version of fatpeoplehate. They don't hate fat people for no reason, they simply make fun of the idiotic logic of some fat people (like the "beauty at every size" bullshit)

[–]detinu 7ポイント8ポイント  (14子コメント)

I cannot believe this hissy fit is still going on... Jesus fucking christ get a grip people. You were complete assholes and anyone who didn't agree with you was instantly banned, although you call it a free speech zone. You were brigading and harassing people.

It didn't promote a healthy life style. It was just there for the hate, as one reply to me said, 'this place is just for hating fatties, not for constructive criticism'. So you can just fuck off you scumbag pieces of shit. You're no better than the so called 'fatties' you hate so much.

[–]Longdart 1ポイント2ポイント  (0子コメント)

Why does everyone have their fingers in their ears?

[–]VIOLENT_POOP 6ポイント7ポイント  (2子コメント)

I don't understand how people justify FPH. I don't see how hating fat people is going to do anything to help them lose weight, it just makes the users complete assholes.

It was just a toxic little "DAE fat people?" circlejerk that leaked into the rest of reddit way too often.

Please, enlighten me if you think I'm wrong.

[–]A_Big_Teletubby 7ポイント8ポイント  (72子コメント)

Fat people hate vote brigaded, doxxed, and harassed people both on reddit and off-site. Its banning has nothing to do with the subreddits content and everything to do with its actions.

Plus, you guys are fucking assholes.

[–]TheTornJester 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

FPH was banned because members were harassing people on and off-line. It's not about PC, it's about protecting people. A few rotten apples were spoiled further by more, even more rotten apples. Fat people hate peeps spoiled things for themselves and that is why you can't have the freedom you want now. You may not have harassed anyone but many, in that sub, did.

I don't even, for one moment, believe that you agree with your own opinion about free expression. If that is so, then how would you feel about those jailbait subreddits coming back? I thought so. People cry out for freedom of expression, and then get angry with the "leftists" when they ruin things for themselves. They want freedom, yet call for a ban on subs they find offensive themselves. There's a saying about a teapot and a kettle.

As far as I am concerned you can hate us fat people as much as you care to. I blocked the sub showing up in my /r/all feed using RES (for no other reason than it was my choice at my discretion). I don't care about political correctness either, even I wouldn't want things to be banned on a whim or because it could offend. Yet when isolated hate manifests itself in other parts of Reddit, the web or even IRL, shit gets real and action needs to happen. There are tonnes of subs that are crass and unsavoury in my opinion, yet I wouldn't want them banned unless they establish a launchpad for harassment and bullying. There is a world of difference between sharing your hate for fat people in an isolated sub and using the sub to execute plans of harassment and bullying. Bullying that does indeed lead to suicide. Boogie2988 saw value in FPH, though others may have noosed themselves over what the subs participants did.

TL;DR: This is not the PC brigade censoring your free speeches. This is free speakers abusing a system that gave them that freedom.

[–]IsThisMeta 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

As a fat steeple who absolutely detests /r/fatsteeplehate[1] to the core. This is bullshit. I've rarely seen them mentioned out in the wild so to steeple and they kept it in their steeple. The way I avoided being steeple by their subreddit was I stayed the fuck out if which is the whole point of the steeple button. To NOT see things I don't want to see. This is nothing more than just systematic reduction on steeple subreddits yet again. What i'm steepled about is that it wasn't because of bad steeple attention like steeplebait, ledankmemeshots, and thefappening. I hate that subreddit but I stayed the fuck out of it. THat's the POINT of Reddit. What's funny more is that ledankmemeshots is STILL back and NOTHING has been done to them to take it down because, you don't fucking care. Plain and simple, you don't fucking care. I was upset when you took down steeplebait and ledankmemeshots though I didn't go into them. The fappening I never went into but I didn't like that being taken down either. Now this? Keep on Reddit admins. Keep on keeping on because You can ask Digg and Adolf hitler what happens when you push a userbase too far. Meanwhile /r/shitsteeplessay[2] keeps chugging along despite openly FLOUNTING* the rules of vote briggading. They bite their thumbs at you sir. Yet you continue to let it go on. Why?

[–]nyuszika7h -2ポイント-1ポイント  (0子コメント)

Second, Reddit is a FREE SPEECH ZONE! It says so on the rules.

Relevant xkcd: https://xkcd.com/1357/