Banning us doesn't make your diabetes go away. (self.shitladytrollx)
cjqConcern Troll Extraordinaire が 投稿 - stickied post
When I see a instaham taking myspace angle pictures in the swimming pool. (
sharkchaseralways off on an adventure が 投稿
some poor guy in FPH is getting ratted on. The FB page for this is all saying for her to dump him. (
sharkchaseralways off on an adventure が 投稿
When my full blender bottle of iced coffee and whey flips over onto my phone (
sharkchaseralways off on an adventure が 投稿
HIFW I'm working out around the super swole. (
musclebabs_buffpantsWho were you expecting? Tiny Tim? が 投稿
/r/TwoXShitladies! Check it out! (self.shitladytrollx)
VegetarianZombie1You say "skinny bitch" like it's a bad thing.[M] が 投稿