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Ellen Pao Says Gender Issues Won’t ‘Go Away’ After Kleiner Trial

In first interview since losing sexism case, Pao says too many ‘women feel like there’s no way to win’

Former venture capitalist Ellen Pao, at her desk in Reddit’s office in San Francisco, said ‘you need to work through these issues’ and men need to be part of the conversation. ENLARGE
Former venture capitalist Ellen Pao, at her desk in Reddit’s office in San Francisco, said ‘you need to work through these issues’ and men need to be part of the conversation. Photo: Laura Morton for The Wall Street Journal
Jeff Elder
Warning “you can’t just hide” from the problem of workplace sexism, Ellen Pao says Silicon Valley must continue to work on the issues brought up in her loss to venture capital-firm Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers in a much-watched gender-bias trial.
“You need to work through these issues,” Ms. Pao said in her first interview since the March 27 verdict, “because they are here and they’re not going to go away.” (Read an edited transcript of the interview.)
A jury ruled that Kleiner didn’t discriminate against Ms. Pao, who struggled in vain to be promoted beyond junior partner and ultimately was fired. But she says that having her private life scrutinized during the three-year ordeal since she first sued Kleiner was still worth it.
“It’s not my personality to be out there, and I’m also by nature a very private person, so for me it was a little bit scary,” Ms. Pao, 45, said. “I’m glad I did it. But it was hard.”
Although the treatment of women in Silicon Valley has long been an issue, the case focused a spotlight on the inner-workings of a generally secretive VC industry. Testimony included revelations of an affair between Ms. Pao and another partner, and accusations of a boys-club atmosphere with no clear track for partnership promotions.
Ms. Pao’s personality was also put on trial, with Kleiner attorneys and some witnesses characterizing her as passive-aggressive, disloyal and generally ineffective. “Everything about Ellen Pao was wrong for the point-person role” addressing sexism, said Lynne Hermle, the attorney for Kleiner who cross-examined Ms. Pao about her affair and emails in which she criticized co-workers.
Ms. Pao’s attorneys sought to counter that narrative by saying she excelled in many ways and was a supportive colleague, but was treated unfairly during her seven-year career at Kleiner.
“I think everyone has their own perspective, and some people can’t relate to me, and that’s okay,” Ms. Pao said.
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Diversity in Tech Companies

Silicon Valley is struggling to reverse declining numbers of women in many sectors, particularly venture capital. The U.S. Census found in a fall 2013 report that “women’s representation in computer occupations has declined since the 1990s,” with women filling just 22% of software developer jobs. In venture capital, the numbers are even lower. The share of women partners in venture-capital firms declined to 6% in 2014, from 10% in 1999, according to a study from Babson College.
The media put her under a microscope, tuning into every tidbit of testimony, including personal emails and text messages. When Ms. Hermle cross-examined Ms. Pao on her private life and professional shortcomings, some 200 spectators packed the gallery. So many stood along the wall that one person accidentally turned off the light switch.
You have this needle that you have to thread, and sometimes it feels like there’s no hole in the needle
—Ellen Pao
During her legal battle, Ms. Pao said many women she didn’t know confided to her their own experiences with gender bias.
“I felt a very strong connection to them,” she said. “They were strangers off the street or in an elevator” some of whom “shared stories that they hadn’t told other people.”
Ms. Pao has received her fair share of support since the verdict, too. A group of women in tech bought a newspaper ad, created a Facebook FB -0.40 % page and designed T-shirts around the “Thanks, Ellen” slogan. The woman leading that group, Lori Hobson, who works in business development in Palo Alto, Calif., said the incentive came from the sentiment expressed by some men that “the verdict has killed the topic.”
Ms. Pao, who was accused in her trial of being both too timid and too aggressive, said “women get criticized on both ends” of the spectrum when it comes to office demeanor.
“You have this needle that you have to thread, and sometimes it feels like there’s no hole in the needle,” Ms. Pao said. “From what I’ve heard from women, they do feel like there’s no way to win. They can’t be aggressive and get this opportunity without being treated like they’ve done something wrong.”
Ms. Pao has returned to her work as interim chief executive of social-media startup Reddit Inc. She spoke to The Wall Street Journal at Reddit’s office in San Francisco with her attorney listening in by phone. She declined to discuss her legal case and its cost, or her husband, Alphonse “Buddy” Fletcher, a controversial former hedge-fund manager.
But she was eager to talk about how she could help move the gender discussion forward. Sounding like the Princeton engineering major and Harvard lawyer that she is, Ms. Pao methodically ticked off the measures she is taking to make sure Reddit is addressing the issues she has raised.
Ellen Pao spoke with the media on March 27 after losing in her high profile gender discrimination lawsuit against Kleiner Perkins. ENLARGE
Ellen Pao spoke with the media on March 27 after losing in her high profile gender discrimination lawsuit against Kleiner Perkins. Photo: beck diefenbach/Reuters
Ms. Pao, who said she wants to stay long-term as Reddit’s CEO when a one-year interim period ends, said she has removed salary negotiations from the hiring process because studies show women don’t fare as well as men. She has brought in well-known Silicon Valley diversity consultant Freada Kapor Klein to advise the company. And she has passed on hiring candidates who don’t embrace her priority of building a gender-balanced and multiracial team. “We ask people what they think about diversity, and we did weed people out because of that,” she said.
Reddit, an online forum where users share Web links and hold discussions on a variety of topics, has itself generated controversy for allowing misogynistic comments to proliferate throughout the site. In August, Reddit users began sharing a large number of leaked naked pictures of female celebrities. (The Pew Research Center has found that men, especially ages 18-29, are twice as likely as women to be Reddit users.)
Ms. Pao took over the site three months after the leaked photos were posted and after the former CEO left the company. She said she has since hired more community managers to keep an eye on the website, and helped the company craft new policies on user behavior. In February, the company banned “revenge porn,” or explicit photos of people posted without their consent. “A big part of my job is to uphold those values,” she said.
Before she returned to her desk in the middle of Reddit’s main room, Ms. Pao mused about what advice she would give a young woman who may be facing some of the issues she encountered. “I would tell her to have confidence in herself,” Ms. Pao said, “to know that what she’s doing is important, and to always remember not to let other people change her view of herself.”
Write to Jeff Elder at jeff.elder@wsj.com
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Janet Palmer
Janet Palmer subscriberprofilePrivate 5pts
Women need a new PR campaigner.
MARGARET JOHNS subscriberprofilePrivate 5pts
Wow.  Some of these comments are so incredibly nasty.  The world very nuanced, and not black and white.  The stats speak for themselves.  Women are leaving the venture capital and other male dominated industries--and it's not for lack of ability.  Sometimes you just get tired of it all.

Bill Culver
Bill Culver subscriber 5pts
The Ellen Paos of the world are whiners, every one of them.  My wife has an expression that is on point here: "You do what the job takes or you don't take the job."
Three things to note (in the real world anyway):
1. If you think you are doing a great job and should be promoted, so what? What matters is what your boss thinks.  You have to prove yourself, every day.
2. Your boss will never pay you more than it takes to replace you.
3. If you are not satisfied with 1 or 2, then find a new job.  Don't stand around and complain about it. 
Art Correa
Art Correa subscriber 5pts
A tip for breaking the glass ceiling.  Found and grow a successful business.  Appoint the best executive team you can, regardless of their sex.
Kevin Corbett
Kevin Corbett subscriber 5pts
Evidently, the only thing that will not go away is Ellen Pao, despite losing.
Gordon Zuehlke
Gordon Zuehlke subscriber 5pts
Here's how you get a job, keep a job, and generally "win" in high tech, for males, females or any of Facebook's 35 gender varieties: 

Take math and software engineering classes in college. Become really good at math and software engineering. 

That's pretty much it.
Theodore J. Harvatin
Theodore J. Harvatin subscriber 5pts
Old saying in the law, I'll take the verdict. You can have the appeal.

You lost. Had you won it would be hailed as a turning point etc. But since you lost, the jury didn't believe you, you want a new trial by a blatantly sympathetic reporter and editor. I expect better from WSJ.
KIRK THRASHER subscriber 5pts
I had to Google "what is reddit" just to find out what Reddit is.  Seems like an inconsequential position for a Princeton engineering and Harvard Law grad.
Bryan Lopez
Bryan Lopez subscriber 5pts
This case has done nothing but encourage more people like Ms Pao to travel the same path as her. The net effect of this is that companies will have (slight) second thoughts about employing women because of this case.

Ms. Pao has done little to progress the problem of "genuine" gender bias in companies. It would be interesting to see how her next job works out over time and how much trust she will garner amongst her colleagues.

WILLIAM A TAYLOR subscriber 5pts
Shortly after we were married, my wife took a computer course at MIT.  She decided that she could go into technology perfectly well, but she preferred to do something that was more involved with people.  

We keep being told that women are better at relationships than men are.  My wife was certainly far more interested in relationships than I was, so much so that she decided not to go into technology at all.  In our household, admittedly a small sample, technology is 100% male by the female's reasoned choice made after a significant investment in investigation.

Why do we care whether women want to suffer the agonies of venture capital or software development?  If they want to participate in that part of the universe, fine, but they need to know what's involved.  Venture capital means losing totally 8 out of 10.  Software development means the computer telling you still haven't gotten it right, day after day.

If that's not most women's cup of tea, so what?  Don't we believe in choice?
Clyde Swalwell
Clyde Swalwell subscriber 5pts
Why do I feel like I already know what type of woman she is just by reading the witness testimony?

Passive aggressive, sleeping around with co-workers, teacher's pet... I know people like this. She probably LOVES the attention this is getting.

Unfortunately for her its an overplayed trick and she will fade like a shadow into the nighttime. 
Tom Smith
Tom Smith subscriber 5pts
This is rich:  She hires at Reddit based on agreeing with her on "diversity".  Meanwhile, in addition to what another poster mentioned  earlier about the picture of her office at Reddit showing no minorities, check out her law firm:  http://www.rezlaw.com/Our-Attorneys/.  Two females in with a gaggle of men, one female apparently Asian.  No blacks, no Hispanics, no one else but a bunch of men.  And guess what else -- the women are the most junior, being '09 law school grads while the rest are mainly far older.  And quite male.  Looks like the firm got religion only lately.

Thomas Freitas
Thomas Freitas subscriber 5pts
No, gender issues will not go away and neither will race and class issues, all staples of "progressive" political movements and, pretty much all democrats have to run on..
Laura Garcia
Laura Garcia subscriberprofilePrivate 5pts
To all men and women (believe me!) criticizing Ellen Pao in this article:

It's very easy to throw stones at her, right? Especially because she had a relationship with a coworker that ended in a bad situation, and she is also very smart and well educated. People get mad at those things! 

But contrary to what a lady just said in one of the comments below, this isn't a matter of angry women. Harassment of any kind should be a concerning matter to all of us, women, angry women, and men. Harassment at work against women or men shouldn't be treated as we are doing here in these comments. This is not a matter of judging a person and whatever she is or she has done, it's the CAUSE.

Let's not banalize Ellen Pao's experience, she has a point here and she had the guts to come forward and make her life public. That's pretty brave. If people go through harassment at work, at school or anywhere, her attitude empowers others to do the same. That's the message people! 
Thank you Ellen!
Laura Garcia
Laura Garcia subscriberprofilePrivate 5pts
To all men and women (believe me!) criticizing Ellen Pao in this article:

It's very easy to throw stones at her, right? Especially because she had a relationship with a coworker that ended in a bad situation, and she is also very smart and well educated. People get angry at those! 

But contrary to what a lady just said in one of the comments below, this isn't a matter of angry women. Harassment of any kind should be a concerning matter to all of us, women, angry women, and men. Harassment at work against women or men shouldn't be treated as we are doing here in these comments. This is not a matter of judging a person and whatever she is or she has done, it's the CAUSE.

Let's not take banalize Ellen Pao's experience, she has a point here and she had the guts to come forward and make her private life public. That's pretty brave. If people go through harassment at work, at school or anywhere, her attitude empowers others to do the same. That's the message people! 
Thank you Ellen!
Laura Garcia
Laura Garcia subscriberprofilePrivate 5pts
To all men and women (believe me!) criticizing Ellen Pao in this article:

It's very easy to throw stones at her, right? Especially because she had a relationship with a coworker that ended in a bad situation, and she is also very smart and well educated. People get angry at those! 

But contrary to what a lady just said in one of the comments below, this isn't a matter of angry women. Harassment of any kind should be a concerning matter to all of us, women, angry women, and men. Harassment at work against women or men shouldn't be treated as we are doing here in these comments. This is not a matter of judging a person and whatever she is or she has done, it's the CAUSE.

Let's not take banalize Ellen Pao's experience, she has a point here and she had the guts to come forward and make her private life public. That's pretty brave. If people go through harassment at work, at school or anywhere, her attitude empowers others to do the same. That's the message people! 
Thank you Ellen!

James Stewart
James Stewart subscriber 5pts
So, Ellen, you've finally learned that there's bias in the real world.

It's a pro-female bias in some professions - such as nursing and beauty care - and pro-male in others - such as special forces  and field artillery (a 155mm howitzer projectile weighs 95 pounds) in the military.

Anyway, you're now a CEO even if still an interim one.

I know that you regret having tried that old female wile - sleeping your way to the top.  You won't make that mistake again, I'm sure.

Finally since females are now two-thirds of all US university students, it will only take a rather few years before women hold noticeably many more "executive" positions - many men simply won't have the education to qualify for them.
Mark Johnson
Mark Johnson subscriber 5pts
@James Stewart And I am confident that when men don't have the educational background to qualify them for executive positions, the feminists will proclaim a great victory.
Bill Culver
Bill Culver subscriber 5pts
Mike: Thankyou for the Cypress link. We need more people like TJ Rodgers in this country.
Mike German
Mike German subscriber 5pts
Thanks.  I've been an admirer of Rodgers' for at least a decade, since he publicly eschewed the political rectitude his SV colleagues suck up to like piglets in a litter.
Kevin Wenck
Kevin Wenck subscriber 5pts
I'm sympathetic to any type of discrimination (gender, race, age, sexual orientation, etc.) but I originally lost any sympathy in this case due to the affair with the co-worker at Kleiner Perkins (usually guaranteed to be a way to lose any respect with other co-workers in a small professional setting!). With the mention in today's article, however,  that Ms. Pao is "married" to Buddy Fletcher, I also now understand why no one at Kleiner would have taken her seriously after that event.

Besides other aspects of Mr. Fletcher's past which would affect many opinions about someone who would become his wife, it is well documented that Mr. Fletcher's investors lost a LOT of money, which is not something that would have made his wife's employer comfortable.  Although Mr. Fletcher also had his own racial discrimination lawsuit, he apparently had no compunction about misappropriating pension assets where a lot of the beneficiaries would have been black residents of Louisiana.

Carl Falcone
Carl Falcone subscriber 5pts
from article;

"Ellen Pao Says Gender Issues Won’t ‘Go Away’ After Kleiner Trial".

No kidding honey, since you don't want them to go away, they won't...funny how thats works eh?
and Irony is a river in Pao land.....
“We ask people what they think about diversity, and we did weed people out because of that,” ....

Brian Gee
Brian Gee subscriber 5pts
@Carl Falcone Couldn't agree more!  At this point the "diversity" crowd is doing way more harm than good.  They are making it so no company wants to hire anyone from today's protected classes unless they absolutely have to.  Why is that? Not because of any bigotry or prejudice, but because you can't fire them if they suck.  If you do hire a minority, you better make sure they are the best there is because later down the road if they don't get promoted, BAM, lawsuit.  

Bottom line is that it is infinitely easier to hire a white guy in his 30's because if he doesn't work out you can get rid of him, no questions asked.  No liberals will shed any tears or boycott your business.
Robert Post
Robert Post subscriber 5pts
Interesting approach. She got the cr•p beat out of her case in court but yet wants us to listen to her as though she was vindicated? Sounds a lot like ferguson and the den/Luba, let's not let the truth get in the way of our version of emotions vs facts
Terry Traub
Terry Traub subscriber 5pts
Sorry, but lawsuits are not the solution to gender bias.  Working hard and being better than most of the guys is a better approach.

As for her implementing this diversity ideology at Reddit, I shudder to think what kind of work force they will end up with, passing on candidates who don't toe the political line and hiring people who spout the political correctness dogma about diversity.

Frankly I think diversity can go to heII.  You don't build a great company on diversity.  Diversity doesn't create peace and prosperity.  Meritocracy is the only solution; hire the best qualified, and promote the best and brightest, regardless of gender or ethnicity or creed.

This Pao took her fight public and lost.  Perhaps she needs to examine her own shortcomings before blaming her employers for lack of advancement.  Her managers may have been lousy, but her career is her own responsibility.  If they're no good, take things into your own hands and move on to something better.
Leszek Chrostowski
Leszek Chrostowski subscriber 5pts
“We ask people what they think about diversity, and we did weed people out because of that,” she said.
A business CEO who wants to control what people think is not a business CEO anymore. He/she becomes a sort of totalitarian  or religious dictator. If she does not understand what business means, perhaps she needs to be "weeded out". 
eric lieber
eric lieber subscriber 5pts
I did not see anyone in the picture accompanying this article who looked older than 45.  Nor any blacks or Hispanics.  Ms. Pao stated that she   has a  priority of building a gender-balanced and multiracial team and weeds out people who do not believe in diversity.  
Other forms of  discrimination appear to be OK. The hypocrisy continues.
Henry Dafler
Henry Dafler subscriber 5pts
The lady is a loser but the Left wants to make her a heroine. 
Mike German
Mike German subscriber 5pts
@Henry Dafler It's a pattern with them:  Sandra Fluke, the Duke stripper, the UVA non-rapee, Hillary, ...
Robert Allen
Robert Allen subscriber 5pts
The moral of this story is................................... when a woman uses her sex to get hired or for promotions within an organization she automatically becomes a target of opportunity to those over her.
GERALD MARCYK subscriber 5pts
Ellen, exactly how are you going to achieve a 'gender balanced and racially diverse'  workforce at your new company?? 

Let me guess:  you're going to install quotas of hiring minorities and women.  If not actual quotas,  then 'expectations" which hiring managers must meet or get unfavorable performance reviews. 

Ellen,  whenever you stray from hiring and  business practices based on  meritocracy you are going to ensure that your company will be mediocre at best.     I suspect that you've learned NOTHING from your experiences other than how to work the legal system.
Marcia Kitson Jones
Marcia Kitson Jones subscriber 5pts
Very rich to hear an adulterous CEO talk about upholding values…too much Ms. Pao.  “A big part of my job is to uphold those values,” she said.  What values?  Leadership credibility starts with personal character.
Robert Allen
Robert Allen subscriber 5pts
..........................BREAKING NEWS     !..................................

Message to Ms. Pao, Just keep your knees together and you might win the next time.
Mark Johnson
Mark Johnson subscriber 5pts
I am reminded of the overall effort to make the US more competitive and innovative in science and technology in general.  The social scientists, feminists, government hacks and other "progressive" folks want to increase productivity by inducing more women into science and technology, fields in which men have historically (but not exclusively) excelled.  It is a bit like trying to improve a 400 meter relay team with more slow runners.
Women enjoy preeminent roles in entire industries and litigate against anyone who gets in their way.  Women dominate college enrollments and women's acheivements are highlighted daily by the media.  We could legally require tech industries to hire and promote women but suspect that on the world stage competitiveness would be futher eroded.
The way to improve a 400 meter relay team is to find faster runners and make sure they can pass the baton cleanly.  In the tech industry, that probably means hiring men and making sure they behave within the rules.
WENDY FLYNN subscriber 5pts
I don't want to make light of gender issues in the workplace, but this is all sounding too much like the Dems gearing up for a revival of the War on Women for 2016. Will I be surprised to see Ms. Pao as guest speaker at the Democratic National convention, taking the stage right behind Sandra Fluke? No. But, maybe after the convention, the two of them can team up and get go work for Hillary's campaign. Job 1--see if maybe they can persuade Hillary to pay her females employees the same as the male employees instead of $.72 on the dollar. 
TIM ALLARD subscriber 5pts
As long as there is big money to be had the vultures will continue to circle.  
Kishor Shah
Kishor Shah user 5pts
I do not know if the gender issues in Silicon Valley are real or not.  

And whether they will or will not go away.

I do believe one thing:  Ms. Pao needs to go away from the Front Pages of newspapers and TV news shows.
Paul Watson
Paul Watson subscriber 5pts
The real story here is the complete lack of gratitude on the part of MS Pao for the mentoring and guidance Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers gave her to try and make her a success. All they got for their effort was a 7 figure lawsuit masquerading as a gender issue.

Erika Lockhart
Erika Lockhart subscriber 5pts
This woman is trying to say this is a new issue?  A lot of people would call her problems "WPP" (White People's Problems).  It's also troublesome that she's calling for gender balance, like that's something that definitely affects the bottom line in a positive way.  Where are the successful women when secretaries and beauticians and other "pink collar" workers need a hand up?  Maybe instead of spending time in court, you could help groom some people to win their own positions instead of trying to force your views on businesses.
Daniel Case
Daniel Case subscriber 5pts
I am woman, watch me sue.  Then, even when I lose, I'll still play the victim card.  You know, because a severance of $30,000+ per month is just horrible.
ESTELLE BRENNAN subscriber 5pts
In the interests of building a diverse team, she is weeding out people who don't agree with her.  Sounds like a great strategy.
Mark Smith
Mark Smith subscriber 5pts
@ESTELLE BRENNAN Have to hand it to them.  They feel no compulsion whatsoever to have the argument be consistent or even make sense.
Macrena Sailor
Macrena Sailor subscriber 5pts
The Left believes in diversity in everything but thought.  You must agree with them or else.  The, "or else", is you won't get hired or after hire, if you disagree with them, you will be fired.
Prejudice and discrimination at its worst.

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